The New Nexus isnt working.....

How is it benefitting Punk? Let me see : His feuding one of the top wrestlers, his hiding behind his henchmen which is what every heel does, he gets tons of heat from the crowd because of his actions, some time after mania he will probably gain the WWE title with help from the Nexus and since being part of the Nexus he has main evented many Raws. That is how he is benefitting.
I don't see how it does benefit him.

The story behind his feud with Cena was that Punk feels Cena is out of control for taking things to far against his opponents and verbally abusing people like Vikie Guerrero & Michael Cole despite being a role model for kids.

As for Orton, that stems back from when Orton punted Punk resulting in him forfeiting the belt. In neither one of those feuds did he really need the Nexus.

The fact that he can hold his own against Cena in a match shows why he wouldn't need lackey's to get the job done. He can get heat on his own, just give him a mic and he'll have anyone & everyone hate him, put him in the ring with anyone and he can get it done aswell.

I get why he's leading Nexus, but he really doesn't need them nor is he benefitting from them. Unless of course he's getting brownie points from Vince by leading the greenest stable in pro wrestling on the flagship show.
I don't get it. The New Nexus is succeeding where the SES failed miserably. Punk wasn't getting wins over Mysterio on Smackdown!, but he had 3 in a row over Cena.

I like how he's doing this. He only uses them when he needs to. For instance, this past week on Raw he beat Morrison clean, but when Orton attacked, Nexus was there to help. Perfect.

The better question is, why do the New Nexus need Punk? Seriously, what the fuck are they doing? They just help Punk whenever they can and get virtually nothing in return. Wouldn't they get fed up with that the same way they did with Barrett?
By him leading the Nexus he gets a better reaction for a heel from the crowd then him being solo. He is looked as The main heel on Raw even more then Miz. Also its not just for him to benifit but for him to help the young guys of the Nexus learn and grow in the business. Triple H and Flair didn't need Evolution but the group helped Batista and Orton grow and become better.
I don't think he's benefitting individually on the grander scheme of things greatly, but there are benefits afforded to him and the WWE within the bigger picture.

His benefits are that he gets to head a significant faction to promote him as a leader and main event mainstay. He gets the majority of the mic time being the leader which provides him with the platform to continually display his promo skills and promote himself within the company. As Notoriously F.A.T. correctly pointed out, he only uses the members of Nexus when he needs to, he gets things done himself in the ring, unless the odds depict otherwise or the tide isn't neccessarily in his favour. Using them as such allows him to keep his heel heat.

That's one area where WWE benefit. There have been fans cheering for Punk in recent weeks and aligning him with the despised Nexus keeps the majority of heat on him, therefore not forcing the company's hand to turn him face a la Stone Cold or Randy Orton, because the fans almost demanded it. WWE also benefits towards their youth movement by having a handful of young talent aligned with such an intelligent, adaptable and exceptional in ring and promo performer, who brings experience from the Indies, ROH, TNA and the main event picture in WWE.
Sure, Punk is benefiting from this. His persona is one of a leader, as he amply proved with SES, but I like what his current group is doing more than his previous gang. Plus, he's proving he can handle matters on his own and using his backup only when he needs to. The Creative guys are doing a masterful job of keeping the other guys in Nexus unaware that Punk will sacrifice any and all of them to further his own goals, which is something Wade Barrett didn't do too much of.

My suggestion?....a woman's touch might go down well. There's been talk of a female member of Nexus for awhile now, and Awesome Kong has been suggested. That would be fine, but the one I'd like to see in the role is......Serena Deeb. Before, she got fired because she didn't follow the SES lifestyle when not in the arena. Well, under the current Nexus set-up, she wouldn't have to. The point is that she meshed so well with CM Punk and would fit right in with these guys. She could even be involved in the physical attacks since they're usually done with an advantage in the number of people doing the attacking.

C'mon Vince.....give us Serena.
He Isn't, is the short answer. And neither are the other members.

How is it any different than Evolution?

How is it any different than the heel D-X?

How is it any different than The Ministry Of Darkness?

It's different because to different extents within all of the groups you mentioned All of the members kept their individual gimmicks. As it stands the only Nexus member who represents anything is Punk and he's quickly getting lost inside a big yellow framed N.

Think, before Nexus Otunga [not the best example, I know, but..] was the "A-List", he had the expensive clothes and sun glasses thing going on. Since then, he's been reduced to flunky with an emotional range of 'Mindless agreement with Punk' all the way to... 'Angry face :mad:'.
I think that Punk is getting noticed again in the same way that he did in the Straight Edge Society. Towards the end of the SES Punk was starting to look weaker than ever. He was always losing his matches and he was not having as many promos as he did when the SES began. After the SES fell apart, Punk did not wrestle for a while. When he got back in the ring and eventually joined the NEXUS, it made him look strong again in my opinion. I never quit thinking that Punk was strong but some fans could have, especially the least knowledgeable ones. WWE booked Punk wrong for a while and now they have made up for it by giving him the power as the NEXUS leader.
I see most everyone's point and I think this is in some ways a Raw SES without the straight edge gimmick. But with SES, like some of the other factions mentioned there were people that spoke for themselves, had their own matches, and to some extent developed which also happened in Barrett's Nexus. Everyone got mic time to push the gimmick and it did help to establish what they could do on the mic and in the ring.

I think the current Nexus gimmick is a double edged sword. It gives Punk some great main event heat with the likes of Cena and Orton, and further push his own ring and mic skills, but no one from this Nexus gets the same ring and mic time if any as the other 2 gimmicks and it is most notable with Otunga, whose adversarial relationship with Barrett very much depended on it.

But no one else really demontsrated any real mic skills as of yet beyond him, and he's the only original member of this group which always seemed strongest to me in that fashion. I could do without ever hearing Mason talk again, and I have very little memory of what McGillicutty sounded like. So for them it may be to mask the lack of skill in that dept. But all could do with more ring exposure which the original Nexus got much more of.

The Cult leader heel is something Punk does very well, but I'm neither convinced it's doing the best for Punk or Nexus which may have been better suited just going to Smackdown. In the short term in keeps the other members onscreen with a man that can carry the gimmick, But I don't see it lasting for more than a few more months without either a drastic or complete change

Though it should be mentioned that seeing Punk use Orton's tactic against him in getting a group to do his bidding and keeping him off the world title is brilliant booking. It sort of parallels Orton being willing to do anything to get his way with legacy and using them to do many of the same things, including costing Punk the title. They were simply more over talent which I also suspect is a big part of the problem here sans Otunga, who does seem to be taking a step back.
It gives him the spotlight. He is now the head of the team that have been fueding with the top guy for over a half a year. And now that he has that spotlight, he can show the masses how f'n good he is. He actually breathed some life into the nexus. The nexus storyline had fell hard after summerslam, and was a train wreck up untill punk joined. It doesn't feel like punk is reading from que cards like barret. It sounds like a sadistic genius speaking the truth.

So personally, I think it has not only helped punk, but also saved nexus.
I don't think this is benefitting him at all.

Wade Barrett was an unknown quantity and he needed Nexus.

CM Punk is talented enough and well known enough that he doesn't need his own gang to be relevant.

It doesn't hurt him per se, but it doesn't help him either.
everyone who says the nexus is benfitting punk has brain damage. How does putting a former world campion with a bunch of green rookies make him better? He could still be in the main event scene with orton or cena without the likes of nexus. At first when punk took over it had so much potential but now there pointless. Nexus has run its course its time to do away with them at mania. Then Punk can step out to be the true star he is not being held back by newbs.
Honestly, I dont see this helping, or hurting him....Nexus honestly hasnt been that involved lately...I mean no attempt at the EC at all not even a fake attempt to enter the thing, the last two Raws we havent seen much of them... I just dont think they really matter. IF this were a feud with Wade Barrett and the Corre, then I believe this would matter significantly more... but its not, Its a feud with Orton, someone we know can pick them off one by one... so honestly this isnt doing anything at all for Punk. I just kind of see this as a lets keep him out of the title picture for a while, while Miz is up there, and once Miz comes down we can move him back up there....Ive always referred to Nexus as a filler role, even Cena with the original Nexus was a filler... to keep him outta the title picture... now a year later almost and Cenas back and it was a great year without him winning the title and it was refreshing to say the least... Now we can get the title on or off Miz and then Punk can feud with the winner depending on his outcome with Orton.. and all the while the Nexus was there filling in...hate it or love it, they do absolutely nothing, good or bad, for CM Punk....
CM Punk, we all know he is over with the crowd, and we all know that he can do great himself, but now he has a god complex, have you seen his logo? His signature glove and him holding onto a lightning bolt. Hes now seen as this huge superstar show fearless and powerful, I don't think he would have got that with making a bunch of bald people follow him around, no hes controling a bunch of big strong men (who are still green btw).
The original Nexus had me on the edge on seat each week to see what they were going to do and who they were going to attack next...can't say the same for the new Nexus. It just seems to much like the SES with Punk talking about his beliefs too much and having "faith". Don't get me worng, i am huge fan of CM Punk. I do not see the new Nexus going much further than SummerSlam, maybe before that.
The way the Nexus has fallen has been terrible. They've been slowly fading away instead of something big happening to push them down.

Punk is the ONLY one doing anything. The rest just run down to the ring and check on him when he gets his ass handed to him.

Barrett/Gabriel/Slater combo is so.. original. I love it.
Even though they're on Smackdown they're accomplishing more and just being involved in more stuff then the Nexus on RAW.

Btw, drop the New Nexus crap. Punk took over leadership so it's still just 'Nexus'.
Simply put, the problem is Punk. He is a terrible leader. He is a great wrestler, but anybody who has been in a Punk group has either been endeavored or sent to FCW or Smackdown.

Husky, Slater, Gabriel, Gallows, Mercury, and Serena have all fallen victim to being in a Punk led group. At least when Barrett was the leader, most of the people who left the group (Tarver, Skip, Bryan) were either forced out do to injury, or, in Bryan's case, fired for choking out Justin Roberts. Darren Young looks like the only one who failed under Barrett's watch.

How is any of that Punk's fault? Husky was sent to FCW because WWE didn't like his chubby fatso look, Slater and Gabriel went to SD because creative wanted Barret to still have a stable, Gallows was endeavored because he just all around sucked, Mercury broke his arm, and Serena was fired over a dispute with the WWE that was dubbed to be due to her not following her gimmick. The only reason Barret's group was so much more succesful is because Barret's group was actually built up to be something that posed a threat and was elevated into decimating Randy Orton, John Cena, and the rest of the roster, as opposed to the SES being a minor annoyance for the faces to bury.

OT: The New Nexus has established Punk's role as a main eventer and has made him Raw's top heel, simply by being associated with the group's name, despite how only one original member is in it. Thus, it IS working.

On another note, some of these heels have gotta turn face sometime. All the heels are running out of people to bury, especially on the midcard.
It fucking sucks.
Did not like it from the moment they lost Barrett.
Basically it's CM Punk and no Names, what it proves is, that Barrett as FAR more potential than Internet favorite, CM PUNK.

They are irrelevant, hopefully the CORE gets rid of those POSERS
Ok I agree with whoever say they need taver and skip back…these new dudes NO ONE knows them at least with tarver and skip they went back to the first season and plus under barrett they had REASON to beat up people now its just like we wil beat up folks just because we can…
it upsets me how the nexus has turned out. it made me get interested in wrestling again and it gave us real talent in barrett gabriel and skip. now we have cm punk who is amazing just to point out, walking around with a bunch of lackeys holding all of their potential behind...good job wwe
I really hate the New Nexus. I turn the channel or do something else when they're on TV. They're boring and pointless now. Mason Ryan is a joke (and if he's the next Batista... oh just please don't WWE), Otunga was getting a small push now he's in the background again, and McGillicutty isn't doing anything but jobbing (I like him too which sucks).

The original Nexus was badass. They beat up everyone and came out of nowhere. New Nexus is a bunch of jobbers with a main eventer. It's what Legacy became. They try to keep the background guys important but they don't go anywhere.

New Nexus needs to END SOON!

Now, it's all about The Corre (if only they did something about that stupid name).
To put it short and simple... The 'New' Nexus are done!

I think they have run this Nexus thing so far that it's just getting boaring! The origional Nexus was great (Basically Barrett and all the guys who worked under his Nexus), They were a fresh, intimidating, powerful and fun to watch group. I thought the whole Barrett-Cena-Orton rivalry was great, it did get a bit stale but it ended well at TLC.

Now, under Punk, the 'New Nexus' are just, well, boaring in my opinion, they could do so much more with Ryan as in my opinion he was great in the match against Truth a couple of weeks pre- Elimination Chamber and in my opinion the only real talent in the 'New' Nexus, but i don't know where the 'New' Nexus are going, they're not challanging for any championships (Granted that it is a heel holding the title), they seem easily beatable and lets be honest, Punk Vs Orton at Mania is only going one way! (Orton, if you didn't catch the sarcasm! :P)

This is a bit off topic but, Does anyone else feel as if Punk has dipped in all area's in the past year or two? I mean in terms of in ring as i feel his move-set is boaring and just awful, his Mic skills are crap and he is always going nowhere when he talks, he speaks about all this 'sacrafice' and other stuff like that but what has he done? Nothing!! He is definatly better in the ring and on the mic when he's challenging for a title.
I believe The New Nexus isn't nearly as good as the original, but not for the same reasons stated in the OP.

Punk is better than Barrett, in every way possible. He just is. However, this group just doesn't stack up. Skip was the most intimidating guy, he's gone. Tarver was fucking epic with his mask, he's gone. Daniel Bryan didn't need the group, but I'd still take him in a heartbeat. Gabriel took his only move, the 450, over to Smackdown.

Who do they have now? Well, they had Husky Harris. A fat slob who could have the worst look of any superstar I've seen in the past ten years. Otunga has always been even less than your run-of-the-mill jobber. And Ryan..well, he hasn't done shit.

I'm glad Punk has back-up, and he's perfect to lead a stable. I wish they had gone with other guys, but this is what we have. I see this stable trailing off after Mania, or at least I hope so.
Barrett was definitely a better leader as for the Nexus and it was because the point of The Nexus was the young rookies taking over the WWE and Barrett was one of them. It's what they stood for and CM Punk does not and, since, then Nexus has lost its focus.

Of course the problem with The New Nexus is the roster is less impressive and less in numbers. For the latter that's what gave Nexus the advantage. Imagine when Nexus first appeard they Barrett had Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, Tarver, Young, and Sheffield. THat's an impressive group mixed with High Flyers, Promo Cutters, and Power Houses.

You could never see the them as a credible threat individually so those numbers is what made them a serious threat.
The thing that irritates me the most about the whole Nexus angle is that we were lead to believe that since their arrival they were doing everything to serve a higher purpose. Well, what was that high purpose? To get Barrett the title? Why did they attack Taker last year? All these question have gone un-answered. The WWE really dropped the bal on this. They turned what was the best angle/storyline in the last few years and made it a joke. From basically jobbing to Super Cena at Summerslam to the break up, this turned into one big cluster f***.

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