Who would be your 5th Corre member?

Tarver was one of the most promising members of nexus on debut for me. He was good on the mic and a little robotic and stiff in the ring at times but that's minor. I liked the fact he was probably the best talker behind Barrett when he got a chance and that he was theonly other guy that really stood out from the rest. His little bandana thing was good and as stupid as he sounds when he growled he did actually make Nexus seem really animalistic which at the time they were, not very calculating at all.

It also fits because it looked like Tarver was in the office room the same time as Teddy Long was getting taken away. I also think it's the sort of clever thing they would do, like they could have CCTV evidence of the outside of his room proving no Corre member entered the room only to see Tarver show up. For me he would have the best choice regardless of the story, but now I really do see him as the guy that'll take the last spot.

And I certainly do think there is another spot open. I don't think they would have one group with 5 guys and the other with 4. I agree that if Skip returns he can join Nexus, he seems a bit more like a crazy sado-masicistic type of guy that would take orders from Punk. But I also think it would be better for Skip not to join either faction. I think 5 is a good number, not too many that it waterlogs the royal rumble and not so few that the group doesn't look weak. Let's not forget there is one Smackdown show left before the rumble, for me Tarver would be the choice to make, the one I would make anyway.
Well it certainly won't be Percy Watson.

Was just looking at some results for SD! House Shows over the weekend and saw that Corre attacked him in a match with Cody Rhodes.

Now i know this isn't on TV so anything could happen, but if he were to join up with Barrett and co, it would make more sense, even at a house show for Corre to attack Rhodes if they were to attack at all.

Just thought i'd throw that out there, as personally unless they do go the route of a Nexus vs Corre, i don't think Corre needs another member.
I think the logical choice would have to be Tarver wouldn't it? He has been showing up on both Smackdown/RAW so I wouldn't be suprised if he was the 5th member. You have the 2 leaders which are Punk/Barrett. You have the powerhouses Mason Ryan and Big Zeke and in my mind that eliminates Sheffield as being the powerhouse of either faction. If he joined the Corre/Nexus he would just be another member in the group overshadowed by the powerhouses. Then you have Husky Harris/Michael Mcgillicutty and Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater as the sort of tag team of both groups. You have David Otunga who is like Punk's right hand man. Then you have Barrett who doesn't have a right hand man at the moment. My guess is that Tarver would kind of be like the Otunga for the Corre. That's just my opinion.

Leaders- Barrett/Punk

Powerhouses- Big Zeke/Mason Ryan

Tag Teams- Gabriel/Slater and Harris/McGillicutty

Right Hand Man- Tarver/Otunga

As for Sheffield I think he will be sort of stuck in the middle and eventually go solo.
Tarver definately has something to do with Teddy Long. It was obvious. Why was he there? He is a Raw superstar! He is still listed as a Raw superstar.

I'm about 90% certain Michael Tarver will join forces with The Corre. It just makes so much sense.
Well if I'd want it MY way, it'd be Big Man Brodus Clay. Tarver is doing "show ups" on Rw and he could have an angle brewing. So Brodus Clay would be a beast as the right hand man.
I have two ideas, two guys who are fairly similar in stature: both big. Man for Man, I think the Corre is outmuscled by New Nexus and so if there is to be a fifth member, they need to be a decent size.

The motivation for adding both of these guys to the group would be quite similar: both have huge potential and are not really doing anything at the moment.

1.) Chris Masters: Huge potential, was massively over during his 'Masterlock Challenge' days and showed that he could go in the ring. He is doing NOTHING at the moment apart from the odd jobbing appearance and a part of the 'locker room run in' whenever there is a big scrap. His size and strength also speak for itself and he could be a nice dovetail with either one of the lighter men or an addition to the other two powerhouses.

2.) And in my view the best option....the artist formerly known as The Chosen One, Drew McIntyre. He is another one doing nothing at the moment. A face turn has been teased with the whole Kelly Kelly thing but I'm not sure he has the charisma on the Mic to turn face successfully. His look is more suited to that of a heel also. His success in the Corre would depend whether they are going to be marketed as Tweener's or full on heels but I'd say that heel looks more likely and so inserting him here could be just the thing he needs to get his profile back up and get some heat behind him again. He's still relatively new to the company and so would fit in as far as thats concerned.
In terms of getting him in, they could work it similar to the Owen Hart sitch when he joined the Nation: he was supposed to be the chosen one, he blames everybody else for his stall, says he's sick of being let down by the company etc and so joins the Corre to go his own way and try make sure there is always somebody to have his back etc.

I think it could work for either men and the group. Particularly so with McIntyre.
Drew McIntyre would be a great 5th Corre member. It's obvious that WWE wanted to push him hard, but whatever the reason, he's slowed down considerably. I think he has a lot of potential and he could very well be a big name. He's plays a great heel character, and if he were to be put with a group who has already established themselves as dominant, it would give him a really great chance to prove himself.
Tarver was on sd so maybe Its him I liked tarver he is awesome on the mic & is decent in the ring.

tarver is shit on the mic not awesome.

even worse in the ring maybe.

5th corre member should be the returning skip shefflield or throw a bone and make it tyler reks
Jack Swagger- Few people drop from World title to off the grid as fast as he did. He's not in the elimination chamber and he's IC title push has halted. Why next let him join the Corre? It couldn't possibly hurt. He could get some much needed exposure and give the group some well needed wrestling credibility

Ted DiBiase- He's being out shined by Mayrse! At the end of the night she gets more heat than him. Ted hasn't done anything thing since legacy and wont do anything if he stays with mayrse. He may not be amazing but he is by no means a bad wreestler. If Slater Is in, DiBiase should be perfect.

Kong- What more is there to say? one question, what size would her Corre shirt be?
well i guess of all the options that there have been dis-cussed, we can summarize dem as:

1) Tarver--> he was booted out.. no point calling him back..

2) skip--> u already hv a powehouse in zeke..

3) masters--> can help a tottering career..

4) some-one with a star power--> i saw some-one mention swagger.. interesting choice..

5) some one from fcw--> well pick out seth rollins.. da guy cud be a fab addition..

Ma personal opinion is give masters a shot in da grup.. As of now he's doin nothing and is stale as a face.. The guy once used to be a powehouse battling wth HBK.. Give him a tweak and lets hope he delivers...
He is better the alot of wrestlers his size and needs something to do when he gets back from injury
but now that Husky Harris is "injured" i dont think that the Corre will get a 5th member
Well since Husky Harris got injured the numbers are now even.My guess is they will stay the same until after mania.The original bookin was for Nexus to end around Mania, but ever since the Addition of punk and the split forming the Corre Booking says it should keep the groups batteling until SummerSlam.So my guess would be that Skip will return to one of these groups.I think he would like to be an equal with Wade Barrett rather than a lakey for Punk. BUT a Punk Lakey could easily be the guy always creeping backstage Micheal Tarver.
So the way i see thing are
The Corre is in direct competition, in a way, with the Nexus. CM Punk is the leader of the Nexus. CM Punk's old group is SES. So the most logical guess I could make would be, Joey Mercury for some reason.

But that is if I was a WWE creative writer. Luckily I'm not.(If I was Christian would be World Heavyweight Champion for the next year!)

So picking from a wide selection, I'd be down to two picks.

1) Skip Sheffield - As was said in an already posted, post, was never kicked out of Nexus. He got injured. He has no alignment with CM Punk, or any Nexus member other than David Otunga. While he would have an alignment with Barrett, Gabriel and Slater of The Corre. So he would be first.

2) Seth Rollins(Tyler Black) - Okay, this is a biased choice LOL I have no real specific reasoning, other than I've been watching his FCW stuff and Tyler owns the whole roster down there. Guys was showing the son of Ricky Steamboat how it was done. Love to see him moved up to the main roster, but probably won't happen unless NXT Season 5 happens. But I guess Mason Ryan came out of nowhere, so here's hoping.

I like the question, but with all the Randy Orton Vs CM Punk/ Corre Vs Nexus speculation for Wrestlemania, take out CM Punk and you've a 4-on-4 match, with Otunga who hated Wade leading Nexus. No real need for another member of The Corre.
If they HAD to have another member, I would go with Skip Sheffield. He has history with 3 other members in the group. Plus, I happen to think the guy is very talented and is a name left out of most people's Future Star list.

I think with his size, high impact moves, and overall look, he could go pretty far. His mic skills aren't trash either. I really can see him getting pretty over and surpassing even Barrett in the pecking order.

But, that being said, I wouldn't bank on it for Mania. A 4 on 4 seems more likely. With Punk being the man out and facing Orton or whatever at Mania. Right now, since Harris is out, the sides are actually even.
Screw Tarver & Sheffield - Corre need a dominant FEMALE, i.e. Awesome Kong. Sheffield would not fit in as Corre already have a powerhouse in Ezekiel Jackson. This would be a perfect way to bring Kong in anyway...have her dominate the women's division.
I don't think they need a fifth member. They are all supposed to be "equals" With five members it just makes it a little hard to buy that. Five people being equals but all aiming for the same thing? It's a little hard to choke down. Even if they was to try and aim to hold all the titles, One for the WHC, one for the IC and two for the tag teams having a fifth member would just ruin the idea of having a dominating group.

(I know it would work with a female joining them but nobody really fits the mold except kong but as stated before, Having kong join either faction will just make them look weaker)

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