Repackaging the Nexus

undo the nexus stable they are not threatening anymore and are wasting the small amount of talent they have left in there
Basically this ^^

Hennig= Mr. Perfect 2.0. He's way to much like his dad to leave him in his crappy gimmick.

Ryan= To much of a follower right now. They need to make him like NN's second in command to CM Punk. An pull a Batista and branch out.

Gabriel= Could be a good High Flyer against Rey (if he doesn't get released like he asked for) Sin Cara, Evan Bourne etc.

Slater= This will probably get me banned from this site. But he REALLY reminds me of like Edge when he was tag teaming with Christian. Like the whole rockstar gimmick thing he was going for kinda worked. I would probably leave him in the Tag Team and maybe give him a title shot for like the IC (after Barrett loses it) or maybe the U.S Championship. Do I think he's super talented right now? No. But I do see alot of upside occasionally.

Barrett: Obviously, would be fine on his own. He's really talented.

Sheffield and Tarver: Should be scrapped. I just don't like either one of them talent wise.

Harris: I'm not sure he's ready for singles just yet. I'd say he should stick to tag teaming or being apart of a faction. I just never saw his talent as an "I can do it alone" thing.

Otunga: Should be a pretty boy MNM type thing. Where he thinks he's better than everybody else. He wouldn't be great as a singles wrestler he makes a better lackey.

Barrett - I think his gimmick is already a perfect fit for him. I think he just needs some more seasoning in the ring to make him the big time all around star that he needs to be. Just give him time and he will be a future mega star I think.

Husky Harris - I am really digging that FCW gimmick all though I think they dropped it already from what I read. It was something different a mixture between Raven and Mankind. With the programming being greared more PG and PG-13 you would think they would try and develop more cartoony characters like Undertaker and Kane. The younger kids eat that crap up. Where are all the Papa Shangos? I kid...

Mcguilicutty - He needs to drop the horrible name and pick up his Dads last name. I think a tag team between Dibiase and Hennig would be really good. Both have nothing going on a good two year stint as a tag team to get them used to a WWE ring would be nice.

Mason Ryan - He looks like beast but is horrible in the ring. They should run an angle where he offers his bodyguard services to the highest bidder.

Otunga - He could be the one who ends up paying for Mason Ryan's bodyguard services. He could do the big shot hollywood gimmick well I think.

Tarver - I don't see any talent in this guy at all.

Sheffield - Make him a Goldberg style face.

Gabrial/Slater - Keep them teaming until Gabriel turns on him
The best thing to do would be for Barrett to get control of Nexus back from Punk. The Corre and Nexus could merge back into one group. I would only use the guys currently involved though. Barrett, Slater, Gabriel, Otunga, Mason, Zeke, and McGillicutty. Punk is a great heel without Nexus, he doesn't need them and under his leadership they have done next to nothing. The group was great back before Barrett's half split off, so I think putting them back together with Barrett being the leader would be a better idea and could help Barrett win a world title then help him retain it while dominating other divisions. It would certainly be more entertaining then Punk's Nexus or The Corre because neither group has been much to write home about. We also never got the feud between the two that seemed all but inevitable.... I was looking forward to that! Perhaps that feud could be used to bring the two halves back together, Barrett would have to win it for that to work.

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