The Nexus : Barrett Or Punk

Barrett easy , CM Punks Nexus should not even be named Nexus as it contains only 1 and the worst original member and they are booked weakly.......... its just stupid.....
Was Barrett. Hands Down. The first Nexus was amazing. It was a group that no one ever saw coming. It was just a fantastic group with a cool leader. Wade Barrett is a great leader and WHC material so I think that he was a better leader. CM Punk did get the short end of the stick but I just don't like the fact that they made him draw everyone else out. But the real question is, Will the Nexus or The Corre try to bring in new meat from Season 3 of NXT or Tough Enough?
As much as I love Punk and dislike Wade Barrett, I'm going to have to go with the original leader.

Barrett was leader of the Nexus back when it was still good. It was strong. And most importantly of all, it was feuding with not just the face of the company, but with the company itself. It was a wonderful position for Barrett and it was a wondeful storyline, to be quite honest. Barrett's Nexus had a strong ethos which was a bunch of mistreated rookies getting their revenge and trying to take over. Punk's Nexus doesn't really have an ethos. It's just... there.

However, those factors deal with circumstance. Barrett got the strong, new Nexus. Punk got the weak, New Nexus (see what I did there?). As a leader, they pretty much go toe to toe. No one else in The Nexus could, or can really talk that well. Otunga is fine. Tarver was actually quite brilliant on the mic. That's about it. Barrett played the slick, increasingly egotistic leader perfectly and added another dimension to a group which was supposed to be about being equal and being "one". Punk is open about The New Nexus being his helpers. Therefore, that brings a different - and in my opinion, worse - dynamic to the group.

Overall, Barrett had the better, main event Nexus, and was in many ways the better leader. And on the other hand, as much as I love him, Punk is looking worn out and bored in the midcard The Nexus.
The original Nexus under Wade Barrett's management made an immediate impact upon debut by taking out John Cena, CM Punk and the commentators. They trashed everything in the arena. As time went by, they attacked random top superstars, and completely dominated the WWE. This was done by a bunch of rookies, but never before has a stable of rookies looked as intimidating. They put people out of commission. Wade Barrett even scored a win over John Cena and then added him into the stable. How's that for some entertaining story?

Now, let's look at CM Punk's New Nexus. It sucks. As a stable they have dominated nothing. They haven't taken out anyone. Yes, they attacked Randy Orton, but look at the way Orton rebounded against them. One man took out the entire stable one by one and faster than John Cena. CM Punk beat John Cena. That was it for him. From there, he became Randy Orton's bitch (just like Sheamus before him) and there hasn't been a single memorable angle worth noting. CM Punk is a great wrestler and mic worker, but his involvement with stables need to be retired.
-to be honest i liked neither of them. cm punk, already had a group of people (though i disliked them, as well as cm punk), he was better off nexus free.

-wade barret is awful and i dislike him completely. only got a bunch of guys job, most of which were really dreadful.

-the only thing that the nexus did was get 11 guys jobs. numerous of who were terrible (or well, david otunga, barret, tarver, darren, mcguilicuty, and that other guy that orton punted being terrible), 4 of them are good (skip (though i question if we will ever see him again), daniel bryon, mason ryan, slater and gabriel).

-so to be honest, other then giving some big names something to do, and having cena's butt handed to him numerous times no good came from the nexus.
CM Punk is better than Wade Barrett across the board. Better talker, wrestler, character, leader... Barrett has nothing on Punk. I don't dislike Barrett, not at all, but, he's no CM Punk.

With that being said, the Nexus under Barrett was much, much better, and I think that had a lot to do with the story it told. New guys creating chaos and mayhem, making sure they solidified spots for themselves on the roster. They were looking to dominate the wrestling world, and did so for quite some time. Barrett was the clear star of the stable, but he was one of them as well. Punk isn't.

Punk is a great stable leader. Actually, I think he's superior to Barrett in that role. The S.E.S. was somewhat botched, but Punk shined. His ability to lead a cult-like stable is currently unmatched, and I hope they go back to the S.E.S. eventually, and make it a bigger deal than it was the first time around.

So, in conclusion, the Nexus worked better under Barrett, but Punk is definitely the better leader... if that makes any sense.
I think at first with Punk as the faction leader of the New Nexus it was a bit of a status drop for them. Considering that Barrett's Nexus was no doubt more fun to watch and more successful compared to Punk's. But in the end does creative have a thing for seeing CM Punk front-man a faction that really goes to no man's land. When Punk was in the Straight Edge Society he never built those guys in the process. (Luke Gallows,Joey Mercury & Serena) Where did they go afterwards? But now Punk is running with the likes of Mason Ryan who I am somehow believing will be a top singles competitor in the upcoming years. But that's besides the point. He also leads for the most Irrelevent WWE Tag Team Champions ever Mike McGulicutty & David Otunga for the moment. But with Punk almost out of a contract in WWE i'm not seeing a Punk TNA role either. But i'm just going to get to the chase that Barrett was a better leader and i'm sure above posts have gave reasons why. CM Punk is not leader material for the future of WWE point blank.

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