CM Punk - The New Leader of Nexus

I laud this change of developments for two reasons-

1. Punk is finally put in a ME caliber storyline, one that he rightfully deserves to be in. He very much kept us all amused with his schtick behind the desk but this man belongs to be in the main storyline come 'Mania.

2. Keeps Nexus relevant. Sure most of the guys are interchangeable and we wouldn't miss them at all, but adding the top young heel in the business as your leader, is a huge advantage for your longevity. Barrett could return and these two could rule together.
A relevant scenario could be Punk/Cena & Taker/Barrett at 'Mania. Nexus could truly take over the WWE in the coming months. And cut out some dead weight like Slater, Otunga and Henning.
Maybe Barrett comes back, Face, with another group of his own to oppose Punk and Nexus. He and Sheffield and Tarver, maybe even Darren Young.

I thought if Barrett was going to be "kicked out" or whatever they decide to say happened. It was going to be awhile ago. I thought maybe Barrett would have won the WWE Title and then they kicked him out, with Otunga becoming the leader. For whatever reason, I have always seen Barrett turning Face when this Nexus thing was over.

We'll see what happens when he comes back. Will he and Cena join forces? LOL wouldn't that be a trip?
Punk could be a great asset to Nexus. Almost every Nexus member is god awful on the mic, especially Otunga. Punk's mic skills are golden, and he can go in the ring, so I'm looking forward to seeing him lead Nexus.

Punk being the new leader of Nexus could give this stable a jump start, because Nexus has been going through the same motions for quite some time now. Having Punk as their leader will add a whole new dynamic to the Nexus storyline. Punk is getting a shot at leading another stable, and I hope WWE will give Punk a real chance as the Nexus leader. The Straightedge Society started out with so much promise, but WWE dropped the ball with that stable big time.
I pledge allegiance to the Straight Edge Nexus, one nation under Punk, indivisible, with integrity, and sobriety for all!

CM Punk is a godsend. He is the new leader of Nexus and I hope Wade Barrett returns and joins the new Neo Nexus, Straight Edge Nexus, Punk Nexus, whatever you wanna call it.

I hope this time, Cena gets run down by Nexus under Punk.

PS. John Cena... really? CM SUCKS? Really? Jokes are getting old John... but that Michael Cole thing was funny XD
I am going to go out on a limb and say that CM Punk is not the new leader of Nexus...because he's been the real leader this whole time. I think Punk is part of the "bigger picture" that Barrett kept talking about. Although Barrett did a good job as the frontman for Nexus, I never though he was the actual leader. I always thought there was a veteran guy with a strong personality and great mic skills that actually was leading Nexus behind the scenes. For a while, I thought the guy was Jericho and CM Punk reminds me a lot of a young Jericho. Think about it for a minute.

Now, let's say that Punk is indeed the new leader and Barrett has been essentially thrown to the curb. This will piss off Barrett and could this lead to a Barrett/Cena partnership? Unknown. This is going to be really interesting.
"People seem so joyous about all of this. But one question. WHY does CM Punk need The Nexus? Unlike The Nexus, Punks shown the ability to handle Cena by himself. The entire night showed Punk seemengly manipulating other heels into doing his bidding. But at the end of the night, Nexus did it. First off, it's no confirmation that he indeed is a member and may have just shown that he approves. If he indeed is later announced as Wade Barrett's replacement, then by God, Punk just bought himself a 2-wheel tricycle. They just seem like dead weight for Punk to carry. Which, unlike Wade Barrett, Punk doesn't need."

First off, kickass sig Killjoy I can't wait for all the Punk/Nexus sigs that will be showing up soon.

But as for the the storyline, Punk is now dragging a near dead horse. He is now life support for any aimless people in WWE (R-Truth, SES members, Rey, Big Show, Cole and Lawler, and now Nexus) I have lowered Punk's rumble chances significantly unless they do a legacy thing like in 09. The Cena/Punk feud could have been list topping good but the E deicides to save Nexus from being pointless instead. It will still be good but not nearly as it could've been.

As for the Punk Taker match at WM God I hope not. I just realized that the E really screwed themselves and the guy who's going to make it 19-0. HBK 2 years running and probably Cena for the last one. Thats what's called being between a rock and a hard place.
I think this is an interesting development with Nexus like someone said this could lead to the Undertaker vs. Punk at Wrestlemania. To me it explains why Punk attacked Evan Bourne when he first came back to Raw. Bourne was always trying to help Cena fight Nexus, so he took out one of his enemies. Mayve this will set up Barrett coming back with the former members of Nexus and maybe a couple of others from Nxt 2 will join him.

Did anyone else notice that when Punk raised his arm towards Nexus that Gabriel was the only one not to do it at first?
I don't think the majority is really getting what is going on here, so I'm going to go ahead and try and explain it all.

Wade Barrett won NXT Season 1 and was guaranteed a spot on the main roster. Unlike Daniel Bryan or even Heath Slater, he never got a marquee victory on NXT over a pro or anything. He was ready, but he hadn't proved that he could beat the top talent or be anywhere close. Thus, enter the Nexus.

Barrett manipulated his friends and told them that their purpose was to pay WWE back for treating them poorly, and this got them on board with ransacking Raw and reeking havoc until they got contracts. Why? Having contracts helped Wade Barrett have help from his friends as he tried to move up the WWE ladder.

Unfortunately, his title shot was removed because of the attacks, but that was solved as Nexus continued to raise hell. Despite what was being said, the plan was always about getting Barrett to the top. The thing is, Barrett set the whole thing up so it was always about him and the others were his whipping boys.

As time went on, he made it known that it was all about him and he started to treat the Nexus and their newest member, John Cena, continually poorly. Otunga said something about it and pissed Barrett off, but for a while, it was a stalemate.

Now though, Barrett showed that he can't get the title and Cena finally took out Barrett. Thus, Nexus isn't sure where to go. Enter CM Punk.

With a group that IS bonded together without Barrett, they need a new direction. They still don't like Cena who makes fun of them and in walks the master manipulator. Punk tells them of his hatred for Cena and his hypocrisy and Nexus buys into it. They like Punk and he seems like he'll treat them better than Barrett. Thus, they have a new leader and Punk has a group to help him out as he tries to do what Barret and Nexus could not.

So why should it work with Punk and not Barrett? For one thing, Barrett was a simple bully while Punk can really get in your head. Punk's psychological warfare are what could take down Cena more than brute stretch or mat ability. Punk's psychology along with Nexus' backing make a lethal combination, and it could be more lethal than when Nexus began.

As for questions of "Punk got beat up initially by Nexus", the initial attack was to make an impact, and it did. Never again did Nexus target Punk though. They weren't enemies and as you can see, Punk is really good at manipulating people. Hell, he kinda manipulated Sheamus who doesn't like much of anyone. Explaning a common enemy and a plan will certainly put to rest a grudge (if any) between Punk and Nexus.

This actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Trust me, it works and does not have the plot holes a lot are saying. Take a step back and read my words. They will enlighten.

I have high hopes for this move, though I don't know that Nexus is entirely necessary. However, being a heel means using any resource possible and necessary, so if Nexus is just sitting there, you'd be stupid not to use them if you're Punk. Let's just see how this progresses. So far it's excellent.
Nexus + Punk = Straight Edge Nexus (neXus)

This is awesome. How cool would it be if Punk converts Nexus into his new SES?

I think creative knew all along that if there is going to be a NWO like force in the wwe, Punk should be the man to lead them.

Lets face it, Punk got screwed over with his SES on Smackdown. There was no reason why they should not have booked them to look stronger by adding legit members and way more underhanded victories. Creative dropped the ball.

I want to see the new neXus help Punk win the rumble, and capture the WHC at Mania. Mania needs an unhappy ending. lol Lets start 2011 on a the dark side... :)
Maybe Barrett comes back, Face, with another group of his own to oppose Punk and Nexus. He and Sheffield and Tarver, maybe even Darren Young.

A few weeks ago, I was convinced that Nexus was going to fragment, and that there'd be two 'factions' of Nexus, like nWo and nWo Wolfpac. If Punk turns Nexus into a kind of cult of personality for himself- which would be totally awesome- and Barrett returns and wants Nexus again, a faction led by Barrett and containing those earlier Nexus guys...I could buy it.
Nexus + Punk = Straight Edge Nexus (neXus)

This is awesome. How cool would it be if Punk converts Nexus into his new SES?

I think creative knew all along that if there is going to be a NWO like force in the wwe, Punk should be the man to lead them.

Lets face it, Punk got screwed over with his SES on Smackdown. There was no reason why they should not have booked them to look stronger by adding legit members and way more underhanded victories. Creative dropped the ball.

I want to see the new neXus help Punk win the rumble, and captures the WHC at Mania. Mania needs na unhappy ending. lol Lets start 2011 on a the dark side... :)
This was a good move in my eyes. Punk has shown that he is an amazing stable leader, and while this union is a little strange, it may save The Nexus from falling into obscurity. While I'm worried about what will be done with Barrett, CM Punk is far better in the ring than Barrett and better on the mic- all in all, it's good thing for the Nexus to have someone who has it all.

Ladies and Gentlemen- You're either NexSES or against us.
This, my friends, is why more people need to listen to me.

What do I always say? Let it play out. How many times have I said that? People thought Nexus was done after Summerslam, I said let it play out...Cena was forced to join Nexus, it got fresh again. Cena destroyed Barrett, people thought Nexus was done...I said let it play out. Now Punk is a member and it's starting fresh again.

As much as people like the rip WWE's creative team, you know what? They get it right more often than not. People are talking about the flaws in that Nexus are supposed to be rookies and they attacked Punk and all this stuff...but it doesn't have to go back that far. Punk taking over recently makes sense. Think back to when Punk was first doing commentary, it was a match between Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler...he said he was SCOUTING. Maybe he was ended up scouting Nexus too. It wasn't long after that that Barrett started losing control of the group. Maybe that's when Punk started taking control. Maybe he told the group to force Barrett to re-hire Cena, because he knew Cena would take out Barrett, and then he (Punk) could take out Cena. Or maybe he was secretly leading them even before that, like when they attacked the Undertaker.

There's a lot of reasonable explanations for how this happened. And there's a lot of interesting directions this could go...if we let it play out.
I think many people here are missing the point here. It's not CM Punk that needs Nexus; it's the Nexus that needs CM Punk. Think about it. With the feud between Wade and Cena over now, what the fuck is the Nexus supposed to do? Are they going to keep on being the same way and just attack some other superstar? Because I'm pretty sure no one will want to see that. The issue present was that as a result of TLC, Nexus doesn't really have much to do now. Nexus has lost alot of steam; making them do the same shit only with another superstar would not only be redundant, but boring as well.

And now, with the Nexus under the guidance of CM Punk, a new stream of possibilities are available. CM Punk against Cena alone was to be epic; and now with the involvement of Nexus, things can only get more interesting. Perhaps, CM Punk will turn Nexus into Straight Edge; Perhaps, he will keep them as Nexus and just use them the way they are; Perhaps Wade will want to take revenge on Punk and team with Cena--who knows, the possibilities are endless.

But regardless of the outcome, Nexus being under the guidance is a good thing. Individually, the Nexus wouldn't amount to much. Most, if not all of those involved in the group would have gone to the midcard only to end up as jobbers and ultimately released. But now, with Punk, the Nexus will continue to hold some relevance. And more than likely, we will see one of the best WWE storylines unfold. CM Punk vs. Cena is a dreambout--Nexus's involvment has only made it better.
Im not quite sure what to think just yet, really.

Being a monster mark for CM Punk- I love the fact that he's going after Cena. But like a couple have suggested already: Why does Punk need Nexus?

I always wanted Punks SES to become a huge stable of subserviant followers. But when Nexus debuted- I knew it wouldnt happen, cuz that would take away heat from Nexus. Since they were supposed to be the big heel stable at that time- SES never had a real chance to succeed.

I cant wait to see where WWE goes with this. I just hope its entertaining. I have only one request tho: do NOT turn Barrett face because of this & have him join forces with Cena. That would be AWFUL!! If Barrett doesnt return as part of Nexus- send him to Smackdown in the draft & keep him as a heel.

I have to think about this a bit more & get back into this thread a little later
A few weeks ago, I was convinced that Nexus was going to fragment, and that there'd be two 'factions' of Nexus, like nWo and nWo Wolfpac. If Punk turns Nexus into a kind of cult of personality for himself- which would be totally awesome- and Barrett returns and wants Nexus again, a faction led by Barrett and containing those earlier Nexus guys...I could buy it.

i don't think that's a bit believable. the only thing that'd swirl around the E Universe's mind would be "why did the guys that Barrett kicked out himself and called the weaklings" rejoin him into fighting the group?

only logical move is for Barrett to be the #2 guy in Nexus behind Punk because no Nexus member, individually (including Wade), is marketable on their own. with the rumors of the brands mixing wrestlers for Mania, the only solution (if the group was too big) would be for them to be on both shows as in 2 entities or have one big group attack both shows (and maybe ending the roster split as they all have to join together to fight them)
People seem so joyous about all of this. But one question. WHY does CM Punk need The Nexus? Unlike The Nexus, Punks shown the ability to handle Cena by himself. The entire night showed Punk seemengly manipulating other heels into doing his bidding. But at the end of the night, Nexus did it. First off, it's no confirmation that he indeed is a member and may have just shown that he approves. If he indeed is later announced as Wade Barrett's replacement, then by God, Punk just bought himself a 2-wheel tricycle. They just seem like dead weight for Punk to carry. Which, unlike Wade Barrett, Punk doesn't need.

He shows the ability but he knows what Cena can do, he beat him in 2 minutes last year. To CM Punk Nexus is just a tool for Punk to change Cena, nothing more. And I would think Punk would need Cena based on hte fact Punk couldn't beat Cena by himself.
Nexus needs Punk more than Punk needs Nexus. I think Punk could be a great leader for the group, but he doesn't need them to have a face off with Cena. Hopefully Punk will breathe some life into the dying Nexus faction and make it interesting again. Punk is always the best when he is a manipulative heel cult leader. Punk could sell sobriety to Lindsey Lohan, he is that convincing.
I agree with the fact that Nexus need Punk more than Punk needing Nexus. They are still a group but the only difference is that after Barrett getting destroyed at the hands of Cena, they lacked a leader. And I also feel that they lacked the intelligence to formulate a plan to remain relevant and so they needed someone who could plan out things for them. And that guy is CM Punk.

As for the storyline I was excited for it even before Nexus were included. I mean a heel who excels in psychological warfare is questioning the morals of the much loved face. How can something like this fail especially if its in the hands of such able performers like Cena and Punk.
I think this angle is pure brilliance.

I hear a lot of people bringing up the point that "it was originally about the rookies and their needs, etc., etc." Well, people's needs and motivations change. They're already "in" the WWE now. That need is satisfied; now they're riding it for what they can. Barrett took them as far as he could; there is no other place to take them.

CM Punk is a 2-time former World Champion and he's actually a GREAT leader. In the past he's just had lame followers. He's now got a group that can actually be a threat unlike his last group.

This is actually quite brilliant, in my opinion. Hopefully they won't botch it or anything but this could be really really good.
I agree with the fact that Nexus need Punk more than Punk needing Nexus.

I guess I technically agree at this statement but I also think Punk will benefit from Nexus quite a bit. Punk is EXCELLENT on the mic which will help him a lot but there are plenty of heels who are great on the mic but there is a need to find separation among villains. The "good guy" aka Cena has always gotta be a superior threat in straight and fair combat but this group behind Punk makes him all the more of a threat which is a really good thing.

In a straight match I have Cena winning a pretty exciting match - with Nexus just outside the ring - I'd be a bit nervous for Cena (assuming I'm cheering for the 'good guy').

As for the storyline I was excited for it even before Nexus were included. I mean a heel who excels in psychological warfare is questioning the morals of the much loved face. How can something like this fail especially if its in the hands of such able performers like Cena and Punk.

I guess my years of being a "smart" are over because I didn't see this one coming at all. Think it's pretty awesome and I totally agree with you about the angle of questioning the good guy's motives and there is nobody in the WWE who could pull this angle off better than CM Punk and Cena.

If these guys play their cards right I could see them convincing a lot of people that Cena IS the heel and Punk IS the good guy.

Very excited to see where this goes.
As they say in France, le yawn. Though come to think of it, this was foreshadowed in a meeting I had with WWE creative a couple of weeks ago:

"Sam! Sam, my man! Why, we had this great idea - we just need you to sign off on it. Barrett's being taken out the picture, Cena needs something to do and Punk's soon going to be healthy again. What do you say to a Punk/Cena feud?"

"A Punk/Cena feud, you say?"

"Yes, a Punk/Cena feud! AlsoitturnsoutPunk'stheleaderoftheNexus."

"Sorry, what was that you said after "Punk/Cena feud"?"

"What? Oh, just mumbling to myself. We're all headcases in WWE creative - you know that. Just sign here please."

So, if there's a moral to this story, it's always read the small print. A little bit of salad in your delicious burger sounds like a great idea - until it turns out there's carrots in there. Making love to a beautiful women sounds like a great idea - until it turns out she has a penis. A John Cena/CM Punk feud sounds like a great idea - until the penisy carrot that is the Nexus emerges.

Yes, Nexus is the penisy carrot that ruins my viewing experience. CM Punk is the beautiful women/delicious burger/reason I watch in the first place. It's like someone just came in my Christmas dinner. I still want to eat it, it looks delicious, but all the semen has made me somewhat more cautious.

And that about does it for tortured metaphors this week. Tune in next time when I'll be comparing Rey Mysterio to a box of thin mints.
i dont think punk is their higher power, who has yet to be revealed. there is still a reason for everything i feel. it can either by jericho or hhh imo, but i digress.

i think this is great. cm punk has really gotten the short end of every stick. he is brilliant on the mic, and one of the best heels in the wwe. the best now that jericho is out and hhh is face, you can toss kane's past work in their too. the ses would have worked if sareena could have just stopped drinking for awhile. this will make punk relavent, and id be happy seeing him main event wrestlemania. he deserves it.
this is so dumb.

punk was one of the wrestlers that got destroyed when nexus first came out and tore everything apart, but now he's managing them?

does vince really believe that all fans don't remember things that happened in the past?

just once i would love to see a program from beginning to end not be filled with grossly gigantic plot holes.
I think that Joey Mercury will come back to join the Nexus because he was a former member of the Straight Edge Society. I know he was injured but CM Punk never kicked him out, so that must mean he was loyal. Maybe CM Punk will be 1st in command, Joey Mercury 2nd, Wade Barrett 3rd, and David Otunga 4th.

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