Nexus + CM Punk = neXus, Should Nexus change their logo?

Originally Posted by Angelic Diablo:

Dude, FANTASTIC job on this logo. This looks even better than I had imagined, when I mentioned Punk's hand possibly being the "X"...the lightning bolts forming the main "X" is borderline-genius. Seriously, this is great work. I bow to your photoshop/graphic-art skills, I wish I could do stuff like this myself. This is seriously about as close to perfection as you can get. Fantastic stuff, I fucking love it.

The other idea I'd love to see for a new Nexus logo (I think I touched on this in an earlier post in this thread) is a play on the SES logo. I think a Nexus-spin one of these logos would look sweet:


I think either of these logos would look incredible with some sort of Nexus-spin. Unfortunately...I don't really know how to "Nexus them up" (lol!), aside from adding some Nexus-yellow. Can anyone think of a way to make either of these all Nexus-esque?

CM Punk's past shirts & logos have been so cool; I'm excited to see what his new Nexus-gear will look like. Hopefully we'll see Punk/Nexus in a new t-shirt on Monday. I hope WWE makes some Punk/Nexus merch, but we might just see Punk wear the armband...with no new design. Damn, I hope that's not the case.

Aside from all the logo-stuff, I agree with a lot of the other posts that CM Punk's Nexus needs new entrance music. I mentioned this in an earlier post as well, but I absolutely LOATHE "We Are One" (or whatever it's called). I think the song is just about the worst entrance-music for a stable I've ever heard in the WWE.

I'd love to hear them come out to a song similar to Gangrel's/The Brood's old theme.


DON'T GET ME WRONG!!! LOL! -- Not exactly like that song (since it sounds pretty sinister), but a similar drum beat would work well if they laid a sweet guitar track on top of it (instead of the synth sound on the Brood's old theme). Obviously you'd have to get rid of the reverb/echoing voices as well, and make the whole thing sound a bit less goth...but I'd love to see Punk & Nexus come out to a song with more of a metal/industrial feel.

A new Nexus theme wouldn't need lyrics, especially not cheesy crap like "...we are one, we will stand together...". Lyrics such as those don't sound "bad-ass", or "evil", or anything of the sort. The current Nexus entrance music sounds like the kind lame-ass song that a lame-ass face stable would walk to the ring to...definitely NOT a group of youngsters looking to "stir up trouble".

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