WWE Ruined Nexus for me.

The Nexus should, in theory, be an idea where these wrestlers were treated as fools on this game show hosted by WWE. They were made to do stupid challenges and talked down to. So everything they do should be subverting the WWE. This is of course my opinion of what Nexus was/is supposed to be.

And quite frankly, the dropped the ball the next night on NXT when the Pros beat up the Rookies as a warning to not cross them. Wade Barrett and Justin Gabriel were the only ones the company had faith in and it was obvious in how they were used. One of the reasons the stable could never be taken wildly serious (besides the horrible booking) is that the only great worker is Gabriel and Slater to a lesser extent. Otunga, Sheffield, and Tarver have no discernible talent in their in-ring. Barrett had a pretty good match with Cena, but two sub-par bouts with Orton. Wade is OK in the ring and will probably get better with time.

I don't think Nexus is ruined at all by the addition of CM Punk. They always lacked a decorated, credible leader -- which made sense since it's against my own theory of the Nexus concept. If Punk's character is a manipulative, cult-like leader then he fits in as the leader (or higher power, who knows) of Nexus. Preferably, I'd like to see Punk as a higher-up to Wade Barrett -- leading to a feud for a Summerslam '11 main event. For now, it looks like the plan could be Punk and Cena at Wrestlemania.

Nexus going forward should change up their music and look. Nothing drastic, but definitely get rid of the "We Are One" music, a new shirt and logo/catchphrase. At the end of RAW when they played Punk's song to close the show, I felt like that metalcore style of theme is far more appropriate for a rebel group than a hard rock pop-like tune. I would love to see Wade return next week, and tease the crowd by almost attacking Punk only to give him a handshake. If they want the Undertaker/Barrett match at Mania, next week would be a good time for Barrett to say the Nexus is expanding and move half the guys over to SD! under the Barrett regime. So you have the two Nexus groups, but they're not feuding with the other.

So Raw could be Punk, Gabriel, Slater & SD! would be Barrett, Otunga, Harris, and McGillicutty. You continue the tension between Otunga and Barrett while still building towards Undertaker's return (if it happens).

Wow, this is a long post but here's what I'd like to (and think) will happen:

Wrestlemania 27:
CM Punk vs John Cena.
Wade Barrett vs The Undertaker

Summerslam 2011:
CM Punk vs Wade Barrett vs John Cena
i wouldnt say im let down.....I believe it is Nexus' destiny to split....when they were originally together, they were the 8 rookies....Daniel Bryan gets fired, and then they say he didnt belong so they kicked him out....the original Nexus was what I liked because of the common bond....it doesnt feel right now...they kicked out Darren Young and Michael Tarver.....they may have not been the better ones, but that doesnt matter...they were linked by this common bond and agreement that they would all look out for each other...as far as im concerned every single one of them is a liar....it makes them all look stupid, really stupid...having CM Punk behind Nexus the entire time makes them look weak, and especially makes Wade Barrett weak...they should have dissolved Nexus another way but we get this....anyone that cant see it for what is doesnt realise this is the beginning of the end for Nexus....Wade Barrett will be a credible main eventer in time....David Otunga still needs to work on his in ring game...McGillicutty and Harris dont even fit in Nexus.....WWE always finds a way to mess shit up and this time they have succeeded big time....Gabriel and Slater might still be a tag team once they all break up....Otunga can be used for the midcard....McGillicutty and Harris remind of Rhodes and DiBiase, so they can be a tag team...Nexus needs to be done....its seems obvious that Nexus was all CM Punks masterplan to rid WWE of Cena and Undertaker....that is the bigger picture....Barrett was leader temporarily because he won season one...Punk was the real leader...if Barrett couldnt beat Cena, their little deal was off and Punk would take matters into his own hands....interesting plot but executed poorly.....Punk is probably tired of Cena being the face of the company....just like every other storyline involving Cena....he also has beef with Undertaker because of their past....

The thing is Nexus was never making the feud between Punk and Cena interesting. It's the chemistry between cm punk and cena that is making the feud interesting. Something sparked as soon as Cena threw that diet coke on the ground. Nexus just seems to be forced into this feud. They could have done so much with the feud between Cena and Punk if it was build up more.
I'm not sure what this means for Wade Barrett. I like Barrett and think he did a great job as the leader of Nexus. Maybe this will lead to some sort of face turn.

As far as the original members of Nexus, the WWE didn't have much of a choice when it came to Michael Tarver & Skip Sheffield as both suffered injuries that'd keep them out for months. Darren Young being "excommunicated" from the group was no big loss in my view. If all the original members had remained healthy, it's possible that Nexus could have been booked as this ultra dominant faction running roughshod over everyone.

However, I think the way that they've portrayed Nexus in general, as a band of young upstart "rookies" was the way to go on the long run. The original Nexus isn't exactly like the original Four Horsemen. The original Horsemen was compiled of guys that had already made their mark and were established stars. They had the credibility to be an ultra dominant faction whereas Nexus really doesn't. For instance, it simply wouldn't do to have big stars like Orton & Cena being decimated and dominated at every turn by guys who we didn't even know existed until about 10 months ago.

According to stories on the net, the WWE plans to keep Nexus until after WrestleMania. And for that to happen, Nexus did need something of a fresh start because it'd lost a lot of steam over the past 6 weeks or so. As far as CM Punk goes, this could be exactly what Punk needs. Since Punk's feud with Mysterio ended, he really hasn't been involved in anything particularly noteworthy except for a lackluster feud with The Big Show. Plus, he's been on the shelf injured for a few months. A high profile feud with John Cena, the biggest star in wrestling right now, while being in charge of the most talked about faction of 2010 could be extremely good for everyone involved. Nexus gets a leader with a lot of established credibility, Punk gets inserted into possibly the overall biggest & most talked about feud of 2010, Cena gets a multiple time World Champion as his primary antagonists, and we the fans get treated to great promos and wrestling matches.

Personally, I just don't see much of a downside here.
I don't understand why everyone keeps saying this is bad for Punk or this will make Punk look weak. It doesn't matter who the higher power would've been, you guys still would've found something to bitch about. Ever since Nexus mentioned the "Higher Power", people have been speculating as to who it would be. People said it would be Triple H, Vince McMahon, people even said it was going to be Cena himself! So now that Punk is the apparent "Higher Power", you all say it's not right because he's a former world champion? Sounds a little hipicritical to me...

The reason im saying this is bad for Punk is that there wont be a match where nexus wont interfere. We all wanna see a 1 on 1 match with Cena and Punk, BUT as long as Punk is Nexus they will come in and attack, therefor making Punk look weaker in a what group attack, not 1 on 1..

Whether it was Punk, Cena, HHH, McMahon...it doesnt matter, i woulda said it woulda made them weaker..
A new leader isn't what Nexus needed. What nexus needed was a new agenda, new feuds, we have been seeing the same old crap with Cena for months now. The same thing is going to happen now. We are going to be seeing nexus beating down Cena and then Cena overcoming the odds.

The beat downs on Cena is getting old. What they should is give nexus a completely different make over but under punk version and eye and make it his group, not a group that was already born and is someone elses puppy.
The reason im saying this is bad for Punk is that there wont be a match where nexus wont interfere. We all wanna see a 1 on 1 match with Cena and Punk, BUT as long as Punk is Nexus they will come in and attack, therefor making Punk look weaker in a what group attack, not 1 on 1..

Whether it was Punk, Cena, HHH, McMahon...it doesnt matter, i woulda said it woulda made them weaker..

Ok but Heels are usually supposed to look "weak". There's either the dominant, unstopable heels like Brock Lesnar or Umaga when he first started, or there's the slimy, coward heels like Punk, Miz and even Randy Orton when he was heel. And yes we will see 1 on 1 matches. There were plenty of times that Nexus was banned from ringside for Cena vs Barett matches. I honestly see CM Punk vs either John Cena or The Undertaker at Wrestlemania which would be his Punk's biggest WM match to date (especially against Undertaker). So how does that make him look weak?
Nexus to me will always be the original Nexus. The downfall of Nexus to me was when they got rid of Daniel Bryan, that is when IMO Neuxs lost all credibility of what they were about.

So Nexus lost all credibility for you in their first night? You mean, before forcing John Cena to join them, getting Wade Barrett 3 title shots, winning the tag titles, and costing John Cena his career for a time?

Now we also have to endure the leader being kicked out as well and suppose to believe that Nexus lost all respect for the leader that created Nexus to begin with.

Nexus wasn't created by Wade Barrett, even in kayfabe terms. In their first promo on Raw, they acknowledged that they made a pact with each other to stick together no matter who won Season 1 of NXT. Barrett was the leader due to the fact that he won Season 1, but there's a large difference between being a "founder" and being a "leader." Barrett just had the contract and the title shot in his back pocket, so he weilded the most influence from the beginning. Simple mistake.

Anyway, a couple of facts about Nexus:

Fact One: Wade Barrett is the one member of the group that is ready to strike out on his own. He's the complete package, or well on his way to becoming that. He handles the mic like a seasoned pro, despite being just a rookie on the main roster. He's come along nicely in the ring and has a great look that will take him a long way. Wade Barrett doesn't need Nexus to get over anymore, even if Nexus were to need him to do so.(And they won't because of CM Punk.)

Fact Two: The current incarnation of Nexus is far superior then the original Nexus. Its hard to consider Bryan an "original member" as he was in the group for all of one night. Bryan's a face and far superior as one, so he wouldn't have stayed in the group for long if he hadn't been fired anyway. As for the rest, Michael McGuillicutty and and Husky Harris are far superior to Darren Young and Michael Tarver. Need proof? Tarver's been off tv ever since, and Young's been getting squashed on Superstar's ever since being kicked out. They got rid of the dead weight.

Fact Three: After John Cena destroyed Wade Barrett at TLC, there was no way to re-build him as a leader. The "All for One" mentality wasn't there, it was about Barrett and his lackeys. He used them to get what he wanted, and didnt care about their wellbeing. But after getting "buried" by Cena, there was no way Barrett could go back to being the leader of Nexus and be taken serious. Too much credibility was lost in that they would no longer be seen as a threat after Cena single-handedly took them out in one night.

Fact Four:As I said in fact 3, their credibility was shot after being picked off by Cena in one night. They desperately needed to re-group. Who better to lead that re-grouping then the best stable leader in CM Punk. They had a GOOD talker in Wade Barrett to get them over, they now have a GREAT talker in CM Punk to do so. With anyone else, I may have been saying "epic fail" myself, but Punk's ability to control others is far superior to Barrett's, thus making him easily the best choice here to replace Barrett. A stable is about making an impact and more importantly, making new stars. Nexus turned Barrett into a star, so he didn't need them anymore. But they did need a leader, and CM Punk's the best fit here by far.

Is this really the rebirth of Nexus? Or Is it a rebirth of a new Nexus?

Well, something can't be a "rebirth" if it's new, like your second question is worded. Anyway, this is absolutely the rebirth of Nexus. As great as Barrett was in getting the group over, CM Punk will do far more then Barrett ever did to do so if this isn't a short storyline. Why? Because Punk is superior both in the ring and on the mic. This isn't a knock on Barrett so much as it is acknowledging how great Punk is. Nexus was never going to be the same if they didnt shake things up, and this gives Punk the momentum and backup to actually have a chance in hell in a feud against John Cena.

And should they continue on being called Nexus?

Why shouldn't they? They have 5 guys who all made their debuts on NXT, and a season one NXT coach in CM Punk. There was no better way to give Nexus their credibility back then by adding Punk as their new leader. Plus, they have those new t-shirts to shill. I guess we know who the "New ruthless leader" on the shirts was referring to, eh?
CM Punk is a very talented wrestler/entertainer, but the Nexus story should have ended after the last PPV. The WWE Creative Team took us all by surprise and made us feel like wrestling was "real" again. However, this concept is beginning to drag on. Sure, we are all speculating as to what will happen next. But despite everything we're hoping for and expressing on these forums, the little voice in our head knows the WWE will probably screw it up.
It's been a while since I have posted, but this thread caught my attention.

Nexus to me will always be the original Nexus. The downfall of Nexus to me was when they got rid of Daniel Bryan, that is when IMO Neuxs lost all credibility of what they were about.

Let's begin here shall we? Sure Bryan has a history to him in the wrestling business, but how did one guy who spent a grand total of one segment with Nexus cause them to lose all credibility before they had actually gotten started?

Nexus was suppose to be this dominate group that was impossible to be destroyed and then Daniel gets fired because of that stupid tie thing. Then other members of Nexus started being kicked out and now nexus apparently got destroyed by Cena only to be rebirthed by another leader..

Last I checked Nexus dominated Raw for a good part of the last year, even going as far as taking out The Undertaker in order just to show how dominate they are and they did that without Bryan, Tarver, Sheffield, or Young. If anything you could say that they got stronger once those four were removed from the group.

As for getting destroyed by Cena, well he's the good guy. And as of Raw they were still around and look to have given themselves new life with the addition of Punk, whether he is actually their leader or not has yet to actually been determined for all we know he has just aligned himself with them. Now onto the actual questions here.

Is this really the rebirth of Nexus? Or Is it a rebirth of a new Nexus?

I never knew that Nexus died, I just knew that like so many things in the wrestling world they got stale, and now with whatever is going on with Punk perhaps it will give them a fresh spark. So I wouldn't call it a rebirth at all.

and should they continue on being called Nexus?

Why wouldn't they continue to be called Nexus? If it turns out that Barrett is actually fully out of Nexus then it could easily just be like DX back in 97 when Michaels first retired only for someone else to take over the reigns. Just because Barrett may be gone, doesn't mean that Nexus goes with him, if anything they've shown over the past month or so that they were ready to move on as Nexus without him.

The thing is Nexus was never making the feud between Punk and Cena interesting. It's the chemistry between cm punk and cena that is making the feud interesting. Something sparked as soon as Cena threw that diet coke on the ground. Nexus just seems to be forced into this feud. They could have done so much with the feud between Cena and Punk if it was build up more.

Yes, clearly, they should have feuded over diet coke rather then CM Punk's distorted belief that Cena's brutality and insults are out of hand and that he's a hypocrite. Nexus isn't forced into this feud, they've been feuding with Cena for 6 freaking months! This is a great start to building the feud. Cena obviously has no reason to take Punk seriously as Cena has owned his ass every time they've stepped foot into the ring together. So what does Punk do? He recruits Cena's biggest enemies in an effort to take Cena down based on a common belief. But clearly, the whole diet coke thing would have made for a far better feud, especially on the Road to Wrestlemania...:banghead:
Yes, clearly, they should have feuded over diet coke rather then CM Punk's distorted belief that Cena's brutality and insults are out of hand and that he's a hypocrite. Nexus isn't forced into this feud, they've been feuding with Cena for 6 freaking months! This is a great start to building the feud. Cena obviously has no reason to take Punk seriously as Cena has owned his ass every time they've stepped foot into the ring together. So what does Punk do? He recruits Cena's biggest enemies in an effort to take Cena down based on a common belief. But clearly, the whole diet coke thing would have made for a far better feud, especially on the Road to Wrestlemania...:banghead:

I like how you twist my words, who said to feud over diet soda that is what WWE is lacking, they don't build up feuds like they use too. They should have build up the feud more. Again they should have started the feud before. There is no reason why punk should hate Cena, infact Punk should hate nexus more then Cena and that is where WWE screwed up. Would you be ok with someone attacking you?
I like how you twist my words, who said to feud over diet soda that is what WWE is lacking, they don't build up feuds like they use too. They should have build up the feud more. Again they should have started the feud before. There is no reason why punk should hate Cena, infact Punk should hate nexus more then Cena and that is where WWE screwed up. Would you be ok with someone attacking you?

You brought up the diet soda kid, not me. If you dont want to hear about it, don't make such an asinine statement. :banghead: Anyway....

They have built up the freaking feud! Did you listen to Punk's commentary on Cena from the beginning? He ripped into Cena from the day he started doing commetary! "John Cena was fired, I never got to come back to jobs I was fired from and say goodbye." "What is John doing here? Where's our security when we need them?"

Punk has always considered himself to be the one to speak for others, whether it be the fans or the other wrestlers. A messenger of and to the people. As he re-iterated so many times last night, he was doing what he did for all the wrestlers Cena had wronged. There's your "issue" that he had with Cena.

According to Punk, Cena cost "his good friend" Batista his career. Both heels and faces alike have banded together with former enemies in order to combat a larger enemy. Punk's arguments have never been rooted in logic(like yours) so its easy to see him banding together with guys who formerly attacked him, especially if that means he has them under his thumb. Nexus attacked heels and faces alike in the past. What better way to ensure he's not on the receiving end of another beatdown(he came out virtually unscaved in the first one, btw) then by controlling the very people that attacked him in the first place?

I never said they should feud over the diet soda that was you. What I said was something sparked, meaning chemistry and they could have built more on that, I never said the feud should be over a diet soda.

They have not built up the feud, because are they not feuding over a diet soda right now that is what started the feud to begin with if they had built it up, we wouldn’t be sitting here discussing about the Diet Soda.

You still didn’t answer my question, if someone attacked you, would you be ok with it and join there group?

Watch the video. John Cena throws Punk out of the ring and into the lap of Nexus as if they're dogs and he's a raw piece of steak. Incase you didn't notice, Nexus barely attacked Punk. Slater threw him into the stairs then Darren Young beat on him a little in the corner. The focus was on John Cena. Punk was probably pissed at what John Cena did and then confronted Nexus afterwards and made a deal with them. Either that or he told them to attack him so nobody would suspect him...

Watch the video. John Cena throws Punk out of the ring and into the lap of Nexus as if they're dogs and he's a raw piece of steak. Incase you didn't notice, Nexus barely attacked Punk. Slater threw him into the stairs then Darren Young beat on him a little in the corner. The focus was on John Cena. Punk was probably pissed at what John Cena did and then confronted Nexus afterwards and made a deal with them. Either that or he told them to attack him so nobody would suspect him...

That right there would be enough to piss anyone off. I wouldn't be ok with someone doing that to me. I don't care who the focus was on, they should have let Punk be, but no they had to beat him up. Kind of like what punk is talking about that cena does isn't it?

The pushed him out of the way, and instead of just leaving punk there, they had to be bullies and beat him up somemore, exactly what punk complaint about cena is that he did to wade..
I don't mean to flame or insult or anything, but is this a serious thread? Nexus lost credibility four days after they formed, before they even had a name. LOL! Other posters have done a good job tearing the OP a new one, I just have one thing to add.

A new leader isn't what Nexus needed. What nexus needed was a new agenda, new feuds, we have been seeing the same old crap with Cena for months now. The same thing is going to happen now. We are going to be seeing nexus beating down Cena and then Cena overcoming the odds.

The beat downs on Cena is getting old. What they should is give nexus a completely different make over but under punk version and eye and make it his group, not a group that was already born and is someone elses puppy.

LMAO! So glad you have the ability to see the future and come back to report it to us! :worship: It must be amazing to be able to watch a five minute segment and be able to magically know what's going to happn for the next four months. :worship: Can you do that with everything? Like, can you watch the first drive of in a football game and know who's going to win? Or can you watching the first inning of a baseball game and know what the final score will be? Can you know the outcome of a basketball game after the opening tip? I'm really in awe, man. That's amazing. :rolleyes:

First you tell us Nexus lost all credibility after their first night(which begs the question, when exactly did they have credibility?). Then you say they should stay exactly the same and never change whatsoever - no members leaving, no new members, right? :confused: And now you're telling us how they should change, and that they're clearly doing it wrong...except they haven't done it yet! The sooner you realize you have NO IDEA what's going to happen, the better off we'll all be.
I don't mean to flame or insult or anything, but is this a serious thread? Nexus lost credibility four days after they formed, before they even had a name. LOL! Other posters have done a good job tearing the OP a new one, I just have one thing to add.

LMAO! So glad you have the ability to see the future and come back to report it to us! :worship: It must be amazing to be able to watch a five minute segment and be able to magically know what's going to happn for the next four months. :worship: Can you do that with everything? Like, can you watch the first drive of in a football game and know who's going to win? Or can you watching the first inning of a baseball game and know what the final score will be? Can you know the outcome of a basketball game after the opening tip? I'm really in awe, man. That's amazing. :rolleyes:

First you tell us Nexus lost all credibility after their first night(which begs the question, when exactly did they have credibility?). Then you say they should stay exactly the same and never change whatsoever - no members leaving, no new members, right? :confused: And now you're telling us how they should change, and that they're clearly doing it wrong...except they haven't done it yet! The sooner you realize you have NO IDEA what's going to happen, the better off we'll all be.

Can I ask something why is it when people don’t agree with others they act as if there opinions are better then yours? If this wasn’t a serious thread it wouldn’t have been posted and if you don’t want to discuss it then don’t enter the thread really not that hard to do considering that we are all entitled to our opinions and views.

How am I telling the future this I got to see since I’m not telling the future at all?

Please show me where I remotely even stated about the future?

What do you think is going to happen?

You don't think Cena is going to over come this all once again?

I would be shocked if Cena does not. lol

Your insults are lacking since your not even sticking to the discussion.

Again OPINION you don’t have to agree, just like I don’t but IN MY OPINION I do think they lost credibility when Bryan got fired, kind of was a let down and they had to step it up and gain momentum again.

They should stay exactly the same if members keeping leaving then you know what, no one is going to take them seriously. They need to be taken seriously, at least when they were with Nexus, you can tell that they were a dominate group but when members slowly started disappearing all that momentum was going away. No one is asking you to agree with me but don’t act like I’m stupid or something when I know what I am talking about.
I never said they should feud over the diet soda that was you. What I said was something sparked, meaning chemistry and they could have built more on that, I never said the feud should be over a diet soda.

Lol, thats a joke right? Seriously, youre really that unintelligent that you can't pick up on SARCASM? You do remember that you said:

"something sparked as soon as the diet soda" was thrown to the ground".

You dont have to like it, but youre the one who made the comment. I was responding in a sarcastic manner to you.

They have not built up the feud, because are they not feuding over a diet soda right now that is what started the feud to begin with if they had built it up, we wouldn’t be sitting here discussing about the Diet Soda.

And the feud is just getting started. Right now, its about CM Punk taking issue with John Cena repeated brutality towards others.This feud has nothing to do with diet soda. I re-iterate, because it clearly went WAY over your head, but I was being sarcastic. Punk has watched as Cena made fun of Sheamus. He saw the career of his close friend Dave Batista ended. They're not rushing through this feud, this was the first promo exchange between the two.

You still didn’t answer my question, if someone attacked you, would you be ok with it and join there group?

It doesn't matter how I think or feel. This thread isn't about me. What matters is CM Punk's distorted view of the truth. There's an old saying in "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." What better way to ensure you're never on the receiving end of another beatdown then by assuming leadership of the group that once attacked you? He didn't join the group. As David Otunga said last night, the Nexus is under "new management". Management and leader are interchangible terms. And who assumed that leadership position? CM Punk.
That right there would be enough to piss anyone off. I wouldn't be ok with someone doing that to me. I don't care who the focus was on, they should have let Punk be, but no they had to beat him up. Kind of like what punk is talking about that cena does isn't it?

The pushed him out of the way, and instead of just leaving punk there, they had to be bullies and beat him up somemore, exactly what punk complaint about cena is that he did to wade..

Ok, I know I said I only had one this, but this little nugget was posted after I started writing. Sue me.

Really? Nexus should've just, what, waved to Punk? Blown him kisses? Should they have held his hand all the way up the ramp before they destroyed Cena, Striker, King, the ring announcers, the time keepers, tore apart the ring and barracades? Lmao. Yeah, THAT would make a whole lot of sense! Lmao.

That was six months ago. Obviously Punk got over it. He's had nothing to do with them since. He saw an opportunity to take charge of a strong group and took it. And I have no idea what the blue hell you're talking about with what Nexus did and comparing it to what Cena did, considering that it's actually notthing like that. Punk's complaints with Cena is that he goes overboard, beating somebody up more than he has to. That's the exact OPPOSITE of what Nexus did to him, if anything. They just did what they had to get him out of the way. He got beat up less than anybody else at ringside. My god. :banghead:

I'm done here. This is obvously a troll. I thought that was banned around here.
Lol, thats a joke right? Seriously, youre really that unintelligent that you can't pick up on SARCASM? You do remember that you said:

You dont have to like it, but youre the one who made the comment. I was responding in a sarcastic manner to you.

And the feud is just getting started. Right now, its about CM Punk taking issue with John Cena repeated brutality towards others.This feud has nothing to do with diet soda. I re-iterate, because it clearly went WAY over your head, but I was being sarcastic. Punk has watched as Cena made fun of Sheamus. He saw the career of his close friend Dave Batista ended. They're not rushing through this feud, this was the first promo exchange between the two.

It doesn't matter how I think or feel. This thread isn't about me. What matters is CM Punk's distorted view of the truth. There's an old saying in "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." What better way to ensure you're never on the receiving end of another beatdown then by assuming leadership of the group that once attacked you? He didn't join the group. As David Otunga said last night, the Nexus is under "new management". Management and leader are interchangible terms. And who assumed that leadership position? CM Punk.

No I wasn’t, reread the post my friend. I didn’t say they should feud over the diet soda. I know what was said and I never said that, that was you. Go reread the post.

EXACLTY the issue is with Cena which should have been just with Cena. Nexus should not be a part of this feud at all. This a issue between Cena and PUNK. Punk has enough legit reasons to carry on this feud without joining nexus.. That’s right Punk has every reason to be pissed off with Cena, but Nexus involvement was not needed. Glad we got that out of the way Few!!!

It actually does matter, because if we want to believe a storyline to be true, then they need to have some reality to it, who would join a group that attacked them? No one would.

That’s my thought as well, Cmpunk could very well be playing both of them for all we know. However they should have done a better job if they were going to go this route again they needed build up on not just cena/punk feud but on punk joining nexus and I do think the attack does need to be brought in order for punk joining nexus to be a legit thing.
Ok, I know I said I only had one this, but this little nugget was posted after I started writing. Sue me.

Really? Nexus should've just, what, waved to Punk? Blown him kisses? Should they have held his hand all the way up the ramp before they destroyed Cena, Striker, King, the ring announcers, the time keepers, tore apart the ring and barracades? Lmao. Yeah, THAT would make a whole lot of sense! Lmao.

That was six months ago. Obviously Punk got over it. He's had nothing to do with them since. He saw an opportunity to take charge of a strong group and took it. And I have no idea what the blue hell you're talking about with what Nexus did and comparing it to what Cena did, considering that it's actually notthing like that. Punk's complaints with Cena is that he goes overboard, beating somebody up more than he has to. That's the exact OPPOSITE of what Nexus did to him, if anything. They just did what they had to get him out of the way. He got beat up less than anybody else at ringside. My god. :banghead:

I'm done here. This is obvously a troll. I thought that was banned around here.

So cena should have just let wade beat him up all the times that he was bein beated up? Why is it ok for punk but not ok for Cena?

Punk got over being attacked? I would never get over being attacked, I would want revenged or even would want to know why i was being attacked to begin with lmao> you just don't get over being attacked just like that.
First time poster, but I've been lurking for a while, and I had to ask some questions


Not to sound like an ass, but whenever people say Nexus never had credibility they never really back it up. They just say "they never had credibility", and leave it at that. Considering they were pretty much turning RAW into a wasteland for a couple of months, I'd like to know what you're basing this on.


I would agree that Nexus lost credibility when they lost Daniel Bryan... if he actually did anything with the group outside of the original riot, and even then all he pretty much did was the tie thing and spit in Cena's face. Pretty much every other major member worth talking about(Barret, Sheffield, Gabriel, etc.l) did something more of note, and if you're a guy like me and don't (or in my case unable) to follow the indy circuit, you'd have no idea why everyone was making a big deal about Bryan being fired. NOW I do, and Daniel Bryan is currently one of my favorites on RAW, but at the actual debut, he didn't really leave an impression on me.

a couple of points... First, about your question of "Punk got over being attacked? I would never get over being attacked, I would want revenged or even would want to know why i was being attacked to begin with lmao> you just don't get over being attacked just like that."

FYI, A lot of times in pro wrestling or "sports entertainment", guys who have fought other guys or been attacked by someone later down the road end up teaming up together. A real quick example off the top of my head, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mr McMahon. They were at each other's throats for YEARS, making each other's lives a living hell. And if I remember correctly, after Austin's heel turn to the Alliance, Austin hung out in McMahons office being super nice to him to the point of annoying him. He even offered Vince some of Debra's homeade cookies. Now would someone who fired you, made your life a living hell and ordered constant attacks on you be deserving of an offer of delicious treats from the subject of your attacks. But certainly in the NOT REAL WORLD of WWE where "anything can happen", it is certainly a possibility!

AND Secondly, As for your thoughts that Nexus just HAD to keep every single original member to be considered a dominant faction and possible change their name due to having some new members..

I'm just guessing here, but I am getting the vibe that you're a teenager. That's based off of your posts responding right after somebody posts a response to you, as well as some of the language used. It almost seems as if you're constantly refreshing the page to see what new thing someone has written and nitpicking what everyone writes. BUT ANYWAYS, I have a point there. By that guess of your age, you MAY be too young to have remembered the Original and new breed of Degeneration X. The original DX consisted of Shawn Michaels, HHH, and Chyna. Once Shawn Michaels lost the title to Stone Cold at WM 14 (I was there, Boom!) and took a long hiatus due to his back problems, the thought was DX was all done.

Not so fast, next night on Raw, HHH said Shawn dropped the ball, and it's his now to run with. Out comes Sean Waltman, aka X-Pac, and the New age Outlaws at the end of the night to form a NEW Degeneration X. Once the new incarnation was formed, they were a dominat faction skyrocketing HHH's career as a the new leader of the group. If you WERE around, I would hope you wouldn't have hated that like you hate this new Nexus deal thats going on. It's almost a carbon copy, just with more people, and none of them established stars. Did you think back then that it ruined DX's credibility with new guys in it?

I personally think what's going on with Punk/Nexus has potential to be an amazing storyline for quite some time, just as long as Barrett doesn't turn face and team up with Cena.

Sorry to those who have to read this long ass post, but I wanted to cover everything I wanted to say. Please rep me if you think I have valid points here.

PS- Oh yeah, we GET IT that you think Cena is going to overcome all odds and beat Punk because he has all the time, you don't have to keep writing it. i really hope you are copy/pasting what you originally wrote for your sake, because if not, you must have some sore ass hands and fingers brother!

The End!
As crappy as some of the members of nexus were on their own, I enjoyed watching them wrestle, it was a good thing that all of these little rookies when banded together were a force to be reckoned with, but their roster keeps changing and they've added some relatively credible singles wrestlers to their repertoire it just feels like the essence of nexus was lost when they lost sheffield bryan black john cena and tarver

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