WWE Ruined Nexus for me.

I didn’t say they should feud over the diet soda. I know what was said and I never said that, that was you.

All me to refresh your memory, ok?

The thing is Nexus was never making the feud between Punk and Cena interesting. It's the chemistry between cm punk and cena that is making the feud interesting. Something sparked as soon as Cena threw that diet coke on Punk.

Are you sure you never said anything about the feud being between just Cena and Punk, and said nothing about Diet Soda? ;) Anyway..

EXACLTY the issue is with Cena which should have been just with Cena. Nexus should not be a part of this feud at all. This a issue between Cena and PUNK. Punk has enough legit reasons to carry on this feud without joining nexus.. That’s right Punk has every reason to be pissed off with Cena, but Nexus involvement was not needed.

Cena's biggest reason for being pissed with Cena was because of Cena's over the top brutality. Justified or not, who has Cena displayed MORE brutality towards then Nexus over the past year? Nobody. Realistaclly, if Punk has any chance to come out on top in this feud, he's going to need all the help he can get. Who better to turn to for said help then Cena's biggest enemies? It makes PERFECT sense when you think about it that way.

It actually does matter, because if we want to believe a storyline to be true, then they need to have some reality to it, who would join a group that attacked them? No one would.

We've been over this already, but I have to repeat myself every time with you. If it freed me from the possibility of further attacks at the hands of my enemy, I surely would join them, especially if offerred the leadership position. That's the part you seem to be missing. Punk didn't so much as join the group as he did take over it. As David Otunga said, they're under "new management." That person was revealed to be CM Punk. There's another saying that rings true here. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." And nobody, arguably ever, has been more of an enemy to John Cena.

You remember DX, right? HHH beat the crap out of HBK time and time again when Michaels returned in 2002. Even hit him with a ca.rYet when it came time to fight Vince McMahon, they put those past differences aside. Why? Because they had found a bigger enemy to fight. Can we agree that being hit with a car is a LITTLE more heinous then a casual beatdown? I thought so.

That’s my thought as well, Cmpunk could very well be playing both of them for all we know. However they should have done a better job if they were going to go this route again they needed build up on not just cena/punk feud but on punk joining nexus and I do think the attack does need to be brought in order for punk joining nexus to be a legit thing.

You're likely right, as that's CM Punk's gimmick. He uses others for his benefit and is quite manipulative. So Im sure he'll be using Nexus in order to accomplish his goal, which is to stop John Cena. But the feud has barely started as of yet, so how can you say they should do a better job with the build? The build has just started, and it takes time. The attack may be mentioned at a later time, and it may not. This feud is just getting started, so try and reserve judgment and stop complaining until you see how it plays out.
Nexus to me will always be the original Nexus. The downfall of Nexus to me was when they got rid of Daniel Bryan, that is when IMO Neuxs lost all credibility of what they were about.

Wasn't Bryan kicked out after their debut? Nice to know you were captivated for so long.

I'm a firm believer that Nexus collapsed under the weight of expectation. Their initial destruction of RAW had everyone talking and expecting them to make that kind of impact every week. I think that WWE was caught between making the group look industructable (something people have been whining them doing with guys for years now)and doing what they ended up doing; making them lose.

Anyways, CM Punk is perfect for this group, or should I say, perfect for...ahem... saving this group. He lead SES to great heights and that was with minor stars like Luke Gallows and Serena (no disrespect meant to either of them), imagine what could happen with a group as well known as Nexus.

I'm sorry if WWE ruined Nexus for you, I'm sure they'll consult you next time, but CM Punk hasn't done much yet with the group so I think we should all wait before passing scrutiny on the concept.
lmao who said WWE need's to consult me? I didn't know I have to like every single thing that WWE does and do. The fact is that I don't care how members got removed from Nexus the original Nexus when they came to WWE is what made a statement. They are what made Nexus who they are today not CM punk.

CM punk does not need Nexus. Nexus does not need Cm Punk. Now you all can sit there and state how I should or shouldn't feel because you are all entitled to your opinions and views but don't act like my opinions and views are wrong. IN MY OPINION they ruined Nexus and the Original Nexus need's to return.

Wade is being treated like shit right now and is going to be another misused wrestler.

Now if you guys don't agree with this, great that's why we have this board for different views opinions.

Oh and LSN80

SOMETHING SPARKED which does not translate into they should feud over the diet soda. Seriously stop trying to twist my words around. What I said was that there was chemestry there and they could have build on that. So until you comprehend that I know what I said and I never said they should feud over diet soda there's nothing i can do.

Again how do we know that Punk is freed from the attacks? We don't know anything and still don't. The fact is that this is another rushed storyline and is going to be a fail storyline.

Also For starters they can have a segment where Punk wants to know why they attacked him etc. I mean if you are getting attacked wouldn't you want to know why? Like I said I don't believe punk just got over being attacked just like that.
I don't think WWE knows what to do with Nexus. This is really a watered down version of the watered down NWO in WCW. I don't want to see them dragged out again like the NWO and all its many differnt versions.
i'm not a fan of the way they handled the dismissal of barrett. it doesn't make sense to me. if they really wanted to send a message, wouldn't they have had nexus come down to the ring after the match to beat the hell out of wade? it just seems all to easy to me.
lmao who said WWE need's to consult me? I didn't know I have to like every single thing that WWE does and do. The fact is that I don't care how members got removed from Nexus the original Nexus when they came to WWE is what made a statement. They are what made Nexus who they are today not CM punk.

And Nexus until CM Punk came around was a dead stable. No momentum, as it had all been lost between Summerslam and the Free-or-Fired angle. No breakout stars beyond Wade, as Otunga seems to be getting the airtime that Gabriel should be getting. The fact is that your opinion, while valid, is based on a childish attachment to the past.

CM punk does not need Nexus. Nexus does not need Cm Punk. Now you all can sit there and state how I should or shouldn't feel because you are all entitled to your opinions and views but don't act like my opinions and views are wrong. IN MY OPINION they ruined Nexus and the Original Nexus need's to return.

You are just like your dumb cunt friend CanadianFan. You are correct that your opinions on the matter are as valid as anyone else's, to a degree. However, just like your cunt friend, you don't seem to see how hypocritical it is of you to dismiss other's opinions. If you don't want people to respond to you, don't post. If you aren't willing to discuss, debate, and defend your opinions, keep them to yourself or simply stop trying to make a crusade out of this.

Wade is being treated like shit right now and is going to be another misused wrestler.

I don't think so. Wade got a better run than 90% of the WWE locker room. OH NOES HE'S NOT THE LEADER OF NEXUS ANYMORE! He's got much better things in his future than riding a Nexus/Cena angle into the ground with yet another Wade/Cena PPV match.

Now if you guys don't agree with this, great that's why we have this board for different views opinions.

And for discussing them. And debating them. If you can't handle that without turning into a dumb cunt, get out.

Again how do we know that Punk is freed from the attacks? We don't know anything and still don't. The fact is that this is another rushed storyline and is going to be a fail storyline.

Not fact. We do know that Punk is now leader of the Nexus. We do know that Wade is out of the group. I think the booking potential of the Nexus, with Cena possibly out of the way due to injury, is greater than it's been since the summer. Now why don't you try debating that with me instead of holing up to repeat the same thing over and over like a Fortress McDonothingpants.

Also For starters they can have a segment where Punk wants to know why they attacked him etc. I mean if you are getting attacked wouldn't you want to know why? Like I said I don't believe punk just got over being attacked just like that.

I think he has. His hatred for John Cena is bigger than any slight against from almost a year ago. Most others seem to get that pretty well. Not everything has to be spelled out in extra big letters, even in the PG era.

CM punk should not be with Nexus because Nexus is suppose to be a bunch of NXT guys that is what they came into. CM punk is not a NXT person if anything they should have gotten another NXT rookie if they wanted to take wade place which would have made more sense.. Childish? Seriously the only one acting childish is you that you have to resort to name calling and insults just because we have different views. I’m not living in the past. Wade isn’t the past he is the future. So I don't know what you are fucken talking aobut when you say i'm living in the fucken past.

Wow, calling me dumb and yet you’re the one that is acting like a fucken asshole that can’t comprehend that we are all entitled to our opinions and views now if you don’t like that you can go fucken cry like a 2 year old to someone else because I don’t give a fuck what you or others feel about me so get that through your fucken skull... The only one that is being hypocritical is you. You say that we are entitled to our opinions and yet you insult and degrade because our opinions are different and please am I suppose to be hurt because a macho guyswho acts tuff behind there puter screen is insulting me? News flash get off your damn high horse and realize your opinions and views are not all that. No wonder why people hate this board when they have people like you who have a stick up there ass every time someone states a opinion.

That is all I have to say to you jackass and if you don’t want to discuss this like an adult then do us all a favour and screw off and get the hell out of my thread. I would rather discuss this with posters who can discuss this as an adult and not a child.

Punk is going to destroy Nexus like what happened with SES. Punk needed his own group and his own storyline. Now why don’t you shut the hell up and realize that we are all entitled to our opinion and no I would rather debate with normal posters who don’t have to insult because they can’t defend themselves. This is where you fucken wrong, I do want to discuss this with posters who don't need to fucken insult every time someone does not agree with them.

How about try debating with posters without the insults?

Wait you can’t!

man telling you off felt soo good :)

Oh and my friend has nothing to do with this fucken thread so if you can't stay on topic an discuss the topic then like I said screw the fuck off.
I will say, I do think the first RAW of 2011 set some pretty high standards for the rest of WWE programming this week to live up to. Promos, not so great, but the matches did a SUPER job building up to RR 2011, and gives a lot more intensity. That being said, those who know me, know my fuel for Wade. Do I agree with how they handled ex-communicating him? Not necessarily, but then again, I'm not creative, and this could be what elevates him to a singles career, and possible the 'tweener/face' thing that has been bubbling amongst the dirt sheets for a while. Granted, I did love the Nexus thing very much and as good as Punk is, I don't think Nexus will last very much longer when you have someone as ego-maniacal as Otunga is, considering his own issues he had with Wade in charge. He's bound to repeat history as well. Its a gimme for sure. Back to the topic at hand, I'm still holding a bit of hope that this will probably be something to a feud for Punk-Barrett because even being a bit interesting, since Barrett still has built his own cult following from Nexus' debut. It is amazing to see the growing number of Nexus shirts and memorabilia that infiltrates the arenas on television each week, and through the IWC and that this group and each member in it has their own fans that will support them no matter what. As much as I hate seeing him kicked out, this probably is what he needs to catapult him to the singles success he should be getting.
lmao who said WWE need's to consult me? I didn't know I have to like every single thing that WWE does and do. The fact is that I don't care how members got removed from Nexus the original Nexus when they came to WWE is what made a statement. They are what made Nexus who they are today not CM punk. .

The original Nexus made a great first START. It was Wade Barrett, and him alone that made Nexus great. Without him, you could add ten Daniel Bryans and they wouldnt be seen as a credible threat? Why? Because they needed someone commanding, someone who could show control and leadership. That person was Wade Barrett, and Wade Barrett alone. Without him, this angle would have died a long time ago. That being said, it was time to move on....

CM punk does not need Nexus. Nexus does not need Cm Punk. Now you all can sit there and state how I should or shouldn't feel because you are all entitled to your opinions and views but don't act like my opinions and views are wrong. IN MY OPINION they ruined Nexus and the Original Nexus need's to return.

Wade is being treated like shit right now and is going to be another misused wrestler.

If anything, they protected Wade on Raw and made him look great at Tribute to the Troops that aired following TLC. At the Tribute show, which they plugged as being after TLC(despite being taped weeks earlier), the announcers made a point to note how tough that MoFo is to be competing just four days after having 21 chairs dropped on him. Oh, and he was in the main event as well.

As fort Raw on Monday, here's where the protection part comes in. Instead of having Orton win that match completely cleanly, they had Barrett get the best of both Sheamus(former 2 time WWE Champion) and Randy Orton(former 7 time WWE champion). He had the fraking match won, and the ONLY thing that stopped him from winning was Punk's interference. Thats called protecting the man. We have no idea whats next for Barrett, so saying he's on his way to being another misused statement is quite farfetched.

Now if you guys don't agree with this, great that's why we have this board for different views opinions.

And thats why I respectfully disagreed with you, I didnt call you names, or tell you that you were an idiot.Honestly, If you fan't like people disagreeing with your opinions and sometimes being harsh about it, maybe this isnt the site for you, as we ALL have that happen to us from time to time.

Saying something sparked which does not translate into they should feud over the diet soda. Seriously stop trying to twist my words around. What I said was that there was chemestry there and they could have build on that. So until you comprehend that I know what I said and I never said they should feud over diet soda there's nothing i can do.

Now you're being silly, as I copied and pasted youre exact words. Thanks for clarifying a week and a half later, but at the time thats how it was worded. When something sparks, that means "to jump to, or begin", according to Webster. I wasnt jumping to any conclusions, just reading it aws you wrote it. The Diet Soda, as I told you several times earlier, turned out to be completely irrelevant, didnt it? All I was simply saying was that this feud wasn't started because of Diet Soda, which your post did, regardless of how you meant it. Please dont give me the speel about "asking you what you meant first", because we've been over this in other threads. Be clear in what you say, and if you dont want someone to challenge over comments about diet soda, dont make them. Simple as that, and no offense meant.

Again how do we know that Punk is freed from the attacks? We don't know anything and still don't. The fact is that this is another rushed storyline and is going to be a fail storyline.

I would say those fist air bumps at the ending of last weeks Raw and the shaking of hands at the beginning of this weeks Raw had something to do with it, wouldnt you? If Barrett had won the match., Punk would have been subserviant(beneath) him. We never saw the Barrett take a beatdown in 6 months from Nexus while he was the leader, did we? Why should we expect differently with Punk. He's Nexus, so they cant be against him. That sums uptheir motto right?

As for storylines being rushed, the Barrett/Nexus/Cena storyline began in July, and ended in December. It lasted 5 and a half months, which is an eternity for any angle, let alone one in the current product. There were aspects that were rushed, sure. But as a whole, hardly.

And its quite hard to pass judgment on whether or not the angle was/will/can be ended early before it actually ends, correct?

Also For starters they can have a segment where Punk wants to know why they attacked him etc. I mean if you are getting attacked wouldn't you want to know why? Like I said I don't believe punk just got over being attacked just like that.

They explained that in their very first promo on Raw. I just re-watched it to make sure I was correct, and they stated that they did it to make a huge impact, and Cena and Punk just so happened to be in the way, nothing personal. You may want to know why you were attacked, but thats the real world. This is sports entertainment, where gaps in logic occur all the time. As I said in my last post, HHH beat the hell out of HBK for MONTHS after Michaels returned in 2002. And that angle was personal, not just to make an impact! Yet they joined forces to reform DX in 2006 without nary a mention of the various feuds they ahd over the years. They joined forces(and became best buds on screen and all) to combat a larger enemy in Vince McMahon and his minions. CM Punk may be simply doing the same thing with Nexus by joining forces with a group he may or may not like in order to combat a larger enemy in John Cena. Just rekax, sit back, and enjoy it as it unfolds. It should be fun.
I personally love the fact that CM Punk is the new leader of Nexus...Wade Barret was just....boring. I love Punk, and I think its great that he is the new leader.

I'm with a7xfan. Nexus quickly got boring to me, but now that CM Punk has stepped up and took the reigns, i'm all of a sudden interested again. I see this as an opportunity to shoot Punk right back up to the top of the game. Barrett has always kind've been an annoyance to me. He's like the alley cat that keeps coming around because you put scrap food in your garbage. He's average on the mic at best, and hasn't done anything great to make me interested in the guy. I think this new boost in the angle will bring Nexus back up to where they should be, dominating.
It just would've been better if Nexus disbanded at Hell in a Cell. Free or Fired was shoved down our fucking throats that you had to change the channel to get away from all of it. Then Cena is fired. Who says Cena can't sell since he sold his promo so well and then he is on TV the next fucking week!

John Cena is the Richard Nixon of the WWE: If Cena does it, that means it's not illegal.

So they drag this out for this long, shove Cena in Nexus, Free or Fired down our throats, he gets fired, not even gone for a week, buries Nexus, all while so many originals and new guys enter.

This storyline had so much potential; but I don't think WWE themselves knew what to do with Nexus. They started off so promising too. If I knew at Hell in a Cell that this was going to happen to Nexus if Barrett won, I would've cheered for Cena.
I have read alot of the blogs here concerning this topic. I think the key to this whole CM Punk/Wade Barrett/ Nexus storyline is timing. Why? I like alot of you did not understand at first why they made CM Punk the leader of Nexus. BUT... when you think about it, the move was necessary to keep Nexus relevant. If the WWE makes Wade Barrett turn face, his face turn should not exceed past this years Wrestlemania or Nexus as a whole is done. Remember, Wade Barrett has yet to win the WWE title so his face turn can go horribly wrong if its not done right.
I still have no idea what WWE is doing with all of this. When does the Buried Alive storyline come in? If this is to set up Wade vs. Taker at WM 27 then what role does Nexus play in this now? Personally I would have preferred if Punk revealed himself ot be the GM but that's just me.
I have read alot of the blogs here concerning this topic. I think the key to this whole CM Punk/Wade Barrett/ Nexus storyline is timing. Why? I like alot of you did not understand at first why they made CM Punk the leader of Nexus. BUT... when you think about it, the move was necessary to keep Nexus relevant. If the WWE makes Wade Barrett turn face, his face turn should not exceed past this years Wrestlemania or Nexus as a whole is done. Remember, Wade Barrett has yet to win the WWE title so his face turn can go horribly wrong if its not done right.

Firstly, nice to see that you found the text size increase.

Secondly, whilst i agree CM Punk was needed to keep Nexus relevant, Barrett just won't work as a face. He is a natural heel, therefore, imo anyways, him being a face would seem very forced, and i just don't see the crowd cheering him...

Also, why would they turn him face til WM, then back heel so quickly? They wouldn't.
I still have no idea what WWE is doing with all of this. When does the Buried Alive storyline come in? If this is to set up Wade vs. Taker at WM 27 then what role does Nexus play in this now? Personally I would have preferred if Punk revealed himself ot be the GM but that's just me.

Well, imo, this depends on whether Taker is ready to go come Mania, but i can see Barrett going to SD! now that he is out of Nexus. This would help lead into a Taker v Barrett match. However, there is alot of problems with this also, considering Taker will want revenge on Kane, and possibly the other members of Nexus, not just Wade.

So who knows, im pretty interested in how they are going to take this.
So let me get this straight:

Taker wants revenge on Kane
Wants revenge on Nexus
Wants revenge on Wade
Not to mention we don't know when he'll be back.

It's January already and Wrestlemania is either late March or early April; and WWE is supposed to cram all of this in in about two months time?
So let me get this straight:

Taker wants revenge on Kane
Wants revenge on Nexus
Wants revenge on Wade
Not to mention we don't know when he'll be back.

It's January already and Wrestlemania is either late March or early April; and WWE is supposed to cram all of this in in about two months time?

That pretty much sums it up yeah...

Although, i wouldn't be surprised if they just completely skip the Barrett and Nexus helped Kane bury Taker alive thing and just had another Kane vs Taker match at Mania. However i for one, and i know im not alone, want to know why the hell Nexus interfered in that match...

As i said though, who really knows what they will do?
Barrett WILL take the Nexus back. Punk will do more harm to the Nexus than Barrett ever did. Nexus will realize this after not too long. Cena has NEVER been brutal without cause. Everytime he destroyed someone it was after much more harm had been done to him.

If you sit there and watch Raw and listen to Punk, and you start stroking your peach-fuzz chin hair and cheezy moustaches, and think he is making ANY valid points, then I request that you pull out your Smark Card and erase the S. Punk is a heel. He is a liar and a manipulator. He "made" Mysterio's daugher cry on her birthday. He "injured" Evan Bourne on his debut on Raw for no reason other than to make a statement.

He won the Most Despicable Award. He uses people. He uses them the same way he says other people use drugs and alcohol. He is a user. He will use Nexus. CM Punk is no leader. He does not lead. Barrett is a leader.

Punk wanted nothing to do with the rookies during NXT and now all of a sudden he does? He did not create this stable. He mearly made a power play.

Cena will need Barrett and Barrett will need Cena. You know that old saying: the devil you know is better than the devil you don't? You don't know that quote? It's probably because you are 17. Well, to clear it up for you peabrains out there...that saying will apply to Nexus, Barrett, and Cena.

The Nexus story is not done. It never even went "stale" as many of the microwave generation think. They have a solidarity. They have a purpose that still hasn't been revealed.

Sooner than we all think, Punk will get what is coming to him.
Nexus itself hasn't gone stale, the direction in which Nexus is in has gone stale.

I still am confused. "Cena and Barrett need each other" Cena has unfinished business with Punk and I heard the rumors of Orton/Punk for Wrestlemania. Not to mention Wade may go to Smackdown and then if he faces Undertaker then Cena is in the way and

*Head explodes*
I'm with a7xfan. Nexus quickly got boring to me, but now that CM Punk has stepped up and took the reigns, i'm all of a sudden interested again. I see this as an opportunity to shoot Punk right back up to the top of the game. Barrett has always kind've been an annoyance to me. He's like the alley cat that keeps coming around because you put scrap food in your garbage. He's average on the mic at best, and hasn't done anything great to make me interested in the guy. I think this new boost in the angle will bring Nexus back up to where they should be, dominating.

This here. Look, I like Barrett, alot. But the current group of Nexus was getting stale, and needed a change. They wouldnt have survived on their own without a credible leader, because WWE quite frankly hasn't either done enough to invest time into the other members, or they dont have the capacity, plain and simple, to be relevant outside of it. While I disagree with you on his mic skills, which I think are fantastic, he's not there yet in the ring. But now was a good time for Barrett to go and the CURRENT Nexus angle to end, because it was growing old.

Enter CM Punk. While I wish they wouldnt have been so obvious at times while he was on commentary(having him call the Cena/Barrett match, his incredible bias against Cena), this was well done. As Punk pointed out, hes a three time former champ, but its been over a year that hes been champion or even had a one on one title shot! What better to help him regain his rightful placement on the card then to align him with the hottest group in wrestling? It doesn't matter that he was "attacked" before by Nexus, this is WWE we're talking about.

People generally tend to forgive and forget rather easily when it comes to forming a group or going after a greater enemy. Orton punting DiBiase in the skull then DiBiase joining Legacy or HHH hitting HBK with a car come to mind as far worse situations. They need Punk to remain relevant and fresh, and Punk needs them to deal with his Cena poroblem. Punk's never come close to defeating the much larger Cena, in fact, he tapped out to him in less then 2 minutes just a year ago. Id say Punk's a smart enough guy in the kayfabe world that he's able to drop whatever "problems" he has with Nexus in order to deal with the larger "immoral" issues he has with John Cena.
;)Allow me to interject into both of your posts, rather then just quote miming them in two posts. Hopefully, this will shed some light onto things.

It just would've been better if Nexus disbanded at Hell in a Cell. Free or Fired was shoved down our fucking throats that you had to change the channel to get away from all of it. Then Cena is fired. Who says Cena can't sell since he sold his promo so well and then he is on TV the next fucking week!

WWE would be idiotic to take their top draw off of TV for more then a week. Im going to ask rather then assume, but how long would you have taken him off to "sell" the angle? Because if Cena doesn't appear on TV to continue to mess with Nexus, the angle is dead in the water. Whose left for them to feud with? R-Truth?

John Cena is the Richard Nixon of the WWE: If Cena does it, that means it's not illegal.

Its been done before within WWE. Matt Hardy showed up on Raw to confront Edge in 2005 for stealing his girl after being fired. Edge waltzed into Cena's home in 2006 and slapped his dad. Orton pulled Cena's dad, a "fan", out of the crowd the night after Summerslam 2007 and kicked him in the skull. My how fast we are to forget that it's not only Cena that gets away with things.

Further, why would anyone on Raw bother or want to call the cops on Cena during his attacks on Barrett and Nexus? Nexus attacked and beat down everyone relevant, face and heel alike. The only people who would really want to possibly have Cena arrested would be Nexus. But when you give it some thought, that would be foolish in and of itself as in they showed up on Raw and destroyed everyone their first night despite only one of the 8 having a WWE contract. So this idea doesnt just apply to Cena, my friend.

So they drag this out for this long, shove Cena in Nexus, Free or Fired down our throats, he gets fired, not even gone for a week, buries Nexus, all while so many originals and new guys enter.

They rushed the angle, no doubt about it. It would have made much more sense to have Barrett refuse to rehire Cena for longer, and possibly them actually get the better of him and catch him once in one of his hit and run attacks. That way the demands on Barrett to re-hire Cena wouldnt have come so easily, nor would have the way they booked Barrett to look backed into a corner. I would have kept him on TV every week, but have his first few attempts after the original one that cost Barrett the title fail, so he would have to re-group.

This storyline had so much potential; but I don't think WWE themselves knew what to do with Nexus. They started off so promising too. If I knew at Hell in a Cell that this was going to happen to Nexus if Barrett won, I would've cheered for Cena.

Lets be honest dude, nexus wasn't buried. They only were the faction of the year, the storyline of the year, and produced the likely breakout star of the year in Wade Barrett. While thats my opinion, Im guessing it will hold up. Tack on the fact that they cost Cena his WWE championship, his return match, made him join Nexus and eventually had the FACE of the company fired, Id say thats a rousing success. Maybe they rushed it a little too fast and they could have forced Cena to take part in Nexus rituals such as beatdowns, but overall, the entire storyline as well as Cena joining Nexus was a major success. But good post man, I think it was you that said Barrett should head to Smackdown and not look for revenge on Nexus, and I agree. They did nothing to him, Punk did. They stayed out of the way the whole time on Raw this week. Barrett's a heel, and he should stay that way. On to the next one....

Originally posted by 3/4 Facelock
]Barrett WILL take the Nexus back. Punk will do more harm to the Nexus than Barrett ever did. Nexus will realize this after not too long.

No, Barrett won't return to Nexus. What exactly did Barrett do to help Nexus that didnt benefit him in the end? Nothing. It was all about him and his vendetta gaainst Cena, and his quest to win the WWE Championship. So they won the WWE Tag Team Championships, so freaking what. Barrett again used it to further his own agenda by having Otunga lie down so Gabriel and Slater could win them, humiliating Otunga in the process. Why exactly would they need a megalomaniac as a leader back?

As for Punk, of course he'll do harm to Nexus, eventually. But as was his case with the SES, he probably will treat them well at first. He did so with both Luke Gallows and Serena, and it wasn't until late in their run that he began chewing them out and belitting them. My guess is he'll both use and aid them as he'll attempt to win the WWE Title, but he'll assist a Nexus member at bringing a mid-card title such as the uS title into the fold as well. Punk's better on the mic, and better in the ring then Barrett is, even though Barrett's great. So it should be easier for him to manipulate them to doing his cause without them becoming aware then it was for Barrett, because Punk is exactly that. A master manipulator.

Cena has NEVER been brutal without cause. Everytime he destroyed someone it was after much more harm had been done to him.

This is true. Batista beat him down time and time again before their three championship matches. Orton punted his dad in the head. Edge invaded his home and slapped his dad. JBL had him arrested. He used excessive brutality on each because it was needed to drive the point home not to screw with him. You're right here.

If you sit there and watch Raw and listen to Punk, and you start stroking your peach-fuzz chin hair and cheezy moustaches, and think he is making ANY valid points, then I request that you pull out your Smark Card and erase the S. Punk is a heel. He is a liar and a manipulator. He "made" Mysterio's daugher cry on her birthday. He "injured" Evan Bourne on his debut on Raw for no reason other than to make a statement.

But its what makes him such a great heel, and perfect for the role! He forgave Nexus for what they did to him, so why can't john Cena turn the other cheek too?

That's the points that Punk would make. He wouldnt mention his own heinous actions, just find the flaws in Cena's. He'ld say his response was equal to that of the person who wronged him. He would argue that Cena's brutality was over the top of what had been done to him. And in a way, it was, as his attacks were done after matches were over. The best heels find ways to find truth in their logic, and twist it in a way that still makes you hate them. Punk is as good as it gets at that right now.

He won the Most Despicable Award. He uses people. He uses them the same way he says other people use drugs and alcohol. He is a user. He will use Nexus. CM Punk is no leader. He does not lead. Barrett is a leader.

Punk lead the SES very well for a long time. If you didnt watch Smackdown, there was no hesitation by his followers for 6 months to do his every command. They shaved their freaking heads for him, and never questioned him as to why he didnt shave his! When Rey Rey questioned this, Serena was the one who first noted that Punks hair was a sign of his purity, not Punk. It was juswt Punk who ran with it after that. Id say if you have someone that deeply devoted to you as he had Gallows and Serena for about 9 months, you're doing a pretty darn good job as a leader.

Punk wanted nothing to do with the rookies during NXT and now all of a sudden he does? He did not create this stable. He mearly made a power play.

Barrett didn't create the stable either. Maybe you missed the first promo on Raw they gave, but they specifically said that the stable was collectively created between the 8 of them to band together and do whatever it took to ALL get contracts regardless of who won NXT. Barrett just so happened to have the ticket in by winning NXT and the contract that came with it, thus he assumed the role of leader. Thats what Punk is doing now, right? Being the guy with the most clout and influence, he's assuming leadership. Ita doesn't make his 'kayfabe' actions any less reprehensible to the outside world looking in, but did it make Barrett's as he watched stablemate David Otunga get bashed with a chair over and over by Cena? Where was Barrett when Cena cost Slater and Gabriel the tag team championships? Both are great leaders of heel stables in that they are inherently flawed in they may get the other members over at first, but their ego and agendas eventually override the wellbeing of the group. If you want another past example, look at Evolution.

Cena will need Barrett and Barrett will need Cena. You know that old saying: the devil you know is better than the devil you don't? Well, to clear it up for you peabrains out there...that saying will apply to Nexus, Barrett, and Cena.

I actually used thote quote earlier in this thread. It could plausibly work here because people have done far more heinous things in WWE history such as HHH hitting HBK with a car, and they went on to later re-form DX. But Cena didnt need allies before when he took out Nexus before, so why would he suddenly need them now? If he did, theres an entire Raw locker room that Im sure would be MORE then glad to help Cena out as Barrett would be the last person he turned to. Remember his exchange with Otunga two weeks ago? I imagine his desire for peace with Barrett would be far less then it was with Otunga.

As for Barrett, what he needs is to stay away from Nexus. He wasn't wronged by them, he was wronger by CM Punk. But this is a battle he can't win, as CM Punk is ultimately the better superstar then Wade is right now. What Wade needs is to remain heel as thats his strong suit, and move to Smackdown where fresh feuds await, as well as an opportunity for him to branch out on his own.

The Nexus story is not done. It never even went "stale" as many of the microwave generation think. They have a solidarity. They have a purpose that still hasn't been revealed.Sooner than we all think, Punk will get what is coming to him.

No, its not done, you're quite correct. Its just shifted its focus from Barrett to Punk as the leader, and get used to it. They're not going to bury Punk so early into the feud with Cena, and I could easily see a scenario where Punk comes out WWE Champion before its all said and done. I dont think Punk listing himself as a three time former World Champion at the top of his credentials was a coincidence, as he'll likely be gunning for more.

But without backup in the form of Nexus, Punk would once again get buried by Cena as he has in the past matches they've had. Punk could win the title and possibly even this feud by the time things are said and done, although I doubt the latter. So sure, Punk will get his, but it won't be at the hands of Nexus, which would mean nothing, because they're heels. It will take a face, (which Wade Barrett is not and likely will not become anytime soon) to make sure he gets his. And that will likely be either John Cena or Randy Orton. Rant over.
I agree that the Nexus could have been something much great and probably the biggest thing that the WWE has come up with in a long time. Instead what happened was they screw it up. Apart from beating the hell out of everybody in sight, what sort of impact has the Nexus made? Did they win all the belts? Nope, only the tag titles and that didn't last. Did Barrett win the world title? No. He didn't. Now while I'm okay with Punk joining the Nexus, I feel that a superstar joining the group is too little too late. Nexus should have won at Summerslam. They should have taken the United States, Tag, and WWE Championship. The Nexus was a good idea gone wrong. And unfortunately, too much damage has been done.
I've got something thing to say to the maker of this thread. WWE also created nexus so STFU. Your acting like it was your creation and they took it and changed it. NO. WWE made nexus and they took em a certain path, you just didn't happen to like it. Only 2 things you can do about it, nothing and like it.
I have grownn tired of NEXUS and their storyline. Week after week they come out, beat up the WWE roster and then boast about it. The WWE lockerroom should haved banded together a long time ago to put a stop to the NEXUS and not just for one week. This stopped being just NEXUS vs Cena a longtime ago with almost everyone being jumped at some point the lockerroom should be saying enough!!!

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