Allow me to interject into both of your posts, rather then just quote miming them in two posts. Hopefully, this will shed some light onto things.
It just would've been better if Nexus disbanded at Hell in a Cell. Free or Fired was shoved down our fucking throats that you had to change the channel to get away from all of it. Then Cena is fired. Who says Cena can't sell since he sold his promo so well and then he is on TV the next fucking week!
WWE would be idiotic to take their top draw off of TV for more then a week. Im going to ask rather then assume, but how long would you have taken him off to "sell" the angle? Because if Cena doesn't appear on TV to continue to mess with Nexus, the angle is dead in the water. Whose left for them to feud with? R-Truth?
John Cena is the Richard Nixon of the WWE: If Cena does it, that means it's not illegal.
Its been done before within WWE. Matt Hardy showed up on Raw to confront Edge in 2005 for stealing his girl after being fired. Edge waltzed into Cena's home in 2006 and slapped his dad. Orton pulled Cena's dad, a "fan", out of the crowd the night after Summerslam 2007 and kicked him in the skull. My how fast we are to forget that it's not only Cena that gets away with things.
Further, why would anyone on Raw bother or want to call the cops on Cena during his attacks on Barrett and Nexus? Nexus attacked and beat down everyone relevant, face and heel alike. The only people who would really want to possibly have Cena arrested would be Nexus. But when you give it some thought, that would be foolish in and of itself as in they showed up on Raw and destroyed everyone their first night despite only one of the 8 having a WWE contract. So this idea doesnt just apply to Cena, my friend.
So they drag this out for this long, shove Cena in Nexus, Free or Fired down our throats, he gets fired, not even gone for a week, buries Nexus, all while so many originals and new guys enter.
They rushed the angle, no doubt about it. It would have made much more sense to have Barrett refuse to rehire Cena for longer, and possibly them actually get the better of him and catch him once in one of his hit and run attacks. That way the demands on Barrett to re-hire Cena wouldnt have come so easily, nor would have the way they booked Barrett to look backed into a corner. I would have kept him on TV every week, but have his first few attempts after the original one that cost Barrett the title fail, so he would have to re-group.
This storyline had so much potential; but I don't think WWE themselves knew what to do with Nexus. They started off so promising too. If I knew at Hell in a Cell that this was going to happen to Nexus if Barrett won, I would've cheered for Cena.
Lets be honest dude, nexus wasn't buried. They only were the faction of the year, the storyline of the year, and produced the likely breakout star of the year in Wade Barrett. While thats my opinion, Im guessing it will hold up. Tack on the fact that they cost Cena his WWE championship, his return match, made him join Nexus and eventually had the FACE of the company fired, Id say thats a rousing success. Maybe they rushed it a little too fast and they could have forced Cena to take part in Nexus rituals such as beatdowns, but overall, the entire storyline as well as Cena joining Nexus was a major success. But good post man, I think it was you that said Barrett should head to Smackdown and not look for revenge on Nexus, and I agree. They did nothing to him, Punk did. They stayed out of the way the whole time on Raw this week. Barrett's a heel, and he should stay that way. On to the next one....
Originally posted by 3/4 Facelock
]Barrett WILL take the Nexus back. Punk will do more harm to the Nexus than Barrett ever did. Nexus will realize this after not too long.
No, Barrett won't return to Nexus. What exactly did Barrett do to help Nexus that didnt benefit him in the end? Nothing. It was all about him and his vendetta gaainst Cena, and his quest to win the WWE Championship. So they won the WWE Tag Team Championships, so freaking what. Barrett again used it to further his own agenda by having Otunga lie down so Gabriel and Slater could win them, humiliating Otunga in the process. Why exactly would they need a megalomaniac as a leader back?
As for Punk, of course he'll do harm to Nexus, eventually. But as was his case with the SES, he probably will treat them well at first. He did so with both Luke Gallows and Serena, and it wasn't until late in their run that he began chewing them out and belitting them. My guess is he'll both use and aid them as he'll attempt to win the WWE Title, but he'll assist a Nexus member at bringing a mid-card title such as the uS title into the fold as well. Punk's better on the mic, and better in the ring then Barrett is, even though Barrett's great. So it should be easier for him to manipulate them to doing his cause without them becoming aware then it was for Barrett, because Punk is exactly that. A master manipulator.
Cena has NEVER been brutal without cause. Everytime he destroyed someone it was after much more harm had been done to him.
This is true. Batista beat him down time and time again before their three championship matches. Orton punted his dad in the head. Edge invaded his home and slapped his dad. JBL had him arrested. He used excessive brutality on each because it was needed to drive the point home not to screw with him. You're right here.
If you sit there and watch Raw and listen to Punk, and you start stroking your peach-fuzz chin hair and cheezy moustaches, and think he is making ANY valid points, then I request that you pull out your Smark Card and erase the S. Punk is a heel. He is a liar and a manipulator. He "made" Mysterio's daugher cry on her birthday. He "injured" Evan Bourne on his debut on Raw for no reason other than to make a statement.
But its what makes him such a great heel, and perfect for the role! He forgave Nexus for what they did to him, so why can't john Cena turn the other cheek too?
That's the points that Punk would make. He wouldnt mention his own heinous actions, just find the flaws in Cena's. He'ld say his response was equal to that of the person who wronged him. He would argue that Cena's brutality was over the top of what had been done to him. And in a way, it was, as his attacks were done after matches were over. The best heels find ways to find truth in their logic, and twist it in a way that still makes you hate them. Punk is as good as it gets at that right now.
He won the Most Despicable Award. He uses people. He uses them the same way he says other people use drugs and alcohol. He is a user. He will use Nexus. CM Punk is no leader. He does not lead. Barrett is a leader.
Punk lead the SES very well for a long time. If you didnt watch Smackdown, there was no hesitation by his followers for 6 months to do his every command. They shaved their freaking heads for him, and never questioned him as to why he didnt shave his! When Rey Rey questioned this, Serena was the one who first noted that Punks hair was a sign of his purity, not Punk. It was juswt Punk who ran with it after that. Id say if you have someone that deeply devoted to you as he had Gallows and Serena for about 9 months, you're doing a pretty darn good job as a leader.
Punk wanted nothing to do with the rookies during NXT and now all of a sudden he does? He did not create this stable. He mearly made a power play.
Barrett didn't create the stable either. Maybe you missed the first promo on Raw they gave, but they specifically said that the stable was collectively created between the 8 of them to band together and do whatever it took to ALL get contracts regardless of who won NXT. Barrett just so happened to have the ticket in by winning NXT and the contract that came with it, thus he assumed the role of leader. Thats what Punk is doing now, right? Being the guy with the most clout and influence, he's assuming leadership. Ita doesn't make his 'kayfabe' actions any less reprehensible to the outside world looking in, but did it make Barrett's as he watched stablemate David Otunga get bashed with a chair over and over by Cena? Where was Barrett when Cena cost Slater and Gabriel the tag team championships? Both are great leaders of heel stables in that they are inherently flawed in they may get the other members over at first, but their ego and agendas eventually override the wellbeing of the group. If you want another past example, look at Evolution.
Cena will need Barrett and Barrett will need Cena. You know that old saying: the devil you know is better than the devil you don't? Well, to clear it up for you peabrains out there...that saying will apply to Nexus, Barrett, and Cena.
I actually used thote quote earlier in this thread. It could plausibly work here because people have done far more heinous things in WWE history such as HHH hitting HBK with a car, and they went on to later re-form DX. But Cena didnt need allies before when he took out Nexus before, so why would he suddenly need them now? If he did, theres an entire Raw locker room that Im sure would be MORE then glad to help Cena out as Barrett would be the last person he turned to. Remember his exchange with Otunga two weeks ago? I imagine his desire for peace with Barrett would be far less then it was with Otunga.
As for Barrett, what he needs is to stay away from Nexus. He wasn't wronged by them, he was wronger by CM Punk. But this is a battle he can't win, as CM Punk is ultimately the better superstar then Wade is right now. What Wade needs is to remain heel as thats his strong suit, and move to Smackdown where fresh feuds await, as well as an opportunity for him to branch out on his own.
The Nexus story is not done. It never even went "stale" as many of the microwave generation think. They have a solidarity. They have a purpose that still hasn't been revealed.Sooner than we all think, Punk will get what is coming to him.
No, its not done, you're quite correct. Its just shifted its focus from Barrett to Punk as the leader, and get used to it. They're not going to bury Punk so early into the feud with Cena, and I could easily see a scenario where Punk comes out WWE Champion before its all said and done. I dont think Punk listing himself as a three time former World Champion at the top of his credentials was a coincidence, as he'll likely be gunning for more.
But without backup in the form of Nexus, Punk would once again get buried by Cena as he has in the past matches they've had. Punk could win the title and possibly even this feud by the time things are said and done, although I doubt the latter. So sure, Punk will get his, but it won't be at the hands of Nexus, which would mean nothing, because they're heels. It will take a face, (which Wade Barrett is not and likely will not become anytime soon) to make sure he gets his. And that will likely be either John Cena or Randy Orton. Rant over.