WWE Dropping Storylines (Anonymous GM/New Nexus/etc.)

This bothers me on several levels.

1. If TNA had done it, everyone would be going insane. Stop dropping angles! Follow through! If you're going to be critical, at least be consistent.

2. With that being said, I hate when TNA drops angles, so this bothers me. Why? The Anonymous GM should have been revealed, even if it had taken no more than 20 seconds. Something would have been better than nothing. I understand why the New Nexus ended without explanation (Punk jumped a level, Nexus didn't deserve an explanation). But the GM? Doesn't sit well with me.

I hate dropped storylines, no matter who does it. Lazy bullshit.
Personally I think they are dropping story lines for one simple reason, they never thought of an ending for these story lines in the first place. They have no idea where they want to go with them so instead of wrapping it up with some lame conclusion they decided to just drop it and move on.

I don't like it at all, it seems like they have a great idea for a story line these days, rush it and book themselves into a corner without thinking it all the way through. Its been one of my biggest problems with all wrestling companies not just the WWE (TNA does it too).

Take the Nexus storyline for example it almost seems like the meeting went like this:

Writer #1: Hey I thought of this excellent idea for a story line.

Writer #2: Awesome what is it?

Vince: Yeah lets hear it! Impress Me!

Writer #1: We have all the NXT rookies interrupt Punk vs. Cena on RAW next week, they destroy Punk, destroy the ring, even attack the announcers. Just have them go all gang warfare on the WWE. Finish off the night by the rookies beating the hell out of Cena and the last thing you see is Cena laying in the middle of a destroyed ring with all the announcers unconscious on the outside. From there we can start a stable of rookies who feud with the main event talent.

Writer #2: That's a pretty good idea, I'm all for it.

Vince: Excellent! Good work! Lets do that!

(Fast forward a week)

Vince: That was great work Writer #1, what are we doing this week?

Writer #1: I don't know.

Writer #2: Don't look at me, I didn't come up with the idea.

I think that's the issue, they make decisions and story lines without thinking the whole process through. Back in the day all stories and pushes were done with an end result in mind (like pushing Austin for a year and a half with the payoff of him winning the title at WM14, or having Austin end McMahon's screen character in a big match once the story line starts to fizzle).

Anyways that's how it comes of to me. It seems like they get a good idea but never completely think it through and how to fully capitalize on the idea to give a big payoff. Personally, I think the Anonymous GM will eventually pay off and will have something to do with HHH being COO.

To sum this up the best way I can. The writers seem to be thinking short term instead of long term with a big payoff.
This bothers me on several levels.

1. If TNA had done it, everyone would be going insane. Stop dropping angles! Follow through! If you're going to be critical, at least be consistent.

2. With that being said, I hate when TNA drops angles, so this bothers me. Why? The Anonymous GM should have been revealed, even if it had taken no more than 20 seconds. Something would have been better than nothing. I understand why the New Nexus ended without explanation (Punk jumped a level, Nexus didn't deserve an explanation). But the GM? Doesn't sit well with me.

I hate dropped storylines, no matter who does it. Lazy bullshit.

I would agree with this. The anonymous GM could have been dealt with in about 30 seconds, and that's factoring in the fact that they probably never had any plan for the identity of the anonymous mystery GM.

Triple H would come out, say that he's in control of the show now, and that the mystery GM was the work of his predecessors. He doesn't know the identity of the mystery GM, but whoever it is, he's fired. End of story.

That of course is assuming that this storyline has actually been dropped. Isn't the podium still there on RAW, even though the GM has not been heard from for weeks? Personally, I think the mystery GM storyline is over and it has in fact been dropped, but I wouldn't be shocked if I were wrong and a mystery GM appearance occurs later, working on someone else's behalf.
I don't really know why they keep setting up the Raw GM podium and it has not been used since Vince started to reappear...neither Vince or HHH said something about the laptop...I think it's too late to bring it back, it would be stupid!

But yes, WWE thinks we're stupid not noticing this dropped ignored angles for no reason. They think we can be brainwashed easily like little kids :disappointed:
This bothers me on several levels.

1. If TNA had done it, everyone would be going insane. Stop dropping angles! Follow through! If you're going to be critical, at least be consistent.

Amen and AMEN.

We hear constantly about all of the storylines that get "dropped" in TNA, yet WWE does this kind of shit constantly and everyone just looks the other way.

Here's another one that kills me...

Remember when Barrett was leading the original incarnation of Nexxus, he had a "higher power", someone over him who was the pulling the strings- What the hell ever happened to that? Whose dirty work was Nexxus doing??

The WWE royally fucked-up that Nexxus angle all together.

As for "who's the anonymous GM?"... Until we no longer see a GM-podium I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that that angle gets some sort of an ending(I just hope that ending is anyone but John Laurinaitis, thats the easy way out).
The WWE totally messed up the Nexus angle..they should have never got rid of Barrett thats when the Nexus was on top. Then starting the "New Nexus" how awful is that then having punk be the new leader just killed the nexus. Now with the whole Anonymous GM..I think there going to keep it a secret for a long time...bring it back here and there. Just my opinion.
Who didn't see them dropping Nexus coming? It was good with all f the former NXT members but when McGullicutty and Harris came in it went Downhill. Big time.

The thing with Cena being forced to join Nexus was pretty good. It was unexpected it was crazy it was a little sad. Nah, not really. But bringing the two rookies from Season 2 was stupid. They made Wade Barrett look like a big liar and they made these two look desperate. That was step one. Step two was getting rid of Wade Barrett himself. The whole concept of inistation for the New Nexus was crazy. Who in their right mind does that to get into a group?? That's where step three comes in; getting rid of two of the top season one rookies, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater. After that it just got stupid and Nexus wasn't scary anymore. It as pathetic and no one cared. Otunga and McGillicutty win the tag team titles. No one cares!

To be honest they did the right thing. Made the storyline go out very quietly...

Oh btw, my character in my WWE blogs was the first one to get forced into Nexus. Not that anyone cares but I'm starting to think the writers fr WWE are reading my series... -.-
I was thinking the SAME THING!!! Not only did the New Nexus thing totally drop after MITB, but so did Morrison vs R-Truth! And that was RAW's 2nd biggest feud at the time! People loved that feud, and Morrison said he wouldn't stop until he got payback on Truth. But their last match was as usual, a great match, however, JoMo won with a running knee into a seated R-Truth. Which I guess could be seen as an "end to the chapter". But Truth INJURED Morrison, so why would JoMo be satisfied with just a win? The guy injured you twice! And all you want is a simple win? I've got to say, this feud was a big let down. I get sick of these dropped feuds.
The Nexus angle was such a let down. The start of that story with the invasion of Nexus was one of the most legit shocking moments in the history of the WWE, WCW, TNA, etc. It was one of the most shocking moments in the history of wrestling (yes I said wrestling, not that entertainment BS) period. I do not think that anyone can honestly say that they saw the invasion angle happening. It had the potential to be huge. I was hooked from the start. It could have been one of the coolest, most entertaining storylines ever if done right. And just as quickly as it built up momentum it lost steam. A legit takeover story would have been awesome instead of having them do the same thing each week. It became that they just attacked people each week and that was it. Cena getting involved could have even been done in a better way. Overall, one of the biggest missed opportunities in many years with that story. Amazing start - boring ending.
the titles pretty self explanatory

i hated the anonymous raw gm angle as much as the next guy but its a loose end i would have liked the wwe to tie up.

i wouldnt have minded if it were disappointed and in a way im glad we dont have to hear that annoying bell and then michael cole getting up and reading the email.

your thoughts ??
i dont know where he is and i dont care too much were eh went. triple has done a much better job of managing raw than that annoying laptop. the angle lost so much intruige that i doubt we will ever find out where the raw Gm (anonomyus) went of who the guy or woman ever was.

its a sad sad truth.
The person they had in mind fell through, or didn't fit after a couple of months, so they're trying to pull a McMahon's millions with the story, and push it aside then eventually kill it.

Although, they definitely have ways to pull it off with a swerve in the near future, if the Laptop hadn't been out the last couple RAWs I would of said it's a dead angle, but seeing it still out there keeps me thinking we'll see an e-mail challenging Trips or Laurenitis.
Do they even have the Raw GM laptop set up next to the announce table? I haven't really noticed it recently. This is another one of those things they just drop and hope people forget about. Kinda like the whole "Who was behind Nexus attacking Undertaker thing".
In the course of things, the Anonymous GM program is really unimportant, but it still seems like poor form to simply abandon it. After all, WWE made a big thing of the gimmick, involving Michael Cole and making it a regular part of RAW.

I remember when Bobby Heenan was quitting WWE to join WCW. On his last RAW broadcast, Gorilla Monsoon showed up and physically threw Heenan out of the building. It was short, swift and to-the-point. They could have done the same with the anonymous RAW GM; Triple H could have named him, confronted him.....and tossed his ass out.

Abandoning a "Who did it?" program is poor writing. It's the same as if we never learned the identity of who sent Nash the message. Yes, the world would go on, but there would be a sense of incompleteness that made you wonder why they started the thing in the first place.
WWE slaughters hot angles with constant string it along with no pay off. I think creative had HHH in mind as the mastermind behind both but realized WrestleMania 27 would fail without one mega match (HHH/Undertaker) so they disbanded Nexus give Punk half and Barrett half and the GM they realized the concept was dead and just slowly weeded it off tv.

Either way I much prefer HHH being in charge than some laptop.
The Anonymous RAW GM was created as a way to make Nexus seem like a viable threat to the company (they had taken out Bret Hart and Vince McMahon, so, out the fear of the Nexus, the new GM wished to remain anonymous) than after that angle had started to die down they used it a a vehicle to get Michael Cole's heel Character off the ground and over. Since the Nexus is no more, and Cole has gone back to being just a tweener announcer with heelish moments, PLUS there is now a full time, on site, authority figure who could trump any decision that the RAW GM could make regardless of who they are... I think it just doesn't matter.

Whoever they would have announced as being the RAW GM would have been seen as a weak coward who was too afraid to man up and do his job in person, so it could have never been revealed as any big current or former star that was rumored/teased (such as Steve Austin or Triple H) and it eventually got to the point that WHOEVER they announced as the Anonymous GM was going to be a let down anyways.

I do think they should have at least had Triple H, when he first took over as COO, make a comment along the lines of how he is a boss who may not always make the popular decisions, but at least he'll do it face-to-face, and then fire/unplug the GM laptop. At least give the storyline some definite closure.
Regardless of how redundant and annoying the storyline had become, if the GM were to be advertised to be revealed on a future show, it would draw ratings. Many people need closure on the issue and it was a storyline that lingered for over a year. Viewers are more than familiar with it. And anytime you have some type of "who done it" angle, there's always success in numbers when it comes to the reveal episode.

WWE needs to give us closure and get this over with instead of sweeping it under the rug, TNA-style.
When you look back at angles that fell flat in the past, there was always at least some kind of explanation. Even with the McMahon Limo explosion storyline, we knew why they pulled the plug, but they at least confronted the situation in the storyline.
This one seems to scream of a total change in direction. The emergence of CM Punk and the change in writers has clearly left the GM angle dead in the water. For me it has been a complete waste and could easily have pushed the buyrate of previous PPVs up if we knew the GM would be unveiled.
Regardless, Raw has been fantastic as of late and I am happy to see the back of this angle. But if they aren;t going to mention it, then they need to leave it as a dead angle and not try to revifve it later. Any interest will have been lost, especially amongst the new found relevence of an all new regime.
Personally, when an email tone became the biggest heel on the show, you know you are in trouble. Thank God it's gone!
I don't think they ever really had a plan for the reveal, or maybe they had a couple of different plans and nothing really worked out.

If the Raw GM is mentioned again, I expect it will be in an exchange between Triple H and a wise-ass wrestler.

Wiseass brings up the Raw GM
Triple H : "I don't know who the anonymous GM is, and I don't care either because he's fired. Happy?"
As far as I'm concerned as long as the podium remains set up (which is has been) then the storyline remains... I can see the pay off being after Night Of Champions.

The storyline has taken a backseat for now (thank God) but I don't think it's been dropped yet.
With the whole RAW GM thing pretty much all but forgotten about by Vince & the creative team, i was curious......who should it have been?

Personally I would have loved to see SCSA as GM. But not for the fanboy in me. To set up a WM match between him & Punk. Let SCSA be SCSA. he would have screwed with everyone. Face, Heel it wouldn't have mattered. Let him screw with Punk for a while. Let Punk treat SCSA like SCSA treated Vince in the Attitude era. Build the aggression, then have your top three matches at WM be, SCSA VS Punk, Takers Streak & lastly Rock VS Cena. The buy rates would be amazing...

So whom would you guys have liked to see...& why?
I don't mind the dropping of the New Nexus, they were really just phased out when they went different directions. But I do still think that it would be good for the WWE atleast reveal who the GM was after all of what we had to endure during the time the Anonymous GM was in control. It was one of the most annoying things that we the fans have had to put up with and when it was dropped without the payoff of atleast knowing who tortured us all that time kinda blows. People still care about who it was because of how annoying it was when it was around, and they want the closure of knowing who it was. I had to see my boy Randy Orton get eliminated at Elimination Chamber live because the Anonymous GM reversed his pin on CM Punk, it's something people want to know and it could get alot of viewers if advertised properly.
Speaking of dropped storylines, I was just doing a bit of Wikipedia research today and stumbled upon Goldust's page. Does anybody else remember when Booker T started receiving messages from a mysterious person saying "I remember"? It was supposed to be Goldust, setting up a rivalry to play off their past history...but it fell through and Goldy left the WWE shortly after. Just another one of the interesting things that never actually happened as far as management is concerned...

It is frustrating, yes. Sometimes it's the Superstars fault for holding out on contract agreements, getting suspended, or in rare cases getting fired. Sometimes it's nobody's fault and people get injured. Other times WWE just drops the ball and pretends an angle they spent a few weeks (or a full year in one case) building up just never actually happened. The most extreme case is the Anon Raw General Manager... The more obscure ones are more like I mentioned above - the ones people generally forget about until they stumble upon a Wikipedia page a few years later.
Like C.S.R.'s resident pundits, I am truly annoyed at the lack of consistency with regards to RAW and SMACKDOWN storylines. NEXUS was an idea that could've run far, but ran aground instead. RAW GM? Nash vs HHH? etc.

What a waste of what is actually a roster teeming with potential!

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