CM Punk - The New Leader of Nexus

I can't say I'm surprised, but it's a good move to me. Nexus will be Punk's SES 2.0. Just hope every1 won't go bald. =P Anyway, I'm curious how this will all play out. Cena and Punk will feud probably up to the Rumble. There will be the "pack of dogs" attacks again. I'm just hoping it won't be another "I've formed team to take every single member of Nexus down" again. For that matter, I hope Cena doesn't join Nexus again.
A most interesting twist to be sure. So CM Punk has gone from colour commentator to leader of the Nexus in the past week. How this ties in with Punk's crusade against Cena's brutality, I'm not sure. It seems that Punk has taken control of the Nexus in order to get them re-organised and focused, an idea which intrigues me, after all Punk was part of the original Nexus angle. Punk will have firsthand experience of Nexus' wrath and perhaps he wants to get them back to that point. I'm not really sure. Punk is the leader that Nexus needs, Nexus isn't the group that Punk needs. Punk is a hated heel once more and he will make a good foe for Cena, I'm just not 100% sold on the addition of Nexus. It makes for some interesting TV though, that's for sure.
Ahhh, WWE always protecting thier investment thier invesment that is John Cena. They can't have 1 man on Cena because obviously he is such a god in the ring you need 6 guys to take him down. I really think this is a bad idea, it kind of makes Punk look weak, but I think it did the same for Wade Barrett. However I am still kind of excited to see where this goes >.>
I guess I’m in the minority that think that Cmpunk joining nexus is a mistake and really does not make sense.

Have we forgotten that Nexus at one point attacked Cm punk?

Now even though Cmpunk may be have been at the wrong time and wrong place, wouldn’t Cm punk want a little revenge on that even if it was just one attack?

Who would be ok with someone attacking them?

Also CmPunk went on about how Cena is a bully, yet he joins a group that has been bullying the wwe for months and he’s ok with that.

I don’t know, I think that Cm punk need’s to address the attack in order for this to make sense. If he does not, I’m willing to believe that Cm Punk could be playing both Nexus and Cena, since he is going on about how he hates Bullies.
I guess I’m in the minority that think that Cmpunk joining nexus is a mistake and really does not make sense.

Have we forgotten that Nexus at one point attacked Cm punk?

Now even though Cmpunk may be have been at the wrong time and wrong place, wouldn’t Cm punk want a little revenge on that even if it was just one attack?

Who would be ok with someone attacking them?

Also CmPunk went on about how Cena is a bully, yet he joins a group that has been bullying the wwe for months and he’s ok with that.

I don’t know, I think that Cm punk need’s to address the attack in order for this to make sense. If he does not, I’m willing to believe that Cm Punk could be playing both Nexus and Cena, since he is going on about how he hates Bullies.

Actually if I recall and I could be wrong but the members that actually attacked Punk himself as no longer members, those being Darren Young and Daniel Bryan.

Nexus still went along with it, which is just as worse. It's not like the other members of nexus tried to stop it, they were too busy attacking the other wrestlers and being bullies.. lol

Also Punk has more reasons to hate Nexus then he does to hate Cena that is where this storyline is going wrong.
I haven't seen the clip of the initial NEXUS invasion, but I don't remember Punk getting "destroyed". He was taken out, no doubt, but it was pretty quick and then they proceeded to destroy Cena.

That being said, I like this move. The NEXUS needs a strong leader and Punk fits the bill. Punk needs willing followers and NEXUS is certainly that, if nothing else.
this is interesting. i had no idea punk was gonna join nexus last night. anyway to answer your question it could be a triple threat match at wm between barret, punk, and cena with the winner being the leader of nexus. this story line could go anyway which is why its good. for the 1st time next week in a while i cant predict what the main event outcome will be.
Actually if you think about everything; WWE logically has done well with this feud and people will not give them the time of day to think about all the little detais of the start of this feud. Let's start from the beginning:

Punk was announced as Darren Young's mentor on NXT 1. Punk hates Darren Young and wants nothing to do with him. Darren Young gets elminated on NXT and Punk then starts to act even more distant than before. He stops caring about the competitons nor about who wins them. However if you noticed every week from NXT when someone's elminiated; they say they'll be back up until Wade Barrett wins NXT.

June 7th, 2010: WWE fans vote CM Punk as Cena's opponent (odd occurance in itself when REY MYSTERIO was an option). Punk v. Cena happens and Nexus comes out and takes out Punk (for a brief second minus Darren Young and Daniel Bryan). They then focus their attacks on Justin Roberts, The King, the numerous ring crew, and that tie (and Cena too).

Over the course of the next few weeks and months; Nexus tortures the WWE roster taking out Bret Hart, Chris Jericho (NXT pro), R-Truth (NXT pro), John Morrison (NXT pro), and others like Edge that didn't matter. A good portion of the people Nexus attacked for a while were NXT related or WWE ME'ers until they needed credibility and attacked jobbers. Nexus feuds with Cena and team WWE and loses when Nexus reject Daniel Bryan (who'd been kicked out for feeling REMORSE) returns.

Next week, after Nexus notices weak links; they kick out Darren Young (pay attention to this) and further the feud with Cena. They go on a war path for the WWE title and lose until they see Cena again. Cena then feuds with them at HIAC and becomes a member. During this time, Cena gets IM'd by the Raw GM stating if he doesn't follow through with his PROMISE, he'd be fired. Also during this time, Cena starts feuding with Evan Bourne (the man he gives a rub to earlier in the year BRIEFLY) and starts to try to tear Nexus apart from the inside (which new Raw GM still didn't want and thought ahead). During this time, the mysterious Raw GM announces a trade into getting Edge off his case and brings back CM Punk to Raw. Punk then attacks Evan and makes an example out of him.

Survivor Series rolls around and Cena finds a way out of Nexus. He takes the fired option and then goes into business for himself. Cena starts attacking the Nexus members (who are fighting amongst each other and might I add have a dirty secret of a higher power AND reasons for attacking Taker too which David wants to reveal, but Wade doesn't). Cena then gets his match and job back from Barrett and Barrett loses and gets destroyed.

Enter the last two weeks: Punk starts calling Cena out on commentary. He mentions that it's not impressive to take Wade Barrett out with chairs (caught that line anyone?). He mentions Cena doesn't follow through with his promises (caught that one anyone?). And that he wants to write the wrongs (anyone catch that line too last night?). WWE lined Punk up for this role way before we thought. I actually caught that Barrett line from Punk two weeks ago on Raw and I wondered when Punk would be called into the Nexus and boy was I right. Punk's been anti-Cena on commentary SINCE he started which got me wondering why.

Now that all the details have surfaced; I expect (hopefully) that this Punk and Nexus thing has more depth than just CM PUNK being a cult leader and took advantage of an opportunity of a leadership change (that sounds more like an Edge gimmick). While Edge is an opporunist; Punk's more like everyone's said; a manipulative mastermind. He sees an advantage, but he crafts things more effectively. See the Rey Mysterio feud a little bit for more details. He crafted each move, and while he lost, that could have been the start of his hatred for SES.

Let's go back to NXT 1. When Darren Young got out; maybe Punk started to make his rounds by then with the rookies. Maybe he told them all he could get them all jobs. Then let's say the rookies agreed, but brought Darren Young into the mix. Punk started to then show annimosity towards the SES and threatened to get rid of them. Funny thing, SES was attacked more than Punk. Punk secretly sent them a message, then finally delievers the killing blow to the group before he's moved to Raw...

While off Raw, Punk watched Nexus and fed them moves. Punk was more like the "higher power" that Vince was back during the attitude. How would Punk possibly feed the Nexus moves and humble them? Well he might have created an alias to become the mysterious Raw GM. That's going on a limb but any time Cena got involved, GM would humble him. Punk could have used the role to recruit members (like Daniel Bryan), humble mentors (Miz, Truth, Morrison, etc), and even just fuck around with WWE Raw. If not, then Punk befriends the Raw GM, and manipulates moves like keeping Cena at bay.

Now as Jericho and Punk left, they wanted to find out who this GM was. The GM (no matter how the storyline goes above) didn't want to have people find out who he was; so he transported Edge to SD, to trade for his friend (or himself) in order to make a move. During this time; Punk neither referrenced Nexus and they didn't go for him. They kept distant for a long time. This could have been done for allusion. But during the time, might I add to jump around, Punk views what happens to Darren Young, and cuts him too. Punk gets angry and tries to elminate him and successfully does (notice how he could have puppetted the matches through his partnership with Wade Barrett).

Now, when Punk comes to Raw, Nexus had attacked Undertaker. At this time; we could have had the background discention of Nexus. Punk, being the kind leader (notice how he can do that at times with SES), co-ereced the Nexus rookies to keep quiet and be nice, but then this is when the individual atttiudes come back into play. Wade wants to keep people quiet about the higher power, but David wants to reveal it. Hmmm, see kind of fishy? Well Wade's a bully and Punk's the guy the rookies might have liked because he could have trained them.

Now, this is where Wade's pride could have set in and cost him against Cena and put Nexus into a tight place. Punk may have wanted to humble Barrett and then forced the rookies to walk on him if he didn't take the chairs match. Wade does and Punk kicks Barrett out. Grant it, Punk might have just humbled Barrett.

I see this angle playing two ways: one, WWE acknowledges a lot of what I did and brings Wade back into the mix of Nexus the following week. Punk tells Nexus that Barrett's now a lackey and this is when things get interesting and building towards Barrett's slow and sudden face turn. Barrett gets tired of being treated like Punk's bitch. Cena, who's worked under the Punk/Barrett regime, talks to Wade and tries to get them to team up. Barrett tries to go it alone and gets Nexus beat down. Cena keeps helping, and Wade then finally teams up with Cena to take on Nexus at WM or guest refs Punk v. Cena.

Second Route: I see them throwing all the work of thought (which sadly, they could get away with it even if half of this shit was off the cuff), and have Punk 'take over.' This would lead to Nexus's eventual burial through Barrett (the guy who starts it) and Cena beating Punk (once again at WM) thus killing credibilty of Nexus.

Honestly, I'd like to see more thought placed into this angle. WWE left us with a wide open door to actually DO SOMETHING GOOD. Could they captialize?
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Barrett doesnt really need to respond does he? Barrett is the only member of Nexus that was ready to break out on his own. Yes, the rest of the Nexus have participated in beatdowns of Cena and the like, but this feud was really between Cena and Barrett. Barrett used the Nexus as pawns much of the time in order to remain one step ahead of Cena in their six month game of chess. This feud came down to Barrett and Cena, ans Barrett was unable to accomplish what he set out to do in the end. The best response Barrett could take would be an indirect one, or the "I told you so" method. By winning a championship on his own. While Barrett may not have been ready to be the WWE Champion, winning the US Title off of Daniel Bryan(as much as Id hate for him to lose it) would be the best way for him to show Nexus he doesn't need them, and remain a heel in the process.

A confrontation between Barrett and Nexus/CM Punk would only result in one thing: His old stable mates turning on him and delivering the same beatdown to Barrett as they have to so many others. And this would be entirely worthless because Barrett is extremely hard to buy as a face. Unless he were to come to John Cena's aid week after week, there's no effective way to turn him right now, as he lead six months worth of onslughts against Cena, Orton, and the rest of the faces within the company. So Barrett's best option would be to re-group, strike out on his own, and win a championship on his own, truly showing Nexus that he doesn't need them to be successful as much as we were lead to believe throughout this feud.
Barrett doesnt really need to respond does he? Barrett is the only member of Nexus that was ready to break out on his own. Yes, the rest of the Nexus have participated in beatdowns of Cena and the like, but this feud was really between Cena and Barrett. Barrett used the Nexus as pawns much of the time in order to remain one step ahead of Cena in their six month game of chess. This feud came down to Barrett and Cena, ans Barrett was unable to accomplish what he set out to do in the end. The best response Barrett could take would be an indirect one, or the "I told you so" method. By winning a championship on his own. While Barrett may not have been ready to be the WWE Champion, winning the US Title off of Daniel Bryan(as much as Id hate for him to lose it) would be the best way for him to show Nexus he doesn't need them, and remain a heel in the process.

A confrontation between Barrett and Nexus/CM Punk would only result in one thing: His old stable mates turning on him and delivering the same beatdown to Barrett as they have to so many others. And this would be entirely worthless because Barrett is extremely hard to buy as a face. Unless he were to come to John Cena's aid week after week, there's no effective way to turn him right now, as he lead six months worth of onslughts against Cena, Orton, and the rest of the faces within the company. So Barrett's best option would be to re-group, strike out on his own, and win a championship on his own, truly showing Nexus that he doesn't need them to be successful as much as we were lead to believe throughout this feud.
Well, I honestly don't see him lifting the US title from DB. I likely see him laying low for a few months, while wrestling jobbers on Raw and main eventing future episodes of Superstars. Also competing in the royal rumble, and elimination chamber PPV's. During these few months I see Kaval lifting the IC championship from Dolph Ziggler, and those two continuing a program untill The Draft comes and Barrett is recruited to smackdown, setting up a feud with NXT 1 vs NXT 2. Barrett then lifts the title from Kaval, where he can also be feuding with some good mid carders like mcintyre, rhodes, and kingston. Maybe from there he can be pushed to a top smackdown talent like taker (depending on when he'll be back) Safely leaving NEXSES to their devices on Raw, while making a name for himself on Smackdown.

As for NeXus, NexSeS, or however you choose to spell it, I think they will continue this feud with Cena possibly until WM, where they can have "You're Fired" match with punks stipulation that if Cena is done he's done for good, no loop holes. While the rest of the NexSeS serves as lumberjacks.

although there are still other ways they can take this story, I've already cited the first above.
2) Otunga becomes even more rebellious, and eventually breaks the faction apart

3) CM Punk tries to turn the rest of them "Straight Edge" and goes on another crusade against Raw superstars.

4)The entire faction is sent to smackdown somewhere down the line, where they pick up where they left off with Taker.

tell me what you guys think, this is my first post!
I marked hard for this. CM Punk is just gold on the mic so him as leader of Nexus could be awesome. No offense to Wade of course who is awesome in his own right but CM Punk really did make it his show last night with all those skits backstage in the lead up.
I really believe that the WWE noticed that the Nexus storyline is falling and getting worse every promo and event. The WWE noticed the amount of heat Punk gets. The WWE puts Punk on the Nexus to use the element of surprise and to make him look better and to have the Nexus be known as Punk's group which would make them more popular.
I think that Wade Barrett will come back and turn face, side with John Cena and apologize to those who he harmed. I also think that At Mania, there will be an all out match with Cena,Barrett, Truth, and more against the Nexus with Team Barrett/Cena winning.
Well, I honestly don't see him lifting the US title from DB. I likely see him laying low for a few months, while wrestling jobbers on Raw and main eventing future episodes of Superstars. Also competing in the royal rumble, and elimination chamber PPV's. During these few months I see Kaval lifting the IC championship from Dolph Ziggler, and those two continuing a program untill The Draft comes and Barrett is recruited to smackdown, setting up a feud with NXT 1 vs NXT 2. Barrett then lifts the title from Kaval, where he can also be feuding with some good mid carders like mcintyre, rhodes, and kingston. Maybe from there he can be pushed to a top smackdown talent like taker (depending on when he'll be back) Safely leaving NEXSES to their devices on Raw, while making a name for himself on Smackdown.

As for NeXus, NexSeS, or however you choose to spell it, I think they will continue this feud with Cena possibly until WM, where they can have "You're Fired" match with punks stipulation that if Cena is done he's done for good, no loop holes. While the rest of the NexSeS serves as lumberjacks.

although there are still other ways they can take this story, I've already cited the first above.
2) Otunga becomes even more rebellious, and eventually breaks the faction apart

3) CM Punk tries to turn the rest of them "Straight Edge" and goes on another crusade against Raw superstars.

4)The entire faction is sent to smackdown somewhere down the line, where they pick up where they left off with Taker.

tell me what you guys think, this is my first post!

1. Kaval was released from his contract a week or something ago.
2.Plausible but makes the storyline kind of null and void, meaning WWE will go for it
3.I think CM Punk dropped the Savior gimmick for more just the self riteous SOB one
4.Seems plausible, but where does CM punk fit in?
well, if you remember when undertaker came back and the were all talking about how his "powers" seemed drained, he had a match with CM punk, and then on the season premiere of smackdown, on syfy Punk faced the "renewed" undertaker and lost again. So maybe he convinced the nexus to attack undertaker back at HIAC when they helped bury him alive. Punk could've been orchestrating this thing for a while now.

also, I just thought of something wwe creative could do once barrett is out of the group to keep him a huge heel. MAKE THE GREAT KAHLI JOB TO WADE!!:rolleyes:
This most certainly was a bit of a shocker. I didn't expect CM Punk to be associated with The Nexus like this, especially in the way that WWE had slowly seemed to be fading The Nexus, as well as concentrating it around Wade Barrett as the primary person of The Nexus. It kinda looks like Wade Barrett is out of it, and CM Punk is back in.

I think this could spark a whole new life in the faction. Before you had a great talker, with a great look and a leader like feeling to it. Now you got one of the best talkers in the WWE or the business, and a guy that has experience leading a faction. I'm sure CM Punk can only bring good things to The Nexus.

Also, I'm guessing this will mean there's more life to the faction. I don't exactly know how they'll handle it, but I can only say that this makes for a very very interesting storyline eventually, I'm sure of it.
Not sure what to think of it yet.. But for the first time since Nexus has started, I am not excited for Raw.

Part of me just thinks this is to move Wade Barrett onto bigger things while trying to keep the other Nexus guys' relevant. Wade has had his own professionally done logo since October, none of the other Nexus members (sans Punk now) have one. Wade also has all the tools and goods you want (charisma, mic skills, acting skills, presence), none of the other Nexus members (sans Punk now) have them. Plus, Wade is a main eventer and Punk isn't. No point in trying to have those other guys cling onto Wade's coattail in main event scene when they clearly aren't ready/good enough for it.

I don't see Wade just disappearing or laying low. They spend the last 6-7 months building this as the top heel (in some time) of the company. While I personally think Wade would made a killer face because of all the tools he has, it would be a total waste of his mega heat right now.
if u think about it Punk coulda led them as the mastermind all along. Just think about it who was the 1st two gone from Nexus Darren Young (Punk's lame rookie from season 1 of NXT) and Daniel Bryan (Punk's old enemy from the past as in ROH) and after he got beat up by the group when they debuted did Cena acknowledge Punk was also beat up during it no and said he was the only one other than the announcers. Punk first attack was against Evan Bourne ( Cena's friend) and said it was nothin personal I think.
Kind of touched on this in another thread, but I'm going to go out on a limb too and say that Punk maybe doesn't need to be the new leader of Nexus, at least not on his own anyway.

Firstly, I still think that the way in which CM Punk 'joined' the Nexus on Raw was intended to suggest that it was a decision there and then, rather than a pre-meditated plan. This for me rules out any possibility that he was the 'bigger picture' from the beginning, and so in essence will just be considered by Nexus as another member. In terms of the storyline this in my opinion wouldnt give him any real power to change the group, as all of the previous new members have slipped right into the group behind Barrett and to some degree Otunga aswell.

Obviously Punk is a 'bigger' guy than Harris and McGillicutty, but I think to have him come in and just take over and start telling the rest of Nexus how to live their lives etc would kind of go against what the group was about in the first place and not make alot of sense.

I think a more believable option would be to have Punk say on Raw next week that had simply grown tired of watching Cena 'brutalise' Nexus or whatever he said in that first promo after he his Cena with a chair a few weeks ago on Raw, and that he agrees with what Nexus are doing and that's why he has joined.

This would leave space for Barrett to return as the leader of the group, maybe stating that after what Cena did to him at TLC he's been away and thought about what they're going to do next, and thanking Punk for 'choosing the right path' or whatever.

All of this said, I do think that with Cena's possible serious injury now it is now more feasible that Barrett wont still be the leader of Nexus whenever he returns to TV, which as I've said is what i really hoped was going to happen before. If this was the case it would in my opinion leave no option really but to elevate Punk to new leadership, simply because it would be unrealistic to me for Punk to take orders from any member other than Barrett.

As I say though, I think if there is a way to have Barrett AND Punk 'leading' Nexus, it would be a great move to make it happen because it would really refresh the whole angle and bring back the idea that Nexus are unstoppable again.

This would obviously leave a few things to explain, why did Nexus attack Punk, why would they take leadership from a guy who Cena destroyed at TLC being the main two, but IMO these could be worked around and take the Nexus storyline in a new direction which again IMO is needed now.

Anybody else agree or partly agree?
Kind of touched on this in another thread, but I'm going to go out on a limb too and say that Punk maybe doesn't need to be the new leader of Nexus, at least not on his own anyway.

Firstly, I still think that the way in which CM Punk 'joined' the Nexus on Raw was intended to suggest that it was a decision there and then, rather than a pre-meditated plan. This for me rules out any possibility that he was the 'bigger picture' from the beginning, and so in essence will just be considered by Nexus as another member. In terms of the storyline this in my opinion wouldnt give him any real power to change the group, as all of the previous new members have slipped right into the group behind Barrett and to some degree Otunga aswell.

Obviously Punk is a 'bigger' guy than Harris and McGillicutty, but I think to have him come in and just take over and start telling the rest of Nexus how to live their lives etc would kind of go against what the group was about in the first place and not make alot of sense.

I think a more believable option would be to have Punk say on Raw next week that had simply grown tired of watching Cena 'brutalise' Nexus or whatever he said in that first promo after he his Cena with a chair a few weeks ago on Raw, and that he agrees with what Nexus are doing and that's why he has joined.

This would leave space for Barrett to return as the leader of the group, maybe stating that after what Cena did to him at TLC he's been away and thought about what they're going to do next, and thanking Punk for 'choosing the right path' or whatever.

All of this said, I do think that with Cena's possible serious injury now it is now more feasible that Barrett wont still be the leader of Nexus whenever he returns to TV, which as I've said is what i really hoped was going to happen before. If this was the case it would in my opinion leave no option really but to elevate Punk to new leadership, simply because it would be unrealistic to me for Punk to take orders from any member other than Barrett.

As I say though, I think if there is a way to have Barrett AND Punk 'leading' Nexus, it would be a great move to make it happen because it would really refresh the whole angle and bring back the idea that Nexus are unstoppable again.

This would obviously leave a few things to explain, why did Nexus attack Punk, why would they take leadership from a guy who Cena destroyed at TLC being the main two, but IMO these could be worked around and take the Nexus storyline in a new direction which again IMO is needed now.

Anybody else agree or partly agree?
I agree/partly agree with some of your statement. Although I like the idea that punk was the higher power all along, in reality WWE Creative probably just pulled this out of their a** and decided to roll with it. Now that CM punk is in it however, I don't like the idea of just casting wade out to the fishes. the only thing I think can save him now would be a good title feud with edge right about now. Maybe they can do another impromptu swap like they did for edge and punk a few months ago??
I like the idea of having CM Punk apart of Nexus. I think a lenthy fued with John Cena would be awesome, hopefully they hold off on a 1 on 1 contest until Wrestle Mania.

Here is how it should play out:
Royal Rumble - Cena eliminates Punk, then Nexus jump Cena costing him the Rumble.
Elimination Chamber - Punk/Otunga/Cena/Orton/Jericho(if he returns)/Miz for WWE Title. Punk and Otunga eliminate Cena early. Before leaving Cena delivers AA's to both. Costing them the title.
WrestleMania - Punk vs. Cena, their would be hatred on both sides, it would have the feel of a grudge match. It would be awesome.
I think the idea of Punk being the higher power would be good too but I just can't see them doing it after the way he joined the other night. I agree that it was probably done by creative recently too, and that they've invested too much time Barrett to just cast him to the fishes as you put it. A trade to Smackdown would make sense because IMO he is more than able to be in a world title picture, but at the same time I dont see where this would leave the whole Nexus storyline, even more so if the Cena injury is as serious as is being speculated. I guess time will tell, but either way this has made me interested in Nexus again.
Right now, Wade's got to return under Punk. If he doesn't; it will kill any heat he had and it will kill all of the work he's done over the past few months. WWE has many options; one, turn Barrett face SLOWLY, which worked with Brock Lesnar. Wade could easily be the guest referee of Punk and Cena and could easily give Cena the win. This would allow Cena and Barrett to form and alliance and Wade to keep his deceptive ways gimmick like Orton has. However, the alternative route the WWE could go: turn Nexus face and have Wade become soooo deceptive he starts to split Nexus up and even bring back old members to cause rifts. This would allow Punk to go face again (should the WWE want him to) and cause a Wade v. Punk feud to occur. Regardless if Punk's the leader or a mentor; this story has to be executed well hence forth or it will hurt Punk's career more than anyone else invovled with the story.
He could be the one behind the Nexus attack of Taker a while back.

Punk v Taker?
Makes sense.

the other thing could be that there is a 'rival' Nexus with Carver, Shefield, Barrett, Young etc.

Barrett claiming that was the real nexus and the other ones are loosers... Nexus v Nexus.. worked for a little while there with nWo v Wolfpac... well the first time.
I like the idea of having CM Punk apart of Nexus. I think a lenthy fued with John Cena would be awesome, hopefully they hold off on a 1 on 1 contest until Wrestle Mania.

Here is how it should play out:
Royal Rumble - Cena eliminates Punk, then Nexus jump Cena costing him the Rumble.
Elimination Chamber - Punk/Otunga/Cena/Orton/Jericho(if he returns)/Miz for WWE Title. Punk and Otunga eliminate Cena early. Before leaving Cena delivers AA's to both. Costing them the title.
WrestleMania - Punk vs. Cena, their would be hatred on both sides, it would have the feel of a grudge match. It would be awesome.

OTUNGA in the Elimination Chamber match??? Dude, that guy is shit on the mic, has horrible wrestling skills, and he has no reaction from the crowd! He isn't even at the mid card yet! He is at Yoshi Tatsu's level! A JOBBER! HE IS NOT GONNA BE IN THE CHAMBER! IF HE DOES, THEN I WILL QUIT WATCHING WWE! I think that they should turn the Elimination Chamber into an 8 way Elimination Chamber match. They will have John Cena, CM Punk, Wade Barrett, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus, The Miz, and John Morrison. The winner of this match SHOULD be Wade Barrett, to gain more interest in the Nexus storyline. The fans would boo Barrett to death.

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