CM Punk - The New Leader of Nexus

I think CM Punk becoming the leader of Nexus is a bad thing.

When the Nexus first arrived in the WWE they made such a big impact. An impact that we have never quite seen before. Not only did they destroy John Cena in the ring, they destroyed everything that was in the way.

Unlike other factions: DX, NWO, Four Horsemen, The Corporation, Evolution, every single member of the Nexus was green. I mean very green. They had no seasoned veteran with them. All you had were young hungry men who were here to make an impact, become the new face/faces of the WWE... and that was something we have never seen before. Great stuff

I feel Nexus will be watered down with Punk there. The focus will be on Punk and not the young talent in my opinion.

What do you think?
I suppose it takes away the meaning behind Nexus, of a group of young stars wanting to be treated with respect. But I gotta admit I don't think CM Punk has peaked yet, he has charisma and makes simply watching the Nexus more appealing (to hate or love them).

CM Punk is great on his own and just as good in a faction as a leader and Nexus may have lost it's "young people wanting respect" aspect but I think they kind of lost that since the beatdowns ended (like when they stopped with the 450 splash at the end for example). CM Punk is pretty much bringing back what we like about Nexus and adding his on little loony twist to it... ¬.¬).

*Oh yeah by the way, I got an idea for a CM Punk gimmick change... how about a maniacal clown who demands total respect/control and has his own crazy laugh etc? He could pull it off very easily and I think it's a gimmick that needs to be explored a little because I'm sorry but if your a PG show, why not bring in a crazy clown to scare the living daylights out of the children =D.*

EDIT: Just a little extra on the maniacal clown idea, it could give some seriously crazy amount of depth to CM Punk's character. The guy's already won the "Despicable act of 2010" award but with this gimmick he could do endless things to scare children and get HUGE heat? I suppose a reason for not doing this maybe that they might want CM Punk face when the face veterans leave because if you do this gimmick he's getting heat for life lol.
CM Punk doesn't exactly represent the "Old boys club" of the WWE, he's got that indie background that makes him relatable to a bunch of new guys.

Either way, CM Punk is there to breath new life into an angle that was basically dead after TLC. The Nexus angle makes the WWE money, it's hot with fans, and they want to continue it.
No offense but in the old Nexus when was the talent on the new talent not named Wade Barret. Sure maybe in the very first couple we saw them do something but since then it was all about Wade. I mean the tag title was not ablout Slater or Gabriel it was about Cena and controlling Cena
They were cogs who got beat down on the order of Cody and Ted in Legacy
or the NWO B-Team (anyone not named Hogan, Hall, Nash or Pac)

And who knows Punk might suprise us by giving the guys a chance. I mean he got Luke Gallows over and he was just another sad sack Big man with little interesting about him. Now he has guys who have soemthing
Otunga has mic skills
Henning and Harris are talents
I think they have a better chance than under Barrett
I feel Nexus will be watered down with Punk there. The focus will be on Punk and not the young talent in my opinion.
I'd call it a good thing to be honest. Punk's a god on the mic, also in the ring. His being the Leader of Nexus means that they get decent mic work done by a pro. Barrett was good talking, but not great.

Punk takes over, and the whole thing becomes more sadistic. Today he looked as though he was turning them into ruthless, spineless bastards. What with the beatings, strappings etc. I liked it. Thought that all the "initiations" were great, I enjoyed the Nexus material today, and am looking forward to whatever there is to come.
I will say it is a natural progression for Nexus. They can't keep harping on them being rookies when they have been on the air for almost a year now. They started as being rookies with something to prove and wanting respect to now being semi-established wrestlers who needs a new direction. Those who seem to be ready to go at it on their own such as Barrett and Gabriel are removed from the Nexus these past few weeks to test whether they are over enough without the Nexus. Honestly most of the Nexus members who remained are not ready to wrestle on their own and being kept as a stable to be CM Punk's lackeys gives them valuable air time while not exposing their flaws on a regular basis.

The only negative here is Punk's previous stable, the straight edge society started out OK but ended as a failure. So there could be concerns that history will repeat itself.
I actually think it's a good thing. They got their start by themselves, but Punk is pushing them even further. Especially by kicking them out and earning their ways back on. Of course, only one of the original members is still involved. This isn't necessarily a good thing for Nexus as much as it is for Punk.

Punk is an amazing leader, and it suits him better than being by himself (at least as a heel). He had the SES, and it was going great until the injury and drama. Punk will get a championship while leading Nexus (and hopefully will win the RR). It's a refreshing change for Punk.

All in all, the majority of factions will fail. They all break up eventually. The most successful ones that come to mind are Evolution (the two younger stars both went through similar stories by taking the WHC and feuding with HHH) and DX (which was off and on for over 10 years). Legacy failed because of the hype. (sorry for getting off topic).

But to answer your question: it's a good thing. For both Punk and Nexus.
Although I kinda like it, it shouldn't have happened. The original Nexus had that look about them that said, "we want respect, and we will have it whether you like it or not." Punk is too good on his own too have a stable, especially now that we see what a faiure he had with the SES, not to mention the New Breed(which, like the SES, could've worked). Punk is meant to be a singles competitor, and now he kind of takes away from the younger talent of Nexus(minus Slater). Punk shouldn't have become leader and Barrett shouldn't have been put on Smackdown.
i think personally that Wade Barrett couldnt carry the Nexus any longer to be honest, he can cope on his own.. i think the Nexus needed a new Direction.. and CM Punk is the right man to come in and take over, also now Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel are out of Nexus... that leaves 2 people for Nexus to bring back Skip Sheffield & Michael Tarver... i can see Heath Slater getting released.. and Justin Gabriel going on to win the US or Intercontinental Titles
they ain't exactly green anymore. I think it's too soon to tell if it's a good idea or not but it can't help them. the guys a three world times champion, how wouldn't it help Nexus. they could learn alot from them. and half of nexus wouldn't make it at the moment if Nexus broke up, but after being under CM punk's wing for a while might improve their chances.
I think it is a bit soon to tell whether or not this is a good idea, after all Punk has only officially been leader of Nexus for a little over a week now.

I think that it will turn out to be a good thing though, for both Punk and Nexus. For Punk it is a great way to get him back into the spotlight and get him his heat back after his injury. It also propels him straight to the top of Raw and puts him in the position of top heel because he is now engaged in a feud with John Cena. So this little arrangement certainly seems to work out well for him

For the Nexus, it puts them even further over. Why? Because they are being led by a former three time world champion. A former world champion chose to take these guys under his wing and lead them in his ways, in a kayfabe sense then that says only good things about them.

Like I said it is a bit early to tell but it seems to me that this arrangement will end up being beneficial to both parties.
Really all I want to know is what's going to happen to Slater and Gabriel. The Nexus is supposedly the most dominant group in WWE history, yet now they have 4 people. And I thought the Nexus were supposed to be a group of up-and-coming wrestlers, not former world champions. Anyway, back to Slater and Gabriel. I'd like to see them move to Smackdown and make a new stable with Wade Barrett.
I see Gabriel and Slater winning the tag titles within the next few weeks, probably with a move to Smackdown. A face turn is imminent because for the last month or so, I have trouble looking at either of them as credible heels, and I'm sure the non-IWC viewers are starting to think the same thing. They're definitely turning face. Hopefully they might even get a character because right now, the characters they portray on TV are completely one-dimensional. And that's a shame, because I like them and want to see them be successful. Well Gabriel, at least. I really couldn't care less about Slater. But right now I think they need each other.

And as for CM Punk joining Nexus, I don't mind it. As others has said, Nexus was left for dead after TLC. This just gives WWE a way to keep it going. WWE must be making money of them, or else they wouldn't have a new shirt every week. As far as the smaller size, I don't mind it. When Nexus first debuted, it was one wrestler talking (Barrett) and 7 standing behind him doing nothing. Now it's one guy talking (Punk) and 3 standing behind him doing nothing. It really doesn't matter. Four wrestlers is still enough to give a guy a beatdown. I suppose they could always bring back Tarver and Sheffield, but I doubt they will. I wouldn't have a problem with them bringing in some new guys, maybe from NXT season 4. But, as I said, the number of people in Nexus makes no difference. Even as a trio, they could still tell a story.
Does anyone remember Nexus attacked CM Punk as well, the night they debuted on Raw? The idea was that they were an angry rookie faction that band together because they were mis-treated and humiliated on NXT (by the way, Punk was a part of the show as a Pro). I like CM punk, but not as a leader of Nexus. It defeats the purpose of the group. Now Wade Barret is not interested in revenge and on Smackdown. I don't ever recall a heel ex-communicated from a group and remain heel. These storylines move so fast nowadays that you forget minor incidents. Punk should be a loner. He's only gonna use the Nexus for his own benefit and not to improve them. By the way what is going to happen to Gabriel and Slater? Also, I like the new hybrid Punk/Nexus tee but, how many tees are they gonna debut on a weekly basis?
The group is so different from the beginning. The ONLY person still in the group from the original beat down of Cena is David Otunga. So, WHY does Punks new group even need to be called Nexus? I've completely lost interest in the Nexus storyline.
they kicked out slater and gabriel so they can bring back Tarver and Sheffield they are both ready to return from injury they will cost cena the match next week against punk i think this is a new nexus so u have to take it for what it is
Good for Nexus, Bad for Punk. The longer Punk keeps talking the longer Nexus keeps from being staples on Superstars. Barret will be a mid-carder and ME filler on SD, Gabriel will be a taller Evan Bourne, Otunga might get a US or IC title then go down the card form there, Sheffield might be an imposing big man but probably go the way of Big Zeke, and the rest are low card, FCW, or gone. Punk really is the new Jericho except he'll never beat Cena and Orton or Edge like Y2J beat Austin and Rock. WWE is really starting to piss me off.
See I Didnt Mind Nexus At First , Young Superstars Making A Mockery Out Of Cena . Then Cena Joined , I Got Bored ... Then Last Weeks Raw ! Well I Enjoyed It Till Cm Punk Came Leader ! And I Think ...

It Is The Wrong Idea ...
Nexus Where Ment To Be (NXT Rookies) Not NXT(Pros) .
I Think They Should Just Get Shut Of The Idea ... Ideally Before Werestlemania ...
With There Being Alliances Joined In The Group As We Seen With Heath And Justin Last Night . The Can Become Tag Champions :)

Either Your Nexus Or You Get Kicked Out By C.M Punk !
punk is a good leader when it comes to factions he is great on the mic, but this thing of switching guys in and out of nexus is becoming quite dumb.

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