The Group

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
The thing about rumours is they get spread incorrectly. We have all heard about this group, and I assume most of you know I was in it. There was seven of you. When a certain poster came to me, he was upset. I am not going to name the person, because I'll leave that up to the person to decide if they want to be named. I am sure the staff knows who it is, but that is not up for me, or any of you to speculate.

This believed that certain posters were not getting the recognition they deserved. They described to me how they would come about doing this. After reputation had become visible, it became clear through what other people were posting that people paid attention to what other people said in their reputation. This person described that if we were to post positive reputation comments to that person, other people would read it and take notice in their work. We would also post in their threads more often to bring increased traffic to those threads. This is how the reputation came into play. It worked. Certain members of the group after having other members give positive feedback, in those *********ory threads, in reputation feedback, and in other threads began to get praise by other people.

In essence, the group served to elevate the other members of the group through changing people's opinions. A couple of the members of the group know more than ever get praise for being "underrated" or "great posters". Now there were a few members who were closely linked together, and as tdigle said, he was a little on the outskirts of the group. The other member who was on the outskirts of the group is who came forth to the staff about the group. Unfortunately, they came out, and was not honest (either to blatantly lie, or because they were not aware of the group's purpose, which makes sense, only being there a short time). What is unfortunate, is what was said about this "group", as it never had evil purposes. The overthrowing the mods part was not true. However, a few of the members had the want for me to become moderator. I believe one, who is allowing his name to be said here, Marquis, joined for that reason only. Tdigle also wanted me to become moderator. However, That was not my purpose in the group. The group was quite diverse in make up, I was only friends with three of the members at the time, three I had not talked to more than a couple times. The strangest part about this, is how it came back. The group itself lasted under a week for the most part, and in reality, I only kept praising a couple people, because I do truly believe they deserved to be praised. So I am not sure what brought the group up weeks after it had died. Strange and I wish it could be answered.

All in all, this "rep for mod" thing was obviously not true, and it makes no sense. Looking at my rep, you may notice that I do have a lot, but I have had a lot for a long time. And now, that I rep people, I give them a lot of rep, and then they rep another person, thus giving them more rep. This "vicious" circle, vicious as it may be seen, as rep grows in a snow ball effect, will continue as long as people's repping power relates to their own rep. As my rep is near 9000, I am able to give approximately 95 points to someone when I rep them, this giving them the ability to rep someone with one more point. This creates a system where former posters shrink away. Rep is given away quite easily, and I have seen some people be given close to 10 reps for having a scantly clad young lass in their signature (don't believe me, check out Mr. WrestleMania). Even NSL has said this, after he gained a lot of rep for his sexual posts, but don't get me wrong, even though I don't know if he likes me or what, he is still a good poster. Reputation means nothing, and almost everyone now knows it. You can either get rid of it, or ignore it. Turning it off in the bar room will only initially hide the fact. But I say keep it on, I like to rep people in the bar room, if they say something witty, or even if they make a great bar room post. Think about how much klunderbunker has received for OCW. Turning off rep in the bar room would mean that that rep is undeserved. It is not my decision, but that is my thought on the matter.

Now this "group" that I have talked about has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with this "MSN Crew" I have now heard about it. I am sure I have had my name linked to that as well. I originally had a few people on MSN from WrestleZone, and those I talked to I enjoyed to talk to. Then one day, I was invited to a group conversation, and it was quite enjoyable. I was added to more WrestleZoners MSN, and added myself to others. I then started to create them myself, and they picked up. Some people loved them, and unfortunately, I was not around for more than twenty minutes of some great ones, as I have a moderate bed time, moderated by my partner:).

Now at one point, the first time that I believe MSN was generally discussed on WrestleZone, NSL brought up a point in anger about how he was sick and tired of being added to the conversations. I apologize for that initially, as I would simple click add group to the conversation, and all my WrestleZone contacts would get added. However, he said something that was untrue to my knowledge about people talking negatively about klunderbunker. I had never been a part of a conversation involving bad mouthing of klunderbunker, and I had been a part of many of the conversations. There was however negative comments made about another staff member, during an argument between him and another user, and that member is NorCal. This took place a while ago, and I am not sure if it was resolved or not, but I was not part of that, and only read about it the next morning, and did not take place in it. I wont mention the names, because again, that is not my place.

It now seems that many situations are being reverted back to MSN. The recent PeteRosesHaircut alt was labeled as something that was planned on MSN, and at least for me, it was not, and I had nothing to do with that. I didn't even know who it was until after it was banned, or after it was known who it was, I can not clearly remember. However, 48.7 was blamed for having to do with it. I came to his defense, because he actually did have nothing to do with it, and only knew after I told him who it was.

And recently, it was brought to my attention that deadman was planning comes back alts through MSN. I don't know if that is actually true, as I have not been a part of those conversations either. Deadman for all records it quite annoying on MSN, as you well can see.

Now I believe some people feel that they are being talked about on MSN, or what not, and for most parts, it is probably not true. I no longer take place in group talks, and only talk to a few WrestleZone users right now, as I have been struggling with my own life. Severe depression has crippled me for a long time, and I just needed to make my life better. I began weight training, and swimming to get myself back into shape, and regain the figure I was had, after becoming less active in my time at University. I also decided to spend more of my time concentrating on University, as more time was needed as term came close to finishing. I have almost finished the semester, and look forward to it. This is why I have not been on Wrestlezone, coupled with another reason. I believe I have become addicted to WrestleZone, and this has made me question parts of my life. I wanted to try and break free for a while, and I set the date of May 2nd for a return, hoping my life would become more organized. Now I know many of you might think that this is idiotic, and what not, and you might be right. To be addicted to a wrestling forum does sound stupid. That is why I needed to step back.

I have however heard many people say that I left due to the Santino Fan-A-Club being deleted, and that is of course untrue, and a little insulting, pretty much saying that all I have done on this forum is the SFAC, I feel I have done a lot more than that here. I was however upset about it, and felt that my work that I have put into it was ignored, at the click of the button. Be similar to how KB would feel if the entire OCW thread was deleted. He wouldn't feel good about that. Now I am not in control of the SFAC, and I have never been, but people like to think of me as the SFAC guy, probably due to my love of it and Santino. Why wouldn't I love it? It is where I made my first WrestleZone friends, such as Brian Becker, Chris Fitzpatrick, Matthew Kuhns, Micheal "Sparky" Sparks;), Justin Peters, David Baldwinson, Richard Collis, Tim Aslett, Stephan Barroso, and many others. These people became my friends, and I respect where it all started. The SFAC was fun at a time, and it is here I, and others have gotten their starts, and we respect that. I also think Santino is quite funny, but that is another matter. But the SFAC's deletion was not the reason I left, though it happened the hours after I was leaving, so I can see why people would see the close times and make a connection.

Now as I have said, I have made some great friends on WrestleZone, and unfortunately I have made some enemies. Never really knew why Lee didn't like me, or why OIL didn't either. But some people have said that I was the first person they ever liked on WrestleZone, and I helped them stay around. That means a lot, and I love talking to a lot of you. I have great talks with Tdigle about our interests, and although we have only talked a few times, I love it. I have great talks with Marquis, as we have talked about trying to learn another language through the BBC free classes during the summer. In fact, at one point, I almost convinced Richard to move to Canada to come to University! But I do appreciate my friendships. Sparky is like my brother, and although we sometimes get into fights, it is because of the relationship we share enables us to forgive each other and return to friendships. Other people value me, and that touches me, and I try to add to their lives. People like Monkey I encourage to do what they love in life, and I hope he accomplishes what he dreams to become. When I first started talking to ED, It was one of the first times I learned about New Jersey. Me and Harthan have swearing matches at each other, and that is quite fun. I love these forums, and that is perhaps what leads me to many of my problems. Probably why the MSN conversations picked up, probably why I became obsessed, probably why I wanted to be a moderator, as I once thread in IC's thread about become a moderator.

Now this is my take on things, everything here is as honest as I can be. I do wish people would come to me if they wanted my side of the story on things, rather than hide it, and listen to other sides of stories. I am an honest person, so if you have any questions on any of these matters that I didn't address, or on any matters in general, just come to me and ask. I have a PM box, and I have my MSN, and AIM listed on my profile. Drop me an email, [email protected], heck, some of you even know my cell number. So talk to me, and those that have, know a lot about me, as I am a very open person. I have a final tomorrow night, so I wont be around much, and am spending the next week with some of my friends who are leaving, and I will miss very dearly. I do want to come back to the forum once summer starts, although I do think I shall post mostly in non-spam areas. Also have a great idea for a Book This! which could involve up to 6 people. That sounds like a fun project, as I know there are some very good book this writers here, such as NSL, Rusty, Worlds Greatest Booker, 48.7 and so forth. As some of you know, I am also planning a tournament, have been working on it for some time with some members on the site, such as Polley, IC, Becker, and 48.7 involving the Best Sports Teams ever by year. I hope you area all having fun with the Poster Tournament, even though AUSCAN was taken out accidentally:p. (Vote AUSCAN!). All in all, this site is about having fun, and I hope to return this summer and have fun, and I hope to discuss wrestling with all of you. There are some excellent posters on this site this year, such as Gelgarin, Tastycles, Will (who has a cute new baby who shares my birthday (April 16th)), NoFate, All the staff, and All "the group";), and dozens of others.

So that is my side of the matter.

TM said:
Even NSL has said this, after he gained a lot of rep for his sexual posts, but don't get me wrong, even though I don't know if he likes me or what, he is still a good poster.

I don't have anything against you. The blind love of Santino gets a little stale, but I know At least part of you) is doing it for laughs. I think you're a good poster, as well.

And thank you for the props on my Book This.
The thing about rumours is they get spread incorrectly. We have all heard about this group, and I assume most of you know I was in it. There was seven of you. When a certain poster came to me, he was upset. I am not going to name the person, because I'll leave that up to the person to decide if they want to be named. I am sure the staff knows who it is, but that is not up for me, or any of you to speculate.

This believed that certain posters were not getting the recognition they deserved. They described to me how they would come about doing this. After reputation had become visible, it became clear through what other people were posting that people paid attention to what other people said in their reputation. This person described that if we were to post positive reputation comments to that person, other people would read it and take notice in their work. We would also post in their threads more often to bring increased traffic to those threads. This is how the reputation came into play. It worked. Certain members of the group after having other members give positive feedback, in those *********ory threads, in reputation feedback, and in other threads began to get praise by other people.

In essence, the group served to elevate the other members of the group through changing people's opinions. A couple of the members of the group know more than ever get praise for being "underrated" or "great posters". Now there were a few members who were closely linked together, and as tdigle said, he was a little on the outskirts of the group. The other member who was on the outskirts of the group is who came forth to the staff about the group. Unfortunately, they came out, and was not honest (either to blatantly lie, or because they were not aware of the group's purpose, which makes sense, only being there a short time). What is unfortunate, is what was said about this "group", as it never had evil purposes. The overthrowing the mods part was not true. However, a few of the members had the want for me to become moderator. I believe one, who is allowing his name to be said here, Marquis, joined for that reason only. Tdigle also wanted me to become moderator. However, That was not my purpose in the group. The group was quite diverse in make up, I was only friends with three of the members at the time, three I had not talked to more than a couple times. The strangest part about this, is how it came back. The group itself lasted under a week for the most part, and in reality, I only kept praising a couple people, because I do truly believe they deserved to be praised. So I am not sure what brought the group up weeks after it had died. Strange and I wish it could be answered.

All in all, this "rep for mod" thing was obviously not true, and it makes no sense. Looking at my rep, you may notice that I do have a lot, but I have had a lot for a long time. And now, that I rep people, I give them a lot of rep, and then they rep another person, thus giving them more rep. This "vicious" circle, vicious as it may be seen, as rep grows in a snow ball effect, will continue as long as people's repping power relates to their own rep. As my rep is near 9000, I am able to give approximately 95 points to someone when I rep them, this giving them the ability to rep someone with one more point. This creates a system where former posters shrink away. Rep is given away quite easily, and I have seen some people be given close to 10 reps for having a scantly clad young lass in their signature (don't believe me, check out Mr. WrestleMania). Even NSL has said this, after he gained a lot of rep for his sexual posts, but don't get me wrong, even though I don't know if he likes me or what, he is still a good poster. Reputation means nothing, and almost everyone now knows it. You can either get rid of it, or ignore it. Turning it off in the bar room will only initially hide the fact. But I say keep it on, I like to rep people in the bar room, if they say something witty, or even if they make a great bar room post. Think about how much klunderbunker has received for OCW. Turning off rep in the bar room would mean that that rep is undeserved. It is not my decision, but that is my thought on the matter.

Now this "group" that I have talked about has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with this "MSN Crew" I have now heard about it. I am sure I have had my name linked to that as well. I originally had a few people on MSN from WrestleZone, and those I talked to I enjoyed to talk to. Then one day, I was invited to a group conversation, and it was quite enjoyable. I was added to more WrestleZoners MSN, and added myself to others. I then started to create them myself, and they picked up. Some people loved them, and unfortunately, I was not around for more than twenty minutes of some great ones, as I have a moderate bed time, moderated by my partner:).

Now at one point, the first time that I believe MSN was generally discussed on WrestleZone, NSL brought up a point in anger about how he was sick and tired of being added to the conversations. I apologize for that initially, as I would simple click add group to the conversation, and all my WrestleZone contacts would get added. However, he said something that was untrue to my knowledge about people talking negatively about klunderbunker. I had never been a part of a conversation involving bad mouthing of klunderbunker, and I had been a part of many of the conversations. There was however negative comments made about another staff member, during an argument between him and another user, and that member is NorCal. This took place a while ago, and I am not sure if it was resolved or not, but I was not part of that, and only read about it the next morning, and did not take place in it. I wont mention the names, because again, that is not my place.

It now seems that many situations are being reverted back to MSN. The recent PeteRosesHaircut alt was labeled as something that was planned on MSN, and at least for me, it was not, and I had nothing to do with that. I didn't even know who it was until after it was banned, or after it was known who it was, I can not clearly remember. However, 48.7 was blamed for having to do with it. I came to his defense, because he actually did have nothing to do with it, and only knew after I told him who it was.

And recently, it was brought to my attention that deadman was planning comes back alts through MSN. I don't know if that is actually true, as I have not been a part of those conversations either. Deadman for all records it quite annoying on MSN, as you well can see.

Now I believe some people feel that they are being talked about on MSN, or what not, and for most parts, it is probably not true. I no longer take place in group talks, and only talk to a few WrestleZone users right now, as I have been struggling with my own life. Severe depression has crippled me for a long time, and I just needed to make my life better. I began weight training, and swimming to get myself back into shape, and regain the figure I was had, after becoming less active in my time at University. I also decided to spend more of my time concentrating on University, as more time was needed as term came close to finishing. I have almost finished the semester, and look forward to it. This is why I have not been on Wrestlezone, coupled with another reason. I believe I have become addicted to WrestleZone, and this has made me question parts of my life. I wanted to try and break free for a while, and I set the date of May 2nd for a return, hoping my life would become more organized. Now I know many of you might think that this is idiotic, and what not, and you might be right. To be addicted to a wrestling forum does sound stupid. That is why I needed to step back.

I have however heard many people say that I left due to the Santino Fan-A-Club being deleted, and that is of course untrue, and a little insulting, pretty much saying that all I have done on this forum is the SFAC, I feel I have done a lot more than that here. I was however upset about it, and felt that my work that I have put into it was ignored, at the click of the button. Be similar to how KB would feel if the entire OCW thread was deleted. He wouldn't feel good about that. Now I am not in control of the SFAC, and I have never been, but people like to think of me as the SFAC guy, probably due to my love of it and Santino. Why wouldn't I love it? It is where I made my first WrestleZone friends, such as Brian Becker, Chris Fitzpatrick, Matthew Kuhns, Micheal "Sparky" Sparks;), Justin Peters, David Baldwinson, Richard Collis, Tim Aslett, Stephan Barroso, and many others. These people became my friends, and I respect where it all started. The SFAC was fun at a time, and it is here I, and others have gotten their starts, and we respect that. I also think Santino is quite funny, but that is another matter. But the SFAC's deletion was not the reason I left, though it happened the hours after I was leaving, so I can see why people would see the close times and make a connection.

Now as I have said, I have made some great friends on WrestleZone, and unfortunately I have made some enemies. Never really knew why Lee didn't like me, or why OIL didn't either. But some people have said that I was the first person they ever liked on WrestleZone, and I helped them stay around. That means a lot, and I love talking to a lot of you. I have great talks with Tdigle about our interests, and although we have only talked a few times, I love it. I have great talks with Marquis, as we have talked about trying to learn another language through the BBC free classes during the summer. In fact, at one point, I almost convinced Richard to move to Canada to come to University! But I do appreciate my friendships. Sparky is like my brother, and although we sometimes get into fights, it is because of the relationship we share enables us to forgive each other and return to friendships. Other people value me, and that touches me, and I try to add to their lives. People like Monkey I encourage to do what they love in life, and I hope he accomplishes what he dreams to become. When I first started talking to ED, It was one of the first times I learned about New Jersey. Me and Harthan have swearing matches at each other, and that is quite fun. I love these forums, and that is perhaps what leads me to many of my problems. Probably why the MSN conversations picked up, probably why I became obsessed, probably why I wanted to be a moderator, as I once thread in IC's thread about become a moderator.

Now this is my take on things, everything here is as honest as I can be. I do wish people would come to me if they wanted my side of the story on things, rather than hide it, and listen to other sides of stories. I am an honest person, so if you have any questions on any of these matters that I didn't address, or on any matters in general, just come to me and ask. I have a PM box, and I have my MSN, and AIM listed on my profile. Drop me an email, [email protected], heck, some of you even know my cell number. So talk to me, and those that have, know a lot about me, as I am a very open person. I have a final tomorrow night, so I wont be around much, and am spending the next week with some of my friends who are leaving, and I will miss very dearly. I do want to come back to the forum once summer starts, although I do think I shall post mostly in non-spam areas. Also have a great idea for a Book This! which could involve up to 6 people. That sounds like a fun project, as I know there are some very good book this writers here, such as NSL, Rusty, Worlds Greatest Booker, 48.7 and so forth. As some of you know, I am also planning a tournament, have been working on it for some time with some members on the site, such as Polley, IC, Becker, and 48.7 involving the Best Sports Teams ever by year. I hope you area all having fun with the Poster Tournament, even though AUSCAN was taken out accidentally:p. (Vote AUSCAN!). All in all, this site is about having fun, and I hope to return this summer and have fun, and I hope to discuss wrestling with all of you. There are some excellent posters on this site this year, such as Gelgarin, Tastycles, Will (who has a cute new baby who shares my birthday (April 16th)), NoFate, All the staff, and All "the group";), and dozens of others.

So that is my side of the matter.


We're supposed to be mortal enemies. Keep up apperances!

Flames Out
We're supposed to be mortal enemies. Keep up apperances!

Flames Out


I will not write one like that, but simply put it into the way I do in real life.

I talk to people on msn. not about anything just talk. Not once have i said anything bad about anybody (except NSL when he was bitching, but I told him that, and also did it to his face on here.) I'm not involved in any rep group, or shit like that, and beside the new post button I never dissed WZ.

You might not beliave me, but I know I'm telling the truth, and thats all that matters.
I want to make sure something is clear: people here aren't on trial. We're not asking you to defend yourself and give an alibi or whatever. We want to get to the bottom of this and get rid of whatever conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is going on because it's doing nothing but causing drama that isn't needed.
I know that, I just want to know, if there is a seperate msn crew or something. Because I honestly have no fucking clue about half the shit.
Can't add much. When i got invited into the convo, i wasn't even aware it was group. I assumed TM just wanted me to give him feedback on the forums. Which i agreed to since i thought he would make a great mod. I doubt my opinion would have changed anything, but i saw no harm in doing it. I was basically told everything TM posted, about it helping the other posters get recognition. No taking over mod spots were talked about in front of me, in fact there was no talk of anything about what the group was doing. They just told me what they formed for. I laughed, then we got into a talk about which member is what wrestler. After that talk, everyone left, and i was never invited back to a convo with the group. I never followed any of their rules about posting in other members thread, and repping them. Nether did they for me, i don't recall most of them posting in any of my threads outside of TM, nor have i been rep ****ed, which is clear by my 3000 or something rep points. The only member who asked me for rep was TM, but he asks everyone for rep, so i didn't see it as a group thing. To be honest i thought the group was a joke. I remember saying "lulz" to the whole idea of the group in the convo.

All in all, i was invited once to their convo. Never saw any talk of taking mod spots. I was just told what the group was for, got into a talk about wrestlers, and that's it. Dunno if i never got invited back because i didn't take it seriously, or because i did not follow any of the groups rules. Or maybe it really only lasted a week like TM said. I just felt i should give my side.

P.S The "group", and typical MSN convos are two completely different things.
I will not write one like that, but simply put it into the way I do in real life.

I talk to people on msn. not about anything just talk. Not once have i said anything bad about anybody (except NSL when he was bitching, but I told him that, and also did it to his face on here.) I'm not involved in any rep group, or shit like that, and beside the new post button I never dissed WZ.

You might not beliave me, but I know I'm telling the truth, and thats all that matters.

And, after talking on MSN for a good while, we got past that.

I know I've made my complaints about WZ, but they weren't in any attempt to destroy the site. Fighting against the relaxed spam rule, was because I thought, and still think, that there's a lot of crap on here. It's slowly going away, but it still happens.
I will not write one like that, but simply put it into the way I do in real life.

I talk to people on msn. not about anything just talk. Not once have i said anything bad about anybody (except NSL when he was bitching, but I told him that, and also did it to his face on here.) I'm not involved in any rep group, or shit like that, and beside the new post button I never dissed WZ.

You might not beliave me, but I know I'm telling the truth, and thats all that matters.

:lmao: Yeah it's true, Me and Sparky just talk about random shit. Like why his face is fucked up and why Ben Cousins isn't overrated.
The thing about rumours is they get spread incorrectly. We have all heard about this group, and I assume most of you know I was in it. There was seven of you. When a certain poster came to me, he was upset. I am not going to name the person, because I'll leave that up to the person to decide if they want to be named. I am sure the staff knows who it is, but that is not up for me, or any of you to speculate.

This believed that certain posters were not getting the recognition they deserved. They described to me how they would come about doing this. After reputation had become visible, it became clear through what other people were posting that people paid attention to what other people said in their reputation. This person described that if we were to post positive reputation comments to that person, other people would read it and take notice in their work. We would also post in their threads more often to bring increased traffic to those threads. This is how the reputation came into play. It worked. Certain members of the group after having other members give positive feedback, in those *********ory threads, in reputation feedback, and in other threads began to get praise by other people.

In essence, the group served to elevate the other members of the group through changing people's opinions. A couple of the members of the group know more than ever get praise for being "underrated" or "great posters". Now there were a few members who were closely linked together, and as tdigle said, he was a little on the outskirts of the group. The other member who was on the outskirts of the group is who came forth to the staff about the group. Unfortunately, they came out, and was not honest (either to blatantly lie, or because they were not aware of the group's purpose, which makes sense, only being there a short time). What is unfortunate, is what was said about this "group", as it never had evil purposes. The overthrowing the mods part was not true. However, a few of the members had the want for me to become moderator. I believe one, who is allowing his name to be said here, Marquis, joined for that reason only. Tdigle also wanted me to become moderator. However, That was not my purpose in the group. The group was quite diverse in make up, I was only friends with three of the members at the time, three I had not talked to more than a couple times. The strangest part about this, is how it came back. The group itself lasted under a week for the most part, and in reality, I only kept praising a couple people, because I do truly believe they deserved to be praised. So I am not sure what brought the group up weeks after it had died. Strange and I wish it could be answered.

All in all, this "rep for mod" thing was obviously not true, and it makes no sense. Looking at my rep, you may notice that I do have a lot, but I have had a lot for a long time. And now, that I rep people, I give them a lot of rep, and then they rep another person, thus giving them more rep. This "vicious" circle, vicious as it may be seen, as rep grows in a snow ball effect, will continue as long as people's repping power relates to their own rep. As my rep is near 9000, I am able to give approximately 95 points to someone when I rep them, this giving them the ability to rep someone with one more point. This creates a system where former posters shrink away. Rep is given away quite easily, and I have seen some people be given close to 10 reps for having a scantly clad young lass in their signature (don't believe me, check out Mr. WrestleMania). Even NSL has said this, after he gained a lot of rep for his sexual posts, but don't get me wrong, even though I don't know if he likes me or what, he is still a good poster. Reputation means nothing, and almost everyone now knows it. You can either get rid of it, or ignore it. Turning it off in the bar room will only initially hide the fact. But I say keep it on, I like to rep people in the bar room, if they say something witty, or even if they make a great bar room post. Think about how much klunderbunker has received for OCW. Turning off rep in the bar room would mean that that rep is undeserved. It is not my decision, but that is my thought on the matter.

Now this "group" that I have talked about has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with this "MSN Crew" I have now heard about it. I am sure I have had my name linked to that as well. I originally had a few people on MSN from WrestleZone, and those I talked to I enjoyed to talk to. Then one day, I was invited to a group conversation, and it was quite enjoyable. I was added to more WrestleZoners MSN, and added myself to others. I then started to create them myself, and they picked up. Some people loved them, and unfortunately, I was not around for more than twenty minutes of some great ones, as I have a moderate bed time, moderated by my partner:).

Now at one point, the first time that I believe MSN was generally discussed on WrestleZone, NSL brought up a point in anger about how he was sick and tired of being added to the conversations. I apologize for that initially, as I would simple click add group to the conversation, and all my WrestleZone contacts would get added. However, he said something that was untrue to my knowledge about people talking negatively about klunderbunker. I had never been a part of a conversation involving bad mouthing of klunderbunker, and I had been a part of many of the conversations. There was however negative comments made about another staff member, during an argument between him and another user, and that member is NorCal. This took place a while ago, and I am not sure if it was resolved or not, but I was not part of that, and only read about it the next morning, and did not take place in it. I wont mention the names, because again, that is not my place.

It now seems that many situations are being reverted back to MSN. The recent PeteRosesHaircut alt was labeled as something that was planned on MSN, and at least for me, it was not, and I had nothing to do with that. I didn't even know who it was until after it was banned, or after it was known who it was, I can not clearly remember. However, 48.7 was blamed for having to do with it. I came to his defense, because he actually did have nothing to do with it, and only knew after I told him who it was.

And recently, it was brought to my attention that deadman was planning comes back alts through MSN. I don't know if that is actually true, as I have not been a part of those conversations either. Deadman for all records it quite annoying on MSN, as you well can see.

Now I believe some people feel that they are being talked about on MSN, or what not, and for most parts, it is probably not true. I no longer take place in group talks, and only talk to a few WrestleZone users right now, as I have been struggling with my own life. Severe depression has crippled me for a long time, and I just needed to make my life better. I began weight training, and swimming to get myself back into shape, and regain the figure I was had, after becoming less active in my time at University. I also decided to spend more of my time concentrating on University, as more time was needed as term came close to finishing. I have almost finished the semester, and look forward to it. This is why I have not been on Wrestlezone, coupled with another reason. I believe I have become addicted to WrestleZone, and this has made me question parts of my life. I wanted to try and break free for a while, and I set the date of May 2nd for a return, hoping my life would become more organized. Now I know many of you might think that this is idiotic, and what not, and you might be right. To be addicted to a wrestling forum does sound stupid. That is why I needed to step back.

I have however heard many people say that I left due to the Santino Fan-A-Club being deleted, and that is of course untrue, and a little insulting, pretty much saying that all I have done on this forum is the SFAC, I feel I have done a lot more than that here. I was however upset about it, and felt that my work that I have put into it was ignored, at the click of the button. Be similar to how KB would feel if the entire OCW thread was deleted. He wouldn't feel good about that. Now I am not in control of the SFAC, and I have never been, but people like to think of me as the SFAC guy, probably due to my love of it and Santino. Why wouldn't I love it? It is where I made my first WrestleZone friends, such as Brian Becker, Chris Fitzpatrick, Matthew Kuhns, Micheal "Sparky" Sparks;), Justin Peters, David Baldwinson, Richard Collis, Tim Aslett, Stephan Barroso, and many others. These people became my friends, and I respect where it all started. The SFAC was fun at a time, and it is here I, and others have gotten their starts, and we respect that. I also think Santino is quite funny, but that is another matter. But the SFAC's deletion was not the reason I left, though it happened the hours after I was leaving, so I can see why people would see the close times and make a connection.

Now as I have said, I have made some great friends on WrestleZone, and unfortunately I have made some enemies. Never really knew why Lee didn't like me, or why OIL didn't either. But some people have said that I was the first person they ever liked on WrestleZone, and I helped them stay around. That means a lot, and I love talking to a lot of you. I have great talks with Tdigle about our interests, and although we have only talked a few times, I love it. I have great talks with Marquis, as we have talked about trying to learn another language through the BBC free classes during the summer. In fact, at one point, I almost convinced Richard to move to Canada to come to University! But I do appreciate my friendships. Sparky is like my brother, and although we sometimes get into fights, it is because of the relationship we share enables us to forgive each other and return to friendships. Other people value me, and that touches me, and I try to add to their lives. People like Monkey I encourage to do what they love in life, and I hope he accomplishes what he dreams to become. When I first started talking to ED, It was one of the first times I learned about New Jersey. Me and Harthan have swearing matches at each other, and that is quite fun. I love these forums, and that is perhaps what leads me to many of my problems. Probably why the MSN conversations picked up, probably why I became obsessed, probably why I wanted to be a moderator, as I once thread in IC's thread about become a moderator.

Now this is my take on things, everything here is as honest as I can be. I do wish people would come to me if they wanted my side of the story on things, rather than hide it, and listen to other sides of stories. I am an honest person, so if you have any questions on any of these matters that I didn't address, or on any matters in general, just come to me and ask. I have a PM box, and I have my MSN, and AIM listed on my profile. Drop me an email, [email protected], heck, some of you even know my cell number. So talk to me, and those that have, know a lot about me, as I am a very open person. I have a final tomorrow night, so I wont be around much, and am spending the next week with some of my friends who are leaving, and I will miss very dearly. I do want to come back to the forum once summer starts, although I do think I shall post mostly in non-spam areas. Also have a great idea for a Book This! which could involve up to 6 people. That sounds like a fun project, as I know there are some very good book this writers here, such as NSL, Rusty, Worlds Greatest Booker, 48.7 and so forth. As some of you know, I am also planning a tournament, have been working on it for some time with some members on the site, such as Polley, IC, Becker, and 48.7 involving the Best Sports Teams ever by year. I hope you area all having fun with the Poster Tournament, even though AUSCAN was taken out accidentally:p. (Vote AUSCAN!). All in all, this site is about having fun, and I hope to return this summer and have fun, and I hope to discuss wrestling with all of you. There are some excellent posters on this site this year, such as Gelgarin, Tastycles, Will (who has a cute new baby who shares my birthday (April 16th)), NoFate, All the staff, and All "the group";), and dozens of others.

So that is my side of the matter.


I didn't read it. I just scanned for my name. True story.

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