The Future of The New Nexus


Transitional champion
now we all know the nexus angle is getting a little stale now, but i would hate to see this angle just fade with no real ending. For the past weeks now cm punk has not worn a nexus armband or nexus shirt and with mason ryan injured it seems as if the only active members are David Otunga and Micheal McGillicutty.

so my question is do you think the nexus will just fade out or will cm punk rejoin (if thats the right word) and the nexus will keep going?
I think Punk has outgrown the Nexus.There may be some confrontation coming up soon when Otunga and McGillhgsduizefgw ask Punk what the deal is, but I highly doubt the stable will continue.

The Nexus is but a tag team now.
Little late for this thread isn't it? Nexus has been done for over a month now. Sure, Mike and Dave are the Tag Champs, but when's the last time either was even on TV? There is no future for Nexus. They'll eventually redebut long enough to drop the titles, then fade back down to wherever they currently are.
I don't know, I've heard people say they're going to disband for months now, and they never do. They're closer than ever, but I think they might hang on. Why not? WWE probably has nothing else for Otunga and McGillicutty.
Not that it really means much, but on the graphic that pops up when he makes his entrance, it says "The Nexus" under his name. That could just be a formality which gives them room in whatever direction they'd like to go in, but you really never know. Unless McDouble and Otunga keep the tag team belts in the next few weeks, I see the whole group splitting up. It's a shame because the original Nexus was so awesome...

If they were to stay together, I'd assume they would get a new leader, as CM Punk is heavily involved in the main event with John Cena, and to be honest he's done a terrible job as captain of the team. The main problem with the Nexus is that nobody cares about the individual members. A great faction has to be able to stand on all of it's legs. Evolution had both Ric Flair and Triple H, but I'd wager that a lot of people were very interested in the young careers of Randy Orton and Batista. I know I was... THe Nexus is, and always has been a group of NXT rejects. Not that they don't have talent, but none of them were actually good enough to win a (terrible) show to gain an actual contract. I'm actually surprised some of the NXT guys have lasted as long as they have (cough...Heath Slater...cough).

As much as I love the idea of the Nexus, I think they should scrap it for now. Maybe in a year or two once Otunga has had a run at a singles career he can run into Mason Ryan or Justin Gabriel and reunite the team. Give it some breathing room to separate itself from all the crap Nexus has been put through in the last 6-8 months, so when they come back they look dominating and better than ever.
Who said anything about breaking up Otunga and Hennig? They want to leave them as a tag team because they work well together so thy aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

As for the Nexus that ship has sailed. It was over right after Cena beat them. I firmly believe that if WWE had let them go over in the Nexus vs. WWE match they would have soared to epic heights but they didn't and it got stale very fast. CM Punk gave them new life but it held him back and now he's gone to do his own singles programs again. Along the way every other member has gone: Sheffield was injured for real, Tarver and Young were kicked out, Barrett was kicked out, Gabriel and Slater left, Harris was "injured", and now CM Punk is done too.

At this point it's not a matter of if the faction is done it's a matter of how long until Otunga and Hennig drop the name.
Nexus is DONE!!! Otunga and Mcgillicutty are keeping the name alive but it's dead.
It's hard to believe how such a hot angle/stable could turn into such a curse.
The Nexus died the day that the announcers started calling it "The New Nexus". I always hate it when they call it that. As soon as they started with the name"the New Nexus" is also the day I stopped caring. It was great when it had 7 members and the WWE web page had an article with the Nexus as the seven deadly sins. They should have tried using that gimmick with the group. It could have been real interesting.
Mcguillicuty and Otunga and just keeping the name because it gives them a gimmick. They are also still selling some merchanise so why not keep it going.
The only chance of it continuing would be if they brought back some guys like IRS' son (his name I can't remember at the moment), Tarver or Sheffield and of course Ryan when he returns from injury. But there's no chance of relighting the fire this angle once had, so I say disband them for good. Please stop calling it the "New" Nexus. That's annoying. Otunga & McGillicutty do work well together so it's fine to keep them a team. Mason Ryan should get a decent push once he's back, maybe he can confront Punk and have a nice little feud with him once he drops the title again which shouldn't be for at least a couple months. If they let Cena win at Summerslam, they dropped the ball in a huge way.
I think the most likely route to take will be to get the titles off them and maybe give them to the uso's who are doing well at the moment. Send McGilli-something off to development to be repackaged and give otunga a solo career. Maybe have him feud with the likes of kofi! now im not the biggest otunga fan in the world and i do think he is horrible in the ring but the guy has great look and a cool a-list gimmick and he aint bad on the mic so i wouldnt be suprised if he is wearing some midcard gold by the end of the year
Nexus hasn't been relevant since CM punk showed himself as the leader.

It was predicted, and it happened, that once an established star put himself above the rookie takeover angle, it was done. It really hasn't been worth watching since that, since Punk tends to overshadow his factions.

I'd like for them to split, take the titles off, repackage them all, and Otunga can go back to Hollywood, he isn't cut out for this business.
Alternatively, they could make him into a manager type gimmick, just don't let him wrestle anymore.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3308620 said:
Not that it really means much, but on the graphic that pops up when he makes his entrance, it says "The Nexus" under his name.

Well, it did at Money in the Bank. I was surprised they respected that formality then and I'll be positively gob-smacked (yes, gob-smacked) if they respect it in future. Hell, it'll be pretty shocking if they ever mention Punk and the Nexus in the same sentence again. Expect to hear the sound of disappointed vomiting across the globe if it does happen. I'm not sure what disappointed vomiting sounds like - likely a hard sigh followed by a sound not dissimilar to running water - but there's the hard and fast way to find out.

I thought about writing this post out on an unemployment check, scanning it into my computer and then sending the hard copy to Michael McGillicutty. You know, for poetic reasons. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my hands on an unemployment check. David Otunga may have been sort of useful as the Starscream to Wade Barrett's Megatron months and months ago. That's the absolute nicest thing I can say about either of them.

The brightest future I see for CM Punk's former elephants in the room is a few weeks of rotating theme music (nice to see they've already got Justin Gabriel's abortion theme out the way; if I'm not mistaken), dropping the tag titles to the marginally less horrendous team of The Usos (one has a tattoo on their chest, the other doesn't and neither are much cop) and then, well, the unemployment line.

Then and only then will I stop calling them out for being the Punk-weighing-down talentless ***** that they are.
The future of the new nexus is starting to get real stale now, WWE have not put any focus on this storyline or really any other storyline because of the Cm Punk thing going on, when the whole situation dies down a little bit then maybe they will, the problem i have is that i can't stand Otunga and that other idiot, his name is too long to say but they need to be released, they suck dick.
I'd keep Otunga and Mcgiggitygiggity together and try to forget this faction ever happened. Never got the hype behind Nexus anyway. I think the product was just so stale at the time that anything that would shake things up was looked upon as "revolutionary". Personally, I thought Nexus had some talented members, but the faction as a whole was as weak as they come. In contrast to what most everyone else believes, the only time I cared one bit for Nexus was the night C.M. Punk put the armband on and became the new leader. Of course they went nowhere with the angle, but at least Punk was involved.
The angle is dead.

CM Punk has a new shirt.

The only standout members of Nexus aren't currently in the WWE except Barrett & Gabriel.

Sheffield, Ryan, Tarver & Husky are all injured, unemployed or in development hell.

Otunga & McGillicuty however shouldn't drop the titles until a credible tag team is formed in WWE to takeover the division
Nexus is done and over.

I just posted on another thread that I wanted Sheffield, Harris & Cutty to form a redneck type group and be on SD. But im not gonna get into detail about it.

Otunga....get rid of him. Cannot stand him. Wasnt he on the show chasing after that awful black girl that flava flave turned down?

I think Ryan needs to be repackaged big time. He was brought up way to early still way to green in the ring. Give him another year in development and then bring him back. Alsohe needs a more impactful and powerful finisher. I hate to make him a complete Batista copycat but a Sitout Powerbomb is exactly what he needs lol. Also get him a manager guy is awful on the mic. horrid.
CM Punk, Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan are onto bigger and better things. Michael McGillicutty and Husky Harris should both be rebranded as their third-generation selves. Mason Ryan should move onto another role. Justin Gabriel should be pushed as a face. Heath Slater and Darren Young should both be released. Michael Tarver is already released. And Skip Sheffield is still injured.

That being said, I maybe David Otunga could have a crack at being the leader and recruit some new guys from FCW and run amuck as Nexus 2.0.

Or just let the Nexus die. To me, it died when Wade was kicked out.
honestly with ortunga always trying to knock of barrett they should have him get pushed somewhat and claim he shoulda been the leader instead of barrett and blah blah and get husky back and have him and mcgilliutty be a tag team bc they got that cade murduch redneck thing going and wwe is struggling with tag teams as it is.... btw has anyone noticed the tag team champs are now coming out to power by spreme??? justin gabraiels theme lol
well the new nexus has taken justin gabriels new music, WTF, so im guessing that next time we see the nexus enter, theyre tron will be different and theyll slowly move away from the nexus.
I dont understand what WWE is waiting for, they need kill the angle because the Nexus was a terrible story and since CM Punk left the New Nexus nobody with mic skills are left in the group. Therefore nobody understands what they want anymore? There is and was no purpose for the New/Nexus/Corre. I think more tag teams should be made because the WWE lost the ability to make a push for tag teams. Some of the greatest tag teams also created icons. ie. edge & christian, hardy boyz(yes team extreme still although they are druggies now, you still know them), and even Beniot & Guerrero. There is more but your going to miss the point.
Well, after Raw it seems clear now that the Nexus died a quiet death. Otunga and Miggil came out as themselves, no mention of the Nexus. They're just a tag team now. And it's probably for the best.
I'm pretty sure the Nexus as a stable is pretty much done and only exists in the form of Otunga and Henning. Neither of them wore the Nexus armband last night which further strengthens that point. And the fact that they're no longer using CM Punk's old theme song makes it safe to assume that at the very least, Punk is no longer associated with the Nexus.

I have no problems with Otunga and Henning staying together as a tag team but I no longer want the Nexus on television as a stable. The Nexus is dead and gone and while it was initially a good concept, it was ultimately nothing more than a group of angry rookies who were extremely green in the ring and on the mic. As long as they don't try to resurrect the group, I couldn't care less where all its former members go moving forward.
None of them are even wearing any of the armbands anymore. Punk didn't even wear it on his "Last Night in WWE." So yeah, the idea of them is pretty much over. It's just Joe Henning (SP?) and David Otunga now, they don't even come out as "New Nexus" anymore.

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