The Dream Matchup Thread

I agree with the Sting v Taker Match for the hype reason. Both arent getting any younger and I think that they could really compliment each other pace and style. Plus your right, the buyout would be huge. To me, a dream match is all about how the crowd reacts during the match. Nobody will ever forget the Hoan v Rock Mania 18 match. I was there, the building was shaking. I would have to go with a fatal 4 way match putting Kurt Angle v Chris Benoit v Bret Hart v The Rock. I know The Rock had a different style than the other 3 mentioned, but having him would bring a huge excitement and hype to the match
I would have to go with a fatal 4 way match putting Kurt Angle v Chris Benoit v Bret Hart v The Rock. I know The Rock had a different style than the other 3 mentioned, but having him would bring a huge excitement and hype to the match

Are you implying that Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit & Bret Hart wouldn't draw as much hype or attention, as The Rock would.. so you merely added him, assuming a Triple Threat between the others wouldn't be as good?

I'd be highly excited to see Benoit v. Angle v. Hart, as all three have great technical skills. The Rock is the least of the three to have any skills & would drown in a match of this caliber. Rock is good, don't misunderstand that.. but I think you misread how great Benoit, Angle & Hart can be.
Are you implying that Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit & Bret Hart wouldn't draw as much hype or attention, as The Rock would.. so you merely added him, assuming a Triple Threat between the others wouldn't be as good?

I'd be highly excited to see Benoit v. Angle v. Hart, as all three have great technical skills. The Rock is the least of the three to have any skills & would drown in a match of this caliber. Rock is good, don't misunderstand that.. but I think you misread how great Benoit, Angle & Hart can be.

I would have to agree with this ma'fucka right here. Besides Angle, Benoit and Hart in the last decade/twenty years can you think of a better technical wrestler in North America?

Spare me the Dean Malenko. Even though apparently he came up with the crossface. And when I say technical wrestler I mean in regards to their achieved status of popularity.

My dream match would be the Great Khali vs. Batista for the World Title to kick off the pay per view with one addes stipulation, loser leaves the WWE. So after a double count out vacated title finish the WWE celebrates by hosting an eight man title tourney consisting of: Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Curt Hennig, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Ric Flair and Tazz in their prime, finally Steve Austin with good knees. Basically all of them in their prime, I guess that goes without saying though.
I know this match has no chance of happening but my dream match would have to be Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit that would be the best technical wrestling match ever and it just wouldn't matter who won the match because we would see some great match.
Had to add more!

Sabu vs. RVD vs. C.M. Punk vs. Raven vs. Sandman vs. Dreamer vs, Rhyno vs. AJ Styles in a anything goes match when they are all in there prime. I think, out of all of them, in there prime, Raven would win. Raven over Sandman. The match would be great because Sabu/RVD/Punk/Styles are crazy, fast, and flyers. Raven/Sandman/Dreamer/Rhyno I think symbolize HARDCORE. This would be the dream match to end th 90's! You would just need to add AJ from 2004-2005. If you were to add anyone, i would add Jeff Hardy or Ray Mysterio. I don't think i would change the out come, but, would make it that much more better!

Also Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog vs. Undertaker vs. HBK in a fatle four way. I think Hart would pull it out.Hart over Bulldog. Great balance of pure wrestling, heart, high impact moves. EVERYTHING!

Sting vs Undertaker.... need i say more...Taker over Sting at Wrestlemania!

Edge vs. Rhyno vs. Jeff Hardy vs. RVD vs. Sabu vs. Mysterio... It wound Be crazy and you know it. Rhyno over Sabu.

Sabu/RVD/Hardy vs. AJ Styles/Chris Daniels/Mysterio Xtreme X match...Sabu grabs the X.

ECW Highlight: Sabu vs. RVD. vs Tazz vs. Shane Douglas vs. Dreamer vs. Sandman. AnythingGoes Elimination match. I pick the final 2 of Sabu and RVD. I'll give it to RVD.

Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man vs. HHH vs. Undertaker vs. Sting vs. Bret Hart. Great Strength plus maneuvers. Hart over HHH.

Bret Hart vs. Chris Beniot vs. Owen Hart vs. British Bulldog vs. Chris Jericho. I'm not going to say anything. Bret over Owen after very emotional match.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart vs Kurt Angle vs. Chris Beniot vs. Sting vs. Dean Malenko. I would sell my house, my kids, my car, and quit my job to go and see this match. As long as Angle wasn't slow in the match. Bret over Angle after Bret has Angle in a Sharpshooter, Owen has Malenko in the Sharpshooter, and Beniot has Sting in the Sharpshooter. Angle first to tap.

Ric Flare(from 80's)vs. Hogan(from 80's) vs. Sting(from 90's). Again not going to say anything. Sting over Hogan....Yes I said over Hogan.

And last Hart vs. HBK vs. Austin vs. Rock. Same reasons, with probly, same outcome. Hart over Rock.

I have a couple ideas that may not be considered "dream" matches, but, I think they would be classics nonetheless. All of these selections are with each wrestler in his prime.


Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr. (WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champs)
Paul London & Brian Kendrick

I just think it would be awesome to see the high flying acrobatics in this match. I think it could definitely go down as a classic. I think the cruiserweights of WCW could dance circles around the cruiserweights of WWE/F anyday. With the exception of London and Kendrick. I really think they would have been able to soar in WCW. So why not put them up against the best (Cruiserweight Tag Team Champs)?


Demolition (any of the two)
In my opinion this would just be a fun smash-mouth kind of match. I know that there wouldn't be a whole lot of technical wrestling (if any) but I would thoroughly enjoy watching a match like this.

Or how about this one that is impossible to take place
Bradshaw of the APA
I personnally think this one is a tough one to call. You have Bradshaw who was an in your face, knock your teeth down your throat wrestler while JBL was a little chicken who'd do anything he could to win (even if it meant cheating). Would Bradshaws in-your-face attitude be able to overcome the underhandedness of JBL? Would the "wrestling-god" be able to withstand the relentlessness of Bradshaw?
I would say that my favorite dream matches that HAPPENED.

Benoit vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels: These are 3 of my all time favorite Us/Canadian wrestlers and they tore WM 20 down. I know that Benoit may have tainted his legacy, But this match is undeniably one of the Best in WM history. The lead up, the emotion, the ending. It was amazing.

Bret Hart vs Benoit: Their match that was dedicated to Owen is without a doubt my favorite match of all time. And it has yet to be matched. The emotion, the reversals, the history of the two and the reason for the match was perfect.

Dream matches I want arent exactly ones that many would want to see beyond me but their:
Lance Storm vs Bryan Danielson

Great Muta vs Cm Punk

A.J Styles vs Elijah Burke
My personal dream match would be a fatal four way under the pure wrestling title rules that ROH has
Brian Danielson vs Nigel McGuiness vs Dean Malenko vs Chris Benoit.
what an awesome match that would have been. the technical ability of all four is off the chart an would make for a great match

another good match would be jeff hardy vs HBK vs Shane McMahon in a ladder match. the man who had the best ladder match ever vs razor ramon vs the 2 men who will do anythin to themselves to put on a good match
Mine would be an 8vs8 Survivor Series type match, wherein the final two survivors become stipulated under falls count anywhere/no DQ rules. The teams:

Manager: Sunny (when she was the hottest thing in the WWF)
Captain: Bret Hart (95)

1. Shawn Michaels (96-98)
2. Undertaker (97-till before the stupid biker thing)
3. Stone Cold Steve Austin (97-98)
4. HHH (not sure)
5. The Rock (97-98)
6. Mick Foley (Back when he was the trio of characters)
7. Kane (Debut, but as a face)

Manager: Jim Cornette (long live the tennis racket)
Captain: Mr. Perfect (early to mid 90s somewhere)

1. Diesel (95-96)
2. Edge (Current)
3. Owen Hart (96-97)
4. Jeff Jarrett (Back when he and Razor were IC contenders 24/7)
5. Psycho Sid (Survivor Series 96-Wrestlemania 13)
6. British Bulldog (96-97)
7. Vader (Debut) or Yokozuna (93)
The REAL DREAM MATCHUP would be Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle in a Thong Stinkface Match. That would be the sexiest match ever. That would be great to watch.

BUT SERIOUSLY, even though that would be great to watch, that isn't a dream matchup.

THE REAL DREAM MATCHUP would be Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho in a Fatal Four-Way Elimination Match. Also, just to make things a little bit more interesting, it could be for the WWE Title. 4 of the greatest technical wrestlers going at it for the greatest prize in pro wrestling.
a dream match up would be an ironman match between ric flair and Bret Hart. If this match was done when both were in thier prime, then it would definatly settle the debate about who is the best in the game
well a match that i would love to see would be bret hart and kurt angle in an iron man match....that would simply be amazing two of the best technical wreslters going at it for an hour the viewer would be on the edge of there seat for the entire match thinkin wat would happen next and no one would really care who won because the match wouldve been simply amazing to watch
id love to see kurt angle vs. bret hart in his prime.

watching these two former world champions will square off would be awesome to watch as a main event

two of the greatest technical wrestlers battle it out in a 2/3 or iron man submission match would be a hell of a match up.
My dream match would have to be HBK vs Jeff Hardy in a ladder match. Thay by far might be the best ladder match ever. Just think of all the high flying acion that would take place. And both men thathave the clam of being the ladder kings.
Edge is pretty handy in a ladder match...the ladder match dvd proves that.

I could name some pretty interesting dream matches featuring top guys in their prime.....kane vs abyss, sting vs rock, and any combination of los gringos locos, hart foundation, dudleys or legion of doom, tanaka vs foley (though that has probably happened, i have not seen it.)

that would be brilliant to see, even though it is now not possible.
Undertaker vs. Samoa Joe i think would be a great match just because both of these guys are great in the ring they could sell any match i mean taker put batista over even when batista lost and joe is just a great wrestler
winner-the undertaker

John Cena vs. The great khali, Umaga, and Big daddy V in a handicap match
u would think this would be a squash but the wwe put cena over everyone damn

Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair (in his prime) ultimate submission match
think of it two of the greatest submisson wrestlers in the business going at it in an ultimate submission. the figure four against the sharpshooter, the dirtiest player in the game vs. the best there is, the best there was, and the best that there will ever be
winner-Bret hart 6-5

Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels in an iron man match
these two have had great battles street fights, ladder matches, hell in a cell two of these most decorated men in the business a great long 60 minutes of anything u can think of
winner-idk i'd have to give it to the game just because of his record agaist HBK but remember HBK has experience in this match

Mr. Kennedy Vs. The Rock
i dont even care about the match in this one just the comedy coming from these two masters of the mic would be enough for me but if i would have to choose
winner- The Rock

Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit vs. Edge and Christian vs. The Dudleys vs. L.O.D.vs. The Hardys in a TLC match
imagine some of the greatest superstars and some of the best teams to ever be displayed
with the high flying of everyone excluded the dudleys and possibly LOD it would be an ariel spectactle then u have the physical aspect of it with all the weapons involed a great match
Winners - Benoit and Jericho....remember these guys were an incredible tag team before benoit broke his neck and id have to give it to them

part 2. coming soon............

Edge vs "The Macho Man" Randy Savage - edge would be the heel with savage being the face. think about the possibilites with these 2 above average athletes and storytellers.

The Undertaker vs Goldberg- could give goldberg his biggest challenge ever and the taker would land the tombstone and be the first person to beat goldberg fair and square in the center of the ring.

Hogan/Warrior vs Cena/Batista - certainly wouldnt be a technically sound matchup but with all these guys in their primes this match would draw ridiculous amounts of fans. the battle of hogan n warrior facing the new versions of themselves.

Kurt Angle vs Mr. Perfect - a regular match. these two would be simply amazing to watch.

Randy Orton vs Sting - Legend Killer vs the Icon. can orton add sting to the list of killed legends???

Team USA (Brock Lesnar, RVD, Stone Cold, Mick Foley and Ric Flair in his prime) vs Team Canada (Chris Benoit, Y2J, Lance Storm, Christian Cage and Owen Hart) - a survivor series style match. even tho im an american and id be rooting for the red white and blue id have to say that team canada looks pretty damn good to me.

CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin vs AJ Styles - Ladder Match, this would be absolutely insane not to mention incredibly entertaining. these 3 guys would put on one hell of a show.

HHH vs Nigel Mcguinness - A Last Man Standing matchup. ive always wondered what a a fued between these 2 would be like. just something about both their characters makes me want to see them in the ring against each other.

The British Bulldogs and the Rock n' Roll Express vs AMW and the New Age Outlaws - 4 awesome tag teams in one match. love the idea of the bulldogs teaming with the express.

Mr Kennedy vs The Rock - even more then the match itself, the promos for these 2 guys would be so damn good. i wish the rock would come back so this match could be a reality instead of a dream.

and finally the main event,
one more time,
for all the marbles,

with bret and vinces rocky past and hbk and vinces rocky present there is one question that will be answered by the end of this match:
"this time around... WHO WILL VINCE SCREW?!?"
Seeing as Classic Survivor Series matches seem to be all the rage, I think I'll tell you about my own one:

Team ROH
Bryan Danielson, Nigel McGuinness, Austin Aries, Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe


Team TNA
AJ Styles, Homicide, Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley

TNA and ROH are quite closely linked, or were at one point, and I think this match would be eagerly anticipated, particularly by ROH fans I'm sure. Team ROH is made up of current ROH wrestlers, but only one that's worked for TNA for a considerable amount of time. Team TNA is constructed entirely of ex-ROH wrestlers and current TNA wrestlers. Basically, it's just a collection of my favourite wrestlers across the two companies facing off against each others. Obviously, Nigel, being the only one on the list holding a singles belt currently, would dominate. Obviously.​
samoa joe vs umaga in a i quit match or C.M punk v.s aj styles in a cage or undertaker vs kevin thorn in a casket match and last but not least austin vs goldberg hardcore for smokein skull title
Wow dude that would be a crazy good dream match up. I haven't seen much of danielson or mcguinness yet but the briscoes are in themselves a dream team for pro wrestling all things considered about them. Anywho I really like this because its not too far from reality as you said both of these organization are quite closely linked. What is the probability of these two combining for one major pay per view? Could it ever happen? Remember how in the early Raw days ECW invaded?

QUOTE=Mr. Sam;272139]Seeing as Classic Survivor Series matches seem to be all the rage, I think I'll tell you about my own one:

Team ROH
Bryan Danielson, Nigel McGuinness, Austin Aries, Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe


Team TNA
AJ Styles, Homicide, Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley

TNA and ROH are quite closely linked, or were at one point, and I think this match would be eagerly anticipated, particularly by ROH fans I'm sure. Team ROH is made up of current ROH wrestlers, but only one that's worked for TNA for a considerable amount of time. Team TNA is constructed entirely of ex-ROH wrestlers and current TNA wrestlers. Basically, it's just a collection of my favourite wrestlers across the two companies facing off against each others. Obviously, Nigel, being the only one on the list holding a singles belt currently, would dominate. Obviously.​
Wow dude that would be a crazy good dream match up. I haven't seen much of danielson or mcguinness yet but the briscoes are in themselves a dream team for pro wrestling all things considered about them. Anywho I really like this because its not too far from reality as you said both of these organization are quite closely linked. What is the probability of these two combining for one major pay per view? Could it ever happen? Remember how in the early Raw days ECW invaded?

Mr. Sam's match would be my dream come true. Although, it will never happen in an ROH or TNA ring. The two promotions severed all ties months ago. TNA will not allow any of it's talent to work for ROH anymore. Because of the way the relationship ended, I don't foresee any joint PPV any time in the future.

But we can still dream, right?
My favorite was Kurt Angle Vs Benoit at royal rumble. Even when benoit lost he stood up to get a standing ovation. The match stole the night for sure. I forget which rumble it was to be honest. Uncle Paul says it was 2003, and yes, it was a great moment. It proved that WWE fans could actually appreciate great wrestling.
A couple dream matches for this years wrestlemania could be Batista vs. Bobby Lashley for the World Heavyweight Championship, Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho for the WWE Championship, CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy for the ECW Championship, Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker, Stone Cold vs. Hogan, and i know its never gonna happen, but Bret Hart vs. The Rock

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