The Dream Matchup Thread

The Macho King versus Triple H

Notice I singled out a time when Savage was in his prime so that he could be pitted up again Trips. So it would be The Madness versus The Game. I feel it would be a knock down drag out match.
One match that 'd like to see happen now is Edge vs Christian Cage. Sure, they've fought before, but look how far both of them have come since way back when. They're former Tag partners, and now they're World Champs! I think that match would be watched by all, even if they are both heals!

And for the record, I don't remember wo said it earlier, but Eddie Guerrero and HHH did have a match before. When they had the Draft on RAW, and HHH was drafted to Smackdown (for 24 hours) they had a "Smackdown" main event on RAW. It was a good match, which ended with Flair and Batista coming to ringside for HHH, followed by Cena and Rey for Eddie, and finally Christian caused the DQ. After that, the locker rooms both emptied, and we had one helluva brawl in and around the ring, with HHH and Eddie still going at it. That night was insane, I have the match on my Computer.
^See, I do actually remember that now. The problem I had with that match is that it was a one-off that had to end in a schmoz instead of some solid booking that would've ended with a clear winner and carried out in a match that had ample time to tell a story. Not just a rushed TV affair setup to plug gaps in a two-hour borefest. It was the same situation with RVD/HBK. Those two could've had an epic match that would've knocked the fans on their collective asses. Did Gewirtz book that for them? No. It was a bland Raw contest that served zero purpose and blew one of the biggest potential matchups of this decade. Personally, I would've loved to have seen Eddie in his prime "lying, cheating, and stealing" against HHH in an angle. It would've been hilarious. The fact that I didn't even remember that match until you said something shows you how awesome it wasn't.
I knew that match was bogus when they announced it on the show. Not only was it not announced before Raw aired, but they never would have given that away on free T.V. Eddie was the hottest thing in wrestling at the time. And HHH had learnt how to work again after a terrible 2003. I just knew that it was going to be a cheap finish.
I just got done watching Eddie vs HHH. It could've been a hell of a lot better. The ending was decent, but too predictable. That's a WrestleMania or Summerslam-type match. They would never give us that type of match on free TV. WCW would. Not WWE.
^Exactly my view, Ace. They not only gave a lousy match (compared to what it could've been with a proper setup), but shot down any potential for a future meeting (one that McMahon didn't even have the brains to setup down the line) between the two at a big-money event. Hell, with the proper buildup they could've headlined Mania easily. The average fan would probably be deterred from paying for a PPV encounter between two guys in the future if they remember a TV match between the two that sucked balls. Why the WWE does this stuff mystifies me to no end.
The true high flying match would easily be
Aj Styles vs. Jack Evans in a ladder match i mean these guys are phenomenal and do more thing off the top turnbuckle than normal guys can do jumping off a cliff. Besides look at their amazing as hell top rope moves
Aj Styles=Spinal tap
Jack Evans=630 splash and like a shitload more stuff i dont even know the name of
^Exactly my view, Ace. They not only gave a lousy match (compared to what it could've been with a proper setup), but shot down any potential for a future meeting (one that McMahon didn't even have the brains to setup down the line) between the two at a big-money event. Hell, with the proper buildup they could've headlined Mania easily. The average fan would probably be deterred from paying for a PPV encounter between two guys in the future if they remember a TV match between the two that sucked balls. Why the WWE does this stuff mystifies me to no end.

The great thing about it is, that it could've been used in a number of storylines. They could've pitted RAW's best against Smackdown's best, they could've had Eddie out-cheat Hunter, and HHH would've been pissed off. It just felt right to do it, and especially if HHH was still the great technical wrestler he was in the mid-nineties. It's just so damn good. Hell, I'm going to do that match on EWR and I bet the match quality, crowd reaction, and everything else will be a 100%
Eddie Guerrero vs Undertaker: I thought they were going to have this feud on Smackdown. This feud could have got Eddie over as a heel.
Batista vs Goldberg: They fought momentarily on Raw a few years. With the right build up this one could easily headline a PPV. Neither are great wrestlers so maybe make it a street fight or last man standing
Even though it could never happen, I would have loved to seen Owen Hart vs. Chris Benoit. The technical ability, the set up, reversals, and double reversals. Jim Ross would have a heart attack trying to call that match.
90's HBK vs. The Original ECW's RVD in a ladder match would be awesome. Match of The Century
Personally i thought that Cena v HHH at WM22 would be a good match but it just simply STUNK!
Since it's being talked about a ton, Summerslam 2005, the Main Event, the Legend vs. the Icon, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels vs. The Immortal Hulk Hogan.

Now, say what you will about this match, but I thought it was actually damn entertaining. This is the 2nd time in my life I found myself rooting against Hogan, the other being against the Undertaker. Yes, I Know Hogan is a backstage politicer, but I mark the hell out for the guy.

People despise Hogan, but watching this match again, tell that to the fans in Washington DC. It reminded me of an early Wrestlemania match. The crowd was solidly behind Hogan, the arena was complete Red and Gold.

The Atmosphere was insane, and this is were I think the first problem is. HBK despises Hogan in real life. I remember back to the KOTR 93, when Hogan lost and HBK did an interview right after saying, it's time to get the fossils out of the WWF. HBK has always felt slighted by Hogan, feeling that Hogan needed to get out of the way for him to move up the card. I believe HBK has held that grudge for 15 years, and let it boil over in the feud with Hogan.

Hogan vs. HBK the hype was probably higher for this match then any pay per view card in years. I think it was probably the most hyped match since Hogan and the Rock. I felt the match itself was what you would expect, and if anyone expected it to be a five star matchup. The styles contrast too much for it to be a great technical match, but a great in ring psychology match.

I feel this match is very underappreciated in the modern WWE. It's not a technical gem by any stretch, but if you want to see a match that plays on the crowd, this is the first match this decade you watch. Both acted like jackass's, there is equal blame to go along. The overselling by Michaels is a jab at Hogan, no doubt, and probably not needed, but Hogan makes up for it by making HBK lay on his ass. Watch this match again.
Heres A Great Dream Match That Would Have Been Great

Bret Hart Vs Ricky The Dragon Steamboat

Reason Being Is That These Two Had Some Of The Greatest Technical Wrestling Matches I Have Ever Seeen And I Can Say Arguably The Two Greatest Technical Wrestlers Ever

Ric Flair Vs Andre The Giant

Just For A Nostalgic Feel It Would Have Been Great If They Had A Match I Dont Know If They Ever Had A Match I Think They Did In The Awa But Not Sure
Heres a dream match that can still happen.......

CM Punk VS Chris Jericho

For some reason I feel these two have similar styles that would blend in well and make for an exciting match
Ok first I will say that for me The Dream Match Rock vs Hogan WM 18 Sucked It was a Boring Match where Hogan showed his true age The Rock had to carry nearly the entire match. To me it didn't come close to live up to the hype.

I have Three Picks for Dream Matches I would Want to see

1. Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle Bret Hart is the Best Technical Wrestler of all Time And Kurt Angle is in my opinion Tied With Benoit for second I think Bret Hart and Kurt Angle could have a great match that would rival the Greatness of Steamboatvs Savage or even Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect.

My Second pick is Chris Benoit vs Samoa Joe Samoa Joe is such a badass in the ring he can fly, he can Brawl and he can mat wrestle I think of him as a Samoan Version of Benoit Those two would Have a tremendous match.

My Third and Final Pick is also my Pick for Dream Rivaly The Crow Version of Sting vs The Lord Of Darkness Version of The Undertaker Just Think of the Buildup for that match With Sting's Headgames vs The Undertakers Head Games and you know they both have great in ring skills those two would make great opponents.

Those are my picks for dream matches
seriously guys I am shocked that everyone has gotten this one wrong. True you guys have stated some great dream matches - but i think the greatest dream match would actually be a GREAT REMATCH. Given all of the heat and history.....

I would pay $1000 to see Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels - ohhhhhh man...........both men in thier prime going at it in pure grudge match

- Diamond Dallas Page vs Steve Austin would be another classic

- Road Warriors vs Stieners vs Harlem Heat

- Eddie Guerro vs Konnan

- Masato Tanka vs Mike Awsome (BEST ECW SERIES EVER!)
HHH vs. Randy Savage would be an ideal "Dream Match". Instead of having the two biggest "Faces" against eachother, why not the two greatest "heels". Back in the late 80's, Macho Man was the top heel. Triple H completley reinvented the "heel role" for the modern era.
Edge vs. Shawn Michaels:Ladder Match

The innovator of the Ladder match and the Badass who makes them better.Who wouldn't want to see this match.It would be amazing and I would love to see it.Definate match of the year and a 5 star match up.
Ok first I will say that for me The Dream Match Rock vs Hogan WM 18 Sucked It was a Boring Match where Hogan showed his true age The Rock had to carry nearly the entire match. To me it didn't come close to live up to the hype.

I have Three Picks for Dream Matches I would Want to see

1. Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle Bret Hart is the Best Technical Wrestler of all Time And Kurt Angle is in my opinion Tied With Benoit for second I think Bret Hart and Kurt Angle could have a great match that would rival the Greatness of Steamboatvs Savage or even Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect.

My Second pick is Chris Benoit vs Samoa Joe Samoa Joe is such a badass in the ring he can fly, he can Brawl and he can mat wrestle I think of him as a Samoan Version of Benoit Those two would Have a tremendous match.

My Third and Final Pick is also my Pick for Dream Rivaly The Crow Version of Sting vs The Lord Of Darkness Version of The Undertaker Just Think of the Buildup for that match With Sting's Headgames vs The Undertakers Head Games and you know they both have great in ring skills those two would make great opponents.

Those are my picks for dream matches

I would of loved to seen Brock Lesnar Vs. Chris Benoit. Brock is very quick and agile for someone of his size, and his Shooting Star Press is something i wish i could of seen more of. Chris Benoit is an amazing technical wrestler that could make anyone look good, even The Miz. Benoit and Lesnar in the right enviorment under the right circumstances, could be a classic. I would make it a gimmick match, such as a Street Fight or a Ladder Match. The ending i would like to see is an attempted F5 reversed into a sharp shooter, then Lesnar getting out, Body Slamming Benoit, then putting in the Brock Lock. Benoit then reversing into a Crossface for the win .That would be some goooooood stuff.
Here are the 5 dream matches...

Shawn Michaels Vs. The Rock

These 2 wrestlers have the perfect cobonation of athlethism and mic skills. Which in my opionin are the 2 best pure Sport Entertainers there is.

Shawn Michaels Vs. Eddie Gurreuo

HBK based his wrestling performance on mexican style wrestling. With Eddie Gurreuo as a Hispanic wrestler it would be an interesting technical fast paced match-up between "Trained wrestler" (HBK) and "It's in my Blood" (Eddie).

Kurt Angle Vs. Bret Hart

The 2 best mat wrestlers of all time (or so far)

John Cena Vs. Hulk Hogan

Vince Mcmahon "hyped-up" these 2 sports entertainers as the 2 best WWE Champions of all time by long title runs, defeating Giants and main eventing every show they were ever on.

Ric Flair Vs. Edge

Simlar styles, they both are dirty wrestlers. a fun match to watch​
AJ Styles vs CM Punk

This is my dream match! both quick an very intelligent in the ring.
would be a fast match high tempo and to be honest i couldnt say who would win!

Ultimate Warrior vs Chris Benoit!

2 different styles of wrestling but what a match this would be.
id prob say benoit would win as he is a better all rounder but to watch the different contrasts would have been amazing
Wrestling would never have Chris Benoit beat The Ultimate Warrior. Just impossible. The Ultimate Warrior has never been beaten fairly. Ever. And Chris Benoit doesn't cheat to win. Therefore, Ultimate Warrior is your winner. He is MUCH more powerful and just more appealing as well. Chris Benoit is a good wrestler but extremely boring with his gimmick and image, etc. The Ultimate Warrior is a bad wrestler...but his gimmick and image is enough to beat anyone in the business. As he's shown. Right when his music would hit and he ran out from under the tunnel....the fans would erupt and forget who Chris Benoit was immediately.

- Hogan
NWO_Hogan has a point, not because Warrior WOULD beat Benoit in a match, but if you look at both wrestlers in their primes, Benoit has always been "The Crippler" and Warrior has been a marketing machine. It sells t-shirts and slim jims.

Scott Norton vs Rhino. The biggest chest in wrestling vs the biggest legs in wrestling. Two strong, intense, naturally huge athletes with a lot of talent whom I'd like to see in a fight. I'd take Norton to win with the Shoulder Breaker.

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