The Dream Matchup Thread

If you like high-flying action like I do, a dream match would be:
AJ Styles VS Shelton Benjamin VS Matt Sydal VS Jack Evans.
This match could finish with Jack Evans hitting a 630 splash of the ladder, which would probably be the most phenomenal move in wrestling history. There's just so much these guys could do with ladders, tables and good opponents.
My dream match would be the a tag team TLC match between the Hardyz, Londrick, "the Phenomanal one" and "the Fallen Angel" and the Worlds Greatest Tage Team.

A Dream match that didn't live up to the hype would be the Ultimate Challenge at WM6 or Hogan and the warrior's rematch in WCW. Or any John Cena match.
I think that Hulk Hogan teaming with Slyvester Stallone vs. Mr. T and the guy who played Ivan Drago in Rock IV in a tag team texas tornado match with no hold barred. Having all rocky stars in the movie would be cool. Even a possible Muhummad Ali as a guest ref!
Drago was played by Dolph Lundgren. And I will only accept that match is Hulk Hogan is run over by a car driven by Rikishi in the parking lot, allowing Carl "Apollo Creed" Weathers to take his place. I've been wanting to the Count of Montefisto get back at that Russian jerk for over a decade now. And Hogan is the black hole of wrestling.
X-Division/Cruiserweight-Aj Styles Vs. Teddy Hart. Both are amazing athletes with a wide variety of moves, mat-based and aerial. The finish comes with AJ hitting the Styles Clash off the top turnbuckle for the win.

Hardcore- Terry Funk Vs. Sabu Vs. RVD Vs. Raven.... Now I realize that these are all ECW wrestlers, but they all epitomized hardcore in the 90's. And to not include Terry Funk would be a crime. Finish would come with the Funker hitting the moonsault off a ladder.

Main Event- HHH Vs. The Ultimate Warrior. HHH is arguably one of the best heels ever, and would probably need his trademark Sledgehammer to put The Warrior down. With that being said I would have to give this one to the Warrior with the running Splash after a Gorrila Press after kicking out of the Pedigree.
While everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, Benoit breaks the Warriors arm the second Warrior goes for his clothesline. That big roided up monster would have that armed snatched in a second, locked in the cross face, and tap a hole threw the ring mat.

Another dream match of mine.
Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart. I'm pretty sure this had to happen somewhere down the line, but I haven't seen it and would love to.

Here you have two guys that were phenomenal in the ring, and sharp as a tack on the microphone. These two would play off each other hyping that match. You have two guys that are technical, submission, and high flyers, all wrapped into one combination. Both have been very under appreciated as wrestlers for the better part of their career. I would have these two main eventing my pay per views any day of the week.
Shockmaster I totally agree with Jericho/Hart. No one could have hyped up a match like those two. But which Jericho would we see? The heel or the face?? Everyone knows Owen was best as a heel so would it be better as a face vs. a heel, or heel vs. heel?
Either way, Jericho was gold on the mic. His stuff as a heel against Michaels was great. The vastly under appreciated match at WM 19 shows just how good Jericho Hell works. The ending of that match was priceless with the Low Blow, and hug as Michaels sank to the mat.

Then You have Jericho the Face, that spits out some of the best one liners ever. Either way with Jericho you go, it's gold. Owen easily is one of the better heels of the last ten years. It's evident on how vanilla he became in his face turn, which lasted all but 6 months.
Nice answers all of them.

Just off the top of my head.

The Original Shiek v. Cactus Jack. - Can you imagine the carnage in this one. It would have to be rated R and shown at 11PM just to be legal.

I've got more but I'll need time to type them up.
i would like to see a extreme elimianation chamber between chris jericho vs bret hart vs kurt angle vs edge vs chris benoit vs shawn michels.

benoit would be eliminated first when angle puts a chair on benoits ankle and uses it like a ankle lock.
next jericho would get eliminated when he gets piledrived by Hart on a chair.
next hart would get eliminated when he gets a chair thrown at him by HBK and hart cathes it but HBK superkicks the chair into harts face.
then HBK gets eliminated by EDGE when he gets a DDT off the chamber.
and then there would be a flaming table in the ring and angle would be up to the top of the chamber after he angle slams egde on the steel but then edge would climb up the the chamber also and spear angle off the chamber through the flaming table in the ring.
for edge to take the win
The match I would love to see would be Dean Malenko vs Eddie guerreo vs Chris beniot vs kurt angle vs Bret hart vs Chris Jericho in a submissions match. This would be the best way to show off the best technical wrestlers in the game in what the do best submissions. Let them be free to do what they want in the ring and they would put on the best show ever with holds you will prolly only see in this match.
Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart

At Wrestlemania in the main event.That would be an amazing match without a doubt.These three are wrestling machines and they have all had classic matches with each other except for Hart and Angle.Plus all these men bring it when it comes to a big situation.
I think steamboat vs bret would be awesome. They did have a mach in the eighties, its on the best there is, best there was and best there ever will be dvd, pretty good for back then, would've been a classic a few years after tho. Bret vs Jericho would be shit hot i'd say, with bret heel and jericho face.
Hart foundation vs aries and strong would be gold. The rockers vs styles and daniels. LAX vs LOD. Cristian vs a pre 40 ric flair. Angle vs steamboat. benoit vs styles. tanaka vs angle. eddie vs hbk. petey williams vs shelton benjamin would be a cheeky yin. Could go on for hours...
I think a good dream match, that almost happened, would have been Beniot vs. Malenko at ONS in Eddies memory. Just a straight out, no gimmick wrestling match that ends in a clean victory for the returning Malenko, and a handshake in the middle of the ring.
ive said it before but i think that Sting vs The Undertaker is one of the dream matches left. Reasons being that their both unbelievably over with the fans, sting has never stepped in a wwe ring making him something of a symbol of any major promotion opposing it. Also, you could consider taker as being the wwes symbol for his loyalty to the company. And most obvious their similair gimmicks
and abillity to follow it up with gimmick matches such as buried alive etc
remember back at the royal rumble earlier this year the two last people battling it out for a good 5 minutes....undertaker and hbk.
only dream match that comes to mind right now. those 5 minutes reminded me of the good old days
dream matches???

austin vs hogan for obvious reasons 80's vs 90's. will never happen as austin is done with wrestling and neither would want to loose. i take austin to win though.

how about bret hart vs kurt angle vs ken shamrock?

cactus jack vs terry funk vs sabu vs raven? barbwire, exploiding borad, bed of nails, thumb tack death match?

the great khali vs the giant silva vs the giant gonzalaez vs the big show vs andre the giant? is there a ring big enough for this??? to be fair this match would suck!!!!
The Dream Matches i want to see is

#1: John Cena V.S. The Rock ( The Best 2 Wrestlers ever will great mic skills)
#2:Kurt Angle V.S. Bret Hart ( Greatest Technical Wrestlers Ever)
#3:Undertaker V.S. Goldberg ( Best Superstar during the 90's)
a lot of the matches i would pick have been said already so i wont repeat them............except the sting vs taker match, one who was loyal to wcw, one who was loyal to wwf and both have always been over with fans

but personally i'd like to see aj styles and rvd go at it based on the athletic ability they both have, it would be an truly awesome match, like espceially if it was ultimate x or a ladder match, rvd doing a split leg moonsault using the ultimate x ropes (not sure if chris daniels did that already??)
I'm not that big on hardcore wrestling, but I would have liked to have seen Bruiser Brody vs. Mick Foley. That would have been something to see IMO.

I've always wanted to see a prime Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat in matches against some of the stars of today. Any of a number of them that specialize in the more technical aspects of the sport. Steamboat is often forgotten when mentioning legends IMO.

It would be something to see Steamboat take on HBK or Jeff Jarrett. Or see him in a match with Kurt Angle. I would have loved to see him take on Triple H as well.
I think that Kurt Angle VS Sting is a dream match that TNA is going to give us soon. The 2 wrestlers are good performers in the ring, have great carrers, have good characters, and the story is going at the point that you need to see it.
Bret "The Hitman" Hart VS. Kurt Angle VS. Chris Benoit (Ultimate Submission Match)

This match would sell anything. The three greatest technical wrestlers in history in a three way match, and to make this better it's like an iron man match except only submisions count. I would pay alot of money to see this match. Truly a dream match that unfortunatly will never happen.
If i could have a dream match of any wrestlers i would love to see a Kurt Angle, Bret hart, Chris Benoit, and Ric Flair, Chris Jericho, and yes i said it Dean Malenko. I would love this match to be a submissions elimination match
IMO these are some of the greatest technicians in wrestling history. I believe they could put on an amazing match. I believe the build up would be great. this match would be like fine art. it would be fantastic because each of them and there submission tactics. I would pay serious cash to see this match take place because i would be in aw the entire time. It could be possibly the greatest pure wrestling you could ever watch.

Like stated before I would love to see a Sting Taker match.
These two are possibly the greatest wrestlers in either WCW and WWE. They were both like gods of wrestling. They both have good in ring work and the promos and build up could be phenomenal because of there dark character, like for instance when they appear when the lights go out. Quite Frankly I would be frightened.

sorry if this, or any other match was listed before.
I would love to see an Aj Styles, Rey Mysterio, Super Crazy (back in the ecw days), and Gregory Helms. Imo these are the best CW or X division wrestlers i have ever watched. They have pure wrestling ability and this match would be sick if it was possibly a ladder match or even an elimination match. this match would blow the roof off the place because the moves most of them would perform would be worth buying in itself. I would be in aww mode the whole time because the match could be sick because of there pure wrestling ability.

Also i would love to see this tag match. I would love to see a triple threat match between the Steiners (Prime) Vs the Dudleyz (Prime) and Edge and Christian. these could possibly considered three of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history. I would just love to see them Step in a ring because i believe it would be a tremendous tag match. I honestly wouldnt care less who won on any of my matches i would just love to see them all because i think they could blow the roof off of any building. but i know in all reality these matches could never happen but one can only dream.:headbanger:
JBL vs ted dibiase for the million dollar belt get both of them at there primes
Owen Hart V.S. Kurt Angle Bret Hart is and will always be my favorite wrestler but I'd rather see Owen against Kurt. Heel vs heel on this one
Bret Hart vs Hogan make Hogan tap to the sharpshooter in a clean bout that sees Hart kick out of not one but 3 leg drops Bret WILL sell the leg drops but will want the win SOOO bad he'll push through and win A dream of mine for many years.
Scaffold match with 10inch spikes on the floor below
Batista vs John Cena they both lose We all WIN!!!
ive got 2.

Angle Vs. Tazz: here we have two great wrestling machines in tazz and angle both of which feature suplexs and submission maneuvers. they both have charisma, ability, and are great story tellers in the ring. Both also have had 5 star wonderful matches.

2. Flair Vs. Dean Malenko Vs. Benoit Vs. Mr. Perfect: four of the possibly best mat workers ever. perfect gets hoed big time but he could wrestle better than 90% of the wrestlers who have wrestled. Malenko is the man of a 1,000 holds who could make you look like a fool on the mat. a member of another wrestling forum i used to go to stopped counting malenkos moves and 1,127. 1,127 seperate moves that he could do, it just doesnt get much better than that. Benoit and Angle have always had great wrestling matches against each other. Their bouts have too be in the top 15 all time for match quality and top 10 for the best fued.

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