The Dream Matchup Thread

Ok I've been thinking about this one for awhile, and one dream match I would love to see, is Londrick vs. MCMG, this match would have to take place in ROH though, just because ROH is the only place that would give these teams the time and leeway to make this an amazing match, could you imagine what these four guys could do in that ring together, simply bad ass, that's what this match would be, just straight up bad ass non stop action
The things that will make any match a dream match is the hype, the build up, and the final product. One match that comes to mind when I think about it is Hogan vs. Warrior at WM6. Hands down. I remember when I was a kid, this was the big "what if?" match. Someone had to win and someone had to lose. Even the people behind the curtains who were supposed to know what was going to happen were still not sure. Now that was well put together.

HBK v. Jericho was a good match and it was nice to see that none of them won with their finishers. A good back and forth.

Lance Storm v. Jericho. I wanted to see this match at a big event all hyped up and all. But no, WWE treated like filler and not a thriller.

I am a huge HBK fan and his matches are just phenomenal.

Hardy v. RVD was a great match. Good back and forth. Probably Jeff's best match to date.

I would like to see a Bret Hart v. Angle match. The Rockers v. Kendrick and London. Though it might suck, I'd like to see Batista v. Warrior. Backlund v. Angle. Man the list goes on and on...
my dream match has and probably always will be Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H.. their matches in the past have always been amazing.
I think Jericho v Austin could have been a dream matchup, but when it happened, it wasnt as good as i expected it to be

No one has mentioned Jericho v Undertaker, i think the clash in styles would make a good match and both have proved to have had solid promos, so i think this could be a dream fued that id want to see

I also think Taker v Sting would be incredible also
What about Triple H vs. Taker in a Hell In A Cell match, that would be amazing imo, hell make it a retirment match for one of these guys, what better way to go out
First off any combo of HBK, Rey Misterio and RVD. It is sad to think these guys never got a chance to fight any of each other other than meaniless battles on RAW maybe that never highlight there stufff (face no dream match is good on RAW or Smackdown)

Bam Bam v Samoa Joe 2 big burly man who can move and do some good shit in the ring

6 pack elmination challenge
Lance Storm v Christopher Daniels v Shelton Benjamin v CMPunk v AJ Styles v
Christian Cage
Comes down to Punk and Cage

Chris Jerciho v Edge
No stips necessary just two great wrestlers who could put on a WM main event
Biggest Dream match letdown. Basically all the "dream" matches Hogna had after he went to WCW. First the Flair match was alright but their was no suspense as Hogan has to win his first match there. Then Dream matches with Hogan/Sting and Hogan/Hart did no happen til he became hollywood Hogan who well was just a aple joke. Hulk needs to be able to Hulk up.
There were two wrestlers that defined my childhood as a wrestling fan....'Macho Man' Randy Savage, and of course, Bret 'Hitman' Hart. Both men made their mark as both heels and babyfaces. Both of them had the ability to carry anybody on the roster to a great match, and both men were forced to take a backseat to a man that couldn't wrestle his way out of a soaking wet toilet-paper cocoon....meaning they both stood in Hogan's shadow.

Hart and Savage could've carried on a year-long feud building steam and brutallizing WWF television week in and week out culminating in a Wrestlemania main event that would've stole the show for years to come. I would've given up my little league career, my baseball card collection and at least one of my girlfriends to see these two headline 'Wrestlemania' back in the day. Between the intensity and dedication of Savage and the technical excellence of Hart, all bases would've been covered and I have this overwhelming feeling that neither of them would've left the ring until we all got our money's worth.

A match between Hart and Savage wouldn't have needed any gimmicks. No special referees, elimination chambers, steel cages, or radical stipulations. Just a sixty minute time limit and two men that would've broken their backs to give us a true classic.

In my youth I acted out their rivalry with my old-time WWF Action Figures to calm the need to see them battle each other tooth and nail for that golden marvel that was the the 'Winged Eagle' Championship Belt. While they fought each other every night for a year in my living room, the world was never privileged enough to see the real thing, and somehow I can't help but wish we had the chance to see these two legends lock horns in their prime and show the world that it was Hogan that deserved to be in the backseat readin' the map.
many off the matches have been said but the one i really wanted to see was chris benoit vs angle vs Mr Perect vs HBK in a fatal four way.

one match that i really did love and nobody takes about is the triple threat elimination match of edge and mysterio vs los guerreros and Angle and Benoit that was brill. And also the 2/3 falls Angle/Benoit vs Edge/Mysterio another classic.
How about The Briscoes vs. The Hardys vs. Londrick...maybe a TLC match? I just feel like with their styles, the match would be 5 star.

I would have to agree with k/king...a match between the Undertaker and Jericho would be good. I could see Jericho kind of replicating the psychology of the first HIAC between Undertaker and HBK.

I may get shot for this one but I would honestly like for a better version of Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg...without ego.

Finally I would love to see some form of a MITB match between A.J. Styles, Jack Evans, PAC, Steenerico (against each other of course), Fallen Angel, CM Punk and Elijah Burke. I just feel like that is a perfect combination to get everything we all enjoy out of a ladder match.
I've got to go old-school for my dream match: a triple threat with Vader, Stan Hansen, and Bruiser Brody. Those three, in their primes were the most brutal wrestlers of all time. If that match ever took place, it would have also been the stiffest match ever.

My dream match that actually took place was Sabu vs. Terry Funk in the infamous Barb-Wire match that introduced us all to EC F'n W.
I would want to see a 4-way between Mike Awesome-Bam Bam Bigelow-Samoa Joe-Brock Lesnar. 4 men who could move despite their size. Also, I would like to see The Faboulous Freebirds vs Demolition. Brusier Brody vs Vader. Michael Hayes, Bam Bam Gordy vs Kerry,Kevin VonErich vs DVon, Bubba Ray vs Steiner Brothers. Those are some dream matches we will never get to see. I think all these guys are in the Hall of Fame or will be when their careers are over.
RVD vs. Shane McMahon-Extreme Rules, I think that this match would be freaking crazy, I can only imagine what crazy spots these to could come up with , if RVD ever comes back to WWE I sincerely hope that this match takes place
I know this isn't your first choice for a dream match, but I've always had this image for what this match could have been like. Booker T vs. Mick Foley at WM 21 in a I Quit Match. Both men can put on one heck of a show, and Booker is a truly unorthodox and creative wrestler that he could offer Foley, as Foley once put it"More canvas to paint on.
I would want to see a 4-way between Mike Awesome-Bam Bam Bigelow-Samoa Joe-Brock Lesnar. 4 men who could move despite their size.

That match would be INSANE! As discussed in my prior "Do Superheavyweights Ruin Wrestling" threads, we decided that Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow (a former NJ State Amateur Wrestling Champ fron Asbury Park mind you) redefined the "big man" in terms of his agility and creative maneuvering. Everything Bigelow did paved the way for guys like Samoa Joe, Mike Awesome, and especially Brock Lesnar to pull off. You could even take one of them out and insert Vader. Much like Lesnar vs Show, however, 3-2 odds the ring collapses!
Ok laugh if u may but the dream match up I would love to see is a 6 man TLC match with Jeff Hardy, Edge, Aj Styles, Christopher Daniels, RVD, & Sabu. Could u imagine all of the insane, crazy spots done. I can see Hardy & Sabu almost competing on who could take the bigger bump. This match would have so much highflying action and could entertain like no other. Edge & Hardy have already put on great TLC with their partners but i definetly think they could be awesome without them to. Styles & Daniels would bring a youth element to it, and RVD would just make it that much more extreme. To me this match would be throughly entertaining.
i totally agree with that match that would be insane.but i think the dream match would be a monsters ball match kane vs abyss vs undertaker vs umaga vs great khali vs the big show i mean it would be truly a monsters ball but it would have to be a elimination monsters ball i really wouldnt kno who to bet on in this match this is crazy
Sabu vs. RVD vs. C.M. Punk vs. Raven vs. Sandman vs. Dreamer vs, Rhyno vs. AJ Styles in a anything goes match when they are all in there prime. I think, out of all of them, in there prime, Raven would win. Raven over Sandman. The match would be great because Sabu/RVD/Punk/Styles are crazy, fast, and flyers. Raven/Sandman/Dreamer/Rhyno I think symbolize HARDCORE. This would be the dream match to end th 90's! You would just need to add AJ from 2004-2005.

Also Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog vs. Undertaker vs. HBK in a fatle four way. I think Hart would pull it out.Hart over Bulldog. Great balance of pure wrestling, heart, high impact moves. EVERYTHING!

And last Hart vs. HBK vs. Austin vs. Rock. Same reasons, with probly, same outcome. Hart over Rock. My THOUGHTS.....BAMBAM!
Dream Match for me...I'd say an Elimination Chamber match with:

HBK, Bret Hart, Austin, The Rock, Chris Jericho, and Kurt Angle. Just imagine...if there was room to slip HHH in here, this match would have probably the most star power seen in a match EVER. The way these wrestlers match up to each other, it's nuts, almost all of them have a counterpart in the match. Possibilities are endless for the winner and the finish, but I'd like to think that either Kurt Angle or Austin would win this one.
O.K., this match might seem a little insane, but a 10 man ladder match for the WWE title. Orton v Cena v Undertaker v Triple H v Shawn Michaels v Chris Jericho v Kane v Jeff Hardy v MVP v Mr. Kennedy. How entertaining would that be! Especially when Y2J would climb the ladder and win!
O.K., this match might seem a little insane, but a 10 man ladder match for the WWE title. Orton v Cena v Undertaker v Triple H v Shawn Michaels v Chris Jericho v Kane v Jeff Hardy v MVP v Mr. Kennedy. How entertaining would that be! Especially when Y2J would climb the ladder and win!

Yeah, that is a bit over the top, 10 men in a ladder match would make for FAR too many spots. Not to mention that there are a ton of other people you could insert and take out.

I'd lose Cena/Kane/Jeff/Undertaker and replace them with Kurt Angle/Bret Hart/The Rock/Edge. That automatically makes the match 100% better.
Well it's been a while, and we have a lot of new posters recently, but just to update.

Listing matches with minimal reasons is spam, plain and simple. Just take a look at all of the deleted threads and compare them to the ones that aren't deleted, and you'll see a considerable difference.

We want reasons, so we can either argue or disagree with those matches. Simply listing or saying, wow, this would be awesome, is not a good conversation piece.
The dream match any real wrestling fan wants to see is Sting VS Shawn Michaels in a latter match. You can put all the names you want in one match, these two would blow them away.
The dream match for me would be: Rock vs. Austin vs. Y2J vs. Foley in a Hell in the Cell match Rock Sock Connection baby! Just imagine Rock returning one last time w/ the Rock Sock connection against Y2J the man who he had so many hilarious promos with and Austin. Wow.
Well it's been a while, and we have a lot of new posters recently, but just to update.

Listing matches with minimal reasons is spam, plain and simple. Just take a look at all of the deleted threads and compare them to the ones that aren't deleted, and you'll see a considerable difference.

We want reasons, so we can either argue or disagree with those matches. Simply listing or saying, wow, this would be awesome, is not a good conversation piece.

Isnt "take a look at the DELETED threads" a little contradicting? lol Just thought it was funny, I'm the only one I know. :D

Anyways, dream matchup...hmm its a toughie....but I would have to say an insane ladder match with the Hardys vs. Londrick. And possibly a high flying third team. It just screams excitement. Look at what happened to Mercury a while back, who wouldnt pay to see something like that again? lol Psycho I know, but I really think this would be a great matchup and is something WWE will never do....again.
I would have to say, Sting vs Undertaker, its got it all, 2 of the best wrestlers ever, i'm sure it would have good hype, also, Sting, and Undertaker, too bad that it will never happen, if it did, though, i think that PPV buyrates would go through not just the roof, but through the atmosphere!!! this kind of a match would be the thing that wouls send TNA above and beyond WWE,

most dissapointing match: Benoit vs Jordan at summerslam 05, i was ready for a good match, i came out from the bathroom, and it was over, LOL

and as far as "seeing the deleted threads", LOL, contradictory, lol

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