The Dream Matchup Thread

if i got to pick anyone from anytime to go at it those would be chris jericho from his japan days vs cm punks roh days. within the wwe punks moveset has been cut in half and chris jericho isnt 25 anymore (and yes did get this idea from watchin KOTR)

but if i have to pick now, ill go with jericho vs undertaker. i dont know if it has happened cuz ive never seen it. taker is at the best hes ever been and jericho can still move around pretty damn well. they put on a good show, taker adds another great match to his belt and jericho puts himself back to te main event, and tells trips to kiss his ass. the only thing is i dont know how to set it up, but thats why its a dream
a elimination pinfall battle royal with no rules except the only way to get eliminated would be pinfall or sumbmission. Chris J, MVP, Kenedy, Matt & Jeff, HHH, HBK, JBL, John Cena, Kane, Taker, Sabu, Kofi Kingston, Orton, Edge, Rey, Morrison & Miz, RVD, Elijah, Shelton and to stuff things up, Big Show, Khali, Mark Henry & Big Daddy V! winner takes supreme wrestler of all time. And put it in a GIANT HELL IN THE CELL match.
dream matchups...hmmm...there is indeed a lot. some possible. others...never gonna happen.

Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart

RVD vs. AJ Styles

RVD vs. Shawn Michaels

Shelton Benjamin vs. AJ Styles

AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio

Sting vs. Shawn Michaels

The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels

The Rock vs. Sting

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Goldberg

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan

Sting vs. The Undertaker

Legion of Doom vs. The Dudleys

Goldberg vs. The Undertaker

NWO "The Outsiders" *Hall & Nash* vs. DX *HBK and HHH*

Eddie Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels

Chris Benoit vs. Samoa Joe

Dean Malenko vs. Kurt Angle (doesn't seem like this would be to many people, but i would see this being a great matchup)

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Samoa Joe (for some big men, this would rule. joe's not as big, but the way joe moves, fits more for a slimmer wrestler and bam bam was a lot bigger and did insane athletic moves.)

Chris Jericho vs. Bret Hart

Randy Orton vs. The Rock (they were in tag matches at WMXX, but in a one on one, these 3rd generation superstars can bring down the house IMO.)

Samoa Joe vs. The Rock

The Rock vs. John Cena (There would be so much anticipation, and i think everybody will turn their back on Cena if it was The Rock facing him. A huge draw would come to this.)

...thats about it for now. cheers.
this is so easy... a dream match would be AJ Styles, CM Punk, Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin, RVD, Edge and Christian (from the Edge and Christian Days, not them now), and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat in his prime in a MITB match or ladder title match of sorts.
my dream match would be a tagmatch between the roadwarriors and the dudley boyz. talk about a modern day nasty boys rematch. the match would no doubt live up to the hype because lod and 3d have never disapointed me in any matches ive watched. Think about it, two (in your face)type teams both with a mean streak that has ran all over the pro wrestling world. make it a match with no disqualifications.this match would be out of controll all over the crowd and arena.The ring couldnt contain a fight that big.
ive got one more for ya. check this out.. Money inc. versus the hart foundation versus the bladerunners (sting and warrior for you younger guys) versus the koloffs in a 4way tagmatch in a tna ring
I guess most people don't know this but the Dudley boys did vs the Legion Of Doom. it was before Hawk died. It was on raw. I think it was in 2003 or 2004. it was an ok match, nothing special. It was for the Dudleys' tag team titles. Dudleys went over of course as they were being built as an unstoppable heel tag team.

My dream match would most likely be Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart. It would be a good technical match, even though IMO Bret Hart is overrated because he did the same thing as Cena in terms of his 5 "moves of doom". Overall I think it would be an enjoyable math.

My second choice would probably be Hulk Hogan Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. The match itself would probably bad in terms of wrestling as Hogan is way way past his prime and Austin has all but been crippled by has injuries. I think the crowd, buildup(if done right), and just the sheer entertaining power of these two men would more than save this match and make it an all time classic.
Sting Vs. Shawn Michaels
If this ever happened now, who wouldn't pay good money to see it? Imagine this especially at a Wrestlemania. Sting is a lagend, as is Shawn, and with his constant 5 star Wrestlemania matches, you can imagine it being one for the record books.

Chris Benoit Vs. Kurt Angle
So it has most likely happened before, yet I can't imagine watching this now and it being anything other than a great match. They're two of my favourite wrestles due to their style and the fact they were amazing hard workers. This would have been a great match if you ask me.

The Rock Vs. Ric Flair
This really is something I'd love to see. If both came back for just one night, I can't think of anyone better to face them than each other. They've both done a lot for the company, and know every trick of the trade when it comes to putting on a good match. This would be one for the ages.
Sting(circa '96-98) vs. Undertaker(circa '98-99)

Sting vs. Bret Hart ( if it was booked properly)

Rock vs. John Cena

Sting(in his prime) vs. Shawn Michaels (in his prime)

Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin (just right after Mania 14... would love to seen the rematches) btw...would love to see this match @ Mania 25 since it will be in Houston, & Austin says he still has one good match left in him.

Bret Hart vs. Kurt Angle

4 horsemen(Flair, Windham, Arn, & Tully vs. D-X( Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (Wargames match)
I guess most people don't know this but the Dudley boys did vs the Legion Of Doom. it was before Hawk died. It was on raw. I think it was in 2003 or 2004. it was an ok match, nothing special. It was for the Dudleys' tag team titles. Dudleys went over of course as they were being built as an unstoppable heel tag team.

Actually, Dudleyz didn't face the Legion of Doom, it was Legion of Doom vs Rob Van Dam & Kane for the Tag Team Titles on RAW before Hawk died lol..

anyways, onto the dream matches.

CM Punk vs Chris Benoit

These two would've had a great match at Vengeance back in 07. But we were robbed of it after all the Benoit incidents happening.

Rob Van Dam vs AJ Styles

This one would be a high-flying, athletic spot fest between two of the best high-flyers ever in the business. It's possible that it can happen if RVD ever decides to go to TNA.

Those are just two I figured I'd throw out.
Wouldn't it be a dream to have a Wrestling Celebration lasting 5 days, where it was Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart.
1.) In a submission match, Hart would make Angle tap to the Sharpshooter.
2.) In an I Quit match, Hart would again make Angle lose to the sharpshooter
3.) In a last man standing match, Angle could hit Hart with the Ring bell for the 10 count
4.) In a classic Cage match, with hart going over the top, while angle sneaks out the door just to beat him out.
5.)In a Iron Man Match, I could see it going into OT tied 1-1, or 2-2, and have Angle hit the slam, and put on the ankle lock, and then rolled over and put into the Sharp Shooter.

Make that into a DVD, and Id buy 100 copies myself
i got one. how about an eight man tag match. ultimate warrior, legion of doom, and sting vs. andre the giant, big jon studd, big show, and gret khali. i just want to see what the hell would have happened and how they would have built it up.
My dream matches.

Brock Lesnar vs. Big Van Vader. Why? You had probably the best big man athlete/wrestler in Brock Lesnar. A guy who could do it all. He was very strong (giving the F5 to the Big Show!), fast in the ring and could have a decent match with smaller or bigger people. It didn't matter. Vader in his prime was also one of my favorites to watch. Here was this super heavyweight who could move around the ring as good as any other heavyweight. Vader vs. Lesnar would have been a stiff, brutal and very fun match to watch.

Sting vs. Undertaker. Both of them have very creative/cool characters. Both of them were seen as the main guys who stood by "their" promotions (Sting with WCW and Taker in WWE). Both are/were great at brawling and while it wouldn't be a classic "5 star" match it would still be a very fun brawl to watch. The thing is it still could be because both of them are still in great shape and can perform.
Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit
This would absolutely HAVE to be an Ultimate Submission or Iron Man match somehow made to work for three. The pure wrestling ability would be absolutely insane, as you have what are three of the best technical wrestlers ever.

Austin vs Hogan
Yea say what you want about Hogan's wrestling ability. Probably the single two biggest names and draws in the history of WWE. The 80s/early 90s vs late 90s/early 2000s. The only time it would have worked though would have been around late '98-2000. Austin was way over by that point but not quite to legendary status yet, and Hogan was still good enough to make it awesome to watch.

Sting vs HBK
This would just have been a blast to watch. You could really match up Sting with any of the big stars in WWE and have a dream match since he never faced most of them, and if he did, it wasn't in their prime. But aside from Sting/Austin or Sting/Rock, this one stands out to me. It's two guys that are some of the best entertainers in the business and two of the most popular. This could easily have stolen the show and been match of the year at a Wrestlemania.

And this is the #1 match that I have wanted to see more than any other for probably 15 years..I'm very sad that it is too late now and it will never happen as both are going to retire soon.

Sting vs Undertaker
These guys are easily in my top 5 favorite wrestlers ever, and might even give 'ole Stone Cold a run for his money as my favorite. Anyway two of the best gimmicks, two of the best guys for putting others over, and two of the best at bringing the absolute best out in people. Also the two guys that really and truly represented staying true to their own companies...both partially the face but very seldom were they THE guy. But with that said, Sting was the backbone of wCw and Undertaker was and still is the backbone of WWE. Had Sting come to WWE soon after wCW was bought or anytime in the preceding 3-7 years, this would have been an all-time classic.
The Rock Vs HBK at wrestlemania 25 would be a perfect match, buyrates for the PPV will simply be high just for this PPV.

The Undertaker vs Sting these two have a great gimmickand since they are both respected wrestlers im sure the crowd would love to see a fued between the two.

Brock Lesner vs Bobby Lashley i know lashley wasnt as upfront and aggressive like Brcok but the man has tonns of strengh like lesner and am sure it would be a great muscle man match up

Kurt Angle VS Bret Hart two great submission wrestlers and very good technically aswellwould be a must Iron man match.

Motor City Machine Guns Vs Londrick both teams are great tag teams who are great on there feet, would be a really entertaining matchup
The Great Khali v JBL in a 60 minute iron man match

Arguably 2 of the most sound technical wrestlers, best in-ring physcologists and all round workers of any generation, these 2 in a 60 minute iron man match would be a steller and gripping performance with the audience on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

Truly a classic in the making...
The dream match- up I would love to have seen would be The Steiner Brother vs Dudley Boys vs RoadWarriors vs Doom. Those teams have power and agility that could turn this into a classic. I think the RoadWarriors would win this match with a little help from their manager Paul Ellering.
This is a match that isnt so much a dream match but of similar gimmicks, the rock vs ddp...It wouldnt be a 5 star classic but they both were the peoples champions in their respective companies and i think it would be quite entertaining
Bret Hart vs. Edge---I don't know why, but I think in terms of buildup and execution, I see these two as a natural fit.

The Undertaker vs. The Macho Man---Always wondered what a one on one match between these two would be like.

Samoa Joe vs. Shawn Michaels---An interesting clash of styles to say the least.

A.J. Styles vs. Rey Mysterio---This would just be WILD!
The Rock vs John Cena: The top babyface against the Peoples champ would be a clash of the ego's

Triple H vs Hbk Last man standing match: The former degenarates go at it one last time time in a brutal slobberknocker.

Undertaker vs Sting: To of the most interesting wrestlers unique gimmicks but very popular superstars.

Goldberg vs Bobby Lshley would be an explosive match if they don't mess it up like Lesner vs goldberg both superstars are miror images of each other.

Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle submisson match: Both brilliant in ring workers and would be classic in the ring.

Jeff Hardy vs Shelton benjamin: High impact bumps and heavy ladder use with these two athletic stars
This is my dream card with reasons, and resutls!

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
AJ Styles vs. Jack Evans vs. John Morrison vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kennedy vs. Kaz vs. 01' RVD

All of these names are explosive talents that are, (or were) one mini-push from main event staus, making the match unpredictable as to who would win. Given the fact that out of all of these, Kennedy has the best mic skills, I'd give him the victory as he ascends the ladder to grab the breifcase amid the sea of human wreckage

Match #2
04' CM Punk vs. 90' Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

We got a brief taste of it in ROH, but man if CM Punk and Steamboat faced off when Ricky was young, imagine the counters and false finishes! Despite what you've seen for the most part on WWE television, CM Punk can flat out GO in the ring and this would be an absolute treat to watch. Another opponent for CM Punk would be KENTA, but that's an enteriely different issue. I'd have Ricky end the bout with a quick rollup, after a long series of false finishes, and end it with a handshake in the ring.

American Dragon Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Benoit

A technical masterpiece this would be! I would have placed Bret Hart in Benoits place but let's be honest; some of Brets work wound up to be a bit boring. Both of these men have tremendous striking capabilities to go along with t heir submission and technical wrestling styles. I'd see the end be a reveres Cattle Mutilation into the Crippler Crossface for the win.

Kenta Kobashi vs. Ric Flair

This match would draw over 100,000 people in Japan, with no exageration. Both of these warriors are masters of telling the story, which is the most important part of a wrestling match. The chops would be plentiful, the crowd electric for every minute, and Ric Flair would somehow end up with a ridiculous amount of blood pouring out of his head. A Burning Hammer would be necessary to end this legendary bout.

The Hardy's Vs. The Briscoes vs. London and Kendrick TLC

Are you kidding me?!!?!? Total insanity. Hardy's with the twist of fate/swanton combo on Mark for the win.

ROH Title Match (yes i'm puttin it as an upper-mid card title in my dream card lol)

Nigel McGuinness vs. Brock Lesnar

I was thinking how badly the wrestling world is missing a monster like Brock. He is genuinely gifted and athletic, strong and technically sound. Nigel is an absolute genius at working crowds, and is one of the best mat technicians wrestling today. It would be awesome to see Nigel try one of his lariats on brock jsut to have him shake it off. In the end, I'd put Nigel over, just to infuriate the fans further and add to his legitamacy as world champ.

Womens Match

Trish Stratus vs. Awesome Kong

It's been said many a time that Trish was the women's Hulk Hogan. What better way to put her to the test than to size her up against the beastly Awesome Kong? Despite all of her efforts, Kong would end up victorious with the Awesome Bomb.

TNA World Title

Samoa Joe vs. 98' Tazz

The streak Tazz was on in the ninties was just incredible. You could put Tazz in the ring with anybody on the planet, and you knew Tazz was going to fuck them up. The same thing could be said about Joe. This would be an absolute treat to watch, the array of pre-WWE Tazzplexes on display, to Joe's stiff offense would make a very realistic match without having to play MMA for a half hour (ahem Lockdown). One Tazzmission later, and we have a new world champion!

Special Challenge Match

Kurt Angle vs. KENTA

Kurt angle tore the hosue down against Yuji Nagata. KENTA is younger, faster, and better. I don't even have to say anything about this match. This is one where the crowd would be chanting "THIS IS AWESOME" before a single punch has been thrown, which is a credit to the expectations set by both men's in ring standards.

John Cena vs. The Rock

Cena is not a very good wrestler. He is a tremendous entertainer. If Cena wasn't good at what he does, then he'd get X-Pac heat. He'd get the Haas Pop. He gets neither. He makes little girls cry because theyre seeing him in person and he makes grown men want to kick him in the balls for no real reason. The Rock is a legend. He is a hollywood icon, and he is still young and fit enough to put on a great show. The heat would definetly be to the level of Rock Hogan, except the roles would be reveresed in Dwayne's favor. As has happened before, Cena would win, FU but not STFU, and we'd get an in ring hug.

So here it is, the main event....

Shawn Micheals vs. Sting vs. The Undertaker

I can't say enough about the respect i have for all of these men. I have no idea who'd go over, and i dont care. it'd be fucking awesome. and yes i left triple h off this card. If Tazz was unable to compete, id allow him to face samoa joe for the title. other than that, thats my dream card!
I think one of the best overlooked matches ever has to be Angle vs. Guerrero at (i think) WM 20 but it might be 21 whatever one where Benoit one the title from HHH and HBK. Anywho the match was insanely good due to the way the two styles meshed. Angle kept trying to throw Eddie to the ground and make him submit while Eddie proceeded to role out of basically every move Angle applied and then kicked Angle's ass with almost lucha libre speed. This match also had one of the greatest endings ever thanks to Eddies lying and cheating ways.
I really want to see Triple H vs Randy Orton because it's never been done before and all... :p

Seriously, my dream matches are:

Undertaker vs Sting - Two of the very best in the business going at it. Similar gimmicks and styles.

The Rock vs John Cena - They could base a feud off of Cena's remarks for The Rock.

Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle - I really want to see this match. These two are the best ring workers ever. If this match were possible, I'm sure it would be the best of all time.

Hulk Hogan vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - Battle of the two most popular superstars of all time. They were leaders of their own eras, it would finally settle who is the best of all time.

Goldberg vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - I've wanted to see this match ever since the Monday Night Wars. They were the biggest babyfaces of their companies at the time.

AJ Styles vs Shelton Benjamin - This match would be an awesome display of athleticism.
This is easy for me, I have plenty of dream match ups but I'd have to touch up on one particular dream match I've thought of and seen people list... Sting vs. Undertaker. Are you sure? Think about the build up to that, their characters are too simple. The lights would go out, and none would appear, how could similar scare tactics work on eachother? The fans would go "WTF?"

Anyway, some of my dream match ups consist of...

Heel Shawn Michaels (1997) vs. Babyface Rock (2000)

I emphasize the year because that is when they were in their prime. Hell, this is a dream match up thread anyway, might as well make it the best possible dream match instead of just current broken down HBK vs. Hollywood Rock.

Heel "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan (1997) vs. Face "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (1997)

Even though Hogan was not in his prime in 1997, he still moved better in the ring than he would today. I didn't list 80's Hogan because I don't buy into the whole face vs. face match, it never thrilled me. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I like the idea of the ultimate villain vs. the ultimate hero, it just draws better. Then again, WM6 proves me wrong but that's just how I feel.

Heel Bret "Hitman" Hart (1997) vs. Face Kurt Angle (2001)

Bret Hart was an awesome heel in the US but still considered a Canadian hero in his home country, while Kurt Angle in 2001 was portrayed as the ultimate American hero. It would be a match up for the ages; make it a 30 minute ultimate submission match and it is the ultimate dream match up. 2001 Kurt Angle is the best bet because he had developed his moveset to where it was at its best and it was also pre-neck injury Angle. 2000 Kurt Angle was good but still in his rookie year, he hadn't even started to use the ankle lock.

Face Bill Goldberg (1998) vs. Face Undertaker (current)

Here is an exception to me not liking the face vs. face formula but it has a condition. This would have to happen at Wrestlemania, it wouldn't be as big anywhere else. Why you ask? Simple. Streak vs. streak. No, not WM streak vs. fake WM streak like Edge's, Goldberg's awesome streak he had in WCW vs. Undertaker's impressive 16-0. Sure, I'll be the first to say Goldberg sucks in the ring but he could have a good shoot match up, especially with a veteran like Undertaker leading him. Goldberg also had an aura thanks to good booking in WCW and going into a Wrestlemania, matched up against The Phenom, it would sell tickets like hot cakes. And why current Undertaker you ask? Unlike most, he has aged like a fine wine; he is in the best shape of his life and still moves great. His moveset is better than ever, including the Tombstone, Last Ride Powerbomb, Triangle Choke Hold, Gogoplata, etc, some of which he didn't even have ten years ago.
All right ... my dream match would be set up for Wrestlemania 25 starting very soon after the Royal Rumble. You have the four McMahons constantly meeting and discussing how to make WM 25 the BEST EVER ... and they keep butting heads.
Two weeks before No Way Out you have Vince come out to the ring and say that they are going to settle their differences with a FATAL FOUR-WAY match ala WM 2000 where each of them will have a wrestler of their choice in their corner. You have Vince looking all smug and promising to announce his wrestler the next week.
Week one Vince closes RAW by announces his Fatal Four-Way contestant - HULK HOGAN!
Week two Stephanie McMahon comes out and says she has the only man in the business ever BETTER than Hogan ... she close RAW by announcing a one-time only return ... RIC FLAIR!
Week three Linda McMahon comes out and says she was stunned by the other two and knew she could not get just anyone ... she introduces STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!
And week four (one night after NWO where Hogan, Flair and Austin squared off wondering who Shane's guy was) Shane McMahon says he paid big time ... more money than anyone can imagine to get his guy. And he was sure he would win. Sure that the PEOPLE would be happy. And introduces THE ROCK!
Simply put ... you just surpassed 3 Million WM buys lock ... you simply have the most talked about ... greatest match of all time. Pay each of the performers $10 Mill if you have to ... it will generate the $40 Mill in revenue in no time.
Draw straws for the winner ... SERIOUSLY.
Fatal Four-Way Wrestlemania Legends Match
The Immortal Hulk Hogan vs. The Nature Boy Ric Flair vs. The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Great One The Rock
Things are always done bigger in Texas!

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