The Dream Matchup Thread

Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt Angle (Steel Cage Match)
-Could see alot of high flying, not only from RVD but also from Angle who, as we've seen before, can perform moonsault from the top of the cage. A couple of extra bumps could be the angle slam from the top rope, Five Star Frog Splash from the top of the cell, Angle belly to belly suplexing RVD into the cell and RVD kicking Angle into the cell.

Edge vs. Chris Jericho (Ladder Match)
Spear! Walls Of Jericho! Dropkick! Edgecution! All could be performed from the ladder/s. Would be perfect if it was at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Championship.
I would like to see Sting vs Triple H or Sting vs Shawn Michaels in a legit match. No specialty matches, no interferences, no DQ's just a legit 30min match.
It may never happen, but it would be a heck of a match.
Match final with Sting and Triple H, Sting reverses a Pedigree into a Scorpion Death Drop for the win after about 15min.
End result in Sting vs. Shawn Michaels: Sting rolls Michaels into a small cradle after a missed Super Kick at the 25min mark.
MVP vs Mr Perfect vs Robert Roode
Who is really Perfect?

Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy - Again - Hardcore Match

Over the Top Battle Royal That Includes Second/Third Generation Superstars
The Rock vs Randy Orton vs Carlito vs Rene Dupree vs Brett Hart vs Owen Hart vs Mr Perfect vs Randy Savage vs Dustin Rhodes vs Cody Rhodes vs Nate Orton
this would be my dream match ups. i'm gonna have eight matches as well, and it will also be at wrestle mania.

1) as some one pointed out before goldberg vs undertaker. in my opion this would be a hell of a match because every one no's that berg is the strongest wrestle ever and has beaten almost every one he has faced. so the man that has beaten every one he has faced vs the undefeated streak would be sick.

2) jeff hardy vs aj styles vs hbk. in a ladder match
all these men are risktakers and if any of you's saw a match with jef hardy vs styles in it, i mean that was pretty mad and also you would be seeing people jumping of two ladders or something. i mean it's to hard to explain how mad this would be.

3) abyss vs kane vs umaga vs mark henry vs big daddy v vs samoa joe vs rikishi
this would be good because we would be able to see who is really the strongest person in the wwe/tna. plus they are all about the same height so it would be great and fair.

4) sting vs randy orton
this would be great because of the legend killer thing i mean, in my opion sting was the best wrestler to grace the earth evn no he didn't win much world titles, i mean a great heel vs a great face in one of the matches of the century like berg vs taker.

5) hbk vs hhh. in a i quit match ( looser looses career forever
even no hbk vs hhh has already happened i would like to see it again because the matches they had were great, like the 3 stages of hell , the match at summerslam 02, the hell in the cell. they were all great so lets see what it's like with the career on the line.

6) the rock vs bobby lashley.
this would be goood because when you compare then they are basically the same, but you might not think that, but in about 3 years time you will. i bet you

7) y2j vs benoit vs angle vs bret hart vs eddie gurrero in a HELL IN THE CELL.
all the best techincle wrestles battling it out in a hell in the would just be amazing.

now for the main event

8)john cena vs stone cold vs the rock vs batista vs rvd vs hogan in a elimnation chamber. this would be the best match on the earth i mean if any body wouldn't wont to see this match they are gay. i mean you got the best current wrestle (cena), the best bad ass mother f***er (stone cold), the person (other than stone cold in the 1996-2001 time zone) to be t5he best wrestler in the rock, the strongest wrestler today (batista), the best entertainer (rvd) and the best wrestler other than sting to ever wrestle (hogan). your not gonna get much better than that.

and yes i do no i used hbk twice but hey it's my dream. and can you's please rate
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Ric Flair - Two out of 3 falls - Fall one would be a submission match, fall two would be a no DQ cage match, fall three would be a TLC match - In their prime, these guys were not only two of the most remarkable, memeorable, charismatic, and popular stars of ALL TIME but they could both tear the house down in almost any typeof match, be it a technical wrestling oriented bout or a bloody brutal brawl not to mention that both could wrestle for as long as an hour. Seeing Flair style and profile alongside Austin's beer drinking finger flipping persona would have been un real, plus even though both have been popular fan favorites both characters have long histories as violent, treacherous, cheaters - They didn't get nicknames like "Texas Ratttlesnake" and "Dirtiest Player In The Game" for nothing, leaving even more opportunity for exciting high spots and near falls.

Imagine Austin going for a stunner, Flair pushes him head first into the cage wall, crotch chops him, and rolls him up with a handful of tights for the pin only to have Austin hit the stunner off the top of the ladder to take out Flair to win fall three - it would be wild
Mine would be: Randy Orton vs John Cena vs Stone Cold vs Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H in an Electric Barbed Wire Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Championship!

And another one: DX vs Brothers of Destruction in an I Quit match. The team that wins is the one who makes both opponents say I Quit. Once one of them does, he gets locked inside a small cell. Two cells, one for each team. The Team who gets both opponents to say I Quit and have them in the cell wins. What a match it would be.

Another: AJ Styles vs Jeff Hardy in a TLC Match
One of my dream matches would be a 4-way Elimination Tag team match w/ The Brothers Of Destruction(Kane in his prime(masked)),The Steiners,Dx(HHH & HBK),and The Hart Foundation.This would be awesome.U got the Undertaker,HHH,HBK,Bret Hart,the greatest performers to step into the ring(plus World Champs) .Two of the greatest tag teams ever(Steiners and the Harts).Each team have diff styles of fighting and anyone would win.
My winners would be the Brothers Of Destruction but its debatable on who would win this one.

Another dream match would be a Armageddon Hell in a Cell between Beniot,Angle,Guerrero,Hart,Flair(Prime),& Jericho.All being mat-technicians,all have the best submission meneuvers ever and diff styles of wrestling.U could probably also switch one w/ Malenko.
the wrestle mania dream match is really good but i don't like the triple h vs hbk i quit match come on they are the best in the wwe without them it just wouldn't be the same
1. Stone Cold vs Goldberg (Hell in a Cell)

Both of them in there prime, it would be an awesome match, because both of them are great preformers, maybe not the best technical wrestling match, but an unforgettable brawl between these two, i would like to see Austin take the win.

2. Undertaker vs Chris Benoit

I wanted to see this when Taker won his title at WM, but ofcourse Benoit was drafted to ECW, and then we know wat occured after that, easily one of the better matches that could take place

3. John Cena vs The Rock (I Quit Match)

We all remember The Rock defeating Foley at RR with those viscous chair shots, and John Cena defeated JBL in a I quit match too, besides the fact that these two are exellent preformers, both are great on the mic, the build would be great.

4. Edge vs Chris Jericho vs Eddie Guerrero vs Christian vs Rob Van Dam vs A.J. Styles (Money in the Bank Ladder match)

every one of these wrestlers are great wrestlers, throw a ladder in the mix and we are gonna get a great match, and many of these people claim to be the best at the ladder match, i would love this match, maybe a show stealer.

5. Shawn Michaels vs Samoa Joe (Best two out of three falls)

this match would be plain out fun to watch, you have the showstopping ability of HBK, and then the mean streak of a Samoa Joe, besides the fact that i would love this match for obvious reasons, it could be another show stealer

6. The Hardys vs Dudley Boyz vs The Briscoes vs LAX (TLC MATCH)

Every team in this match has had its glory in whatever organization it has been apart of. they all would be fun to watch in a TLC match

7. Classic Survivor Series Match: Team Hogan (Hogan, Hall, Nash, Angle, Sting) vs Team Hart (Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Yokozuna, Macho Man, Flair)

the star power in this one alone is scary good, i would like to see how all the personalities would co-exist in this one, just a good amount of characters, mixed with some great wrestling, should be a fun one

8. Triple H vs Batista vs Randy Orton vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio vs Brock Lesnar (Elimation Chamber Match)
This just has alot of good wrestlers that would be a good fit into the greatest card of all time!
There is so many great dream matches out there but one for me stands above the rest. 2 of the greatest from 2 of the greatest feds. These 2 have stood above all the rest. Even though it has not and will never happen Stone Cold vs. Goldberg would be a phenominal match.
Wow, dream matches? So hard to choose from.

10. Undertaker v. Kane v. Big Show v. Vader v. Mark Henry v. Umaga - Elimination Chamber Match

Got this idea from the Monster Battle Royal on ECW last week. The trademark beasts of the WWE, whether they are currently around or not, each of these 6 giants enclosed in an Elimination Chamber Match would truly be an epic match.

9. Triple H vs Ric Flair - I Quit Match

This match would never work nowadays, and would never work 15 or so years ago. The only way a match like this would work, was if both these men were in the prime of their wrestling careers. Both of them are future HOF's, and it would be an awesome match to see the student face off against the master.

8. Edge and Christian v. Hardy Boyz v. Dudley Boyz v. London and Kendrik - Fatal Four Way TLC Match.

Everyone remembers the epic TLC rivalries that could never again be matched, unless of course, these teams outdid themselves. L&K would have worked perfectly in a match like this, they just showed up to late.

7. NWO(Scott Hall, Kevin Nash) vs DX(Triple H, Shawn Micheals)

I'm not including Hulk Hogan in this one to even the numbers out, but these guys are the elite from their teams, their the guys the landmarked their tag team into wrestling history, and the two greatest factions facing off in the squared circle would be an epic match.

6. Edge v. Chris Jericho v. Christian Cage

These 3 men were all icons of their company's for different reasons, and in one way or another, all 3 of these men have been engaged in rivalries time and time again. Each of these guys in their prime, would truly make for an awesome match.

5. Randy Orton v. Stone Cold Steve Austin

For some reason every time I think of one of these guys, the other one comes into my mind as an equal, just from a different generation of wrestling. If these two, both from their prime(And Orton's prime may have not even happened yet), were to get into the ring, it would be a real battle of the heels.

4. Goldberg vs Undertaker

A battle of the legendary undefeated streaks. Goldbergs undefeated streak over 100 straight victories, and Undertakers infamous 15-0 at Wrestlemania, if these to titans were to meet at the greatest stage of em all and duke it out, it would be one of the best ever.

3. Shawn Micheals vs Bret Hart

As a huge Bret fan, this is one of those matches I have been waiting 10 years to happen, it would have been perfect on the reunion of SS this month. A simple single's match, that has so much potential to be one of the best ever.

2. The Rock v. John Cena

Both of these guys basically ooze of charisma in their own right, and each of these men captivate crowd in ways that were previously not thought possible. The Rock left for his movie career, and then John Cena enters the stage and garners the spot light, never having a chance to face each other in an epic rivalry. This would just be a great match.

1. Sting v. The Rock

With both of these guys in their prime against each other? It would easily be the greatest dream match ever. A perfect match for Wrestlemania, they've never fought, they've never even been in the same company at the same time. Two legends, two wrestling icons.
The match that i would want to see most would be Shawn Michaels against The Rock. Just imagine the build up to the match & their match would be spectacular. They are 2 of the greatest wrestlers the world has ever seen.
My dream match, well this match I dont know if it ever took place but I think it would have been a good match no matter what pay-per-view event it would have taken place. I would say that this match is Wrestlemania caliber
HBK vs Eddie Guerrero
I don't know about everyone else but my dream match is Brock lesnar vs Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart vs Eddie.

The match has four of the best wrestlers to step foot in a ring in all four men. It would be a technichal match with high flying moves, power moves and everything in between that.
Even though this would never happen because eddie is dead, brocks in UFC, kurt is in TNA and bret wont ever wrestle again i would love to have seen who would have took the three count.

Another one would be Triple H & HBK vs Hawk & animal LOD vs the hardys vs Americas most wanted.
It just has the makings to be the best tag match ever. All the tag teams in there prime were great and AMW did and still can go along way as a team if the team up again.
Well my dream match would oblvuiousl be Taker vs Sting in a HIAC. Just read Taker vs Sting and think deep inside you who they are and suddnly just thinking of this match to happen i guarntee you ever single hair on your body will go up from the goosbumps.

Now onto the greatest dream match I ever seen :

Well Micheals vs Jericho go watch it and tell me if that shit wasnt great. IT CONTAINED EVERY POSSIBLE THING. That was pure wrestling.
This is a match that has only happened once. I personally would LOVE to see an encore but this time with more competitors. This type of match would be a:


WWE Summerslam 2008

WWE Women's Championship

Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle vs. Melina vs. Jillian

The only way to eliminate your opponent would be to give them a stinkface! The match would actually involve real wrestling skills as you would have to weaken your opponent in order to get them on the corner to stinkface them. Also, it would be a great way to see some divas get humiliated. The match would go like this.

The divas would square off each against one opponent. On one side of the ring you would see Torrie Wilson and Melina fighting and on the other side you would see Candice and Jillian fighting. Torrie would hit the Nose Job(X-Factor) on Melina and then give Melina the stinkface! But the referee wouldn't see it because he was distracted by Jillian. Therefore, Melina would still be in it. Then Victoria would run in and interfere by hitting the Widow's Peak on Torrie behind the referee's back. Then Michelle McCool would chase Victoria out of the ring and into the back. With the referee's attention back into the match and Torrie lying on the mat. Melina would drag Torrie into the corner and give her a stinkface! The referee would see it this time. TORRIE IS ELIMINATED!!

Then while all this was going on, Candice and Jillian would fight on the other side of the ring. Jillian would hit Candice with a reverse DDT and drag her onto the corner. Jillian would then get ready to give Candice a stinkface. But then, Candice blocks Jillian's ass and bites it just like she did with Torrie last August on Raw. Then Melina would work on Candice until Jillian gets up and they both start double teaming Candice. But then, Candice gets her second wind and starts hitting both Melina and Jillian. She would grab both of their heads and hit them against each other. Then she would give Melina a spinning heel kick. Melina would then roll to the outside taking her out of the match for a little bit. Then Candice would hit the Candy Wrapper on Jillian. After that she would drag her to the turnbuckle and give her a stinkface. Then she would tell Jillian to never sing again unless she wants another stinkface again. JILLIAN IS ELIMINATED!!

That would leave Candice and Melina in the ring. Winner would win the Vacant WWE Women's Championship. Melina would hit Candice with a stiff kick to the stomach. Then would get Candice in a headlock. But Candice would escape and hit Melina with a dropkick. Then Candice would get up on the top rope, wait for Melina to get up and then hit a flying cross-body off the top rope onto Melina. Then Candice would do her Go-Daddy Dance but Melina would get up and attack from behind. But then Candice would clothesline Melina and hit her with a spinning heel kick. Then Candice would hit the Candy Wrapper on Melina and set her up on the turnbuckle. Because of Candice and Melina's long intense rivalry, Candice would take this oppurtunity to humiliate Melina. Candice would set a new record for longest stinkface performed. Candice would give Melina a 20-second STINKFACE! MELINA IS ELIMINATED!!

Winner and New WWE Women's Champion: Candice Michelle

But wait, there's more!

Torrie would come out and appear to be happy for Candice. Melina would get up and attempt to attack Candice but Torrie would stop Melina and give her a Nose Job(X-Factor). Then Torrie would hug Candice and say congratulations. But then while Candice's back was turned, Torrie would give Candice a Nose Job and then give her a Stinkface on the corner to start Torrie's heel turn. Then Torrie would grab the mic and declare herself the #1 Contender and that she would be the Next Women's Champ. Torrie would hold up the title in her hands and then receive major heat and boos from the crowd. Then Torrie would drop the belt on Candice's waist while Candice was on the ground. Then she would say "You were lucky today, but that belt is mine." J.R. would call Torrie a no good Bitch and protest in anger as Torrie left.

What would happen next? Who knows?

To be continued.....
LOL at the people who put guys like Hogan and Batista against guys like Bret Hart and Sting. It's also funny how they put matches like 8 man match or a 6 against 6 match. Boundaries people.

Just because someone is popular doesn't make them a good wrestler. You can't compare popularity and recognition against talent and athletisism. With that being said

Jack Evans vs. AJ Styles- A good ol' X Division match. Nothing beats both of these men's athletic abilities

Terry Funk vs. Tommy Dreamer- These guys teamed up plenty of times so why not make them face each other? Put them in a death match in the classic Philly Bingo Hall

Rey Mysterio vs. Sabu- Man when I heard about this at ONS 06 I was pumped. Two of the most agile men in wrestling history battling it out in another ECW-style death match.

Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam- Holy crap would this match be great. The stiff strikes would give this match a MMA or UFC kinda atmosphere to it.

Mike Awesome vs. Hernandez- Hernandez reminds me ALOT of Mike Awesome. He is able to incorporate both power moves and high flying moves into his moveset. This match could be an easy 5 star match.
1. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, The Giant, and The Macho Man vs Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X-Pac.

2. Kane vs Undertaker vs Mankind vs Golddust

3. Definetely Stone Cold vs Goldberg

4. Bret, Owen, British Bulldog, and Jim Neidhart vs Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Arn Anderson, and Dean Malenko (Lumberjack Match w/ Mongo McMichaels, Brian Pillman, Tully Blanchard, Kevin Sullivan, J.J. Dillon, Jimmy Hart, Stu Hart, and more!

5. Chris Jericho vs Brian Pillman

6. Triple H vs "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich

7. Eric Bischoff vs Vince McMahon vs Paul Heyman- Special Guest Referee Stone Cold Steve Austin- Winner takes all (WCW, ECW, WWF) (Lol)

8. The Steiner Brothers vs The Road Warriors vs The Dudley Boyz vs Harlem Heat

9. Stacy Kiebler vs New Jack.. No holds barred.. Something hot about Stacy Kiebler getting beat up.

10. Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Steve Austin (In their prime)

I'd love to see all of these.
i just came up with another 5 dream matches. but it took like 2 weeks to figurre out because it's just so hard.

5) 6 man ladder match. j hardy vs m hardy vs edge vs christain cage vs rvd vs aj styles. this would be awesome because alll of these people are wicked in a one on one ladder match but imagen when they have to vs another 4 people.

4) nwo (nash, hall, hogan, scott steneir and lex luger) vs dx ( hhh, hbk, road dogg, billy gun andc chyna). this would be wicked because they are both debatebul over who was the greatest stable of all time. so just unbeleible.

3. hbk vs sting in a 60 min iron man match. i would think this would be the show stealer because hbk was the best in that 60 min iron man match against hart. and sting i think is the best endurer of all time.

2. stone cold vs brock in a hell in the cell.
i dont no if this ( the match up not the match type) has happened i think it hasn't. plus having stone cold against the lenser would be awsome.

1. hbk vs hhh in a i quit match (looser leaves the company).
i defently think they had the best rivally of all time. they had great matches. e.g. hell in the cell, 3 stages of hell, last man standing. so having these two fight for the job would be good
This is a match that has only happened once. I personally would LOVE to see an encore but this time with more competitors. This type of match would be a:


WWE Summerslam 2008

WWE Women's Championship

Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle vs. Melina vs. Jillian

The only way to eliminate your opponent would be to give them a stinkface! The match would actually involve real wrestling skills as you would have to weaken your opponent in order to get them on the corner to stinkface them. Also, it would be a great way to see some divas get humiliated. The match would go like this.

The divas would square off each against one opponent. On one side of the ring you would see Torrie Wilson and Melina fighting and on the other side you would see Candice and Jillian fighting. Torrie would hit the Nose Job(X-Factor) on Melina and then give Melina the stinkface! But the referee wouldn't see it because he was distracted by Jillian. Therefore, Melina would still be in it. Then Victoria would run in and interfere by hitting the Widow's Peak on Torrie behind the referee's back. Then Michelle McCool would chase Victoria out of the ring and into the back. With the referee's attention back into the match and Torrie lying on the mat. Melina would drag Torrie into the corner and give her a stinkface! The referee would see it this time. TORRIE IS ELIMINATED!!

Then while all this was going on, Candice and Jillian would fight on the other side of the ring. Jillian would hit Candice with a reverse DDT and drag her onto the corner. Jillian would then get ready to give Candice a stinkface. But then, Candice blocks Jillian's ass and bites it just like she did with Torrie last August on Raw. Then Melina would work on Candice until Jillian gets up and they both start double teaming Candice. But then, Candice gets her second wind and starts hitting both Melina and Jillian. She would grab both of their heads and hit them against each other. Then she would give Melina a spinning heel kick. Melina would then roll to the outside taking her out of the match for a little bit. Then Candice would hit the Candy Wrapper on Jillian. After that she would drag her to the turnbuckle and give her a stinkface. Then she would tell Jillian to never sing again unless she wants another stinkface again. JILLIAN IS ELIMINATED!!

That would leave Candice and Melina in the ring. Winner would win the Vacant WWE Women's Championship. Melina would hit Candice with a stiff kick to the stomach. Then would get Candice in a headlock. But Candice would escape and hit Melina with a dropkick. Then Candice would get up on the top rope, wait for Melina to get up and then hit a flying cross-body off the top rope onto Melina. Then Candice would do her Go-Daddy Dance but Melina would get up and attack from behind. But then Candice would clothesline Melina and hit her with a spinning heel kick. Then Candice would hit the Candy Wrapper on Melina and set her up on the turnbuckle. Because of Candice and Melina's long intense rivalry, Candice would take this oppurtunity to humiliate Melina. Candice would set a new record for longest stinkface performed. Candice would give Melina a 20-second STINKFACE! MELINA IS ELIMINATED!!

Winner and New WWE Women's Champion: Candice Michelle

But wait, there's more!

Torrie would come out and appear to be happy for Candice. Melina would get up and attempt to attack Candice but Torrie would stop Melina and give her a Nose Job(X-Factor). Then Torrie would hug Candice and say congratulations. But then while Candice's back was turned, Torrie would give Candice a Nose Job and then give her a Stinkface on the corner to start Torrie's heel turn. Then Torrie would grab the mic and declare herself the #1 Contender and that she would be the Next Women's Champ. Torrie would hold up the title in her hands and then receive major heat and boos from the crowd. Then Torrie would drop the belt on Candice's waist while Candice was on the ground. Then she would say "You were lucky today, but that belt is mine." J.R. would call Torrie a no good Bitch and protest in anger as Torrie left.

What would happen next? Who knows?

To be continued.....

How can you have a "real" wrestling match when half of the competitors in the match can't really wrestle worth a Shit anyway. If I watched this match, especially for the women's title, then I think I'd stop watching the WWE. It's okay to have sex appeal in a divas match, but don't kid yourself, especially if the Title is on the line. I would watch this match only if it were a hardcore rules match to go along with the skinkface stipulation. With each girl swinging chairs and utilizing tables, and with one or two of the girls being slammed on thumbtacks or glass, before getting a stinkface, then by God I think the match would be okay.

I have 3.

The first match would be a Fatal 4 way 60 minute Submission Ultimate Submission match, with Cheerleader Melissa vs Sarah Stock vs Mariko Yoshida vs Rebecca Knox. The winner would be the gal with the most submission Victories after 60 minutes. These are 4 of the best female grapplers in the world, and while a 1 on 1 match seems to be better, I feel that the added pressure of 2 other women would make this match great.

the next match would be a Fatal 4 way Elimination Queen of the Deathmatch, With Mickie Knuckes vs Lufisto vs Rachael Putski vs Hailey Hatred The match would follow CZW Deathmatch style rules, except the women are pinned one by one until a winner is crowned. These are the 4 most dangerous and brutal women to ever get into a ring. Putting all 4 of them in a match together would cause instant chaos. The match would be a classic.

The last match would be My version of a Womens Monster's Ball Match, Vanessa Kraven vs Amazing Kong vs Beth Phoenix vs Yoshika Tamura vs Roxxi Laveaux Pretty much anything goes in this match, follows the same rules from TNA's Monster's Ball match, except with women. You have the 2 monsters, Kong and Kraven, going against the powerhouse Phoenix, and the 2 smaller, but sick and sadistic women in Tamura and Laveaux

All of these matches would be instant classics in my eye.
This thread isn't about comparing the two eras but instead picking a superstar from this current era and putting them against a legend...sorta like your dream match-ups but not things like "Vader vs. Bam Bam" (a match i would've loved to see) cause both are from around the same age of wrestling but more like this:

Current Star - Mr Kennedy


Legend - Mr. Perfect

I would love to see this match up Mr. Perfect's style and ablity to sell anything was so great...and i see the exact same charisma in Mr. Kennedy it would be like seeing Perfect against himself....IMO anyway. I would have to give the win to Perfect though in this case and this is solely based on the fact that Perfect was more than just a charecter his in-ring skill was ,for lack of a better word, "perfect" Kennedy has skill but i'm a fan of pure technical ability and Perfect seemed to be the better technicain

Current Star - MVP


Legend - The Rock

I know it may be far-fetched to say The Rock is a legend but form the looks of things Rocky is done with this business anyway MVP has that swagger and cockiness of a young badass. Lots of people see that Randy Orton is the so-called "next Rock" but i see more qualities of Rocky in MVP not to say that i want to see another Rock but the way MVP's charecter and persona in the ring behaves it reminds of The Rock much more than Orton. Also if i could see this match i would give the win to MVP anyway. Rocky may have the edge on mic skills but in the ring, MVP seems like he has much more to offer.

what do you guys think or what matches would you like to have seen?
1. Three way dance ladder match. Superfly Snuka against Jeff Hardy against Ricky Steamboat. WOW! I know Steamboat wasn't too much of a high flier, but it would still be a great match. Maybe even make it a TLC match for a title. I'd love to see who could fly the highest and pull off the most complicated spots.

2. Monster Mash. 4 way no DQ match. Andre against Big Show against Khali against Big John Stud. Yeah, I know these guys basically stink, but still. With no rules? Winner becomes undisputed giant of wrestling. I can just imagine the mass of humanity and also the hype. Great post, Paul Bearer!
HHH vs Austin vs Rock would be an awsome feud. I still wish we could have seen one more HBK/Bret after montreal. In there prime I would have loved to see the dudleys and the road warriors. Cena vs Rock would be a great feud. of course I would have loved to see CM Punk/Benoit but...........
I agree that Brock Lesnar and HHH would definintly be a dream match.
I would have liked to have seen HBK against Eddie Guerrero, (when Eddie was a heel). I believe as bad-ass wrestlers that these two are, the very best would have been brought out of them both, a bonus would have been if the WWE/World Championship were to be on the line.
I'm also looking for a dream match to actually occur at Wrestlemania 24, Edge Vs. Undertaker, (watch for UT's first WM loss.)
My dream match would be the LOD v.s. Dudleys

These are the 2 most recognizable tag teams in all history of wrestling. Both teams could beat the crap out of you and just dominate the other team. If you put them together in a match it would be as JR would say "a slobber knocker" They could put it in ECW rules and I could see these two having an all out bloodbath this could have been a great tag team feud.

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