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I've been playing around on GTA 4 lately, and by lately I mean the past 2 days. I beat The Lost and The Damned in like, 4-5 hours probably. I fucking love that storyline, made me obsessed with bikers for about a month or two.
I like SDvR07 mostly cause of the GM mode

I liked the GM mode in 08, not 07. In 07 they made you pay extra for gimmick matches. My ass it costs the WWE 15,000 to put on a cage match.

One thing I hated about GM mode is that it was impossible to build a long feud because if two stars weren't involved with each other for just one week, the whole thing went to shit.

Also, the only way to compete with the other brand was to constantly have gimmick match/title defenses with your best stars in a feud with each other. That's some bullshit right there.
I found GM mode confusing as shit. I played it in 08 and I had this awesome feud between Booker and Sandman on ECW, and I had Sandman scheduled to win the title back at ONS, but then he got injured and taken out of action the night before the PPV. Bullshit. Give me WWE Universe mode every day.
MLB 2k9, I have no idea if it's any good, but it was $15
Ahh. Never played the Wii version. I had the XBox version for 2 months tops before I gave up on it and sold it back because I hated it, but the Wii version is better. 2K's baseball series has long been shit compared to Sony's. It's the main reason I want a Playstation (well, that and a Blue Ray player, and Little Big Planet, and Metal Gear Solid 4, etc).
I want and plan of gettign a PS3 eventually, but until then I'll just stick with the Wii, I only bought this on because I wanted a baseball game that had been made within the last 15 years, I think the last Baseball gaem I bought was in '98 for the PS1, it was time for an update
I want and plan of gettign a PS3 eventually, but until then I'll just stick with the Wii, I only bought this on because I wanted a baseball game that had been made within the last 15 years, I think the last Baseball gaem I bought was in '98 for the PS1, it was time for an update
lol, that makes sense. My problem though is that if I play games from 2 or 3 years ago, I feel like the rosters are out of date. However, if I play an old game (like RBI Baseball for the NES, or Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball for N64), I feel like I'm playing a throwback.

Because the 2K series is so shit, I haven't had a Baseball sim in a few years. I used to have The Bigs 2, which was really fun. And I had MLB Power Pro's, which is maybe my favorite Baseball game in 10 years. I got rid of both of them, and now will be getting 2K11 once I have this little thing called money.
Ahh. Never played the Wii version. I had the XBox version for 2 months tops before I gave up on it and sold it back because I hated it, but the Wii version is better. 2K's baseball series has long been shit compared to Sony's. It's the main reason I want a Playstation (well, that and a Blue Ray player, and Little Big Planet, and Metal Gear Solid 4, etc).

I want and plan of gettign a PS3 eventually, but until then I'll just stick with the Wii, I only bought this on because I wanted a baseball game that had been made within the last 15 years, I think the last Baseball gaem I bought was in '98 for the PS1, it was time for an update

I would also like Stormtrooper and Justin to get PS3s.
I would also like Stormtrooper and Justin to get PS3s.
And I would like Muffin Top to give me the 300 bucks required to get it. I don't even know if I ever will get one, because right now it's still a bit to pricey, and the systems are old, and as such might be replaces soon.

And I feel so dirty. I just posted in the Edge/Eddie tournament thread, and had to explain why Eddie doesn't have the ...Edge... on the injury front, by way of the fact that he's dead. I feel almost as bad as I did with the Randy Orton "Eddie's not up there, he's down there in hell" crap.
What you said doesn't make any sense to my argument, though. So you wasted your time.
You will not bring this bullshit into my thread. Thanks.
So yeah, I'm kind of amazing
Yes. Yes you are. Getting me a DB autograph, and autographs from The Protomen (Did you end up getting them on the DB pic?), AND getting Murphy freakin Weller to talk to me on the phone.
Nah, didn't have time to grab the DBD autograph, although I might buy a poster for $5 at their signing and have them go fucking nuts on it

Be like "Hey draw a protokitty face"
Ok, I get Raw is WWE's flagship show and all, so it makes sense for it to get more attention, but if WWE is gonna give us RAW AM, then why can't they give us a SD! AM also, or here's an idea just combine the two, make a two hour show that highlights the happenings of Raw & SD!, seems like a no brainer to me
Raw is on the youtubes to though, and I want to watch it on my frackin tv not my damn computer, and I don't get home until after SD! is over, so I miss the whole show makes me sad:sad:
SD! was solid this week I felt. I thought the previous weeks show was superior, but at least we got Cody 'Phantom of the Opera' Rhodes continuing his quality streak, and two decent to good matches.
I watched SD with my friend Sam and we had a good time. I love everything involving Cody Rhodes. A shame E&C didn't use their old entrance or theme :(
I watched SD with my friend Sam and we had a good time. I love everything involving Cody Rhodes. A shame E&C didn't use their old entrance or theme :(
I was so hoping for them to wear the funny hats and funny shades. Maybe even a 5 Second Pose, too.

If they came to the ring through the crowd, I would have been even happier.
Oh well, we can always play Smackdown vs. RAW for a similar effect...
exactly. Although even that one is annoying, because I can't give E and C the old E and C music, and I have to settle for Alter Bridge (nothing against Alter Bridge, but I'd rather have the real music).

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