Do you know two artists with the same music but you only like one of them?

Guardian of Takhisis

Dark Match Winner
The best way I can explain is this through and example with my friend. The two artists in question are Uncle Kracker and Kid Rock. He absolutely hates Kid Rock and won't listen to any of his music, but he definitely enjoys Uncle Kracker's songs even though they are very similar to Kid Rock's. The example involving me that I can think off of the top of my head is ICP and every other rapper out there. I know that I'm going to possibly receive a lot of hate for this but I actually enjoy most of ICP's music. Some songs not so much but most of their over the top stuff I listen too. It's the same thing for some of the artists that are part of their record label like Twiztid. But I really can't stand other rap artists, even if they sing practically the same song as ICP. So are they any artists that you feel the same about?
The only one jumping out of my head right now is The White Stripes and The Black Keys. They are both 2 person units (drums/guitar) that play electric blues. While one may have a better drummer I thoroughly enjoy The Stripes while I can't stand The Black Keys. I couldn't even tell you what song it was but it got extensive play here in Indy and it drove me insane. The vocal melody was annoying and it may have featured a limited vocabulary which would be enough to annoy the crap out of me as I love songs that never repeat except for the chorus (weird as I love Nirvana). Anyways, The White Stripes have a little more versatility delving into delta blues, pop/rock, hard rock and piano ballads which may have something to do with my preference for them out of all my favorite bands but I think it's just the fact that The Black Keys really offer me personally nothing. The guys voice annoys me as do a lot of the riffs they produce. Plus they cancelled part of a tour because they were "tired". Seriously? Fuck off.

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