The Doctor's Office

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Thinking about going and seeing Battle:LA tonight, it's been awhile since I've seen anything in the theater, and I'm bored as all fuck right now...
Roger Ebert said it was shit. Like, really shit.

Speaking of, it warms my heart to see his love for animated films. He doesn't brush shit off because it's "a cartoon". His anime reviews are awesome.
I was heartbroken that the E&C reunion lacked some real E&C.

I wish I had more money to afford more comics and more time to read them. I even had to take my name off of the list for the Batman ones I was receiving.

Any decent Incredible Hulk arcs I should check out. I have no reason, but for some reason the character has peaked my interest.

I hope to eventually join in and post in the comic thread. I also have to get caught up in the Video Game section. Not enough hours in the day.

Ava, my nine month old LOVES to watch wrestling. She loves Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio & John Cena. When Cena does his you can't see me taunt, she waves back at him.
Roger Ebert said it was shit. Like, really shit.

Speaking of, it warms my heart to see his love for animated films. He doesn't brush shit off because it's "a cartoon". His anime reviews are awesome.

I always go to Rotten Tomatoes to check out movie reviews.

If the movie has a 0-10%, I won't see it.
If the movie has a 90-100%, I'll most likely see it.

11-89%, it depends on whether or not the movie looks interesting to me.
Roger Ebert said it was shit. Like, really shit.

I couldn't give a fuck less what some bloated sack of shit critic says about a movie, If a movie looks like it might be entertaining I see it, Battle LA looks like it might be fairly entertaining on the big screen, so I'm likely to see it eventually, though I opted not to go tonight, maybe later this week

Tonight if a can scrounge up a stream to the abomination that is TNA, should be good for a few laughs, if I can't get a stream then I'll watch The American, so I can send it back and have netflix send me WM26
I'm watching Black Dynamite, because it's awesome AND I FINISHED MY FINAL PAPER! It feels so awesome to finally be free of homework.
MTM, ANYTHING by Peter David rocks for Hulk.

Even for someone how's Hulk knowledge begins and ends with:




Even for someone how's Hulk knowledge begins and ends with:





Well stay tuned World War Hulk is one of the spotlights I plan on doing down the road, but may I also recommend watching Planet Hulk, it's fairly entertaining, and worth a rent if nothing else

Also I think I may be the only person in the world that thought, Ang Lee's Hulk wasn't really that bad, I mean crappy CGI aside, the story was pretty good, and from what limited knowledge I have from the comics it followed them fairly well, the Hulk wasn't about fighting super villains when he was first introduced, his main nemesis was the US military, and I thought they got that aspect as well as Banners struggle to cope with this "problem" right for the most part

That said the second Edward Nortons Hulk is easily one of my favorite comic book movies of all fucking time, easily top 5 material, they just got everything right when making that movie, and it's so vastly underrated as well

So yeah, there's no way I'm going to Lockdown after that debacle from last night.

Yeah, you know it's bad when not even Shatterd or IDR are rushing into the LD to defend it, I saw the shit happen last night and after the count I sitting there thinking, ok there's still a lot of time left, Bischoff is gonna come out and bitch and restart the match or something is gonna happen, and nothing..., instead they did a recap of the night, which I've never seen TNA do, and pretty sure Taz wasn't ready for, I don't think what happened last night is gonna kill the company, but it sure as hell was a big step backwards


And yeah...that was very, very bad. Hopefully this isn't a work in order to turn Juff into Charlie Sheen or something. If it is, TNA is just disgusting now.
See now if Sting had just signed a deal with WWE he'd be getting inducted in teh HoF in a few weeks as well as wrestling a match with Taker (somebody who takes his work very seriously) at the biggest PPV in wrestling and making millions in the process, but now, he's working for a dying company that lacks creativity, and he's squashing junkies in the the ME of PPVs as TNA alienates their entire fan base
So, I got a lecture (well, a workshop but the point is the same) today on Emergency Hormonal Contraception. The highlight was the lecturer (the professor of pharmacy practice) talking about how he once supplied it to two women who "brazenly walked in" and announced that they needed it because their husbands were out of town about two hours apart, and to another girl who when questioned when the sex took place replied "about half an hour ago". The woman taking it with him replied (slightly disgusted) that "it would still be coming out".

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