"The Brock Angle Award" for Rookie of the Year

WZ's Rookie Poster of the Year

  • OrtonIsLegend (O.I.L.)

  • Harthan

  • Murfish

  • Tim

  • PeteRosesHaircut

  • fromthesouth

  • 48.7

  • jmt225

  • El_Miko

  • Richard

Results are only viewable after voting.
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I just want to point out that I was nominated to be in the POTY thread by Nofate. He happens to be one of the top contenders. I'm just sayin'.

Think about it.
Yeah, I saw that. Were you the only ROTY candidate nominated for POTY?

If so, that is a travesty.

I mean that PRH wasn't nominated.
Tooooo baaaad.

Nofate and I share similar ideas on a few areas of discussion. He knows I'm a good poster without actually seeing me post.
there was a huge snub in this.

even though he had to leave this place due to persuing an MMA career, none of the guys that are options even COME CLOSE to a kid named "Slim Pickens"

great poster, in all areas, funny guy, and was made a mod in a very short time. Slim would be up for POTY and get votes.

the dude joined in 06

just sayin'
I'm voting Tim. Not only is he a solid poster in the non-spam zones, with tons of room to grow, he is also a great bar room poster and an overall great guy.
Dammit Dammit Dammit

If it's any consolation, I racked my brain for nearly a week trying to decide this one. I mean, the competition was REALLY close, and this may be the hardest time I've had since posting these polls to pick one to support. I mean, where else are two contenders so close in ability, talent, and stature?

But, sorry PeteRosesHaricut, I went with Harthan.
But, sorry PeteRosesHaricut, I went with Harthan.

If it's any consolation, I racked my brain for nearly a week trying to decide this one. I mean, the competition was REALLY close, and this may be the hardest time I've had since posting these polls to pick one to support. I mean, where else are two contenders so close in ability, talent, and stature?

But, sorry PeteRosesHaricut, I went with Harthan.

Not sure I can choose between Murfish and Harthan.

Contradiction :)
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