"The Platinum Keyboard Award" for Best Overall Poster

Best Overall WZ Poster of 2008

  • SlyFox696

  • mysterio_fan

  • Y 2 Jake

  • Uncle Same

  • klunderbunker

  • Mighty NorCal

  • HBK-aholic

  • Murfish

  • NoFate007

  • Rusty

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I had to go with Jake...he's the funniest poster on here and has a wealth of wrestling knowledge. Furthermore, we have the same taste in literature.
I had to go with Jake, well cos its true. Length of post doesnt have shit to do with anything. Its like Hulk Hogan. the fact that Jake owns everyone doing much less is further proof of his greatness.

Im going to vote for Sam on something dammit. This was a close one. Becuase I mark fro Sam posts.
It was between Jake and NoFate for me, and I ended up going with NoFate.

Not only are pretty much all his post great, but I guarantee that if he wasn't such a nice guy, dude could completely pwn everyone here whenever he wanted to.
It's between NoFate and Sly for me.

I've been a fan of Fate from the start, and Sly has a tendncy to be right. Sly hurt my feelings in the Jeff Hardy thread though, so I have to go Nofate.
i feel kinda disapointed that i am the only one to vote KB. but it's understandable. all of these posters are great
NoFate. Great overall poster, and always has great points and facts to back them up. Amazed he isn't a mod, but he should get the next spot.
Man, this is a tough one. It was a toss up between Slyfox and NoFate for me. Both are fantastic posters.

NoFate is awesome. The guy knows his stuff and he always writes posts that are great quality and are enjoyable to read. I always make sure I read his latest posts, especially in the Wrestling Sections. Plus, he's a nice guy and he keeps to himself. He's definately one of my favourite posters.

But, Sly is fantastic. As much as he is controversial and makes decisions that many might not agree with, nobody and I mean absolutely nobody knows his stuff more than Sly on Wrestlezone. I've debated with him before, and he is fantanstic at making others look like shit. But in the process, he actually educates them and teaches them through his points that he backs up so very well. He might not know it, but I've learnt a lot from his wrestling posts and this guy is the measuring stick of what a great poster really is.

My vote goes to Sly, just barely.
NoFate, the guy may be one of the most underrated posters on the site, and one of the few who I actually take the time to read EVERYTIME, Sly was a close second, but watching own everyone gets kinda old, and besides I voted him best mod
Wow, I just came back to see this. Doesn't seem right for me to be up there with such great posters. Greatly Honoured. Nofate, KB, Sly, & Becca are all high in my book, but Sam entertains me the most so I'm voting accordingly.
Wow. I wasn't expecting my name to be in here, let alone getting votes. Thank you :)

This is a tough vote for me. I really like a lot of these posters. Its kind of like when you have a Pot Luck thing, where everyone brings something different to the table.

Going along with that metaphor, I think I have to vote for Sam. He seems like the guy who would be setting up the tables and making sure everyone has their seats arranged.
Well, seeing as I've turned into a wiener and quit watching wrestling, I'm still giving props to the best arguer who isn't on a comic-book website. Yes, that's right. Slyfox. He's like trying to have a discussion with my wife: no matter how much you argue, he still drives you batshit crazy en route.
Mighty Norcal

Everyone else is a tied for fourth, except Murfish. He's below Shango-Monkey and TM. lol.

NoFate007 I feel deserves it. Everyone of his posts is a detailed and quality post. Good work this year man.
I voted for M_F, because I think he is underrated. Him and NoFate are the two best posters I like to read. Maybe since NoFate is fighting for first, could I get my vote changed?
Nofate was a great choice. I don't think anybody puts as much thought into there posts like Nofate does. Sly was also a good choice since he makes intelligent posts and he can defend what he says. Sam was my vote and I think he was a good mix of intelligence and humor, and makes his posts enjoyable to read. Everyone who was nominated are all great posters and it was great to be even considered against such well constructed posters.
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