"The George W. Bush Award" for Best Admin

Best Admin of 2008

  • Jonny B

  • Y 2 Jake

  • IrishCanadian25

  • Uncle Shocky

  • Chris Cash

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Jonny isn't getting any respect. He's done a lot. He wasn't much of a wrestling poster but he was fair when it came to Infractions and shit. Too bad most members didnt get to see his work because it was all behind closed doors.

None of this is a slight to Jonny at all. He was the MVP for years, and those of us who know what he did (remember, I wasn't around during "the dark ages" before Jonny and Jake did their deeds, I heard it all 2nd hand) respect the hell outta him. But again, 2008...

How am I winning this over Jake? Jake can bring peace!
Easily Jake. A vote for Irish is a vote for Jake, because he's doing what I taught him. Next year he will have established the place on his own more, but not now. Look at it like this:

Chris Cash - worthless
Shocky - 3 months as admin
Irish & Jonny - 6 months as admin
Jake - 9 months as admin.

I win.

Time in the job counts for nothing...
All I know is, it's not me. I don't even have proper access to the Admin CP at this point, no blame to Irish as he is not a super admin. Only Chris Cash can do it, and seeing as his appearances are about the same as Halley's comet, I'm not even a proper admin.

It's tough. Jonny has done a ton, but his interest in these forums definentely wasn't there this year. Irish has done a helluva job since taking over, and has been essentially a one man show for the last 3 months since Jake decided to retire.

I'm going with Jake though. Jake is someone that I think pushed my posting as much as anyone else, and to look bad and to see the sheer amount of threads that this guy has made on these forums is mind numbing. We all need to remember, Jakes erased his post count more then anyone. His presence on these forums is huge.
Time in the job counts for nothing...

Then should I edit this post? Because that's me.

Jonny B, it has to be "but he didn't POST Luther" I hear you say. Not in the wrestling sections, that much is true, but who took this forum from a complete cess pit that it was and made into the forum it is today? Jonny B, that's who, he was the guy who took time out to write a whole set of rules not once but twice, he was the guy who installed infractions (yes, before him there were no infractions), he was the guy who came up with the whole structure of WZ.

He was an admin not a good poster, he did his job and he did it fucking brilliantly and yet everybody's forgotten about him 6 months on, which makes me sick.

Vote for Jonny B, the real admin.

I agree with Shocky, vote Jake.
Best Admin for 2008... It's Jake, by a country mile. Not that IC hasn't done a great job but it was Jake that groomed him and then Shocky for the position. Don't vote for me for 2008... I was a shit Admin this year.
IC is the greatest admin ever. Vote is for him. He deserves it.

Just posted that same thing in the Maxwell Smart Award thread. :p
Despite the fact that you don't even know the former admins...

Due to just saying that, without even actually having any basis for comparison, I'll have to say that is bordering on kiss-assery.

Nah, I genuinely meant it. IC is generally just a cool guy.
I really wanted to vote for IC, but Y 2 Jake is such a sarcastic douche, that he naturally attracted my vote! I don't know what he's accomplished or anything about him, but what I've read of his just makes me want to punch a small animal... Hence, my vote went to him!
I don't really deal with a lot of the admins so I'm going to leave this short. IC25 has done a wonderful job and has always been able to help me with any problems I bring to him, so he's got my vote.
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