"The Vince Russo Award" for best WZ Storyline

Best WZ Storyline of 2008

  • Jake vs Jonny in the Bar Room

  • Y 2 Jake and Konnan in Love

  • BA52 bans klunderbunker

  • Clemency to long-banned posters

  • Big Wes goes Ape Shit, Sam bans him 145 times

  • WZF Army Formed, WWE Universe Invaded

  • SlyFox pwns everyone like Will Ferrel in Old School

  • Chris Cash demods Will and Jonny

  • Disco Inferno sticks around after Exclusives are cut

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BA52 banning Klunder and putting Monkey in prison was the first thing that got me fired up on Wrestlezone. I can't believe I fell for that prank. But it was extremely controversial and really got people talking. Well done by all involved.
Wes going apeshit was one of the best things this site has seen in ages

BTW just out of curiosity shouldn't this award be for most controversial event, seeing as how most of the things on that list wern't even storylines?
After about halfway through it he was. We were talking on MSN about it and I couldn't help it I was laughing so hard.
KB: I was banned
Becca: What? Why?
KB: BA52 banned me
KB: I can't lie to you
Becca: What?
KB: It's all a work. Don't tell anyone.
:lmao: I remember Becca was on MSN when I told her about it, and she didn't sound too surprised and I thought it was a bit suss.

She gave it away :p
Look man. How many time do I gotsta say im sorry. It was just a reaction I had when I saw one of my good e-friends being banned. Kind of went into overdrive.

That being said I have to vote for this storyline.

Oh, the apology has long since been accepted, but I still get to bust your balls for a little while. It was too funny, in hindsight, but truth be told the reason I let the cat out of the bag was because I felt bad.
Jake and Jonny throw down in the Bar Room after Jonny demods Luther

A joke that only fooled Irish. It was shit. The actual Jake & Jonny tiff was way more intresting.

Y2Jake makes Konnan his personal bitch lover

I don't recall that.

BA52 arrives, bans KB and puts Monkey in prison

I missesd it. But it sounded shit. In fact I think it was the reason that Irish said he wouldn't go along with my proposed angle in which I suggested Irish & I pretend he'd gotten me removed as admin. Which would have been awesome.

Clemency awarded to banned posters, Prax lasts 15 minutes

Why would you go back to a forum that banned you a year ago, anyway?

Big Wes goes Ape Shit - twice

Great fun.

WZ Forums invade WWE Universe

Missed it. Missed nothing.

SlyFox pwns everyone and anyone who challenges him

I don't read much of his stuff.

Chris Cash demods Jonny and Will for ten minutes, everyone goes nuts

He did the same thing to me twice. It's just I don't overreact like Jonny, Will and everyone else.

Exclusives deleted due to excessive flaming, Disco stays with us

So this is an award for me & xfear?
I think we need a NEW nominee for this category.

WZ and Crave Online fucks with WZ posters...screws the forums over to the point of near un/in-usability.
KB: I was banned
Becca: What? Why?
KB: BA52 banned me
KB: I can't lie to you
Becca: What?
KB: It's all a work. Don't tell anyone.

What was even better, was when IC PM'd me to apologise because he "knows that I'm good friends with KB". Which I laughed at and said if you knew how much you'd know he can't lie to me.

The whole story was very amusing to me.
These are some good choices on here, but come on, we have a freaking former wrestler on our forums hanging out, and even bagging on marty. Disco Fucking Inferno, the man that makes a point of tearing apart people that spend time on a wrestling forum, has indeed become a guy that post on a wrestling forum. I love the irony.
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