I'm all a tingle inside. I appreciate all the compliments and I'm legitimately flattered that so many do appreciate my posts.
I do have to admit, however, I'm a little embarassed because I didn't even know that this was going on.

Unfortunately, I don't always look around the WZ Forums, all sections of it, often enough. Sometimes, during lunch break, I'll pop on and see what's up and maybe post in a few threads or before going to work out or just before hitting bed, etc. Sometimes, I honestly just don't flat out think of it otherwise I'd have voted.
I think all the posters nominated are deserving of nominations and I honestly don't know who I'd have picked. Honestly, I don't because there are just so many that post consistently insightful, meaningful and even thought provoking posts.
I'm sort of a humble guy and just post what I think. I don't often get into debates and I'm sure that there are several posters, Tastycles & KB in particular, with much more overall knowledge than I've got so I very much appreciate all the votes.