The Biggie And Tupac Award For Best Feud

Which One Is Your Choice?

  • D-Man vs. Lord Sidious

  • IrishCanadian25 vs. Lord Sidious

  • GD & Coco vs. Deej

  • Coco vs. Ferbian

  • fromthesouth vs. Muslims

  • Macca vs. Sully

  • The Game Rage vs. The World

  • The Doctor vs. Vagina

  • Coco vs. It's Damn Real

  • TheOneBigWill vs. Luther_Hull

  • shattered dreams vs. All Wrestling Posters

  • Furyof5 vs. Honesty

  • tdigle vs. Via Armbar

  • Becker vs. xfearbefore

  • TM vs. Privacy

Results are only viewable after voting.
GD & Coco vs. Deej deserves this award. Too bad most of you seemed to have to missed it; it included some of the funniest shit said on here since Jake was a regular.

This was a personal favorite of mine. So many layers of awesomeness.
D-Man vs. Lord Sidious - The popular favorite, with good reason. You can do no wrong voting for this one. Sidious did a lot to lock himself in as a hardcore authority figure to newer posters around that time, and so seeing him come apart at the seams was a breakthrough or something. Oh, did I mention it's got D-Man throwing down, which is almost always good fun?

IrishCanadian25 vs. Lord Sidious - Underrated a bit, but remember the Board Room leaks.

GD & Coco vs. Deej - An masterfully crafted vivisection. GD and Coco should be in show business together with the seamless chemistry they demonstrate here. Top contender for my vote.

Coco vs. Ferbian - Ferbian doesn't allow a feud to grow out of control.

fromthesouth vs. Muslims - True to his posting style, he never let the Muslims get a word in.

Macca vs. Sully - All I'm saying is they made The Prison more popular than most any other time I can recall this year.

The Game Rage vs. The World - Rage is a great example as to why some people need to realize their dependance on this place in unhealthy and that they need to seek help. Really, what a fucking meltdown that was. Not really much of a feud, though.

The Doctor vs. Vagina - lulz

Coco vs. It's Damn Real - Way too short, but what's there is almost entirely golden.

TheOneBigWill vs. Luther_Hull - Luther_Hull vs anyone is going to get some good moments, so perhaps I need a few examples of why this particular feud is anything special.

shattered dreams vs. All Wrestling Posters - I shake my head at this nomination because I think it's doing more harm than lulz for the most part.

Furyof5 vs. Honesty - My thing with him was never about his honesty, or lack thereof. I was only ever annoyed by his attitude at times.

tdigle vs. Via Armbar - Oh mama. Most all these other feuds ended, but this one burns to this day. A true battle of the heavyweights. Not sure when this started; I think it was part of the fallout of Armbar vs CB/Profit. Anyway, if this feud doesn't win, it's very likely that it will carry on to be nominated next year.

Becker vs. xfearbefore - This is one of two that I missed.

TM vs. Privacy - This is the more well known and talked about one of two that I missed. All I know about it is something about him having people's pictures and an address or two. All I know about the guy is he repped me once for being the only person to reply to his AFI thread.

I haven't voted yet, so if some of you wish to sway me either way with bits of evidence/links, please feel free to make your case.
DirtyJosé;2644845 said:
Coco vs. Ferbian - Ferbian doesn't allow a feud to grow out of control.

There's hardly any feud between us anyway. I heard Hans or LJL, or both of them talk about some PM war between Coco and I. So if Coco has that one bottled up I'd love to read what that was about.
I would really like to read all the threads in which these feuds happened. I did read Lord Sidious' thread in prison though. And a few other threads of his when he butted heads against D-Man. Gotta say that they were a fun read though I do feel sad for Sidious even though I do not know him.

So can someone compile all the threads in one place?

The Fury feud was good too but one sided against Fury. He never stood a chance imo.
There's hardly any feud between us anyway. I heard Hans or LJL, or both of them talk about some PM war between Coco and I. So if Coco has that one bottled up I'd love to read what that was about.
I don't know what they're talking about. We never got to the PM war stage because you dropped the ball. Odd, because your activity everywhere else on the board would have led me to believe you'd go out of your way to PM me just for the sake of doing it. It really surprised me that a busybody like you called it quits so easily.

On the other hand, it's probably best that you did call it quits as whatever you said via PM probably would have been as average and forgettable as most of your posts. Although using that logic, I'm now unsure whether you did or didn't PM me. Did you?
The only talk we've had over PM was you requesting to have my character momentarily appear in your latest RP.
Honestly a tougher poll than last years ROTY. So many fine choices.

But as always, I must go with the feud that was *this close* to going down in an actual real life fight (ass whipping).

That, and it completely consumed D-man with contempt for months. It was outrageous.
When did shattered dreams and the rest feud? Now there is an apathy for him because he can be blind at times but I do not recall a match or something.

If there is a thread can someone tell me where it is.
As consumed as D-Man and Sidious were with each other, Sidious started getting personal with IC25, so it's probably that.
I'm not too in touch with what happened with a lot of this stuff... so I voted Doc vs. Vagina because it sounds like a bitter war. I'm rooting for you Doc.
It has to be D-Man VS Sidious. I remember the battles they had in the in The Bar Room/GSD. They were very intense and personal. I couldn't believe how serious it got sometimes.
Anybody else find it kind of funny, that the only votes for Macca vs Sully are Macca..and Sully?

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