The Shit Flinger Award For Best Cage Monkey

Who's Your Choice?

  • Angel

  • Bill Lesnar

  • Blue Cardinal

  • Coco

  • Crock

  • GD

  • Jenks IX

  • justinsayne

  • Luther_Hull

  • Macca

  • Monkey

  • ScreaminNormanSmiley

  • Super Hans

  • tdigle

  • Via Armbar

Results are only viewable after voting.

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
The poll for this award will be open for 3 weeks. In the case of a tie, I (or someone higher above me) will serve as a tiebreaker.

Bill Lesnar
Blue Cardinal
Jenks IX
Super Hans
Via Armbar

Fuck the rookie of the year award, this is the one i really want to win, if i win this award i promise to bring wz into a new era of shit slinging. If i dont win then BILL LESNAR deserves to to take this as a part of his triple crown of 2010 WZ Awards.
lord knows Hans needs all the votes he can get, how else will all those lovely ladies on the corner get to their computers at the public library? LOL I think there's an early curfew for ;)
General Disarray for sure. Can fling shit with the best of them, but usually has something of value to add in the process.
Although Bill Lesnar was easily my favorite, I mean this guy defines high impact, this absolutely has to go to Jenks. There was a period of time that that the cage was exclusively threads about or against him. This lasted for a long period of time as well and he is still mentioned consistently even when he is not making his frequent returns.
My vote goes to Coco the Monkey for defining his own presence. It used to be that I'd either get him mixed up with Monkey Mania or the Coco of old who was far more infamous.
I would vote for GD but Coco is wiping the floor, may as well give my vote to him. It kind of helps that he's hilarious.
Bill Lesnar should get this but he won't.

They'll give it to Coco to make sure that he doesn't whine when he doesn't win ROTY for the second year running.

Jenks was a high-failure, and I ended his career. So anything worthy of note that he ever did has now been placed on my port-folio.
SNS in an upset. No one on this forum has a better "posts to NorCal LOLZ" ratio than he does.

oh, and Enterkey and the titties he posts isnt on here.
I wish Norcal had posted that earlier, It could have helped me gain that key "posters who continually attempt to suck Norcal's E-Testicles demographic" also known as 97 percent of this forum. Then I would have stood a chance. Now it looks like I will need to rely on the poll being restarted, but Coco is winning in a landslide so I still have a shot.

Works outside of the ''You're awful, I did your mother'' back and forth that makes up 90% of the cage flaming.

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