-Posted well and frequently in Movie & Television, Music, and The Cigar Lounge.
-Posted infrequently but well in Video Games & Technology and The Sports Stadium.
-Led my NXT rookie to the finals of the NXT Mod Competition by always giving well-reasoned defenses for his stances.
-Helped out all NXT Rookies during the second/Greatest Movies round.
-Ran two non-wrestling tournaments: The WZ Posters Tag Tournament & The Most Disturbing Film Ever Made Mini-tournament. While the latter was a flop, I received many commendations on informing people of the world of horror cinema that they didn't even know existed.
-Stepped in to moderate The Wrestlezone Gameshow at the last minute; it ended up being klunderbunker vs. everyone else, but it was still a great success.
-Stepped up to start the WZ Biennial Music Tournament by myself. Besides finalizing the lists and match-ups, I am also working on the post templates for 320 match-ups...just in Round One.
-Solely set up and executed the Forum End of Year Awards, the very things we're voting on right now.
-Revamped The WZPC forum (along with GuyCompton) to make the contests more efficient, worth more points, and inclusive of both WWE and TNA PPVs.
-Saved the Fantasy Wrestling League from imminent destruction. While there were some major bumps in the road for me, I have managed to be persevere and make it an enjoyable forum for its participants.