The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

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So you've got an Infraction, and you don't quite know why. Firstly I would suggest that you go and read the rules which can be found at the top of every forum on this board in the form of an Announcement.

Be warned that if you are abusive towards the staff they have every right to be just as abusive back to you, and you'll also end up either in the prison or banned.

NOTE: Anyone asking why they cannot start a thread will be given an Infraction on sight. Read the rules before posting anything in here...

[size=+2]In Case you Didn't Read Right... READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING[/size]

12 posts and I already have an infraction? Because of "spamming"? Why does my post in the Heroes and Villains thread constitute as spam? Now because I've shared my opinions, I will most likely get banned, correct? Could the staff please do me a favor and feel free to delete that post of mine? I'm sorry I didn't supply 8 paragraphs explaining WHY they were my favorites, because honestly, as I said in that post, there are no SPECIFIC reasons I like them, I just do. Just check out my other posts. Other than the one in the Marvel thread, I've put thought into my posts. [SARCASM]and I dont tlk lik a 12 yr old on im zomg lol[/SARCASM]
The basic rule is that you should give reasons behind each post. You didn't therefore you recieved an infraction. You have nothing to complain about. If you don't have reasons then don't make the post.
I got suspended for a week and I have no idea why.
Spamming because I simply thought Elijah Burke deserves a push in the Burke & Nunzio thread? I don't understand that at all.
The basic rule is that you should give reasons behind each post. You didn't therefore you recieved an infraction. You have nothing to complain about. If you don't have reasons then don't make the post.

What you're saying is that I can't give my general 2 cents? Alright fine, lesson learned. I'm a bad newbie, sorry.
Spamming because I simply thought Elijah Burke deserves a push in the Burke & Nunzio thread? I don't understand that at all.

WWE needs to give Elijah a serious push he is one of ECWs best right now.

^^^^^^^Verdict? Spam.

What are your thoughts on Nunzio & Burke teaming up? That's the thread question and why do you think Burke is one of ECW's best?
allright i think i did this right i got an infraction today no big problem there ive learned that to make a better post you need to write more so is it ok if i went back and added more to it not to be spam mods?
allright i think i did this right i got an infraction today no big problem there ive learned that to make a better post you need to write more so is it ok if i went back and added more to it not to be spam mods?

You are more than welcome to go back and add to your post, but it's not necessary. Just be sure to pay more attention to the content of your posts in the future.
Me and my friend are sharing his laptop and he has just been banned for some reason he doesnt understand, and his ban lifting date is now NEVER.

Hes asked me to ask why you have banned him permanently for (he is Hendo_9).

He says he'll get the response of "spamming" but it was all in the Live Discussion and Spam thread so whats the problem
Me and my friend are sharing his laptop and he has just been banned for some reason he doesnt understand, and his ban lifting date is now NEVER.

Hes asked me to ask why you have banned him permanently for (he is Hendo_9).

He says he'll get the response of "spamming" but it was all in the Live Discussion and Spam thread so whats the problem

Hendo? Dunno. You? Banned for multiple accounts.
ok I read the rules when i joined this thing and scanned over them just before like the admin guy said but i still dont know why i got banned the other day, in the thread titled "If you could watch a former wrestler wrestle one last time, who would it be?"
I said this:
I would just want to see Austin in a match again without having to be a guest referee, a repeat of Austin v. Rock would also be good viewing...extrmely good viewing

I just plain dont understand why I was banned
The basic rule is that you should give reasons behind each post. You didn't therefore you recieved an infraction. You have nothing to complain about. If you don't have reasons then don't make the post.

thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. same shit with me some asshole bad repped me like 5 times and i got banned. that basic rule is the shittiest one ive ever heard. this board sucks ass compared the the music ones im on
thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. same shit with me some asshole bad repped me like 5 times and i got banned. that basic rule is the shittiest one ive ever heard. this board sucks ass compared the the music ones im on

Getting negative rep has nothing to do with being banned. It's a completely seperate thing. Getting numerous infractions is what will get you banned. Like it or not, the rules of this forum are that you must give reasons for your opinions or it's spam. If you don't like it, I suggest you find a new forum.
#1 Mods. There's no need to delete anything in this thread.

thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. same shit with me some asshole bad repped me like 5 times and i got banned. that basic rule is the shittiest one ive ever heard. this board sucks ass compared the the music ones im on

Not really. Add detail to your post. Nobody wants to just see lists or Cena sucks type posts. That's what the Spam Zone is for. Seriously, how long does it take to type a couple of sentences? About as long as it takes for you to think it up. It's not hard. Anyone can do it.

Rep is pointless and it means people think your posts are shit. Learn from it. Good posts = Good rep.

Good job you're banned then, you can concentrate on your music board full time now. Which I suspect doesn't give out infractions for spam.

Okay, I have now recieved three infractions, for which it seems not making long, detailed explinations. Which I'm fine with.

But I'm wondering why all my posts were deleted, considering most of them were three or four paragraphs long.

Okay, I have now recieved three infractions, for which it seems not making long, detailed explinations. Which I'm fine with.

But I'm wondering why all my posts were deleted, considering most of them were three or four paragraphs long.


They've been deleted so there's now way of getting them back. So we'll never know.
Okay, I have now recieved three infractions, for which it seems not making long, detailed explinations. Which I'm fine with.

But I'm wondering why all my posts were deleted, considering most of them were three or four paragraphs long.


How many posts have been deleted?
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