The 2011 Wrestlezone Tournament Live Draw: February 15

And neither is shaping the tournament so that ignorance cannot rear its ugly head. Why are you so intent are creating a tournament which will be flawed before it even begins?

Sorry, how is including deserving candidates in a tournament to determine the greatest wrestler of all time going to make the tournament "flawed" Sly? How? It's flawed because people might vote for Kobashi or Misawa?

It's two spots man. Out of 128. We cannot give TWO spots to two of the biggest drawing wrestlers of the 90s in one of the biggest wrestling booms? Seriously? Why? Because you don't want people "voting for them ignorantly"? That's going to happen with tons of American wrestlers in here as well, especially old school wrestlers. How many posters do you think have really seen a good amount of Harley Race matches during his heyday and big title reigns Sly? Or Terry or Dory Funk? Bruno Sammartino? Why are we only excluding Japanese wrestlers and not other names that people are going to vote for/against ignorantly?

You can't eliminate that possibility. There is, again, not a single valid reason for excluding Kobashi and Misawa.
Sorry, how is including deserving candidates in a tournament to determine the greatest wrestler of all time going to make the tournament "flawed" Sly? How? It's flawed because people might vote for Kobashi or Misawa?

It's two spots man. Out of 128. We cannot give TWO spots to two of the biggest drawing wrestlers of the 90s in one of the biggest wrestling booms? Seriously? Why? Because you don't want people "voting for them ignorantly"? That's going to happen with tons of American wrestlers in here as well, especially old school wrestlers. How many posters do you think have really seen a good amount of Harley Race matches during his heyday and big title reigns Sly? Or Terry or Dory Funk? Bruno Sammartino? Why are we only excluding Japanese wrestlers and not other names that people are going to vote for/against ignorantly?

You can't eliminate that possibility. There is, again, not a single valid reason for excluding Kobashi and Misawa.

Good fucking God, xfear, I'm tempted to take back what I said earlier about you not being stupid. How hard is it to understand NO ONE has said they were not great and deserving to be in a conversation of all-time best? I haven't said that, and neither has KB. I'm not pushing for them to be excluded because I think Santino Marella is more deserving of a spot than either of them (if Marella were in the tourney). Please quit talking about how deserving they are, because no one has argued once with you about that.

As far as the American historical wrestlers go, I've commented on that no fewer than three times already. Quote your own post, go find one of my which addresses it, quote me after you, and then you'll have your answer and it will save me time.

Finally, as for your comment about "it's only 2 out of 128", we already HAVE two in the tournament, in Liger and Muta. So if it's just two you want, then you've been taken care of.

At the end of the day, KB will be the one to have the final decision. He's running the thing, so he gets final vote. I'm just trying to explain to you why I'm strongly encouraging him to NOT include those guys. And so help me, if you say one more time about how deserving those guys are of being in the tournament, it will take all of my willpower not to ban you for the length of the tournament. That's not a threat, just how incredibly ridiculous it is for you to keep bringing up something no one has yet denied.
Muta and Liger were chosen solely because of their US experience and would've been in this tournament anyways. Can't really call their choices a nod to the puro contingent. Oh and chill with the insults chief, calm down, no reason to get so damn hostile.
Ok, to all the people criticizing our choices, listen.

We have been working on this for over three months. We started this process on November 7, the day of Turning Point. The two of us have worked very hard to give you all something fun that is our biggest event of the year. I'm going to be running this for the most part on my own as Sly is bowing out after the seeding is done. That means I'm likely going to spend six months setting this up and executing it. WE put the work into this, WE took the time to do all this, WE are the ones that get all the criticism for it and are told we don't know what we're doing. So until you want to spend half a year going over names and accomplishments to try to make this work as well for YOU, shut up about two names out of 128. If that ruins this for you, I'm sorry but I don't want to hear you people telling us that we failed because the list that we spent the last three months putting together doesn't work because it doesn't meet your criteria. Either do this yourselves, or quit bitching.
I think we can all see both sides of the argument, and it's only natural that some people are going to be upset by who is included and who is left out of the tournament. Perhaps next year the puro fans can get their input in early and make sure their wrestlers are given representation, or perhaps there can be a non-USA/Canadian tournament later this year? I don't know much about Japanese and Mexican wrestling, but I'd check in just to push Santo to the moon.

I hope that people look at each match objectively and they don't try to push wrestlers through just because they decided to back them, though that's bound to happen. I want to get Terry Funk into the later rounds this year, but if he winds up going against The Undertaker or Cena, I'll do the right thing and vote for the better man. Last year Funk lost out to Orton because of ignorance and people simply wanting to push Orton through to the later rounds, and it was total bullshit.
Wow, just wow. All of this and we're still 4 days away from anyone being announced.

KB and Sly aren't going to please everyone. It's a hard job and I can relate.
The bottom line is that if you eliminate ignorance then the tournament is essentially dead. If you want to eliminate your personal pet peeves because you are in charge then that is your prerogative. Just have the balls to call a spade a spade instead of pretending there is some special justification. Then again once you admit that you are inserting your own opinion why would you not expect those that do not share it to express disagreement?
The only time I backed someone was a couple years ago when I rode on Will's coat tails helping Edge get to the finals. I was banned for the week he and Bret matched up though. Anywho, I'm kind of considering backing Flair and The Rock this year. Somehow I think Flair will be the bigger challenge.
Ric Flair is going to have a rough go of it this year as public opinion of the man is at an all time low. The Rock, on the other hand, is probably a safe pick for the winner as I don't think anyone has anything but nice things to say about him since he has returned.

I'm still debating who I'm going to back, but one thing is for sure, Terry Funk WILL make it out of the first round this year providing he doesn't face a huge favorite. I'm also feeling pretty good about backing Savage, and I'm also extremely high on Eddie Guerrero and Benoit.
Not sure who I'll be backing. Could always go the route of backing Bret Hart, though I expect with his return he will see some more votes (plus he is loved here). And with Rock returning you gotta think he is a favorite as well. I could definitely see these two meeting up in the finals if the brackets allow for that to go down.

For my sleeper I'll probably just go my usual route of backing Ted Dibiase assuming he is in.

It's his time to shine.

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