Super Bowl XLV LD african american I feel highly

Really? Sorry, didn't mean to offend you, if it makes you feel any better I'm well aware Ricky is white and I'd never say that to a black person.
Lol now if its alot of snow for the Super Bowl in NYC, wonder if Roger Goddell cancel the game and schedule it for another night lol.
FUCK YEAH PACK! A solid fucking game and while the Packers didn't exactly make it look easy, they handled the Steelers very nicely. A big congratulations to Justin, IC, D-Man, and all the other dedicated, hardcore Packer fans out there, and only a slightly smaller congratulations to those who were rooting for the Packers tonight.
I'm just glad the SB is over, it was looking like a gang war on facebook, with Green and Yellow and Black and Yellow posted everywhere.

And with that, I am officially off the Packers bandwagon. It was great while it lasted, Titletown. You deserve it, but it's every man for himself now. GO PATS!

I'm a little fired up!!!!:headbanger::headbanger::headbanger:
Yeah screw Favre, Rodgers man now in Green Bay.

Favre was so depressed to see his former to team winning a SB without him, & that they guy who replaced him was named MVP, something Favre never accomplished, he tried to shoot himself in the head, luckily for him the bullet was intercepted before it got anywhere near his skull

In all seriousness, if Favre was a stand-up guy he would call Rodgers and congratulate him
Aaron Rodgers played amazing and Charles Woodson finally has that Super Bowl to add to his Hall of Fame resume.
Shit..well I guess Rodgers is MVP.

It's pretty damn hard to win a superbowl when you have everybody against you. Superbowl loser curse my ass.

In the off season our line will heal up, Ben will heal his foot, and we will be better then ever. I'm not gonna be a sore loser about it. Green Bay played better.

Too many turnovers on our part. The pick 6 from Ben, the big fumble on Mendenhall. Oh well. 2011 season for sure. I do hope the Madden curse get's to Rodgers though.


Just be content in knowing you will never, ever feel the crushing, hopeless despair and pain that was felt by Patriots fans after 2007 Steelers fans. This may hurt, but remember it could always be worse.

That never fucking happened shut up
Favre was so depressed to see his former to team winning a SB without him, & that they guy who replaced him was named MVP, something Favre never accomplished, he tried to shoot himself in the head, luckily for him the bullet was intercepted before it got anywhere near his skull

In all seriousness, if Favre was a stand-up guy he would call Rodgers and congratulate him

Favre did before the Super Bowl. He came out and said he was wanting the Packers to win, and he thought they were the best team, etc.

You Packer fans have no appreciation for what Favre did for you for so many years. It's why I've quit being a Packers fan. People are saying "forget Bret Favre, we now have Aaron Rodgers"...really? Do Packer fans forget Bart Starr or Paul Hornung? Do they forget Ray Nitscke (sp) or Vince Lombardi? Of course not, so why would we forget Bret Favre, a guy who dedicated nearly his entire career to the Packers, who won a Super Bowl with them, took them to another, and for years had to put up with fucking terrible talent without complaint, just to be told that after he leads them to the NFC Championship game, he wasn't going to be given a chance to compete for the starting position?

Packer fans are like jilted boyfriends, and I'm still trying to decide who is more pathetic, Packer fans or Cavalier fans. In both cases, the fans need to get over it, and appreciate what those players gave the teams.

By the way, that isn't intended for you personally, but Packer fans as a whole.

Favre did before the Super Bowl. He came out and said he was wanting the Packers to win, and he thought they were the best team, etc.

I was not aware of this, if i this is true then he is a bigger man tha I thought, and has re-gained some of my respect

You Packer fans have no appreciation for what Favre did for you for so many years.

That is complete and utter bullshit Sly, I have said repeatedly on this forum that I respect everything Favre did for the Packer Franchise up until his first "retirement" in '08, and thought the trade with the Jets was good for both franchises at the time, I was actually hoping for a Packer/Jets SB that year, how he handled shit after GB decided to move on without him is were I lost respect for him

It's why I've quit being a Packers fan.

...And more bullshit, you were never a Packer fan you were a Favre fan, and continue to be a Favre apologist, you're not fooling anyone

People are saying "forget Bret Favre, we now have Aaron Rodgers"...really?

No, they are saying it's time to move on Favre isn't our QB anymore, and he wouldn't have been as effective as Rodgers was at QB that few years, Packer fans are looking to the future, and Rodger is that, the Favre fanatics are the ones who seem to thing the guy can still play when he's shown he can't, Favre wouldn't have been worth a shit the past couple years on that Packer team

Do Packer fans forget Bart Starr or Paul Hornung? Do they forget Ray Nitscke (sp) or Vince Lombardi? Of course not, so why would we forget Bret Favre,

Nobody has forgotten Favre, nobody ever will, it's not possible his name is constantly in the fucking media, people are always talking about him, fuck last night if you bothered to watch the post-game they talked about Rodgers coming out of Favres shadow every time the MVP QB was on screen

a guy who dedicated nearly his entire career to the Packers, who won a Super Bowl with them, took them to another, and for years had to put up with fucking terrible talent without complaint, just to be told that after he leads them to the NFC Championship game, he wasn't going to be given a chance to compete for the starting position?

Yeah you know this is not at all what happened right?, they told him that if he wanted to come back he need to make a decision, he made the decision to retire, the team then decided it was moving forward with Rodgers, then at the last minute Favre decides he wants to come back, Packers had already spent the entire offseason preparing for Rodgers to be their QB, it's hardly fair for anyone to just let Favre do what he wants, Favre then acted like a spoiled litte bitch and threw the GM, Coach and pretty much the entire franchise under the bus when they didn't give him what he wanted, BTW Rodgers lead them to a SB in his 3rd year as a starter, something Favre wasn't able to do, even though he had possibly one of the best teams around him in '09-'10 season

Packer fans are like jilted boyfriends

..and Favre fans are like bitter ex-GFs...

and I'm still trying to decide who is more pathetic, Favre fanatics or Cavalier fans. In both cases, the fans need to get over it, and appreciate what those players gave the teams.

There fixed it for ya:thumbsup:

BTW without the Packers Favre would likely never have even gotten a chance in this league, he owes just as much to that franchise as they owe to him

By the way, that isn't intended for you personally, but Packer fans as a whole.[/QUOTE]

Why does he also have a Big Gold belt on his shoulder? (In your sig); I'm not a fan of NFL because I've never watched it so I was just wondering. :shrug:

All season long he would make a title belt motion around his waste when they scored, so now that they're world champs it only makes sense it only makes sense that they through the world title over his shoulder, and gotta say it looks pretty nice up there too
If you quit being a packers fan because of the treatment Favre has recieved, then you were never a true fan anyway.
I was not aware of this, if i this is true then he is a bigger man tha I thought, and has re-gained some of my respect

...And more bullshit, you were never a Packer fan you were a Favre fan, and continue to be a Favre apologist, you're not fooling anyone
No, I was a PACKERS fan. But when the Packers and Favre had their divorce, I thought the Packers were in the wrong, and so I quit being a Packers fan and became a Favre fan.

No, they are saying it's time to move on Favre isn't our QB anymore, and he wouldn't have been as effective as Rodgers was at QB that few years,
No, I mean I literally heard people say "Brett Favre who?" and dismiss him as if he was a footnote in their history.

These are the same people who will talk about the legendary Vince Lombardi as if he's a God amongst men.

My cousin married a man from Wisconsin, and he literally hates Favre, and wishes the Packers would never even talk about him. People like this do exist, I know them in person. And I live in Missouri.

Nobody has forgotten Favre, nobody ever will, it's not possible his name is constantly in the fucking media, people are always talking about him, fuck last night if you bothered to watch the post-game they talked about Rodgers coming out of Favres shadow every time the MVP QB was on screen
But they want to "forget" what he accomplished with the Packers.

Moving on is one thing, but trying to belittle what Favre did for the organization is just wrong. You may not like how he left, but for so many Packer fans to be literally ungrateful for what he went through for that organization is wrong.

Yeah you know this is not at all what happened right?
Actually, it's quite accurate.

they told him that if he wanted to come back he need to make a decision, he made the decision to retire
They told him to make a decision, and strongly urged him to retire so they could get Rodgers going. The reason Favre retired at first was because the Packers were working to get him to retire. This is what Brett himself said, and I'd say he is much more likely to know than anyone.

the team then decided it was moving forward with Rodgers, then at the last minute Favre decides he wants to come back, Packers had already spent the entire offseason preparing for Rodgers to be their QB, it's hardly fair for anyone to just let Favre do what he wants
Do what he wants? Favre wasn't asking for the starting job, he was asking to COMPETE for the starting job. He was told no. He was told he could backup Rodgers, but that was it. Don't revise what happened.

I have NO problem with the Packers saying, "Well, we've been working with Rodgers, so if you want to play, you're going to have to come in and earn it, and prove our franchise is better off with you at QB than this guy we think has a great future". I have no problem with that. But that's not what they said.

Favre then acted like a spoiled litte bitch and threw the GM, Coach and pretty much the entire franchise under the bus when they didn't give him what he wanted
Now you're the one making stuff up. Favre basically said he either wanted a chance to compete for his spot, or release him. The Packers did neither. THEY were the ones who were acting spoiled.

By the way, if Favre wanted to throw the team under the bus, then why hadn't he in those 5 years or so before, when the Packers were literally signing WRs 5 days before a game? Favre took all sorts of criticism from fans and media, people saying it was his fault the team wasn't winning, when the talent around his was atrocious. He didn't come out once that I know of and say how bad the Packer's talent was, he just took the blame and kept on trying to lead the team the best he could.

The only one who has been thrown under the bus on this is Favre. He asked to compete, or be released, which I don't think is too much to ask at all.

BTW Rodgers lead them to a SB in his 3rd year as a starter, something Favre wasn't able to do, even though he had possibly one of the best teams around him in '09-'10 season
No, Favre did it in his fourth year as a starter. Of course, when Favre took over the Packers, he didn't have a team that went 13-3 and to the NFC Championship game the year before either.

Rodgers led them to the SB in his 3rd year...after taking over a team that was ready to go to the SB in his 1st year. Rodgers has obviously blossomed into a very good player, but he also has some very good talent around him.

..and Favre fans are like bitter ex-GFs...
If Packer fans would quit being so unreasonable with their seeming hatred of Favre, I wouldn't have to defend the guy.

There fixed it for ya:thumbsup:
No, I had it right. The Packers won the Super Bowl last night, and you all are still complaining about Brett Favre. Notice YOU brought it up, not me.

BTW without the Packers Favre would likely never have even gotten a chance in this league, he owes just as much to that franchise as they owe to him
And without the Patriots, Tom Brady would likely have never gotten a chance in the league...I don't understand your point. Without the team who plays them, who has a chance in the league?

If you quit being a packers fan because of the treatment Favre has recieved, then you were never a true fan anyway.
That's just silly. Of course I was. That's like saying if you were a Chris Benoit fan, and you quit being a fan of him because he committed murder/suicide, then you were never truly a fan.

While treating one of the best players in your franchise's history is not the same as murder, to say the actions of a person or organization cannot affect the way you feel about them is silly.

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