SummerSlam: Undertaker vs. Edge


SmackDown! is MY Show

Hell in the Cell Match
Undertaker vs. Edge

Well I guess the old saying is true that there is nothing the like the scorn of a women. So Vickie is wanting to make Edge pay for his infidelity by making him face the man he screwed over at One night stand the Undertaker in Undertakers own playground a hell in a cell match. I have to admit I am kinda interested in this match as edge and the Undertaker seems to deliver against one another and this being a gimmick match just makes it all the better. Edge is the king of gimmick matches and Taker is not so bad himself so this could be a good match as long as no one interferes hopefully. I totally expect the Deadman to win this match as I see this being the end of their feud unless Vicky wants to use the Deadman to punish Edge so more, but I feel its the end as it needs to end as too much of a good thing become stale and boring.
Missed the announcement of this match tonight but am catching the replay tomorrow morning.

Not the biggest fan of gimmick matches but this one really has me interested. Both men are awesome talents and seem to deliver everytime. But what the question is, will they leave the cell? It's been a while since they have gotten out. Reminds me too much of a steel cage match but I guess the whole purpose is so they can't get out.

Still should be awesome though!
This is actually a great way to bring back the Undertaker but they could have been a little more creative. Hell in a Cell is a great match and everyone should agree but still when was the last time they had a buried alive match? but it should still be a great match and possibly a great way to end the Taker/edge fued once and for all.
Looks like Operation: Bury Adam Copeland so I can show everyone who the man is in the WWE, is moving along nicely for Triple H. We all know Taker will win this one impressivley, and all but destroy Edge as a main event player which is what Paul Levesque wants. Can't have people more talented than he is being bigger stars now can we?

The Eagle has spoken
So this will be the conclusion of their feud I'm guessing. I find it odd that their entire feud was based on the World Title yet it's concluding in a grudge match. This should be a great match nonetheless since Edge is awesome at gimmick matches. Hopefully they'll leave the cell for once. I haven't seen that done in ages. No, I'm not suggesting a Mick Foley dive off the cell but it would be nice to see them get out of the cell again.

So where does Edge go from here? He lost cleanly to HHH and now he's going to lose to Undertaker. I kinda agree with DerringerEagle. It seems like Edge is really getting buried here.
It's concluding with a grudge match because Edge was responsible for the Undertaker's banishment for a time and he did so by screwing him. If that don't piss off the Dead Man (kayfabe), nothing will.
Edge vs Undertaker has been one of the best feuds in a long time in my eyes. It was pretty long but very entertaining. Undertaker and Edge always seem to put on a great show when they are in the ring with eachother so the Hell In The Cell match should be great. I'm pretty sure everyone thought this match would happen sooner or later because I did. Just because Hell In The Cell hadn't happened in a while and it will be a good closing for the Undertaker/Edge feud. I can't really see Edge winning this one because Vickie wants to punish him and this is Undertaker's signature match.
So this will be the conclusion of their feud I'm guessing. I find it odd that their entire feud was based on the World Title yet it's concluding in a grudge match. This should be a great match nonetheless since Edge is awesome at gimmick matches. Hopefully they'll leave the cell for once. I haven't seen that done in ages. No, I'm not suggesting a Mick Foley dive off the cell but it would be nice to see them get out of the cell again.

So where does Edge go from here? He lost cleanly to HHH and now he's going to lose to Undertaker. I kinda agree with DerringerEagle. It seems like Edge is really getting buried here.

Like I said, whatever Vince's son in law wants, he gets. It's pretty clear by now that Levesque got all pissed off because Copeland was stealing the show on SD. So naturally, he has to be put in his place. Everone has to love and talk about the almighty Triple H, not Edge.

Ever since the draft, Edge has gotten his title taken from him, his marriage ruined and now will likely get crushed at SS by a returning Undertaker. I don't think the guy has won a match since then either. So what's next, put into a mid card feud with Jeff Hardy, another guy who Trips has buried in the past? That's a whole lot of gratitiude for a guy who has made Smackdown watchable over the last 6 months.

Don't believe this is all Triple H and his backstage crap? Well, he basically ruins Edge's marriage with his video tape evidence. But did he pay for it in any way, of course not. Edge just loses to the guy at the GAB and does nothing in retaliation, making it look like once again, HHH does what he wants and nobody can do a thing about it.

So now at Summerslam, Triple H is put in a match that will make him look like a giant killer when he inevitably beats Khali, while Edge gets destroyed by Taker. After that, that leaves him stuck in a storyline McMahon insists on continuing and as a result of the HIAC match, out of the title picture and backstage, buried behind now two politicking WWE superstars in Levesque and Calaway.

Life sure does suck for Adam Copeland right now.

The Eagle has spoken....
I think it's funny that people are already saying that HHH is burying Edge. What match is better for someone's career: Hell in the Cell versus the Undertaker or defending the title, which everyone knows you won't lose, to The Great Khali? No one will ever remember HHH's match, but Edge/Undertaker will probably steal the show.

I can't see Edge winning, since he won the last match and this is Undertaker's return, but I am sure there will be some twists before the match takes place. Maybe Edge gets help from a new alliance (Umaga?).

It's hard to say where Edge goes from here because you would think that either Edge or Vickie has to turn face for them to continue to feud, but they both get such reactions as heels. Maybe Vickie gets involved in the match and badly injured and Edge, as her husband, claims to be able to take control on Smackdown?
Finally, Edge and Undertaker have a match that doesn't involve a championship... it's all about retribution. I don't expect any of La Familia to interfere, including Vickie, but who knows... maybe they will. It should be like the Hell in a Cell match Taker had with Randy Orton where ''Cowboy'' Bob Orton interfering at certain points, just to get destroyed by Taker and eventually winning the match. Hopefully Taker wins and challenges Triple H at Cyber Sunday or Survivor Series and wins it and holds it for a while to defend it at Wrestlemania 25 and become 17-0, I hope, not 16-1. While Edge does some other feud for a while because he's been a World Champion 2 too many times and if he does become a 6-time World Champion it better be in a few years.
I think it's funny that people are already saying that HHH is burying Edge. What match is better for someone's career: Hell in the Cell versus the Undertaker or defending the title, which everyone knows you won't lose, to The Great Khali? No one will ever remember HHH's match, but Edge/Undertaker will probably steal the show.

I have to agree there, actually. Most people will be falling asleep during HHH's match while Edge/Taker will steal the show. Also, I remember the last time where everyone (myself included) thought that Edge was going to get buried at One Night Stand after losing 3 consecutive matches to Taker. WWE threw us a curve ball and 'banished' Undertaker. Though it's obvious that Taker is going to win this one since he is returning, WWE still has a lot of options left for Edge. He is still "married" to Vickie and thus he could easily manipulate himself into a GM role, much like Triple H did back in the McMahon-Helmsley Era. There's also Alicia Fox who (thankfully) appears to be sticking around. It'll be great to see where they go from here.

Edge will be back in the main event scene eventually. He's far too good to go back down into a mid-card feud. Hopefully WWE does another HHH/Edge feud since this last one absolutely sucked. It was huge waste of a potentially huge feud.

As for the match, I'm hoping it'll be similar to the Hell in a Cell that Shawn Michaels and Undertaker had back in 97. I know, I'm setting my hopes too high in hoping that they'll be able to recreate that awesome match, but it'll be great to see. The last few Hell in a Cell matches haven't been anything special, basically just a hardcore match inside a cell. Edge is great at taking bumps so hopefully he'll take some of the bumps that Shawn took back in 97. Nothing too huge like Mick Foley but still death-defying nonetheless. I'm also looking forward to having Mick Foley commentate this match (I'm not a fan of his commentating) since he made this match as famous as it is.
I expect Taker to win this match after a bloody affair. While I would love to see Taker and Edge go back to the top of the cell, after about a 6 year absence, I don't think it is bound to happen. Maybe Taker will get the win after a tombstone on the steel steps like he did to Batista at Survivor Series. This match should be the main event and could possibly steal the show.
Well I am excited for the return of the Deadman. The Hell in a Cell gimmick is a fitting way to end this feud. This match should be the main event as I'm sure people will be more excited about this match than any other the card. Last years Batista vs Undertaker HIAC match was good I thought. So this match should be even better than that. The only unusual thing is that this feud started with the World Title involved, but is ending without any titles. That pretty rare nowadays.

I am hoping this is the match of the night and I am expecting this match to last for about 28 minutes with the Undertaker winning and finally getting revenge on the whole of La Famiglia. This is exactly how a feud should end. At least Summerslam now has some people interested in buying the show. The match should be great.
This match should be absolutely great. Undertaker and Edge are both at their best when they are in a gimmick match. Edge winning would be a little redundant and unnecessary. 'Taker has to win, and he will. I agree that it might bury Edge to an extent, but it wouldn't be right for The Undertaker never to win any of their matches. I think the better thing would have had him lose to HHH by DQ or something and save the Hell In A Cell for later, but that's another topic for another thread. Nonetheless, I expect Undertaker and Edge to deliver 110%. I, for one, am extremely excited about it and will most def. be ordering this PPV.
Meh. I'd be more excited if Taker had been gone for longer. It was pointless having him retire if he's only going to be gone for that ammount of time. They should have had a Casket Match. That way they wouldn't have needed to split up Vickie & Edge and Taker could have just returned at some point.

Should be good. But HIAC usually are, it won't be anything special though. I guess WWE will be bumping Edge down the card for a while now that HHH & Taker are around.
I think the match will be great between the two but I don't think edge will be completely buried if he loses to taker. It just makes sense that if taker return edge loses the match to conclude the feud. I never thought the GAB match with hunter was going past that seeing that the whole storyline was to have edge`s world fall apart after the wedding. Even if he midcards after this it aint the first he did after a world champion reign. Look back to on raw after the cena rivalry he moved on to foley and had a great match at wrestlemania. If edge does win it will be due to some kind of interference.
I see a lot of people saying the Undertaker has to win this match because Edge won the last one. How quickly everyone forgets the fact that Taker beat Edge 3 straight times before that: Wrestlemania 24, Backlash then at Judgement Day by countout. As the feud stands going into the match, Undertaker is 3-1 against Edge.

I will be honest, if Edge loses this match I will be pissed. The last somewhat legendary claim he has left is being undefeated at Summerslam, and now the deadman will end that too, just like his WM streak. But of course, who the hell cares. As long as Paul Levesque and Mark Calaway get what they want, that's all that matters to Vince.
Now the twist with Vickie bringing back Taker to punsih Edge was somehow to be expected, with everyone knowing that Edge's and Vickie's liaison was only a means for Edge to make his life easier; so this comes as little surprise. However I too had hoped Taker would be gone for a little longer (maybe his usual absence till Survivor Series ;) ), to make his return impact a bit bigger, but well... I guess this will work nonetheless.

Hell In A Cell with these two guys should be a good match in any case; I would think Taker will defeat Edge and go on to challenge HHH for the World Title, which should theoretically make for a great feud, even if those two guys are supposed to have issues with each other... But I can imagine Edge getting involved at some point in that feud, with his own claim for the Title, and we could get to see HHH vs Edge vs Taker somewhere down the road, which would be awesome...

But I think the main focus of WWE will now be HHH vs Taker, as I just don't see Khali (or anyone else for that matter right now) being involved in the World Title scene. But well, maybe WWE will give us something new and push someone from the midcard to the ME now to feud with Trips? We'll see...
I think this is a good match and it is hard to really predict who will win...which is the way a really good match should be. I won't be upset with either one winning. However, I would be extremely disappointed if there was some sort of ending similar to GAB, with vickie or la familia or wedding planning girl (who realistically, why would she still be travelling around with the WWE company especially now) somehow involving themselves.
This is going to be a great match and depending on what the world title match is this will probably be the main event. With the exception of the HIAC against Big Boss Man at mania 15 Taker has never had a bad HIAC match and Edge although he has never been in one always does something crazy in these big matches ie: TLC, Ladder matches, cage matches.
This must be the blow off, because you can't really go anywhere from HIAC. It's the biggest gimmick match in the company, so it would be wise to finish the feud with this match. Maybe Edge could feud with Matt Hardy again, although I guess SD and ECW will stop their thing soon, what with SD getting their titles back.
Was I the only one aggravtaed that we had to see Vickie stupid fat face, and fucking annoying voice be the one to announce this....couldnt have gotten a UT promo?? maybe some dark, smoke, lightening, just a voice over??? Fucking A.

Anyways. This should be sick. we have seen the lengths Edge will go to in these matches. And we all know what UT is capable of. Im just not sure why would even do anything TOO great and crazy, since neither really stands much to gain from this, and its most likely going to be Undertaker overcoming Edge finally in the end. It may even be squash-like. Not sure what they will do with EITHER guy after this, but I cant say any other logical way it could go. Sorta gay having it be becuase VICKIE wants UT back, not becuase he just rose from the dead himself. Eh.
Hopefully this ends this feud finally. Don't get me wrong I love both guys and they're both among the tops in the company, but this has gone on so long I feel like I'm watching TNA. Each match has been good if not great, but this has to be the final one. That being said, I absolutely can't wait for it. These two put on one of the best TLC matches I've seen in forever at ONS and this time it's Taker's "specialty", even though I don't recall him winning one since WM 15. I can't picture an off the top of the cell bump, but maybe if someone does a run in they'll take the jump. What I would like to see is something to make it seem like these two hate each other even more. Right now, Edge has little to gain here, and Taker would be out for revenge for simply being out of action for 2 months. There needs to be one more big thing between them to make this epic. Either way I'm ready for what will very likely be excellent.
I am very excited to see this match and excited to see the Undertaker back in action. This match is going to be awesome and I see alot of big bumps coming in this match. I expect Undertaker to win this match, but honestly the WWE could throw us another curve and make Edge win via some interference or something like that. This will probably be the end of the feud, but I still see both of these guys in the ME picture. I think at Cyber Sunday they'll make the fans choose who will face HHH with both of these guys as an option.
Was I the only one aggravtaed that we had to see Vickie stupid fat face, and fucking annoying voice be the one to announce this....couldnt have gotten a UT promo?? maybe some dark, smoke, lightening, just a voice over??? Fucking A.

I completely agree. I was slightly disappointed that when the announcement was made, we didn't even get some mindgames early on. I mean, was it too much for the electronic guy to kill the lights and cue up some Deadman music with a bit o' smoke and some flickering lights? At most, just kill the lights, then send a bolt down or something.

At any rate, it's been like 2 or 3 monthes since the last time these two went head-to-head, and I gotta say.. I'm fucking PUMPED for this match! Why? Because for the first time in their miserable feud, it's not for a damn title, which means the outcome isn't entirely in one individual's favor.

Sure, odds could be with Taker to get revenge, but if any one person can spoil someone's return, it's Edge. And you have to admit, recently without Vickie or La' Familia' backing him up, and in that match against Triple H.. he had to take measures into his own hands. So I'm looking forward to a match that SHOULD likely be Edge v. Undertaker, without interference, or without Edge hoping that he'll get help.

Also, if any two individuals can save the market value of this oversized Cage, it's these two. I'm looking for blood. I'm looking for the action to find it's way outside the cell, and possibly up it. If I see these things, I'll be overly joyed and you will hear me from miles away.

If, however, this shit ass HIAC match resembles anything like the most recent ones I've had to sit through.. and it's two guys in a normal wrestling match with an overly large structure blocking my camera angles from time to time, I'm gonna be very fucking disappointed and pissed off.

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