SummerSlam: Undertaker vs. Edge

Hm my first notion was that Taker is going to destroy Edge this time... But considering it is not for the title right now... as much as I hate to see Taker losing, as he is one of my favorites of all time - it might just be the shove that Edge needs right now. If he cleanly goes over Taker in a high-profile match such as HIAC, which is Taker's own game, he would almost instantly recover any status he might have lost through his liaison with Vickie and la familia, which made him look weak at several points throughout the storyline. If he could defeath The Phenom fair and square in such a match - Edge would get the last bit of credibility he needed (if there was any lacking still) to be considered THE main heel - and it would make a possible feud with HHH in the near future all the more interesting...

So while I still believe that Taker will take this one home - it would do wonders for Edge's career at this point if he managed to pull out the win. And given the current developments in WWE, it might just happen. It's not WM, so Taker's streak isn't in danger... so we'll see who takes this one. Definitely going to be the Main Event of the evening.
Edge is going to win. I love The Undertaker. One of my five favorite wrestlers ever to grace the wrestling ring. But Edge is currently my favorite wrestler. Not just because of this past year, just because how hard he has worked throughout his whole career. He took that I don't give a fuck aura and it took him to the top. I love where this is going. If Taker does win, I see Edge taking the biggest spot in all of 2008 and maybe years from now to earn everyone's respect. I honestly see one or both of these wrestlers leaving this match actually injured.

All in all, Edge deserves this match. Not just because he's been working hard but because he has been the most entertaining person over the last two years. Ever since that Money in the Bank win over Cena in 2006, Edge has been the most entertaining star in WWE. Edge has been my favorite since Edge & Christian. So I don't consider myself a bandwagon. I finally called Edge my favorite current wrestler when him and Taker fought at this year's Wrestlemania. I didn't know who I wanted to win because they're my two favorites but I couldn't help but cheer for Edge. Edge still has so much to prove to the world, especially you Wrestlezone freaks. I mean that in a good way too. I'm one of them. But most of y'all don't seem to recognize a great performer. Edge is the best in professional wrestling at this current moment. This is the signature match for Edge and now its his time.

The Undertaker...I love you man but its time to finally Rest In Peace.
I can't see Edge winning this....and I hope he doesn't because it would make the Undertaker look kind of bad...

But since I love both Edge and Taker, and I'm a HUGE fan of making Edge the #1 heel in the company in an even more solid way...I think they should hold nothing back on this match. Let it all out. We need a new "Foley off the top" moment, whether its Taker doing the fall or Edge.

If they book this right, and they make it so Taker and Edge give each other EVERYTHING, lots of spots, lots of false finishes, a busted up Undertaker (since he bleeds more often than Edge does)...even if Edge comes out the loser, he'll come out looking SO good by being able to nearly defeat the Undertaker.

I'm really looking forward to this. Its not enough to make me buy the ppv, as I have zero interest in every match so far outside of this and Hardy/MVP...but I'll be glued to my computer's stream haha.
This is the only match worth anything at Summerslam; Hardy vs MVP is ok even Cena and batista are decent but after Smackdown last week Edge turned me into a believer with his spot. It wouldn't be shocked if he beat Taker which I don't want to happen but I would be dissappointed either for the first time in a long time a wrestler has actually made me believe there character I can say Edge is the future of WWE; I'm glad I'm getting Summerslam for free cause I wouldn't have ordered this bullshit PPV.
I'm new here, but I wanted to get it on this seeing as it's been a very interesting discussion so far.

This match is definitely the only one that is worth paying money to see on the card. As good as it's gonna be I won't be ordering the PPV. That said, I really don't think that Edge HAS to win here. It is Taker's return match, and losing would break the aura of invincibility that the deadman carries. Edge should put up an excellent fight, which would include spearing Taker through the cell (great idea!) but eventually fall just short.

To me at least and probably to a hell of a lot of others, Edge has already cemented himself as a main eventer. Hell, he has been THE show on Smackdown for the past year. I just hope that there's a triple threat match between Taker-Edge-Triple H at Survivor Series.

And while it's extremely unlikely, don't put it past Taker to put Edge over. Remember what we all thought would happen at One Night Stand. Taker makes guys while Triple H buries a lot of guys. Hell, even Kurt Angle has said as much.

I loved this feud. It's one of the things that got me excited about wrestling again.
I can't see Edge winning. Taker has been screwed by Edge and La Familia once too many times...he's still the World Heavyweight Champ as far as alot of fans are concerned...he was never pinned for the title and it was stripped from him to begin with. It's time for this feud to end and i don't think that Taker is returning from a hiatus to great fanfare to come back and lose his signature match. I think Taker will win and i think that this will mark the end of the feud. I also think that Taker will be moving to Raw at some point between now and Wrestlemania.
I may be a huge edge fan but i have a feeling edge will pull out the win. Just because everyone is hyping so much over undertaker winning wwe will probably screw them up and edge will pick up the win. Either that or i see Mick Foley coming in.
Heres my explanation:
Last week on Smackdown: Neely,hawkins and Ryder were all laid out. Now everyone thinks it was Edge but i think it was Foley.I meen hes "injured" right?Or he's been released either one.

Now i hope this is the end of the feud its getting a bit stale. Now id like to see an Undertaker vs Triple HHH Match but if HHH loses at Summerslam than please not another Khali vs Undertaker or il gouge my eyes and bury them in my cats litterbox.
Yes, I am a big Edge fan as well and have been since the Attitude Era. I'm glad this feud gave Edge a real chance to shine. But a loss for Taker in his return match plus his specialty would ruin the aura that he carries.

I'm hoping for a Taker HHH feud now, as I believe they've only had one singles match against each other (WM 17, correct me if I'm wrong). And maybe Edge can get in on the action a bit later to make it a triple threat at Survivor Series.
Yes, I am a big Edge fan as well and have been since the Attitude Era. I'm glad this feud gave Edge a real chance to shine. But a loss for Taker in his return match plus his specialty would ruin the aura that he carries.

I'm hoping for a Taker HHH feud now, as I believe they've only had one singles match against each other (WM 17, correct me if I'm wrong). And maybe Edge can get in on the action a bit later to make it a triple threat at Survivor Series.

HHH faced Taker at King of the Ring 2002 as well...Taker was undisputed champ and he retained the belt that night...they also faced each other at the Innsurrection PPV in England that same year and HHH pinned Taker clean for the win. All three times they've met Taker was the American Bad Ass so it would be a little bit fresher to see him work against the 'deadman' and it's been 6 years since they've been in the same ring against each other.
Let Me Tell You Cool_guy_12, The Taker Streak Will Never Be Over 'cause Is The Way Wwe Gives Undertaker Thanks For All His Years In The Company Even When He Received More Money Offers From Wcw In The Mid 90's, So At 'mania He Will Win Again That's For Sure, Now For His Hell In A Cell Match With Edge, Im A Edge Fan, A Rated R Fan, But I Know It's Time For Undertaker To Win, 1st. Due To His Return, 2nd. Is His Signature Gimmick Match (hell In A Cell) Is The Same As The Tlc Is For Edge, When They Fought In That Tlc I Knew Edge Was Going To Win, So Now I Know Edge Must Loose Due To The Storyline, But The Main Fact Is That Edge Is Now A Main Eventer That's What Matters And Im Proud He's The Top Heel And One Of The Best In Wwe. He Will Do A Good Job Against Taker, Maybe Close To Win.
I really can't say which way I see this going. I'd like to see Taker come back and do to Edge what he did to HBK. But at the same time, I think it's not long before we're gonna be seeing and Edge/Hardy feud over the title. And the only way to really set that up is have Edge come out on top and Hardy wins the Rumble and/or take the strap off Trips. Who knows?
Whatever happens on Sunday, let's just hope they keep Edge in his maniacal, borderline psychotic state well after Summerslam. He has been golden the past 2 weeks and if WWE creative plays it right, he will become the biggest monster heel in the company in God knows how long.

If he loses, naturally, he will make Vickie's life a living hell, because it was her who forced him into the match. La Familia is obviously over considering he laid them all out this past week. Don't think they will want to spend to much time with him now.

The Eagle has spoken
I want Edge to win this. He won't but I hope he does. This will be a great match. Loads better then Batista vs Undertaker HIAC. This is the only match I wanna see at SSlam. Nothing else is worth the money. Edge's character has been great the last few eeks. Hopefully they will keep him like that. I think Undertaker is going to get a World Title shot soon after this match. Probably at Unforgiven. Hopefully this is the end of the fued. The fued was alright but I'm sick of it now. I'm tired of Vickie too so hopefully a new SD GM comes soon.
Whatever happens on Sunday, let's just hope they keep Edge in his maniacal, borderline psychotic state well after Summerslam. He has been golden the past 2 weeks and if WWE creative plays it right, he will become the biggest monster heel in the company in God knows how long.

If he loses, naturally, he will make Vickie's life a living hell, because it was her who forced him into the match. La Familia is obviously over considering he laid them all out this past week. Don't think they will want to spend to much time with him now.

The Eagle has spoken

Whatever happens at Summerslam, let's also hope that they keep Edge at arms reach in the title race. Not immediately, because I see a Triple H-Taker feud for a couple of months, which would be refreshing as it will be the first time in around seven years, but I am hoping that Edge will somehow get in on the action and we can have a triple threat match at Survivor Series or Armageddon.
This match should be the one that steals the show. Though the marquee value clearly goes to the first one-on-one match with Cena vs Batista, this match has the potential to be legendary. It's 2 of the 3 greatest performers in the company at having amazing matches on the big stage (the other being Shawn Michaels of course). You have Edge, the master of the gimmick match who always delivers in these situations vs. Taker, the master of the "devil's playground." The matches over the past half year with these two have been great and I don't expect this one to disappoint. I can definitely see it being inside the cell and be great like the Taker/Lesnar HIAC, and then finally making the long awaited return to the outside. Edge isn't afraid to take big bumps so I could see him setting up 4 tables on the ramp maybe (ala One Night Stand) and Taker pays him back for that by throwing him off the cell and through all four, or maybe even they both go through it.
Anyway, I don't think there are two better guys to have in this match in the business right now. Taker should win, but Edge won't be out of the title picture for long mark my words.
This match should be the one that steals the show. Though the marquee value clearly goes to the first one-on-one match with Cena vs Batista, this match has the potential to be legendary. It's 2 of the 3 greatest performers in the company at having amazing matches on the big stage (the other being Shawn Michaels of course). You have Edge, the master of the gimmick match who always delivers in these situations vs. Taker, the master of the "devil's playground." The matches over the past half year with these two have been great and I don't expect this one to disappoint. I can definitely see it being inside the cell and be great like the Taker/Lesnar HIAC, and then finally making the long awaited return to the outside. Edge isn't afraid to take big bumps so I could see him setting up 4 tables on the ramp maybe (ala One Night Stand) and Taker pays him back for that by throwing him off the cell and through all four, or maybe even they both go through it.
Anyway, I don't think there are two better guys to have in this match in the business right now. Taker should win, but Edge won't be out of the title picture for long mark my words.

clahos, I love the idea with the four tables on the outside of the cell and then one, or maybe both going through all four. I could just picture both of them going through them and then somehow undertaker putting his hand over edge to pin him on the outside.

just acknowledging your idea clahos. and if that is how the match ends, then match will end with not just one, but maybe both....
I definetely see Edge winning, as Taker (unlike Triple H) knows when and when not to put people over. I can see Taker and vince discussing who is going to win, and Taker knows that Edge needs the victory. Taker knew he had to put over Brock Lesnar in 2002, he knew he had to (to some extent) put over Orton and Batista (as he both let them kick out of the tombstone, which is putting over enough) and he will know he has to let Edge get over him.

If edge doesnt get over him then his time on Smackdown will become less interesting, and more mid-card, which can not happen as he is the greatest thing wwe have right now.

I dont see this being quite the classic however, everyone is talking about the top of the cell, which hasnt been done since y2j vs hhh in 2002. I believe that wwe just consider it too risky now, and wont really let them out of the cell.

If Taker wins it wont add anything to his career or legacy, but if he loses it will add something to his legacy, in that he knew when he had to put over younger wrestlers.
I agree with you on much of what you just said. However, there is something big here that I think gives Undertaker the advantage: it is his return match.

If Undertaker were to lose his return match, that would make him look terrible, and would kill his aura of invincibility. Every time the Undertaker has disappeared for a while, he has always come back and taken the souls of those that wronged him. Orton, Kane, the list goes on and on. This is why I believe Undertaker needs the win here.

But don't get me wrong, I love Edge and I would hate to see him get moved down the card for too long.
Edge has no chance at winning. Come on people, we are talking about the modern WWE. This is the DeadMan's return match and he WILL walk out victorious. Edge, Rest In Peace.
I'm a huge Undertaker fan to say the least but to be honest with you I really don't care who wins or loses this match. It's going to be amazing one way or the other. Look for the match of the year here!

It's Amazing, I Really don't get what the hell happened here

After Edge/Taker Hell in the Cell was announced - people are saying "That's It, Now Edge is gonna get it, RIP Edge, Taker's Revenge, Edge is a dead man, Taker's gonna kill him

Now After Edge is back to his maniac self - now some people are saying
Edge should win, Edge should win, Edge should win What? What? What? Wait a Minute!!!, No chance in hell Taker's losing his return match in a Cell. Revenge is his, I'm a huge fan & this would be drastic if he lost & if by some stupid chance they go that way then I'm going the other way, far way from ever watching WWE again. It's bad enough his banishing from the WWE after that TLC match happened on my Birthday. I was so ticked off.
I don't get why people are saying that Taker will win as HIAC is his match. He has lost more than he was won inside the cell so it's not a given that he will win. I can't see anything other than Edge winning
The ace in the hole is that this is his return match, not so much as it is the cell. It would just destroy the image of the Undertaker if he lost his return match.
Taker can't lose this unless Edge goes completely freking psycho and destroys everything in sight. So I think this match could go eitherway, however I still think Taker will win this, and maybe get beaten down after the bell, but I think he won't be.
clahos, I love the idea with the four tables on the outside of the cell and then one, or maybe both going through all four. I could just picture both of them going through them and then somehow undertaker putting his hand over edge to pin him on the outside.

just acknowledging your idea clahos. and if that is how the match ends, then match will end with not just one, but maybe both....

Well yeah, that would be a sick spot indeed... Probably the craziest of all would be if they had the four tables set up... and Edge would spear Taker off the cell, and both men go through the tables. But in all honesty, even if it would look awesome - a move like that is just way too risky, and considering Taker isn't too young anymore and has had his share of injuries (and Edge too), they really shouldn't do that (I personally found it amazing Taker took the bump in the TLC match, so if anyone goes off the cage this time, it will most likely be Edge).

But I expect a tremendous match nonetheless... and besides, what's it with the "black roses" - even though it was Edge who laid out La Familia, isn't that more a Taker-style thing? LOL I'd be more than surprised if for some reason we would see an "unlikely alliance" coming up, after the feud those two guys had...

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