SummerSlam: Undertaker vs. Edge

I'm looking very foward to seeing this match I do think tht its going to be very competive Adam Copeland fucked up and now he has to pay the price I'm an adam copeland fan and I'm going to hate watch my boy edge get his ass kicked by the deadman, the hell in the cell match will be great but they got to do some hardcore shit to make this match worth it, go outside, have edge throw undertaker of the cell or have take chokeslam edge through the cell make it like the shawn micheals undertaker or undertaker mick foley match it would be good to see a clean match without any interfrence ( sry spell tht wrong)
Talk about an anti-climatic way to come back!

Either way...this is a match that just has to happen, wether some people like it or not. I think they've done a good job with this feud since it began over a year ago, and this is the perfect way to end it! HIAC always draws interest, and it was the right time to do it!
There is no way that they can continue the feud after this, unless they do something like Survivor Series, where they screwed Taker out of the win, but WWE would never do that... right?

This should be an awesome match, as the Hell in a Cell is Taker's match and Edge is good at all gimmick matches. There is no way that Edge can win this and Taker has to win this. They wouldn't make Taker lose his comeback match.
This should be awesome. Edge and Undertaker sitting in a cell, f-u-c-k-i-n-g- each other up.

I am really thinking this should be epic, I would be disappointed if it didn't end with a great spot. I am really interesting in this match, I will probably want to watch it over and over again.

Of course this match is rather predictable though, Undertaker won't lose his comeback match. Although Edge will probably have a good showing to it, Undertaker will have to win. The bad thing is where this puts Edge, he was the major guy until now. Now Edge has to find another fued.
This is certainly going to be a classic. Only thing i fear is that the WWE won't give this match enough time.

Shawn MIchaels vs Taker: Bad Blood 1997. Time-30:00

The Undertaker vs Mankind:King of the Ring 1998. Time-17:38

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels:Bad Blood 2004. Time-47:26

DX vs The McMahons: Unforgiven 2006. Time-25:04

Basically what im saying is that besides the King of the Ring match some of the best (IMO) HIAC were given alot of time. So far with the matches announced for SummerSlam this match could get about 40:00 minutes. With these two in thier they could pull it off. But if they do get more then 30:00 then i would have to advise that they get outside of the cell. Besides that i for one be ordering this PPV for sure. This and the Cena/Batista match are the only thing keeping me interested. Should be a "Hell" of a match.
This match will be fantastic match for Summerslam. Even though the WWE Title Match won't be that exciting, the Hell In A Cell match will make up for the loss.

I think this match will steal the show with ease. Edge and Undertaker usually steal the show with their matches but they threw in the gimmick match and Undertaker returning, this match will be great.

I see Undertaker winning this won hands down. He is returning from his absence with a vengeance. WWE probably wouldn't let Vickie reinstate the Undertaker to have him come back and lose. Anyways, this match will be awesome. The best match of the year possibly.
Probably the only match announced for Summerslam so far that I'm actually looking forward to. Both of these guys excel in gimmick matches, the Undertaker especially is the person who's been in a HIAC the most, and though Edge is a HIAC virgin (correct me if I'm wrong- he hasn't actually ever been in a match, just interfered), we know he'll bring it all to the table.

Anyway, this'll hopefully be the end of the feud, I was expecting some kind of swerve, where Vickie still ends up screwing 'Taker, but that'd just drag things even longer, where could they possibly go from a HIAC match? It's like the new feud closer in the WWE, seems like it'll be as overused as the cage before long.
Oh man I am even more pumped up for this match after that Cutting Edge segment. Finally the badass Edge is back, not Vickie's bitch-boy like Foley was talking about. Although it's obvious that Undertaker will win since it's his return match, that segment did a great job at making Edge look like he could actually win. While a swerve in the match would be shocking, there's no way in hell people will still be interested in this feud if it gets dragged on any longer.
Still, The events of Edge's life in the past month obviously have been done to revert him back to his old, bipolar self. Even if he does lose at Summerslam, it will be great to have the insane Edge back in business again. I missed that crazy f*cker!

The Eagle has spoken
This is going to be the best match on the roster imo. finally the Edge and Undertaker fued is put to an end in the most unforgiven match there is. Hell in a Cell. ( I swear i have seen Edge in a hell in a cell match where he was ripping his hair out) but people are saying he hant been in one. but Edge is one of the KINGS of gimmick matches. that is also great at normal matches.

I can see one of two things happening. Either Edge will win by Becoming the Heel he used to be instead of the cheater. I think this would be the best ay to do it. i would love to See edge back into that Role as he played it Best.

Or the other thing is the undertaker will destroy him within a few minutes. I think that this would destroy edge in ME status for a while when it shouldnt be Edge has done so much for this buisness he deserves to be in the ME all the time.

Anyway i still think this will be the best match hopefully it isnt a squash match and it goes for a while this has potential to be another History defining moment and hopefully WWE dont fuck it up
This match is why I'm actually going to order the PPV. Do I think any match is worth 35 or w/e dollars it is? Not at all, but to see Undertaker and Edge in a match let alone Hell In A Cell is a good enough reason to gather a few people around to watch the show. Since it seems we have the crazy Edge back, I expect this match to be quite different than what we've seen so far from this feud. Lets not forget most of the feud involved Edge hiding from Taker behind La Familia. Since Edge will be "flying solo" and Taker just returning I'm really looking to see a crazy match. The last few HIAC matches that WWE has put on have been a little lackluster if you ask me, but I really am excited for this one.

I fully expect Undertaker to win the match, but I also expect to see Edge come very close. WWE has to be careful about how they do this match. If Edge goes and gets dominated then it really is going to hurt his chances of regaining the heel status he had before getting involved with Vickie. Should Edge win, I think that'll be more than enough to gain him back peoples hatred for him, but again WWE needs to not have the Undertaker be dominated too.
This week's Cutting Edge segment has me so pumped for HIAC. I too am gathering up a few friends for the event solely because of this match. I fully expect the Phenom to get his revenge and end this feud. But Edge will surely put up a fight expect Table Spots and Chair Shots as these are the comfort zones of the man who defined the letters TLC. Ladders I'm unsure about given the fact that they have a cage to fight in and you don't wanna overdo it to the point where it gets crowded...cough...tna...cough. I hope they leave the cell. I can't remember the last time they did. I think a great finish would be Undertaker chokeslamming Edge through the top of the cell to punish him for all the pain Edge has caused him. Although the problem with that is though Edge has proven resiliant over the years he's also been a bit injury prone, and with the move to the big network SD can't afford to lose a big time player like Edge. All in all I expect a great match in which Undertaker walks out victorious.
i know this match is going to be awesome. it just has to be. but i'm curious to see if foley gets involved in this match at some point due to the attack during the cutting edge segment.
My friend who hasn't watched wrestling in roughly 8 years was watching Raw with me last night, and when the promo came up for this match, he turns to me and says "That is going to be a fucking great match".

And I wholeheartedly expect it to be. Undertaker's rested from his time off, Edge is being built as the old vicious version, La Familia is no more so we won't see constant interference, and I mean come on, its Hell in a Cell lol.

I'm going to be betting nearly all of my VBookie points on Undertaker winning this. But I don't care if its predictable or not.
Following the Cutting Edge last week, I'm starting to think this could be one hell (no pun intended) of a match. Taker will be great in this simply because for one he's Taker, and also he's had almost 3 months of pure rest for his body. After the cutting Edge, it looks like Edge is going back to his viscious self which is nothing but great. He was at his best before this whole Vickie thing and it'd be great to see that Edge with Taker of old. Both of these guys have tendencies to steal the show and it looks like this and Batista and Cena are the real main events this year. Their previous matches have been great and i think this is likely the end of their feud. As for the winner, I have to give it to Taker here. Edge may be viscious again, but I think he's just no match for Taker in this enviroment.
Hmm, this is odd. I would have thought they'd have kept Taker away for longer. Seems silly to have "banished" him at ONS if he's going to come back this quick. A fake injury (a la HBK) would have served just as well, and been more believable. Anyway.

That said, I hope they pull out all the stops to make this match awesome. I want blood, gore, guts, great bumps, death-defying spots, and a legendary finish. Preferably a spear from off the top. Edge needs to win. He's done nothing for ages but lose: all clean losses at Mania, Backlash, Judgment Day, and the Great American Bash, with nothing but screwjob wins at ONS and the Rumble to compensate (Rey was injured at No Way Out, so that hardly counts). Undertaker doesn't need to win: he's 16-0 at Mania, FFS, and his career's nearly over anyway. A loss here won't hurt him, but it would bury Edge for a good while. He badly needs to win to justify his main event spot. I hope he does. He is THE reason why people watch Smackdown. He deserves it. A close epic won't be good enough.
Ok, so Edge has refered to Mick Foley's episode against Undertaker. Why not making him "injury" Undertaker by spearing him out of the cage or something like that, it would make sense, they have alright built the "old Edge" back, so it would be interesting to see it happen.

However, I don't think that Undertaker's hiatus will come to an end with a ... lose. It doesn't make "WWE sense", they will, more a like, burry Edge and he will become the third guy on SmackDown!, with Show turning heel, they would eventually have an Undertaker vs. Triple H match until Mania or even at Mania.
As much as I would like to see Edge win, that isn't going to happen. With it being Taker's specialty match, his return match, and with all of Calaway's backstage pull, there is little chance of an Edge victory. It is probably going to be like WM, with Edge pulling up all the stops but coming up just short. If he is going to get beat at least make him look good.

It would be nice to see Taker do the job to put Edge further over. Maybe in the twilight of his career he is ready to pass the torch off to the younger talent. Edge winning this match would really cement his status. Besides which, Edge is still undefeated at Summerslam. Taker ending this streak too will ruin him.

The Eagle has spoken
Im expecting big things here, as Edge can take bumps yet so can the Undertaker (ONS 2008), however im so hoping that these to guys drag their asses to the top of the cage/cell [whatever u wna call it lol] n kick ass up their, something we all do on the WWE SD vs RAW games, lol

Hopefully it closes the show and it gets the crowd pumped, im definatly ordering it on Sky Box Office, no doubt lol

V12 Rules all, done.
These two haven’t had a bad match yet and this will likely be their best effort yet. I have high expectations for this match. I’ll be pissed if it’s little more than a basic wrestling match inside a cage.

I can’t see Taker losing in his return match plus he’ll be out to avenge his banishment. With the way things stand between Edge and La Familia, there’s little chance or reason to warrant their interference. I guess there is the off-chance Vicki saves Edge and stops the match. That would be an incredibly suckish way to close the PPV but it would extend the feud.

Everyone has said HIAC should or must end the feud. I’m going out on a limb here but I just don’t see this match being their last. I don’t see Edge, Taker, and HHH all co-existing on the already stacked Smackdown. I just have this feeling we may get a ‘Loser Leaves Smackdown’ being their final match.
taker sadly wins this in my opinion, id rather see edge do it just because itd be more shocking. Anyways after this match i really am wating to see who goes for the title taker or guess is hardy is winning the royal rumble so they might hold him off til then and make a great taker/HHH feud
a spear through the top of the cell(considering they go on top, and i cant see it happening with them going off the cell because itd kill taker pretty much literally)would be the best way for edge to win this match if he really does win(which people are finally thinking he might). this match could easily be the best cell match ever and shouldnt end in an interference or anything, edge needs this win A LOTmore than taker does too. i hope it doesnt end up being 30 minutes of tables and chairs like a lot of the cell matches have recently
As much as I would like to see Edge win, that isn't going to happen. With it being Taker's specialty match, his return match, and with all of Calaway's backstage pull, there is little chance of an Edge victory. It is probably going to be like WM, with Edge pulling up all the stops but coming up just short. If he is going to get beat at least make him look good.

It would be nice to see Taker do the job to put Edge further over. Maybe in the twilight of his career he is ready to pass the torch off to the younger talent. Edge winning this match would really cement his status. Besides which, Edge is still undefeated at Summerslam. Taker ending this streak too will ruin him.

The Eagle has spoken

Edge has already been defeated at SummerSlam, he lost at SummerSlam 1999.

Anyways, this should be a great match. I like watching these 2 guys vs. each other, and i loving watching Hell in a Cell Matches.

Since this will be Taker's first match back, i cant see Edge winning, but then again i didnt think Edge would win at ONS, so i guess anything can happen. Should be a great match, wether Taker or Edge wins.
I love how they've managed to move this feud away from the title picture. The way I see it, the winner will definitely find himself in a title feud, because this fued will already be wrapped up. Edge won his specialty match against Undertaker. Now, Undertaker will probably win his specialty match to end the feud. I do love, though, how the WWE is making Edge the pychotic way he was when he was hunting for his first World Title. That Edge could stand on his own, and we're seeing him come back. It does leave just a bit of doubt that Edge might pull off a win.
This is the Grand Finale between these two men and it is only suitable for it to happen at SummerSlam. The match will be good, but not as great as people think it will be, the HIAC has become a caged-in Street Fight these days, so I don't know how different this match will be compared to their TLC match at ONS. The only major difference will be Edge's lack of lackeys, he is all alone this time, so it should bring out the best in him to try and beat Taker. It is pretty obvious that Taker will win, which makes me not care about this match as much as most people because I love unpredictable matches and this certainly isn't one of them. Overall, this will be a good way to end the long feud between these two and I am looking forward to what is in store for both men after SummerSlam.

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