One Night Stand: Undertaker vs. Edge

I Really Wasn't interested in this Edge vs Undertaker feud to begin with But i hear That These two pull some Great Matches with Each other at WrestleMania, Backlash, and Judgment Day. Everyone was waiting for that gimmick match when is it going to be a Steel Cage Match or somthing and finally we get it Undertaker vs Edge TLC Match for the World HeavyWeight Championship and they Ruin it with a Dumbass stipulation that if Undertaker loses he is fired i literally laughed my ass off when Vickie said that I know that WWE was trying to get past the People That Edge is the master of the Ladder Match and he will win and Undertaker has no chance but YEAH i don't see undertaker getting Fired

But i mean look at it if Edge loses then not only is he not the Master of the Ladder Match anymore (atleast IMO) but where does this leave Edge and Vickie Relationship and La Famila Chavo is angry at them cause Edge and Vickie Used him to get Edge to Be Number One Contender so if Edge loses this time what is gonna be the Outcome of it is Edge gonna be Mad At Vickie cause she can't get Edge the WHC and break up with her and tell her that the Love he had with Lita was real love but the love he had with vickiw wasnothing more to get what he loved more WHC(which i think would lead to an awesome feud between Chavo and Edge myself) But Yeah

But What if undertaker loses Then we would probably see SmackDown Roster Rebel against Vickie and Edge or Undertaker going to RAW or ECW (lol ECW) but he can't go to RAW cause they got Triple H, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels,Jeff Hardy and etc so the chances of this happening is slim to none

but all in all Undertaker and Edge will tear down the house :D
Well, while losing TLC matches twice for the championships (two different ones, so people who had never been in TLC matches before) may seem to make him look very weak in that type of match despite his being the "master" of them, someone earlier brought up a good point about Kane and the Inferno match. I think they said he's only won one out of four. Albeit Kane is a shell of his former self (he really, really needs to bring back the mask), he at least never lost them for a title... twice. As I said earlier, I really don't know where they're going. If Vickie hadn't said "banished from the WWE," I'd just figure 'Taker would be showin up on Raw come the draft. That does, however, bring up a few problems: Smackdown is currently suffering internal bleeding when it comes to main eventers, and 'Taker is kinda the heart of Smackdown (in my opinion, that is).

Only two days til we finally find out. Guess we'll see.
They took Kane's mask off for a reason; his character had gotten stale. It was the only way to re-establish him as a monster again and it worked. He hasn't dated a blonde since. He's not a shell of his former self because he is unmasked, not that his former self was great to begin with, but he certainly is not in the shape he used to be. Kane used to have a six-pack but now he's just getting fat.

Anyway, I think it's obvious to everyone Undertaker will win, Edge will get fed up with Vickie, break off the engagement, La Familia will disband, as all stables eventually do in WWE and Undertaker will go on to feud with Umaga following the draft lottery. Where does Edge go from there? I say turn Michelle McCool heel and pair them up; I can't stand her as a babyface.
This should be a very fun match to watch, Edge is the master of TLC's and The Undertaker is great in any match his in. But i do agree with everyone else, the Stipulation is stupid, kind of wreks the match a bit. This should be the end of the feud hopefully, and i think it will be because of the draft.

I see La Familia interfearing constantly in the TLC Match, but i still see Taker getting the win and becoming Champion once again. I Then see Vickie Making Taker's life a "living hell" in the following weeks, but to the shock of Vickie, Edge gets drafted to RAW. She fights With Vince to let her move with Edge, but he wont allow it. Vickie then introduces Taker's next contender for the title and the newest Smackdown superstar, UMAGA! Umaga is then Vickie's new Henchmen.

Now that seems a pretty cool way to end Vickie and Edges Relationship and their Fued, i know Edge needs the title, but i just cant see a better way at Edge winning this with this stupid stipulation.
Gosh damn, Edge better fucking win this is all I have to say. That promo he cut last night whipped ass. And itll be SO boring and formulaic if they have Edge loose, again, in a heavyweight title bout in HIS match. I think they are throwing the carreer ender stip out there, and not hyping the Taker's "last match" (yea fucking right) just to up the shock value when Edge wins. I can totally forsee Edge winning this, and finally dumping Vickie, becuase if you all remember, at the very beginning of this, Edge sided with Vickie with desighns on overcoming the Undertaker. Once he has finally done that, and won the title, vanquished the Deadman, he will have no use for her any longer. He took out the deadman, and turned on the woman. ultimate bastard.
Sorry, but I don't see why Edge should win this match at all! And he's one of my favourite wrestlers!

The way I see it, he snaps, turns on Vickie because he reveals obviously he used her, to further his career, and nothing's happening, so he blames it on her!!!! I think it could work!

I don't forsee The Undertaker losing this match at all! Just doesn't seem fathomable! Considering the rumors of a showdown between him and Shawn at Wrestlemania next year!
I, just can't see Edge wining this match because of the stupid Stipulation if Undertaker loses he gets fired.I know he owed every Table,Ladder,and Chairs(TLC) he's been apart of in the past but,if Edge wins the World Title Undertaker gets fired and leaves for four weeks and comes back in time for the draft, to get drafted to either ECW or Raw. I just don't see it happening that way.Why,would Undertaker get fired and then come back in four weeks?makes no sense to me at all. Furthermore, I see Edge turning on Vickie soon telling her that she used her to get the title but,it didn't work.
My last minute take on this match-up.

Ok, along with other matches on this ppv, the winner is fairly obvious. Unless the wwe really, really want to throw a curveball our way and finsish taker. But this won't happen for a few reasons.

1. Undertaker is not ready to retire and the fact that Edge said that he cant come back even or the draft convinces me Undertaker will be winning.
2. Vince hinted towards an end to Vickie and Edge, whihc wouldn't happen if Edge held the title around his waist.

I definately see Undertaker winning here, no doubt about it.
After seeing Friday's Smackdown and reading Mighty NorCal's post, I think Edge might actually win this.

Edge did say that Undertaker can't participate in the Draft if he loses since he would be fired. This could have been thrown in to make it seem that Undertaker is guaranteed to win. We all know that Undertaker isn't ready to retire, thus if he loses, it would seem far more shocking.

Like Mighty NorCal said, Edge only used Vickie in order to conquer the Undertaker. Once he finally beats him, he has no use for Vickie anymore. Thus, Edge would dump her leading to a possible face-turn for Vickie. Then she could reinstate the Undertaker leading to a final bout between the two.

The only thing that makes this unlikely is that Vickie is drawing so much heat. At this point I could see Edge turning face for betraying her instead of turning heel.
Taker Will Win. I Dont C Taker Getting Fired Or Leaving Wwe In The Next 5 To Even 10 Years. Last Time Edge Had A Tlc Match It Was Against Cena And Back Then The Stippulation Was That If Cena Loses He Leaves Raw Now Its Edge Vs Taker.again A Stupid Stippulation If Taker Loses His Fires. The Same Thing Cena Did Taker Wil Also Do Beat Edge In A Tlc Match.then Edge Tells Vicky He Only Used Her But It Didnt Work So He Is Leaving Her.
this is a very very outside shot but what if edge lost, and then vicky dumped HIM, saying that she did all she could but he's still just a loser and not a champion therefore doesnt deserve her? that could turn edge face which would be very very shockng tv
I would think it's an honor for any wrestler to face Undertaker and just as much of an honor to lose to him. Edge's career will be fine. From someone who's been watching wrestling for over a dozen years, I find it's more important how good a wrestler's match is as opposed to how many times they win or lose.

I think WWE is going to throw some sort of weird twist into this. Even if 'Taker does lose, like everyone's been saying, they'll find a way to bring him back.

After all, he is THE UNDERTAKER!

And it's going to be an amazing match!
In all honesty I am so tired of this fued. Throughout it all Edge has been booked to be so weak. The only wins that didn't need interference were his victories over Funaki. For every other wrestler, he has needed help. Even when he was the world champion he wasn't booked to be a strong champion. Then the Undertaker is booked to look excessively strong. For most of this fued, the Undertaker has looked to be better than six men combined. Last Smackdown he was beat down and recieved multiple chair shots; but he still was able to climb a ladder bead Edge and wreck his entire crew. It is rediculous. They make it so painfully clear that the deadman can't be stopped. I am tired of it.
I just realised, it could be quite obvious how they're going to end this feud if taker wins tonight. Edge may end up dumping Vickie, saying that nothing so far has worked out in their favor, while Edge has been trying to beat undertaker and win back the world title. So, Vickie might become a tweener, telling Edge that if he wants another title shot so badly he can have it at Night of Champions against Taker in Hell in a Cell. Because Edge obviously wouldn't want that type of match against Taker, would he? Which would finally end the feud, so Umaga could attack Taker the next week and become the next contender for the belt after having been drafted to Smackdown on the Raw before Night of Champions.
Edge will win the TLC match tonight. Undertaker will be taking some time off for a while. Edge will leave Vickie on Smackdown this coming week or the week after. One of the big time babyfaces from RAW will be drafted to Smackdown in four weeks to start a fued for the WHC with Edge. Undertaker will make his return to RAW in time for the best match ever at WrestleMania: HBK vs. Undertaker. 16-1 Heartbreak...16-1!!! Who knows but that would be awesome.
Well, to respond to the above comment, I almost completely agree with everything he said other than the fact that Michaels will probably not end Taker's mania win streak and that their match at mania probably won't be the absolute best ever, but will certainly be a memorable match nonetheless. And, I do hope Edge wins tonight, because it would obviously help his own career as well, as it would give him another noteworthy career highlight of having at least temporarily retired the Undertaker as well as him having been a five time world champion in WWE. I also hope that this big time babyface from Raw being drafted to Smackdown in four weeks ends up being Chris Jericho, not John Cena, because it would not only give Edge someone new and good to feud with for the title, but it would be someone who deserves and perhaps needs the push as well.
I was very surpried by the outcome. I honestly just didn't see it. Maybe I'm just a sucker. But the stipulation just sounded stupid to me. If Taker is taking a couple of months off though, I still think the stipulation is stupid. Just having him leave, then come back is lame. They should have killed him off again if that was the case. I said a Casket match would have been better.

I thought it was a pretty good match. It wasn't as good as the Cena/Edge one. But Taker is a lot older. I was kind of surprised he did the spot that he did to be honest. I was half expecting the old man to break his hip.

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