SummerSlam: Triple H vs. The Great Khali

This main event = a way to make HHH look very dominant. That's it.

Book him to go over against the biggest guy in the WWE, cleanly. If he flat out destroys him on top of it, and since its Summerslam, all this match accomplishes is that for the type of fan that follows exactly what the WWE tells them to do (laughs at Hornswoggle, boos every heel, etc), they'll just think HHH is amazing.

Boring. I can't see how this should be the main event. HHH has become stagnant and Khali was not entertaining in the first place. Lol. Still, it sort of makes sense, instead of having HHH just plow easily through someone like MVP/Kennedy/Hardy.

That's good, because it isn't the main event? There is Hell in a Cell on the Smackdown side and the WWE championship match on the RAW side, which will probably end up being a five way match or something. Hell in a Cell will likely be the Main Event.
All this match is going to do is make HHH look like he has "super human strength". That is what Khali is good at, being a jobber for the more popular superstars and for squash matches, that's it. I am very curious is to what they will do after SummerSlam with the WWE title match. I hope they don't have HHH vs Undertaker this early in the year. Their is a lot of good, young talent on SD! that Trips WILL defeat eventually but, the SD! creative writers could have them all have good matches with him to make them look like they were a real challenge (Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Jeff Hardy, etc.)
Don't really understand this match. It's just another way to get Triple H over as a dominant champion. As a Triple H fan that's quite alright with me. But it will send the Triple H bashers in a frenzy. I say so what. The only other people on the Smackdown brand right now that could hold the title are Edge and The Undertaker. Those two are in another feud entirely. Like I said it will be good for me. It's an almost guarenteed win for HHH. Then again...they might put the title on Kahli. But I doubt that.
okay this match supruised me when I heard it because of the lack of compostion the hunter had i mean the great kalhi seriously these two have never faced each other and when hunter came down to the ring and got in kalhi's face he fucking back down I hated tht altho triple h is a bad ass and everyone knws tht its just tht this match isnt going to be tht good i dont think they got two weeks to spice things up so yeah creative team i'd kick it into high gear!
Having Khali in the match is an easy fix to plug the fact that there is no legitimate contender to take the crown from HHH at present. Edge and Undertaker are in a different feud. MVP, Kennedy and Hardy haven't got the momentum to pull off a decent attempt at a challenge and are in a feud of their own to build themselves up to a level they can challenge.

With Big Show involved with Umaga, there's only one other guy who could feasibly step up and be the threat to HHH straightaway.
Love him or hate him, Khali is able to make HHH look vulnerable without effort and that's enough to merit the shot. He won't win, but he can at least make HHH look like a dominant champion in the process
Who are the ad-wizards that came up with THIS one???

Either way, I think this is just a lame duck feud, because Hunter knew the baby was on the way, and they don't want to waste someone like Jeff Hardy on a feud that isn't going to have a great buildup! That's why the HIAC match will probably be last, because it is the real main event!

This is just another match for Hunter to win, nothing more, nothing less! Khali is just a pawn in "The Game" (bad pun I know).
I,for one, am actually kinda excited about this match as I dont think it will be half bad. Triple HHH is a great worker and I think that if cena can have a good match with khali then so cant HHH.

but in the end I see HHH retaining over the giant and moving on to possibly R-truth???
Wow. In the Same PPV they pur Cena Vs Batista and Khali Vs Triple H. I'm sure they'e trying to see what they can get away with before I just choose not to buy it. 3 out of 4 of thse guys are my least favoured wrestlers, meaning this is going to be awful.

Triple H is a good wrestler, desptie how many people hate him. However he is NOT good enough to carry Khali to a good match. Hell, I don't think anyone is. There is also no point in this. The only reason it's come up is because there is no one else. And when you have someone as awful as Khali in the title frame, you know the WWE has become desperate.
Having Khali in the match is an easy fix to plug the fact that there is no legitimate contender to take the crown from HHH at present. Edge and Undertaker are in a different feud. MVP, Kennedy and Hardy haven't got the momentum to pull off a decent attempt at a challenge and are in a feud of their own to build themselves up to a level they can challenge.

Love him or hate him, Khali is able to make HHH look vulnerable without effort and that's enough to merit the shot. He won't win, but he can at least make HHH look like a dominant champion in the process

I agree with you 100% because as of right now Hunter doesnt have anyone to fight him Edge, taker, big show, MVP, Kennedy, and Jeff hardy are all wraped up with everyone so yes Kahli will make hunter look like a dominant champion once again.
Like so many have stated, Khali's only in this match, because everyone either is tied up in other feuds or just haven't been elevated enough. And probably because he's this huge draw in India. This match will probably suck, HHH's a good in ring general, but this is Khali we're talking about, this is one of those matches you watch just to see how sucky it'll turn out. If HHH actually manages to pull a good match out of Khali, I'd respect him eternally...doubt that would happen though.

Just wish they had used this opportunity to elevate MVP into the ME, SSlam will sell regardless, they could have tried HHH-MVP out here.
While everyone is saying that this match was booked because HHH as nobody to face they are completely wrong. This match was booked because Stephanie Mcmahon was very close to having her baby and rather than spending time promoting this match HHH will be spending time with his family. Khali can promote this match on his own by squashing main event card face wrestlers with HHH making occasional appearence and cutting a promo.

As far as the match goes don't get too excited. This will be your standard "odds stacked against the face" match that will be the theme throughout all of the title matches at this years Summerslam.
Triple H is a good wrestler, desptie how many people hate him. However he is NOT good enough to carry Khali to a good match. Hell, I don't think anyone is. There is also no point in this. The only reason it's come up is because there is no one else. And when you have someone as awful as Khali in the title frame, you know the WWE has become desperate.

I am affraid I must disagree with you here Becca. The WWE is far from desperate, they have a quite packed title scene. The reason for the choosing for Khali is because they don't want to waste Jeff Hardy on a match with no build up. Jeff Hardy is up next which is an epic.

Now onto the match. So everyone knows this is your standard monster vs. man match. Quite frankly the ratio of Khali winning is like the ratio of Khali in size to Rahjin Singh (Or however you spell that damn guys name). I actually this this match should be rather decent, like the Hardy vs. Khali match on SD! this week.

Khali will dominate and HHH will come back for the win, it's a basic fued but I am interested by it non the less. I would have much rathered jeff Hardy, but at least they are saving him for a bit when he can have a great fued with HHH.
I can’t believe it was just two weeks ago that I was saying if Khali didn’t make his monthly/bi-monthly Smackdown appearances I’d completely forget he’s still in the WWE. And now he’s the No. 1 Contender to the WWE Championship. What a difference a week can make!

My gut reaction was WTF! Initially, I wanted to see any of the other five guys from the battle royal (MVP, Hardy, Kennedy, Umaga, or Show) facing Triple H at Summerslam. But after some consideration, Khali is their best option at the moment. I hope WWE’s logic is they’re saving the others, not wanting to job them out to HHH, waiting until the time is right to give them their big push.

Like it or not, Khali is a former world champion (one year ago in fact) and a freaking giant, so it’s not that far of a stretch he gets a title shot. And as previously mentioned, this match won’t be the SS main-event (HIAC should get that honor). Besides I see Khali as more of an attraction than a main-eventer.

Plus since coming to Smackdown, HHH and the WWE title have taken a backseat to the Edge-Vicki storyline. HHH will remain champion until they either resolve the Edge-Vicki drama and/or a worthy challenger emerges. Clearly, they couldn’t have the WWE Champion sit out the PPV, so they’ll give Trips another successful PPV title defense.

I’m not excited about this match because (1) predictably Trips win, (2) Khali matches aren’t my favorite, and (3) there’s been virtually no build and there's only two weeks to go; this match is mentioned only when the announcers are running down the SS card. So I’m keeping my expectations low so that maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
I hope this is a good match. Im expecting Trips to go over after a hard gruelling match. but then again trips might be wanting a month or so off. Khali might not be the best wrestler but he is the best superheavywieght.

This could be great as long as they dont try pushing this guy to do things he cant or is not used to doing. Triple H is more then capable of making this ok. of course it wont be the best match at summerslam but it will be watchable imo.

Who know's maybe its time for the second edition of the "Greatness" era. the guy does do alot for this buisness even though he might not be entertaining as a wrestler.
I hope this is a good match. Im expecting Trips to go over after a hard gruelling match. but then again trips might be wanting a month or so off. Khali might not be the best wrestler but he is the best superheavywieght.

While Khali did pull of a decent match out of Jeff Hardy on SD. There is no way he is the best Super Heavyweight in the company. Anyone could have taken this role Umaga is doing nothing. Big Show is doing nothing. and they're both significantly better than Khali. Umaga is the most athletic big man in WWE. Except maybe for the Brothers of Destruction. Triple H will retain here and move onto either Jeff hardy,MVP,or another credible challenger who needs a decent M/E buildup.
Triple H usually works well with big men. He's had great matches with The Big Show, The Undertaker, and Kane, and has carried Kevin Nash through a Hell in a Cell that was pretty decent. Don't forget that he also played a huge role in outlining the Big Show/Mayweather match. That match was thought to be a major disaster, and they pulled off a really entertaining match.

The Great Khali has zero chance of winning this match, but HHH is still going to do his best to pull a decent match out of him. Khali is no longer that atrocious to watch in the ring, because the WWE does its best to minimize his weaknesses. You also have to realize that from a marketing standpoint, they need Khali to fill a pretty big role on the Smackdown brand. He's a beloved hero over in his native India, and that's a billion people alone in that country. Vince wants and needs Khali's international exposure.

HHH will do his best to make Khali look strong, and it will be a fairly entertaining match. He never dogs it in any of his matches.
Like a few of you touched on, this is going to be one of those matches where you find yourself waiting for the next match. im not to interested in seeing the lamest move ever(Vise Grip) and i think we are gonna get it more than once. it will be nice to see HHH give his moves like the spine buster and peddigree to such a big man. I dont think it's gonna be a walk in the park as some of you assume thou.
Well I'm not gonna say this match will be great, but it won't be as bad as it could be. I'm pretty sure HHH will win this match, but honestly if Khali wins I won't be all that surprised. The way the WWE has gone lately it could be a possibility. But in the end, we'll see HHH winning and moving on to Hardy and Edge.
There is no way that HHH will lose. There hasn't been enough build up. HHH can work well with most wrestlers, and that includes big men. HHH might not be the most technical wrestler, but he has the ability to help other wrestlers out and carry them through the match. There is no way this match will steal the show, but I hope that it isn't the main event and that they actually try to put on a half decent match.
But the one thing I want to see is Khali getting pedigreed.
This is a good move, if WWE wants Triple H to remain champion a little longer than it is best to have him beat Khali than Edge again. If he beats Khali, nobody would give a crap, if he beat Edge again than the HHH hater's will be busting through the floodgates here on WZ lol. As a match, this will not be anything special compared to Edge vs Taker and Cena vs Batista, but it won't be as bad as people say. Triple H can work decent matches with the big guys, so I am actually interested in seeing how he will work with Khali, this match can still be better than Punk vs JBL IMO.
It's weird. Both World Titles are being viewed as complete filler right now by the WWE.

Edge/Undertaker and Batista/Cena will very likely be booked above both title matches. (Hopefully HIAC is the main event and not something with two weeks of build) While CM Punk/JBL makes more sense and has at least some storyline to it, JBL is still a filler opposition for Punk to go over.

As for HHH/Khali, this one is completely obvious. If The Great Khali won the world title, that'd be more of a swerve than CM Punk cashing in his MITB on Edge. Having said that, I'll accept the fact that HHH's championship is on the midcard, since Edge/Undertaker deserves the main event attention it is getting. I'd love to see Triple H go heel sometime after Summerslam and have a huge feud with Taker. Forget Batista/Cena, that feud would be amazing.

Khali will once again end up being nothing after Summerslam I'm sure. At this point, he should be mainly used for comedy segments. I much rather see Khali be used for comedy more so than a guy like Finlay who has tons of ring talent. Triple H with the "shocking" win here.
I don't know what WWE is thinking... or if they're even thinking at all! Khali can't wrestle, it's as simple as that. His one world title reign was a time when I almost quit watching Smackdown! This match at its best will be at a midcard level. CM Punk vs JBL will be better than this, judging from the fact that CM Punk is easier to get over than Khali, and since Khali won't be winning, he won't be getting put over at all. I'll watch the ending of this match, but thats it. Even as a Triple H fan.... this match is ridiculous. MVP would've been a better opponent if he already wasn't in a good feud against Jeff Hardy.
Well, we all know that this match will get a grade H for horrible. As good a wrestler as Triple H is, even he can't carry Khali. I don't know what the hell they were thinking, back in that battle royal a few weeks back. Hell, even Umaga would have put up a better match. Let's just hope that this is Khali's absolute last title match.
This match shouldn't have been made. The first time I heard this was going to be a SSlam match I knew it was going to be a terrible PPV. Khali is a terrible wrestler. I think the match is going to end in a DQ. The only reason Khali is getting this match is because he might have to retire soon due to his knee problems. SSlam is the most predictable PPV ever. It is obvious Khali won't win. HHH can't carry Khali I don't even know if HBK could carry Khali. This match is the main reason I'm not ordering this PPV. SSLam is my favorite PPV of the year but the last few years have been crap.
We all know why Khali is in this match...
1) His time is waining as his knees are only getting worse
2) There are no other legitimate contenders to the title

Triple H will go over here, hopefully with a nice spinebuster spot. I really hop they don't drag this feud out cuz that would only bring a tear to my eye. But clearly the possibility is there. After SS, I think the only way they can go is HHH vs the winner of HIAC (who will likely be Taker). Yea I'd rather they wait on that one till later in the year, but there is no one else built up currently, Big Show and Umaga are in a program of their own, and I can't stand to watch another month of Khali in the title picture so that seems to be the only option.

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