Sons of Anarchy

Well I knew he wasn't a great guy form the beginning. He was connected to the IRA and the IRA is vicious, both on this show and in the real world. I just had faith that he was actually going to do good, but alas he does in fact have his own agenda. I like Jimmy so it will be sad to see him die, which I think he will before the end of the season, however I want to see The Priest die more. I legit laughed when he threw Jax with ease. That was pretty funny, but I am so hopeful that I will get to see Jax put a bullet between his eyes.

The drama between Jax and the Priest is (hopefully) far from over. I was shocked too, that he threw Jax with such ease as we've become accustomed to seeing Jax have his way with most in a brawl. FUCK Jimmy though, I'd rather see him dead than the Preist. It will surely take away from the show with him gone, but I think he can be replaced.
Well looks like I'm late to the dance today. As said already, awesome episode. I'm very upset it's coming to an end. I really want to get the first two seasons on DVD to re-watch them.

Something no one has touched on yet was Happy's reaction to Liam's torture scene. I officially love Happy. He was enjoying it with such a sick look on his face. Seems to be a common response, but I felt Liam got what he had coming and I too enjoyed every second. As for Keith, sad to see him go, could've been cool to see him live on from his mistakes, but still, a somewhat poetic way to go.

I've decided I think Trinity is so freaking hot. The hook-up scene between Jax and her was so funny to me. Even though I said last week I didn't think it would happen, I thought they did a great job with it anyway. I think the drama between Gemma and Maureen is hilarious because they're both such badass women. I thought having them stumble onto Jax and Trin was a perfect way to address the situation. "Unless you want a three-headed grand child.."

Still can't help but think that the priest is good, maybe it's just me. It's either that, or he's brainwashing Jax for his own benefit. Either way, can't wait to see how it plays out.

Also, can't wait to see what happens with Salazaar, Tara and the supervisor. Or what it will cost the Sons to get them back. What's going to become of the new baby, assuming Salazaar didn't kill it last night. What if Jax leaves Abel in Ireland and comes home to find a pregnant Tara?
Is it just me or does it feel like this season is beginning to really demonstrate the Shakespeare influence? I mean the show is loosely based off of Hamlet, but it feels like those underlying tones are becoming more evident. Family issues, hooking up with a sister that he didn't know about. Kurt Sutter is doing a great job of taking a classic story and telling in a unique and tasteful manner. Or is it just me?
In an effort to hide my ignorance of all things Shakesperian, I'll let the others answer this question.

I did however want to quickly mention that Byrn hit the nail on the head (again) with the Gemma and Maureen observation. Those two are clearly both the Maternal figures for their respective clubs. I loved how Maureen got all over "Half Sack's" old bitch for lying to the club...shit was BADASS
Those that mention the Shakespearean influence are dead-on. In all honesty when I first began watching Sons I immediately thought of Hamlet-meets Easy Rider-meets The Sopranos. And all three pretty much sum up Clay in my opinon. The uncle/stepdad of Jax is complete Hamlet. And then we got treated to a little incest. All we need now is an ultimate betrayal; and they've been playing with it for I while.

You guys know what I mean. This show will come down to Jax's Dad's vision of the club.

I feel for The Priest more than any other character besides Jax right now. Whether he has some darker reasons for doing what he did is unknown to us, but his explanation to Jax for letting that family adopt Abel was perhaps the most realistic and beneficial to the true story of SAMCRO. It all came full circle right then and as you can tell even Jax is wondering if that was a good idea.

This has got to be by far the best show on television. It's poetic in all aspects and is quite deep with almost everything that the characters do.

And by the way, I'm glad they have had the smaller sub-story of the Sons without their elected leaders. Really shined on and didn't leave us thinking "So...Charming is fucked?"
Definitely INDY, We've seen John Teller's ghost, the incest and of course the original premise Jax is the prince, Clay would be the uncle who married Hamlet's widow, etc. In the past, when Jax was reading John's memoirs Clay had hinted at trying to get rid of Jax. But when the manuscript was burned, and the kidnapping of Abel, I kind of felt like they were getting away from it. I guess it's only a matter of time before we see Clay and Jax's troubles boil over again.

Does anybody else have trouble getting friends to watch the show? Everytime I tell someone about it, or even get them to watch an episode, they usually say they think it's cool, but they have too many other shows to watch. Curse all who chose Dexter or LOST over SAMCRO.. Fools.
Does anybody else have trouble getting friends to watch the show? Everytime I tell someone about it, or even get them to watch an episode, they usually say they think it's cool, but they have too many other shows to watch. Curse all who chose Dexter or LOST over SAMCRO.. Fools.

I'm not a fan of LOST, but Dexter is pretty good. The 4th season is the best with the crazy serial killer John Lithgow. The 5th season isn't that great with Julia Stiles. Anyways, on to Sons of Anarchy. My friend got myself and other friends to watch this show. I was hesitant at first since my friend told me it took a few episodes to get into.

I didn't mind the first few episodes of the first season, and I really enjoyed the rest of Season 1 and Season 2 even better. This season has been great also. It started out kinda slow, but it has eventually grown more dramatic.

I can't believe there are only 3 episodes left of the season. I may watch other shows, but this season of Sons is the best thing on television right now. I hope Chibs gets his revenge on Jimmy. I don't know who I want to see take out Jimmy more, Chibs or Jax. The priest is obviously two faced. He may have told Jax he took away Able so he could grow up in stable family, but I'm sure there was an ulterior motive.

It looks like Jax his conflicted about his son. I just hope he does the right thing in the end. I really hope Jax or one of the members of the Sons can kill that annoying prick Alvarez once and for all for kidnapping Tara. This has been a great series and a great season. Everyone needs to spread the word. The show is more then just motorcycles.
Well we finally got the closure I believe we all wanted, at least in regards to the Abel/Jax story. I can honestly say that the scene in which Jax is watched Abel and his "new" parents from afar was the saddest and probably greatest scene from the entire series. There was an incredible amount of emotion surrounding it and it was perfectly executed. From the way Jax could be seen in every shot behind them looking sad, to the song, to the incredibly touching moment when they were within inches of each other. I loved everything about that scene.

I also found it kind of humorous how he thought he did the right thing by leaving Abel with them, but in the next scene he was back to searching for Abel because Jimmy had stolen him again. It almost seemed like a waste, but the scene aforementioned was well worth it.

The only thing I wish is that we get to see if the Priest really dies, though leaving it up to the imagination is a nice touch. Maybe we will get to see if he dies seeing as there are still 2 episodes, but the more I think about it the more I like the whole not knowing. I also hope we get a better conclusion with Jimmy. Either he dies, walks away, or is given to Stahl. I don't care I just want closure.

As for back home. Shit got real tonight. Tara is a badass officially. I thought the way she cut Salazar's girls throat was awesome. Very smart move, while also being incredibly ill advised. Salazar has all the right in the world to kill Tara now, seeing as she killed his booskie. Looks like we are headed to an awesome finale in the coming weeks. There season as a whole has been very good, but the last 3 or so episodes have been legendary and tonight was just another great episode with my now favorite scene ever.
Tera is probably going to die. Question for the forum: Do you guys feel for her? I mean I have been a fan of hers especially after that mirror-meets-neck that we saw tonight. But I don't know; to me her character seems a little cold and unemotional. Like there's not much life with her. That's just my thoughts anyways.

Looks like we're back to Charming. I think going to Ireland was the freshest thing to do with the series; we got to experience a little culture and learn that Jax has a sister. This was an awesome episode and it won't be long till we get to the Season Finale brothers.
All i gotta say is what an emotinal episode, i almost shed a tear when Jax was watching Abel from afar with the adoptive parents, there was blood spilt, The part where Gemma put the gun to the baby's head made my jaw drop, re uniting of family and the revelation Tara is a badass but could also be dead. But they are going back to Charming to finally finish off the series. Cant wait for the end and next season.
I've been watching all season, just not joining in the crowd. Last night was a fantastic episode. Like INDY said, the scene with Jax tailing Abel and his adopted parents was powerful. You feel for Jax that he realizes his son is with loving adopted parents. Where Abel and the family just walks by him is heartbreaking for Jax, and you could tell on his face that he had an emotional ride back.

I felt bad for the adopted parents getting killed, they seemed like nice people, fuckin' Jimmy. Sneaky bastard is likely going to kill the Priest, and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. The Priest is a snake for sure, I just don't know if I want him dead or not now, knowing that he gave himself for Abel. Or is it some sort of double twist?! Probably not. Shame they don't know where it's landing so Jax could let ATF know where to pick him up. Either way, I'm going to miss Ireland in the show, it was a great part, and the Irish twist to the opening was all kinds of awesome to me.

Shit in Charming has gone down. I've always liked Tara but killing Salazar's old lady was fucking ACE! Survival motherfucker! Salazar put her in the situation in the first place, dumbass left her alone and Tara did what she had to survive. Salazar should blame himself and his old lady for the situation. I do think she is the one bludgeoned to death in the next episode, and I want to see Jax go OFF on somebody. If it is her especially because he killed her pregnant child. Cunt (Salazar).

Lastly, Unser appears to be back with the club! Fuck that asshole Hale who thinks he can get away with helping the murder of Lumpy. I'm really hoping this dude goes down by season's end. If he doesn't then they are leading up to a 4th season of him vs. the club. Was it San Juaquin cops that are now taking over Charming? Shit's gonna go down the next two weeks and I can't wait.

Question for the SAMCRO faithful of this thread. What did you guys think of the interaction between Jax and Trinity now that they know they are brother and sister? Was Jax too calm about it in this episode?
Personally, I feel as though he should be a little more freaked out that he almost plugged his sister. However, it is cool to see him have a sister now and to see another side of him. We have seen the father and the soldier side of him, now we got to see that he can care for more people then just Abel, which is a nice touch to the show. They always acted like siblings but you just knew they were going to hook up since they didn't know any better. Thanl god Maureen and Gemma put a stop to that before it went to far. This season has followed Hamlet a lot closer then the previous seasons and I have a small feeling that Trinity will die before the season is over, but now with the hint that Tara may have been murdered there may be no need to kill Trinity. She has been a very pleasent addition to the cast overall.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought Jax should be a little more freaked. But could that be a sense of maturity that he was able to go into the shop and talk to her? This has been a very humbling season for Jax, and could definitely help him in the future, especially since all the shit with ATF is gonna go down.

I never got the inkling that Trinity would be killed, if anything I thought Maureen might get it last night when she was putting the letters in the bag. I actually really like Trinity in her role, it adds new depth to the family.
Your 100% correct in that this season has been humbling for Jax. His character has gone through a lot. The only reason I believe Trinity may die is because there are so many strong female charcters on the show last night. I also believe that Maureen may die before the end of the season, lol. Honestly, I just believe everyone will die at some point on the show and have been incredibly wrong in those predictions so far. It just feels like someone is going to die before the season ends, because honestly, the best way to set up for next season is for someone of mild significance to die which could be Tara but a part of me doesn't believe she will the one who was bludgeoned. It could be Superviser, but we obviously won't know that until they explain it further next episode.
See right now with Jimmy fleeing to the States (I think) I'm having trouble thinkin' Trinity or Maureen are going to get killed now. I actually wouldn't have been surprised if it had been Fi and then Chibbs flips his shit. If it's not Tara though I will be thoroughly shocked, no doubt about that. Although even if it isn't her, the way Salazar slammed her onto the Camaro, her baby would be hardpressed to survive that and that would be a tearjerker.

Another point I didn't see brought up yet. Speculation about who the phone call is from?
CH- I was not freaked out that Jax and Trin haven't been acting funny. I think it's kind of cool. Just goes to show that they can be bigger people about the whole thing and laugh about it. As for the phone call, I'm pretty sure it was from Tiggs or Piney or even the new guy, whos name is slipping my mind at the moment. Maybe he called against Piney and/or Tiggs' advice. Could be an interesting scenario.

SAMCRO- I do feel for Tara, because secretly, I am in love with her, and I don't want her killed off. She did what she had to do, as I'll explain later..

One thing I haven't seen brought up yet, the letters that Maureen slipped into Jax's bag?! Is it going to be the manuscript all over again? Personally, I hope so. While I love the action and violence we get from the club, I always loved when Jax would go off and read JT's manuscript, I feel it could reignite a whole new edge to the show.

Tara. is. a Badass. Why? Because she's smart. She may be new to the club as far as the lifestyle goes, but she's a smart chick, and a doctor, so she has to do what has to be done. Which is why she kept it cool during the whole situation and cut that chick's throat. My money is on Tara lives and that body we saw was Salazar. I don't know why, I just feel like everytime we've been so certain about something, it dosen't happen.

I was almost convinced Jax was just going to let Abel go. Then I kept thinking, "if Abel is gone, what happens when Jax comes home to a pregnant Tara?" Of course, who knows if she'll even last to the next episode. I'm with you INDY, the scene with Jax and the adopted parents was amazing. Sutter really has a shit together with this show.

I feel like they're most definitely setting up season 4 to be against Hale, that is pending what happens with the next two episodes. I must've missed the part where Jimmy and the priest are coming to the states. But if they do, it should make for an awesome season finale.

I'm getting sad that it's coming to an end. What are we gonna do for another 9-10 months? Fellas, I've thoroughly enjoyed coming on here every Wed for the last couple months and discussing the show with you. I know it's been said a bunch of times already, but it definitely adds a whole new perspective for the show.
Man, another AWESOME episode. I was really really hoping that Jax would be the one to take out that bitch priest, but oh well. I too thought Maureen was gonna get whacked during the scene when she was putting the letters into the bag. That storyline may have more to it, yet. I agree with everything saying the Jax/adopitive parents/Abel scene was emotional, but I couldn't help but think it was a tad unrealistic. Fuck that!! I don't care how nice those parents "seemed", you ain't taking my kid. PERIOD. Tara is fuckin' legit now, right? That bitch has some gangsta in her. BUUUUUUUT Why IN THE HOLY HELL, did she not just fucking shoot Salazar and head for the hills?? I mean, that shit would've even been justifiable after the kidnapping and all. I just DID NOT get that. Maybe one of you can better explain to me the rational there. She DEF had the oppurtunity, so please don't use that as an excuse.

To answer CH's question. I think Jax was a little more laid back about it than we would assume most people would be, but I attribute that to the fact that both he, and trinity, have probably saw more fucked up shit by the time they were 12 than most of us do in our whole lives. I think it hardens their emotions a little.

Anyway, I too am going to miss the Ireland portion of the show, but am excited to get back to Charming at the same time. I really like the storylines taking place back home and cant wait to see how the main club members get involved in each of them. Also, I predict a more un-stable Clay than we've been used to. These last episodes, leading into next season, I think we're really going to see Clay start to struggle with some things!
Why IN THE HOLY HELL, did she not just fucking shoot Salazar and head for the hills?? I mean, that shit would've even been justifiable after the kidnapping and all. I just DID NOT get that. Maybe one of you can better explain to me the rational there. She DEF had the oppurtunity, so please don't use that as an excuse.

I don't think she meant to kill Salazar's girl. I think she knew where to cut, and if they reacted properly she'd be ok. Obviously that went wrong though. I'm still a little lost on what happened to her gun? I would've been holding it on Salazar the whole time.
I don't think she meant to kill Salazar's girl. I think she knew where to cut, and if they reacted properly she'd be ok. Obviously that went wrong though. I'm still a little lost on what happened to her gun? I would've been holding it on Salazar the whole time.

She gave it to the Superviser. Why she didn't get it back after carrying Salzar's girl to the car is beyond me. Maybe it Tara had the Superviser keep it to ensure that the Superviser got out of the predicament alive. That is really all I can think of as to why she didn't have the gun later on.
She gave it to the Superviser. Why she didn't get it back after carrying Salzar's girl to the car is beyond me. Maybe it Tara had the Superviser keep it to ensure that the Superviser got out of the predicament alive. That is really all I can think of as to why she didn't have the gun later on.

Yeah, she gave her gun to the supervisor, but why not take Salazar's as well? She just let him hang on to it the whole time. Granted Byrn, I don't think she intended to kill her straight away, but she damn well knew there'd be a good chance she'd die. If there was even the slightest chance, why not leave Salazar helpless if/when she did pass away. If she'd have taken both guns, she'd be in no danger now. Even after she told Salazar his bitch died, as soon as he made a move in her direction, BANG....Game Over!
I believe the situation was more of a Mexican stand off. Tara and the Superviser were not going to give up their gun and Salazar was not going to give up his gun. Had they asked for his I think would have gladly gone into a shoot out. He may die, but he sure as hell would have taken one of them with him. More or less I do believe Tara gave the Superviser the gun to ensure her safety at the very least. She was content with dealing with whatever Salazar was going to throw at her when that time came, but she wanted the Superviser safe which happened.
I guess this raises a new question, what's going to happen with the supervisor? Will she turn a new leaf and start turning her head the other way with the club? What if Tara does in fact die, will the supervisor take Tara's place as the club's resident doc?
I believe the situation was more of a Mexican stand off. Tara and the Superviser were not going to give up their gun and Salazar was not going to give up his gun. Had they asked for his I think would have gladly gone into a shoot out. He may die, but he sure as hell would have taken one of them with him. More or less I do believe Tara gave the Superviser the gun to ensure her safety at the very least. She was content with dealing with whatever Salazar was going to throw at her when that time came, but she wanted the Superviser safe which happened.

Fair enough, I guess. I still think she had the upper hand in the situation and could've gotten out safely. Of course that woulda been shit storyline wise.
Im thinking the supervisor will be killed off, not Trinity or Tara, i like how Trinie added that little bit extra to the family, Jax and her joked about which was funny too. Im glad Unser is back helping the club since he knows Hale is fucking everyone around too.
The 180 with Abel and stuff was really disappointing to me. I'd have rather Jax been a bit more mellow about being angry with the Priest and instead being more I have to protect him and I can't follow JT's path instead of all "Yo Fuck JT mayne!"

I knew the Priest was a good guy, unless they do a stupid swerve and make him teamed up with Jimmy.

Tara better not be dead. She's fucking annoying as hell but she serves a purpose and now that Jax won't be an emo bastard she might become interesting again.

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