Sons of Anarchy

Oooohhh, I actually forgot about that. INDYJON22, I have to admit, the main reason I come to this thread is to see what you are going to write every week. You almost always add insight to what I gained from watching the show, and sometimes remind me of the small things I had forgotten.

I'm just a big fan of the show. I needed something to keep me intrigued 2 or 3 years ago when the Shield was winding down and luckily Sons of Anarchy was just starting up then. I fell in love with it and it has become my favorite, bar none, show on television. The characters are just so deep, it is hard not to get emotionally invested in them. It is awesome that their is someone else, meaning you, that likes the show as well, or else I fear I may be just talking to mysel,. :lmao:, seeing as not many people actually post in this thread.
Wow, haven't been to this thread or the forums in some weeks. But now that I've come back and SAMCRO is back let's get to it.

I am obsessed with this show, and thank God I got my girlfriend into it. Because all my friends I tell about SAMCRO, just kind of go "oh yeah, I've heard of it, it sounds cool" but then never watch.

Anywho, a couple things..

Noticed someone said something about Gemma not being Jax's real mother, which could explain why I've noticed Charlie Hunnam's accent coming through at times more than I have in the past? Also, definitely didn't notice Maggie Siff was pregnant, but stuff like that kind of fascinates me, so I'll keep my eyes open on Tues.

There's not a lot more I can say about this season so far that hasn't already been touched.

For the non believers, as someone from a Saw movie once said, "there will be blood, oh yes, there will be blood."

Let's not forget that they still need to get retribution for the drive by.
I knew Tara was pregnant when she threw up after killin' the home nurse. I knew that was coming.

And whats this about Gemma not being Jax's mom? She IS his Mom. I haven't heard his accent creeping through, if it is I'd be willing to bet its just him having issues hiding it while trying to express emotion. However I'll bet you ANYTHING the daughter in Belfast is Jax's step-sister. Whats-her-face doesn't have a Husband. She's McCoy's old lady, but obviously not his wife so that's just a hook up thing. That tells me that's not his daughter. I'd be willing to bet she's JT's kid.

With that said, I think they're trying to keep Jax away from anyone who know John Teller because the Original 9 are the group who plotted to kill him. I'd throw McCoy into that lot. Either way, after the first season, they just stopped dropping bombs about John Teller and all of that. Its kind of annoying how the heat between Jax and Clay just disappeared.
Its kind of annoying how the heat between Jax and Clay just disappeared.

I think they're doing that just to take our focus off the fact that it happened in the first place. If what you're saying about the original 9 is true, and I think it very well could be, then it will all obviously blow up bigger than ever between Jax and Clay.
So, I had pretty much the WORST experience ever with the show last night... Oh don't get me wrong, I didn't have a problem with the storyline, or action, or anything of that nature. FX decided that it wasn't going to do anything but show me a blank screen for probably about 3/4's of the hour Sons was on. My brother and I were so annoyed it wasn't even funny. That being said, I'm going to watch it online during my lunch break today, so I'll check back after I'm done, to give my opinions.
So, I had pretty much the WORST experience ever with the show last night... Oh don't get me wrong, I didn't have a problem with the storyline, or action, or anything of that nature. FX decided that it wasn't going to do anything but show me a blank screen for probably about 3/4's of the hour Sons was on. My brother and I were so annoyed it wasn't even funny. That being said, I'm going to watch it online during my lunch break today, so I'll check back after I'm done, to give my opinions.

That sucks man.

As for the episode. Pretty good. The Mayan storyline keeps getting weirder and weirder. I really hope they haven't truly buried the hatchet, because honestly I would like to see the hatchet buried in someone's skull. However, I think we will have to wait a little longer for that now. The IRA show down is getting ever closer and I am getting more and more excited for it.

The stand out part of the episode for me is seeing where the story with Kenny Johnson is going. I love Johnson from his days on The Shield and I am very curious as to what happened between him and Tig. Also, their fight was fucking awesome to watch.

In addition, the Gemma/Jax/Stahl story is getting more interesting. I think it is interesting that they didn't say it, but I am fairly positive that Stahl wrote that her girlfriend was the one who shot the Irish kid and the other girl. I know Stahl is all about saving her own ass, but damn that is cold even by her standards. I can't wait to see Gemma shoot that bitch in the face.

Good episode, can't wait to see where Kenny Johnson goes from here, hopefully he becomes a regular.
I think they're doing that just to take our focus off the fact that it happened in the first place. If what you're saying about the original 9 is true, and I think it very well could be, then it will all obviously blow up bigger than ever between Jax and Clay.

I don't care. I mean, yeah, sure Jax has a reason to be MAD at Clay. That'd disappear when his baby gets stolen, I get that, but Opie? The dude fucking had your wife killed. You're just gonna forgive and forget about that? EPICALLY when she had just started becoming tolerable? :banghead:

Its stupid, epically after ALL of last season was building upon Jax taking over and Clay being removed and the club changing and blah blah blah. Its been COMPLETELY forgotten about.
That sucks man.

As for the episode. Pretty good. The Mayan storyline keeps getting weirder and weirder. I really hope they haven't truly buried the hatchet, because honestly I would like to see the hatchet buried in someone's skull. However, I think we will have to wait a little longer for that now. The IRA show down is getting ever closer and I am getting more and more excited for it.

The stand out part of the episode for me is seeing where the story with Kenny Johnson is going. I love Johnson from his days on The Shield and I am very curious as to what happened between him and Tig. Also, their fight was fucking awesome to watch.

In addition, the Gemma/Jax/Stahl story is getting more interesting. I think it is interesting that they didn't say it, but I am fairly positive that Stahl wrote that her girlfriend was the one who shot the Irish kid and the other girl. I know Stahl is all about saving her own ass, but damn that is cold even by her standards. I can't wait to see Gemma shoot that bitch in the face.

Good episode, can't wait to see where Kenny Johnson goes from here, hopefully he becomes a regular.

Well work got busy, so I only got half way through (plus I saw the last segment on the original air date) so I still may be a little behind, but I think I have the jist of things.

So, I am dying to know what happened between Kenny and Tigs. I wanna bet that it's some petty shit over a bitch, but hopefully it's more than that. I also think that Stahl most Definately wrote EXACTLY what Gemma said and definately throw her GF under the bus. Honestly, that doesn't even surprise me (I mean it did a lil at first, but not when I looked back on her other escipades). Don't worry about the Myan truce, they need to be on the same page for a little while, but eventually the hate will win out and they'll be back to their usual antics. The shitstorm with the IRA is really close, and the anticipation is killing me. I keep thinking that in real life the IRA would dominate some shit MC, but let's hope for storyline sake that's not the case. All in all I enjoyed the show this week, and I keep thiniking it's building to something MUCH bigger, I really hope I don't get let down.
You seem to forget the MC is apparently a world wide existence. They've got charters all over the USA and apparently some in the UK. That's a pretty powerful organization, just because they're not a Militia of sorts does not mean they're not powerful in their own right.

I hated the truce with the Mayans. I hate what they've done to Jax's character. And I hate what they're doing with Tara. If she's really just getting dropped by Jax then get her the fuck off screen. Her character's just become really annoying, more so because of her acting then anything else.
Definitely excited. Most of you guys already said it. The showdown with the IRA is coming, and it's going to be big. I love that the stories are so big that they're pretty much using one week to cover one side of it, and the next to cover the rest and so on and so on. I wanted to see Gemma bury Stahl, but I feel the build up will be worth the wait. Also, enjoyed that the club is getting some new blood. The fight between Tig and Johnson was awesomely hilarious. Can't wait to find out why they're beefing.
I continue to enjoy season 3, Jax's character is still good, he's a father who wants his kid back so he's doing what he has to do..whether its making deals with Stahl and a truce with the Mayans, so be it. Tig and Kozicks beef is cool as well, but i can tell the final episodes of season 3 will be bloody.
You seem to forget the MC is apparently a world wide existence. They've got charters all over the USA and apparently some in the UK. That's a pretty powerful organization, just because they're not a Militia of sorts does not mean they're not powerful in their own right.

I hated the truce with the Mayans. I hate what they've done to Jax's character. And I hate what they're doing with Tara. If she's really just getting dropped by Jax then get her the fuck off screen. Her character's just become really annoying, more so because of her acting then anything else.

Think about it logically and you'll realize Tara is going NOWHERE. She's not my favorite either, but let's not forget, she is pregnant with Jax' baby. He's not going to drop her b/c of that reason alone.
Think about it logically and you'll realize Tara is going NOWHERE. She's not my favorite either, but let's not forget, she is pregnant with Jax' baby. He's not going to drop her b/c of that reason alone.

I don't know. I half expect her to get killed off by the end of the season. Sons of Anarchy is loosely based off of Hamlet or some Shakespear classic. I think she will stick around until she finally has the baby but I don't really expect her character to survive the entire run of the show. Then again I could be wrong, at this point I can see Gemma, Tara, or Clay being killed by the end of the season with the two females being the best possibilities.
I don't know. I half expect her to get killed off by the end of the season. Sons of Anarchy is loosely based off of Hamlet or some Shakespear classic. I think she will stick around until she finally has the baby but I don't really expect her character to survive the entire run of the show. Then again I could be wrong, at this point I can see Gemma, Tara, or Clay being killed by the end of the season with the two females being the best possibilities.

In that scenario, I'd vote, in order, Gemma, Clay THEN Tara. Not so much because she has that important of a role, but I the other two would be bigger "shocks". I think Clay has to stick around b/c the drama between he and Jax NEEDS to play out. Gemma could go, in fact, I put her as my number 1 main character that COULD go because, I think the could build some tremendous storylines with her death. Including Jax finding out about the plot to kill John Teller. Tara may wind up going, but then Jax would have two kids w/neither one of their mothers being in the picture, I'm just not seeing it.
In that scenario, I'd vote, in order, Gemma, Clay THEN Tara. Not so much because she has that important of a role, but I the other two would be bigger "shocks". I think Clay has to stick around b/c the drama between he and Jax NEEDS to play out. Gemma could go, in fact, I put her as my number 1 main character that COULD go because, I think the could build some tremendous storylines with her death. Including Jax finding out about the plot to kill John Teller. Tara may wind up going, but then Jax would have two kids w/neither one of their mothers being in the picture, I'm just not seeing it.

Point taken, but I could see Tara being written off just as easily and as shockingly. Gemma is a lot more wild than Tara, so it wouldn't necessarily shock me to see her get killed in that aspect. Of course I would definitely be shocked/pissed to see her go. I love Gemma. It would be interesting to see if Tara were to try to pull off some crazy thing to prove herself as an old lady, like trying to murder someone, and having it backfire on her and her wind up being killed.
Though I didn't see it, I know EXACTLY which chick you're talking about. Not big on him cheating on Tara (though that's what they do), but you can't blame him. That chick is SMOKING HOT.

To be fair, it wasn't really a matter of him cheating on Tara seeing as Jax had just the scene before or so broken up with Tara. It was still incredibly shitty, even though I believe he thinks he is doing the right thing.
To be fair, it wasn't really a matter of him cheating on Tara seeing as Jax had just the scene before or so broken up with Tara. It was still incredibly shitty, even though I believe he thinks he is doing the right thing.

Definitely forgot to mention that minor detail. :shrug: But yeah Jon, I definitely agree as far as Jax thinking he's doing the right thing. Protecting Tara. For the record, I think Tara is so much hotter than the porn star. Not that I blame Jax necessarily.
I just finished watching episode 7, damn..the Belfast chapter is siding with IRA, this is going to be an intense final few episodes, i still don't think any of the main characters will die, maybe other important ones but not SAMCRO members. Oh and i foudn the plot twist between Trinny and Jax and it eluding to them being half sibilings.
To be fair, it wasn't really a matter of him cheating on Tara seeing as Jax had just the scene before or so broken up with Tara. It was still incredibly shitty, even though I believe he thinks he is doing the right thing.

Ok, I actually did see the scene where he dropped Tara, but let's be honest here, if you bang a chick 30 seconds after breaking up w/your long term girlfriend, it's basically still cheating. Especially since she wasn't really going along with it.

Now, on to this week....To me, this was not only the best episode of the season, it may be the best ever in the series. The thing that stood out the most last night (strictly due to our conversations on here) was the scence with Swareze (sp?) and his old lady watching Tara driving away and commenting, "at least we know where to find her". Ha Ha...I was like DAMN those fuckers might be right, and I'll be eating crow when she gets whacked. I still think she'll find a way out of it, but damn, that was a bit of foreshadowing that did NOT help my cause. Gemma leaving the hospital came as a complete shock to me, although to be fair, as soon as I saw Tara rushing her from the room, I could tell where it was going. So many other things to talk about, but I don't have time, b/c I just got to work, but one other thing I want to mention is this...and I may be waaaay off base here. So, Clay called the president of the Belfast chapter of SOA and asked about his other member siding with Jimmy and the IRA, and the prez gave his word that it wouldn't be a problem. Well immediately after you see the Belfast prez filling Jimmy in on the whole thing. I'm thinking the Belfast prez may be pulling a fast one and is giving Jimmy mis-information all the while weeding out the rats in his own crew. Just a guess on my part, but I'm thinking that's how it'll go down. I await your reviews!!
Definitely an awesome episode.. I always find myself having trouble remembering all the details the next day, to the point where I almost started using my girlfriends laptop to start making notes for you guys. Gemma escaping was clutch. I'm still not sure Tara's getting whacked, I think they're gonna kidnap her. One thing that hasn't been touched on recently is, what is Unser's problem? Can't wait to see what happens in Ireland.
I don't know that Unser has a problem beyond what he told Clay (last week?). The reason he could sleep after making his deal with the Sons was knowing that, in the end, he did it to make charming safer. After the death of Hale, he's not so sure the original deal is still serving it's purpose as Charming is getting bloody. Also, he's struck another deal with Hale's brother, who's running for mayor I believe and while I'm sketchy on the details, I think it has something to do with not helping Samcro as much.
I don't mind Unser actually acting like a cop. I have come to really like his character and the fact of the matter is he has cancer and a ton of shit coming down on him. Not to mention to future chief got killed. I completely understand him acting like a cop and realize it has to be done at this point. It sucks for the club, but whatever.

The episode last night was pretty good. It was cool of Tig to take all that heat from the cops just so the rest of the club could get to Ireland. I also really enjoyed seeing them shoot the Mexican gang guy. Not because someone died, but because the show has lacked a great deal of action the last few shows. It was cool to see someone finally get knocked off. Not a whole lot else for me to say. The episode was good, but next week is going to put this week to shame, at least I hope so. Next week should be a great episode and maybe one of the better episodes ever.
This show has easily become one that i'd buy all the seasons on DVD for, its just so entertaining and great to watch.
I'm very much surprised that they've humanized John Teller. I knew he'd have a Daughter in Belfast, but I figured Gemma knew about it. Considering how they've built him up into this mythical character that's something I was really surprised about with this show.

Besides that. I hated them making Unser go "good". I also suspect Opie's girl is pregnant. Besides that I'm kinda annoyed how this season is kinda predictable. The only thing I can't figure out is if the Priest is a good guy or a bad guy. Besides all that, pretty good episode I suppose.
I'm very much surprised that they've humanized John Teller. I knew he'd have a Daughter in Belfast, but I figured Gemma knew about it. Considering how they've built him up into this mythical character that's something I was really surprised about with this show.

Besides that. I hated them making Unser go "good". I also suspect Opie's girl is pregnant. Besides that I'm kinda annoyed how this season is kinda predictable. The only thing I can't figure out is if the Priest is a good guy or a bad guy. Besides all that, pretty good episode I suppose.

I knew Opie's girl was pregnant as soon as she said she had something to tell him, i also think Father Ashby could be on SAMCRO's side but just look at McGee...he is notifying the IRA that SAMCRO is coming to Belfast.

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