Sons of Anarchy

Not a chance in hell this happens. Not to this group, and least of all to Jax. If it didn't happen with Clay, who was far worse a leader and President than Jax, then how could you justify it occurring with the latter? There's simply too much love for him as a person for that to happen.

It did happen with Clay. He survived the first vote thanks to Bobby but they had another and the club killed him. In fact Juice asked Bobby why he changed his vote and Bobby said the first one the time was just wrong.

As for Jax they actually hinted toward it when the club was talking about the other charters not liking that Jax killed Jury. When they ay that if Jax can't explain it to them then Ratboy says there will be a mayhem vote.

Not saying they would like it but it could happen.
The Club voted Mayhem on Clay after all the facts were put on the table. He was killed, in accordance with Club law, fully understanding why.

The way you wrote what you wrote, I assumed you meant SAMCRO, minus Jax (the President) would "secretly vote" amongst themselves to kill off their own President, by trying to invoke a Mayhem vote. That can't happen in that manner. They would first have to strip him of his Presidency. Or, he'd have to step down and a new President would have to be named before that vote could go through, as I've come to understand the workings of a Club.
Well, I was right about some things and wrong about others, as usual.

I knew the bylaw was going to be about the Bastards, or more specifically TO. Awesome to see the Club moving forward in the times despite the history of racism among white biker gangs.

As to the finale itself, all I can say is 'wow'. In a good way.

I'm the least religious person around these parts, but even I can appreciate the Jesus-overtones to that final scene. Jax going out arms-out in full Jesus Christ pose, sacrificing himself for the Club, and for his sons (all his sons), the body and blood symbolism with the "guardian angel" homeless woman (who I think was also a softer representation of The Grim Reaper, hence the reaper symbolism with him wearing the cloak at the courthouse before killing Marks). Just fantastic story-telling, which is something Kurt Sutter does magnificently. Whether it's the Shield or Sons, his long-term arc story-telling is unrivaled to me. At least for this type of genre.

Sutter lied, and more than two Sons died, but I don't care. He told such an amazing story from start to finish that regardless of this fact, I am as satisfied as I could possibly be by the ending of this incredible tale.

Come join the murder. Come fly with black. Forever.
Jax going out arms-out in full Jesus Christ pose, sacrificing himself for the Club, and for his sons (all his sons), the body and blood symbolism with the "guardian angel" homeless woman (who I think was also a softer representation of The Grim Reaper, hence the reaper symbolism with him wearing the cloak at the courthouse before killing Marks). Just fantastic story-telling

Yeah man, I thought it was beautiful as well.

I started watching Sons of Anarchy in August, and got all caught up in late October, around episode 6 of this season. I really dug the show, mostly because I really dug Jax. If I don't like a show's main protagonist, then it doesn't stand much of a chance with me, which is why I quit The Shield mid-way through season 1, because I found zero likable qualities in Vic (although I may try giving that show another shot after digging Sons as much as I did).

Anyways, I had mixed feelings through the last couple of seasons with Jax's transformation into a stone cold, no remorse killer. I was really rooting for him to have a happy ending as I binged through the series, but of course... that became impossible as the show went on. However, at least I can understand what push Jax to become what he became, and sympathize with it. No matter how bad he got, I still found myself rooting for him at every turn.

The finale wasn't about Sons of Anarchy ending for me; it was about Jax Teller's fate, and I have to say, under the circumstances seasons 6 and 7 led us to, there couldn't have been a more satisfying ending for Jax Teller.

So all in all, the finale and the show as a whole gets two big thumbs up from me. I'm definitely glad I decided to give it a shot; it was well worth it and quite a thrill ride.
I mean, I've said it so many times in the past, but the entire show was based on Hamlet. Teller played Hamlet. If you've ever read it, you know how it ends. There's no happy ending for Hamlet. Only carnage. Only blood. Maybe a glimpse of hope or satisfaction or an acceptance of what had to happen, but ultimately he never stood a chance.

I completely agree that when it comes to the tale of Jackson Teller, Sutter's ending was beautiful. Complete, unwavering, and beautiful.

The use of "Come Join the Murder" by The White Buffalo and The Forrest Rangers at the end was probably the best song selection in the entire series, too. Just haunting.

I agree with IDR about the song choice. That music & the crows flying overhead as the cops chased Teller- damn. Just perfect.

Such a well done finale. The people who are complaining throughout the land about it being terrible or lackluster are just ignorant. Sutter delivered a phenomenal ending to this story. Just as it should have been & I think anything less than what we got would have been just wrong.

Jax went out with a bang & I would have it no other way. He blew up the ties to the Irish, gave the rub to his buddy T.O., put Chibs in charge & tied up all his loose ends. Everyone got what they deserved in the end. From the bad guys, to the good ones. Plus we got a very nice little scene from the homeless woman who I honestly believe is the spirit of the reaper, or Lady Death if you will. That was a well done scene, even if it only lasted a few seconds.

I have to say one thing though. Jimmy Smits was bad ass in his role as Nero. I was a bit hesitant at first, but should have known better. He was much more than a one dimensional Latin thug. By the end, you really felt for the guy being caught in the middle of all this chaos & I was glad to see him finally ride away from it all.

This has been one hell of a show & while I am sad its over, at least it was done well. Certainly am looking forward to whatever Sutter takes on next. I doubt it will have the same impact as Sons did, because those are some large vests to fill- but I am sure it will be great nonetheless.
Jax finding out the truth about Tara's death, having to kill his own mother and living with all the guilt from the carnage he caused since Tara's murder was too much for him to take. He was exactly like his father and it's fitting he went out the same way jt did.

The last episode was great. He did what Tara always wanted and finally got his kids out of Charming and he also protected his club one last time.

Rumor has it, the sequel series will feature Abel and Thomas as leaders of SAMCRO. Yes, Teller burned the photos, memoirs, scripts, and journals, but that doesn’t remove the MC from their blood. The boys are sure to find their way back to Charming, and reunite with Chibs, Tig, and the rest of the gang, before SAMCRO becomes their charter as well, and we all know Sutter wouldn’t have it any other way. - See more at:

I don't know much about these internet publications so I have no idea if this is a reliable source. The grammatical errors lead me to believe that it's not. However, if this is true at all, I hope Sutter comes to his fucking senses. Abel and Thomas going back to Charming to lead the gang would totally negate all of the work Jax put in before his death. For Sutter to shit on the story he just spent 7 years building would be a travesty.

Not to mention the stupidity of the premise. Seeing as the show was set in present day Abel is 5 years old so at a minimum, you're looking at the setting for the new series being 20 years in the future. How fucking ridiculous would it be to see a show about a motorcycle gang set in 2034?

If they decided to do a sequel to the show, I'd much rather just see a continuation off of the current story with Chibs becoming the main character. Or maybe just take on a different charter.

I don't know much about these internet publications so I have no idea if this is a reliable source. The grammatical errors lead me to believe that it's not. However, if this is true at all, I hope Sutter comes to his fucking senses. Abel and Thomas going back to Charming to lead the gang would totally negate all of the work Jax put in before his death. For Sutter to shit on the story he just spent 7 years building would be a travesty.

Not to mention the stupidity of the premise. Seeing as the show was set in present day Abel is 5 years old so at a minimum, you're looking at the setting for the new series being 20 years in the future. How fucking ridiculous would it be to see a show about a motorcycle gang set in 2034?

If they decided to do a sequel to the show, I'd much rather just see a continuation off of the current story with Chibs becoming the main character. Or maybe just take on a different charter.

I don't think we're gonna get a sequel series at all, at least not from Sutter. I was listening to a radio interview he did earlier in the season for SOA on the Kevin & Bean show in LA, & he said then that this is it, & his next TV project for FX is something called "The Bastard Executioner", which is about an executioner during the middle ages, & is going to just as dark & violent if not more so than SOA was.

I hope they just leave it be, let this be the end of the story, don't fuck it up by adding new spin off series & shit.
Pretty sure that's bullshit.

Sutter did mention quite a few times that "Original 9" could be something they do down the line. His next show is another FX production (that Katey Sagal [Gemma] has already signed on for) called The Bastard Executioner, so any SOA-related prequel would happen after, if it happens at all.

The story, from everything I've read, would be everything you expect it to be — the story of John Teller and the start of the Sons of Anarchy MC.

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