Dark Match Winner
In the free videos at TNAonDemand, I found a brief segment which highlighted Kazarian in non-kayfabe mode hanging out at a fundraiser for military families with the cast and crew of the hit show "Sons of Anarchy". I wouldn't have thought twice about this if not for all the speculation over the Aces and Eights angle, and the similarities the stable shares with the fictional SAMCRO biker gang from Sons of Anarchy. Both groups feature men wearing working class type apparel and black leather cuts. Also, both groups have members and "prospects", with current status emblazoned onto the front of the cut. Getting "patched in" is usually a pretty crucial turning point for a character, and it seems to be similar with the Aces and Eights crew.
Could TNA be gearing up from some sort of bizarre cross promotional thing with Sons of Anarchy, and has anybody considered this element in their speculation of Aces and Eights going into the future?
I think recently TNA programming has been red hot...but not white hot. Aces and Eights has come off cool, and has added intrigue for the most part, except for a few awkward segments. However, the invasion angle needs a payoff and it can't disappoint. If it is a lame cross-promotion with a television show that isn't even wrestling related, it undoubtedly will.
Could TNA be gearing up from some sort of bizarre cross promotional thing with Sons of Anarchy, and has anybody considered this element in their speculation of Aces and Eights going into the future?
I think recently TNA programming has been red hot...but not white hot. Aces and Eights has come off cool, and has added intrigue for the most part, except for a few awkward segments. However, the invasion angle needs a payoff and it can't disappoint. If it is a lame cross-promotion with a television show that isn't even wrestling related, it undoubtedly will.