TNA Cross-Promoting With Sons of Anarchy


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In the free videos at TNAonDemand, I found a brief segment which highlighted Kazarian in non-kayfabe mode hanging out at a fundraiser for military families with the cast and crew of the hit show "Sons of Anarchy". I wouldn't have thought twice about this if not for all the speculation over the Aces and Eights angle, and the similarities the stable shares with the fictional SAMCRO biker gang from Sons of Anarchy. Both groups feature men wearing working class type apparel and black leather cuts. Also, both groups have members and "prospects", with current status emblazoned onto the front of the cut. Getting "patched in" is usually a pretty crucial turning point for a character, and it seems to be similar with the Aces and Eights crew.

Could TNA be gearing up from some sort of bizarre cross promotional thing with Sons of Anarchy, and has anybody considered this element in their speculation of Aces and Eights going into the future?

I think recently TNA programming has been red hot...but not white hot. Aces and Eights has come off cool, and has added intrigue for the most part, except for a few awkward segments. However, the invasion angle needs a payoff and it can't disappoint. If it is a lame cross-promotion with a television show that isn't even wrestling related, it undoubtedly will.

Outside of UT reaking havoc on Sting and TNA in order to lure him in to a WM 29 match, I haven't heard anyone come up with a reveal for Aces and Eights that has gotten people excited. Plenty of ideas that seem reasonable (Jarrett, Bischoff, Russo, Bully Ray) but nothing that gets people excited.

This idea is the best of the worst, although I doubt it. I think SOA is an FX show and it would surprise me if TNA would cross promote with a non-Viacom show. Sure TNA may be stealing the biker gang concept but I think that is just a distraction. If it were a cross promotion I guess it could work in order to introduce some new talent and introduce the wrestling audience to another show they might like. Ron Perlman has a look and kind of cult following that he could do a few appearances and get a rise out of the crowd. Of course he wouldn't wrestle but he is still a guy whose appearance always gets attention.

Not the worst idea considering SOA is starting a new season but I highly doubt it.
Having other fractions of media cross promote pro-wrestling can lead to some bad things. Didn't Chad Johnson have some thing last year. It make a quick blurb on ESPN, and that was it.

Yea, some good things can happen. But, remember the Guest Host gimmick. I think a lot of us wanted to hurt somebody. It got some ratings for awhile, but I think it really hurt wrestling. Made a lot of people 2nd look the industry.

It won't be nearly as bad as Robo Cop helping Sting in WCW. But the Cross Promotions of different stars of media can really hurt things.
It's not cross-promotion unless there's cross promotion. As far as we can tell, a few guys in TNA are fans of Sons (can you blame them?) and the Aces and Eights angle is likely their way of trying to capitalize on one of cable's most successful and highest rated dramas right now.

As it stands, I highly doubt the cast of SOA, Kurt Sutter or anyone involved with Sons will get involved with TNA in any capacity. We have no reason to believe so.
There is no way SOA and TNA would cross promote... While I am a fan of both, I can guarantee it won't happen. The reason being, Kurt Sutter probably HATES Eric Bischoff... well, besides that he a) doesn't need to cross promote with some wrestling program, and definitely not one that's not the top one, and b) from everything i've read from the guy and about him, I can just see him not wanting to hurt hte integrity of his work by doing so. But despite all that, there is still the fact that he must hate EB because of that show Bischoff made about motorcycle gangs that pretty much is a rip off of SOA. He's gone on record saying they are all *****es and copy cats and I'm sure he doesn't appreciate the show being made at all and so I can't see him working with TNA. If anything, I can see those laughing devils or whatever the fuck they call themselves cross promoting with TNA and man, I REALLLLLY hope that's not the case.
no i don't think it is, but that would be awesome to have the group like SOA on tv but yeah to you're point nah i don't think it is.
If TNA tried this, it would be yet another sign of desperation. They have failed in every conceiveable way as far as becoming major competition for WWE. Perhaps concentrating on the actual product would be preferrable to shameless ripping off of television shows in a shameless attempt at getting higher ratings. That's TNA's main problem; they think one "big idea" will save them and give them a ratings boost. In reality, one thing wouldn't save them at all. It's a bunch of little and big things that need improvement and I fail to see how a writer having a hard-on for Sons Of Anarchy would help TNA long-term.
I have to agree. From day one of the ace of eights I been laughing at how simular to soa it has been. As for them to show up ... No. Just Tna using ideas from a extremely popular show and working into their show.
the only thing that aces and eights and soa have in commen thay have in commen with all 1% bike clubes in the usa so gese the hells angele and the outlawes are going to tna two lmao my hates off to tna for macking it seem real vince can lern one from that like the hole anger manegment thing so fack its sick
Seeing as how SOA season premiere played this week, I expect. A&8's to come to a close soon. We all know how certain people....cough,cough...Eric bischoff...cough,cough....are really into bikes and bikers. I am sure this angle got devised due to SOA withdrawal. Now that the show is back, the itch may have been scratched.
I was reading an interview from D'Lo Brown. he was asked how the Aces/Eights compare to the original nWo. one of his answers had this in it..
"I kinda dig the Aces and Eights thing because it’s very Sons of Anarchy".
I've never seen Sons of Anarchy at all, so I have no comment there. just found it interesting that he mentioned that show based on this thread.

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