Sons of Anarchy

Sorry I've been away for the last few weeks guys, but I've been in a long drawn out process of moving and in the middle of it, my laptop broke. It's being fixed as we speak, and I'm almost completely moved in. Should be back in the full swing of things later this week. On that note, I missed the last two episodes of Sons until just now.

They just keep getting better and better, and the build up of the rumble at the end was insanely dramatic for me. Awesome swerve at the end when Hale arrested Henry Rollins.

The season finale was epic, I can't believe the irish man took off with Abel! I actually believed for a minute they weren't going to leave us with a damn cliff hanger. As much as I love Henry Rollins, I hated seeing him as a nazi, and when they killed his character, I had more respect for him than before. To me, if Henry Rollins were to be executed in real life, it would probably be in a similar fashion. No, not on a toilet seat of a seedy tattoo shop. But with his head held high. Might be kind of a morbid thought, but still.. Stahl is such a bitch, trying to frame Gemma for the kid's murder. The acting on this show, and the show overall just gets better and better every week. I was really glad when they didn't get Zoebell or Cameron for that matter at the end. Should leave a lot of interesting choices for next season. For instance, will the Mayans get back with the Sons?
Very stoked for season 3 coming in September. Can't wait to see if there are reprecussions for Zoebelle, and just how things come about overall. What's going to happen with the IRA? Also, cant wait to get season 2 on DVD to recap everything again.
The end where Jax cries for his son, just shows what one man and his friends will do to get back family and make them save, i can tell its going to be destructive in ways of getting Abel back.
''The Sopranos meets Easy Rider'' says my Series 1 DVD cover. That'd be correct if Easy Rider wasn't a classic and The sopranos was an average show.

I haven't seen any of Series 2 yet, but from reading what some people have written it must really pick up. Season one was entertaining whilst not actually being a must-watch.
One of THE BEST shows on TV. Right now this and Mad Men have me hooked. I can't wait for Season 3 this September 7th!!!!!

I've been following Kurt Sutter (The Creator/Producer/Writer) and his blog. He is going deep into the mythology of SAMCRO.

Also, Stephen King is going to make a camero!
So the season Premiere is on right now and I've gotta say, I haven't been this excited for a start to a season since the way I used to mark out when Sopranos was getting ready to start back up. Does anyone else absolutely Love this show? The storylines just drag you in and as much as you sometimes despise what these bikers do, they just make you root for them. It brings out so many emotions. I hope this series has a long run.
Damn fine premier tonight. So much emotion throughout this entire episode. It will be interesting to see how the Cameron/Jax storyline plays out. I have a few feelings towards it but I would like to see how it develops first. I am also very curious to see how the hit and run of Sheriff Hale will end up. It was cool and sad to finally meet Gemma's father. The final scene of the episode was so awesome. The song was great, if anyone knows what it is called please let me know, and the events during it will certainly stir up Samcro. I loved seeing Jax go completely ape shit at the end. And finally, it was awesome to see Kenny Johnson back in another episode, hearing that he may become a regular on the show warms my heart.
Sons of Anarchy is on FX at 10:00 PM on Tuesdays, however you can see it all the time, after 10 of course, on FX. The general premise of the show follows a motorcycle gang called Samcro, or Sons of Anarchy. The main character is Jax Teller, the son of the former leader of the motorcycle gang and the step son of the current leader, Clay. The club has battles with other various gangs over the their small town. Though that is not all that the show is about. Jax Teller, being the main focus, is also seemingly trying to figure out if he wants to continue with the gang or get out, based on the writings that his father had left behind. I would suggest checking out the first season before jumping into the current one or else you may be confused as fuck. All of the characters have a lot of depth and have come a long way from where they initially were. You may get the wrong impression from some of these guys based on their current angles.
Great, great ending to the show last night. Clay basically told Jax that he had to do something memorable, because all of the other members were watching him for his reaction. I'm not going to post a spoiler, but what happened at the end and Jax's reaction to it, was absolutely BADASS!! I was most excited to see previews for future scenes and if they even come close to living up to the hype, I'd say we viewers are in for an extra special treat this season. Another great job by the folks at FX.
Another good episode. Not as exciting as the premier but still a solid follow up. The whole Cameron/Jax/Able story has taken a complete 180 and went in a direction I did not see coming at all. I see a fight with the IRA as inevitable but I really was not expecting it to be caused by the IRA, but because of Cameron's actions, which is still the case to an extent. However, because of the IRA's actions in this weeks episode they clearly are ready for a war with Samcro and are willing to go through with it, when all they had to do is give Abel back.

The Gemma story is still just going along. I don't really see where it is headed yet, but hopefully it has a solid build up. It is very painful to watch her father though. As someone who has a grandparent who has alziemers I can relate to what Gemma is dealing with. It is not fun. It was also sad to see her dad shoot Tig because he still thinks his wife is alive, though it was funny to see Tig get shot. Her fathers overseer is obviously going to be this seasons female antagonist. Though I don't know if I like her character yet.

It will be interesting to see where Ungar goes from here. His replacement, Hale, has been killed, he has cancer, and now he is being put back in control of Charming with a gang war in the future. He will have to make some important decisions. It will also be interesting to see what happens between Samcro and The Mayans now. I assume the shit will hit the fan soon enough. Good episode, hopefully week 3 will be better.
I think the Myan storyline will be more prevelant towards the middle/end of the season. Samcro has more important things to worry about at the moment. When the Myan war does materialize though, it is going to be exciting television.
Another strong episode last night. The violence and such was toned down a little, but last night gave more insight to the past than any others. Last night you had to pay attention to every little conversation that was going on, or you may have missed something incredibly relevant. I really enjoyed the revelations about Jax's dad and past IRA dealings.
Also, watching Opie have to sit there and watch his old lady go down on someone was fuuny and gut wrenching at the same time. He did what I think any real man would've done in that situation if you were actually dumb enough to put her in it in the first place.
This season has been all dialogue, which is not a bad thing but is getting a little tiresome. I am so ready to see the Sons beat someones ass. I don't care who it is either. That said, another solid episode. They are really pushing these stories early on. And I feel like the closure to the IRA story can't be that far off, which surprised me. I was legit shocked that they killed Cameron off so early cause now there is no incentive for the IRA to keep Able. However, they still are and it doesn't feel like they will keep him for much longer, but who knows. Also, Gemma's story keeps getting more intriguing, someone will have to come looking for Nathan's helper eventually and what will they do when they learn she is missing? Also, I am curious to see how Opie and his girls story winds up. Good episode, but I am ready for some blood.
If we want violence, we just have to be patient, its like only 3 episodes in and they are building the different mini stories within the series, which has been great. Also did anyone else think Stephen King's character was creepy?
If we want violence, we just have to be patient, its like only 3 episodes in and they are building the different mini stories within the series, which has been great. Also did anyone else think Stephen King's character was creepy?

As someone who has literally watched this show from the beginning, trust me when I say that I know there will be violence in the near future. However, it doesn't take away from my point that this season has been much more dialogue driven so far. Which isn't a bad thing, they are pushing the different story lines very well. Also, I didn't even realize that was Stephen King, pretty cool that they cast him. And yes, he was incredibly creepy.
I have just started watching Season 1 and I really enjoy the show. My friends told me it took a few episodes to get into, but I didn't have a problem following the show. It really started to kick off around the third or fourth episode of the first season for me. I haven't read the other posts yet, but I intend on watching Season 1, 2, and some of Season 3 to catch up. I never thought I would enjoy a show about biker gangs, but the show is really enjoyable and suspenseful. FX has had some pretty good shows on their network over the years. Nip Tuck and Rescue Me included. Can't wait to watch the rest of the seasons.
First, I've been on nothing but the wrestling forums pretty much since I joined, but now... yeah... and uhhh as far as wrestling goes I may say fuck each and every one of you, but for this show, love you guys, read through every post, (there's not that many) and have followed the series so yeah, Stephen King being on the last episode was great, Kurt Sutter.... jesus you the man, when Stephen came on I started laughing my ass off, he was Perfect and brief in his role, and his name on the show was Bachman which is the original name he wrote under, little, little shit like that is what I love, let's me know kurt knows what he's doing and why I love this show so fucking much, know it can't last as long as other shows, but... rather have a few seasons of amazing tv than between 10-20 that are "good" at best, and especially for a f'n network show
Another solid episode, and to continue the theme, it seems as though they are doing a really good job building towards the violence. I am actually quite intrigued however, withe the story lines and more so the history that is being revealed. I'm becoming increasingly irritated with the Irish priest. Gemma finally found out about Abel which was a good time to let that happen as to not drag it on and on. Keep up the good work.
I caught up over the weekend on every episode of SOA. I can't wait to see the rest of the season develop. This show has been pretty addicting and it finally gives me something to watch on Tuesday nights.
I really loved the stand off with the meth heads. That was some entertaining shit and allowed the Sons to showcase their nice side. It was so awesome to hear Piney say that the Sons were the good guys. They are such great anti-heroes. We shouldn't be cheering for them but everything they do, well almost everything, makes me like them more and more.

We finally got the jump off. I can't wait to see some SAMCRO on IRA violence. The priest character is interesting because of all the shit he is pulling and I like Maureen Ashby. I hope she doesn't get fucked over because she seems like she wants to do what it best. I actually like Jimmy, and I think it is shit what might happen to him. Also I got so happy seeing Titus Welliver and Paula Malcomson on the screen together for the first time since Deadwood. Good episode.
Another good episode, but this season is way slower then the first two seasons. I won't complain because the season should officially pick up next week. They set up everything perfectly for a "shit hits the fan" type of episode. Now we have all sorts of shit set up. Samcro and the IRA is going to go down before to long, Mayans and Samcro is ready to explode, Gemma/Stahl/Samcro now has a more interesting story and now potentially Jax vs. Samcro which is very interesting.

Also, a very obviously pregnant Tara finally reveals that she is only 6 weeks. I apologize but my sarcasm cannot let that one go. She has been obviously pregnant all season, like 6 to 7 months pregnant, and now they come out with shes 6 weeks. I laugh because Kurt Sutter should have picked some better shirts from Maggie Siff if he was only going to make her 6 weeks pregnant, her stomach is way to hard to miss and that isn't a fat joke.
Anyone else get the feeling after watching tonights show (10/5) that Jemma isn't Jax's real mother. I get the feeling his dad had him with the woman Jemma called in Ireland, and kept Jax when they split up and married Jemma. That would explain several of the innuendos dropped by her & Clay during the show.

That would be kind of ironic since Jax had his kid with someone else, and now Tara is set to take the role of the kids mom.
I didn't think they were insinuating that Gemma wasn't Jax' mom, but I could have missed it. I think Gemma and Clay were more trying to hide the fact that they both know John Teller, Jax' dad, used to have an affair with the Irish chick and that jax might find out.

I didn't really dig Jax trying to work a deal with that bitch at the end though. Just didn't feel right to me. All in all another solid episode, with some great previews at the end.
I didn't think they were insinuating that Gemma wasn't Jax' mom, but I could have missed it. I think Gemma and Clay were more trying to hide the fact that they both know John Teller, Jax' dad, used to have an affair with the Irish chick and that jax might find out.

I didn't really dig Jax trying to work a deal with that bitch at the end though. Just didn't feel right to me. All in all another solid episode, with some great previews at the end.

For sure,I have never once questioned Gemma being Jax's mother. I do think it pertained more to John Teller having some sort of an affair with Maureen Ashby in the past, and lets not forget that in season 1 it was hinted at that both Gemma and Clay were involved in John Tellers death. I have more of a feeling that that will be brought up again in the coming weeks. Wishful thinking of course because they brought it up in season 1 and then dropped it with season 2, hopefully it is brought up again because it could lead to some interesting shit.

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