Sons of Anarchy

I really enjoyed this week's episode, i love how they made it look like Tara died, Stahl killed her partner, and i don't know what to expect when it comes to this deal, the action, and emotional points in this episode served their purpose. Oh and also Stahl doing a complete 180 and saying Gemma was wrongly charged, i really think next week is going to be a damn good season finale.

And the animosity between Tig and Kozick was funny in the fact that it was over a deceased dog.
Bravo, again, great episode. I'm finding myself amazed more and more about the things Stahl is capable of. I guess at this point anything she does shouldn't surprise me. Jax and Tara reuniting was inevitable and I for one am glad it happened. The situation with Tig and Kozick...I mean it was over a dog. No, I don't mean an ugly bitch, I mean a real life dog. Like woof woof and shit. ha ha. I actually kinda liked it though. I'm an animal lover so I can see this playing out in RL to an extent. Anyway, the season finale is going to be LEGIT. Clay looks like he's going to go bezerk, they're leading us to believe it will be on Jackson, but I'm not so sure. I'll check back with you guys later, but if I get tied up, I wish a very happy Thanksgiving to all of my SAMCRO bretheren!
Last night was tamer to me than the previous episodes, but considering all that happened while they were in Ireland, that doesn't surprise me too much. The shot with Salazar slamming on the trunk as he was leaving had me worried as shit that Tara was dead. When it was found out not to be her under the rug (blanket, whatever) I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Heart was pounding. I'm glad that Unser has his head clear and realized how big a cunt Hale is. Shame nothing could have happened to him in the hostage situation, but the guy proved worth just a fraction of something by stabbing Salazar with the pen. I was really hoping Jax would take him in so he could confess against Hale and was legit shocked when he stabbed him, and then being a sneaky guy cut himself with the ax. But the reunion of Jax and Tara (with healthy fetus) was awesome.

Shit going down with Stahl. First Gemma tells her to call of the deal so that the club won't kill Jax if shit goes down (which it looks like it will). Then she fuckin' kills her partner! I exclaimed out loud "What the fuck?!?!" as she just let her bleed out. No fucking clue why until the ending interview. Stahl pinned everything she did on her partner to save her own career, so now Gemma has no reason to blame Stahl since she is free. Gotta admit that was some smart thinking.

As far as Tig and Kozik, I find it ******ed that Tig couldn't vote him in, after all the shit gone down the past week, because of a dog. I love dogs too, but Christ. If he can't let Kozik in then the heroin run (if it gets anywhere with San Juaquin (I think) PD runs the town) is not gonna go well.

Next week's 90 minute episode looks like it will be sick. I definitely can't wait for the shit to go down. You know it will in the season finale. I just can't help but wonder what the fuck is gonna happen between Clay and Jax, and how they will get through it in the future.
Last night's episode was nothing short of amazing for sure. So much stuff went down that I almost want to wait to post just so I'm sure I didn't miss anything. Really excited Tara is still alive and hot.

Also on, [maybe?] a brighter note, looks like Opie's getting married.

Finally added a little bit of closure to Tig and Kozik [sp?]. I was pretty let down when Tigg denied Kozik's entry, especially after Clay made it pretty clear they needed and wanted him. Have to say, I was a little bit disappointed it was a dog.. But I'll go with it until we find out exactly what happened.

The hostage/stand-off scene was great. Hale stabbing Salazar and then Jax chasing him down. I expected Salazar to just give up, definitely didn't expect Jax to stab him and then cut himself with the ax.

Tara and the Supervisor are all buddy-buddy now. I wonder how long that's going to last? Maybe the supervisor will become Piney's old lady or something.

Looks like Stahl sort of lived up to her end of the deal. I definitely expected her to screw over Gemma after killing Tyler. But none the less, looks like Gemma is free. As for the whole rat thing, well, I can't wait to see next week's finale.

And Hale is still alive. Unless something drastic happens in the finale, looks like we're getting a Hale covered season 4.
I agree Chilli, about basically everything you said. Lats nights episode was really relaxed compared to the previous 3 or so episodes. It was still really good. I've been very intrigued by the Kozic/Tig rivalry but after last night I don't know how to feel. I thought it was all about a girl, but come to learn a dog. Man, what an odd twist. It really shows the sensitive side of these guys. I can believe it though, say Kozic ran over Tig's dog or something, I would be really pissed for a long time as well. So I can sort of see where they are going with this. I still believe Kozic will be allowed in in the near future, at least I really hope so.

The finish to the Salazar story was perfect. None of us wanted to see him live and Jax gave us what we wanted. I was a little sad to see him go, only because he has been a great villain, but I won't lose any sleep over it. The way Jax twisted the knife in him seemed poetic. We also got our happy ending with Jax and Tara reconciling their differences and their baby being alright.

Stahl shooting her partner was crazy, but after thinking about it it really doesn't surprise me. We already knew she would do anything to save her own ass. Hopefully that is it for her on the show, her character has become stale. The deal she made with Jax appears to be revealed in the next episode, which raises the question of how do they find out. It also seems like the Jax vs. Clay rivalry will be reignited. I can't wait to see what happens.

And finally, the Irish and Russians. I actually kind of think that the Russians will be the ones to kill Jimmy, but I am content with anyone finishing him. I am hoping for a Russian/Samcro battle in Season 4 though. It would be something new and exciting and has the perfect build up for one right now.

Overall, solid episode, solid season, and I cannot wait for the finale next week. The preview made next weeks episode looks awesome. I won't know what to do with myself after the season ends. I guess I'll have to gear up for Justified in a few months.
That's a great deal. I remember when season 1 first came out on DVD, my girlfriend bought it for me for 20 bucks for our anniversary. To bad I didn't get season 2 for that cheap :suspic:. Oh well, still a great pickup at a great price.

Just so this doesn't seem like a post about nothing, does anyone else get the feeling that the Priest isn't dead yet? I just thought about it and I feel like it is odd we haven't had any closure on that character. Now I am not trying to begin any speculation or anything, just trying to see what everyone is thinking about the suject.
I don't really think our time with the priest is over yet either Jon. If you guys haven't had a chance, I strongly urge you to rewatch season 1. So many little things I've picked up on. For instance, in one of the early episodes, Gemma pulls up Tara's shirt and there's a tattoo on her back and Tara says: "I leave it there so I know it's behind me." Sound familiar? Just a bunch of things like that. I'm also sort of hoping that Jax finds another copy of the manuscript or something along those lines. It's amazing how different the club was 2 years ago. My girlfriend was saying she was a lot more scared of some of the guys, mainly Tigg, than she would be now. He was so much darker then.. Doesn't mean we won't see it come back out though. I'm looking forward to next season, and this one isn't even over yet. Some of the stuff is also a lot funnier now that we know the characters so much better.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS AN AMAZING FUCKING WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my God the season finale was awesome if not for the last half fucking hour! Jackson you sneaky motherfucker! Wow I literally jumped up and said "HOLY SHIT!" once the prospects honked at the club and they were smiling in the ATF van. That bitch Stahl died! That was freaking epic. I thought Unser was going to be the one to kill both Stahl and Jimmy. But I am so glad that Chibbs was the one to do Jimmy, and great way to do it, giving him the ear to ear cut. Opie got his revenge on Stahl for the club killing Donna. Gemma gets out and the club gets likely 14 months. Wow that was a fucking epic ending and I can NOT wait for the next season. INDY, J-Dogg, byrnside, EVERYONE, GET THE FUCK IN HERE NOW AND POST ON THE EPICNESS OF THE OUTCOME!!!!
It was an AMAZING season finale! I haven't really posted on this topic, but I've kept an eye on it. I've watched SoA since the beginning, and it just keeps getting better and better. The season finale was simply AWESOME! Getting to see the revenge, and finding out that the club was behind Jax turning all along. I don't think ANYONE predicted that one. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next season. Especially after seeing Tara read John Teller's letters. It's going to be interesting to see how that plays out. I can't wait for next season!
Very well done and glad to see so many doors finally closed on the SAMCRO story. It's weird, no matter how big a piece of shit Jimmy was, I felt bad for his as he had to watch the Russians pull up to the Sons and trade him. I didn't feel to bad, but a little bad.

I actually said to my girlfriend about half way through the show, watch Jax already told the others and they are just playing Stahl. Glad to see I was right, lol. That tricky little twat finally got what she had coming for three seasons and I am so glad Opie was the one who got to end her miserable life. Same goes for Chibbs killing Jimmy. If I hear anyone say anything shitty about Unser after what he did for the crew tonight, I may go ape shit. Not really, but he definitely earned his pay tonight.

The final 30 minutes was just a masterpiece. All the drama and violence that led to a great payoff. Seeing the crew ready to kill Jax was scary but then seeing them all laugh in the truck, while the cops didn't get it was priceless. Though I feel bad for Gemma and Tara for not knowing what was going on, it was for the best and they learned that.

Next season will be very interesting. The boys are headed to jail and if the letter that Tara was reading is any indication we may be meeting Jax's brother Thomas, unless JT was mistaken and his son was actually a daughter, though I doubt he would be misinformed on that. It will also be interesting to see what comes of the eventual revelation that Clay and Gemma killed JT. Will Jax accept it or will he get pissed. Also, I don't know if anyone else noticed but Bobby wasn't laughing with the others in the truck when the plan came full circle. He looked pissed off, hopefully he is cool but if he disagrees with the tactics chosen then that could lead to an interesting story next season.

All in all this was one hell of a send off, maybe even the best finale to date. It tied up so many loose ends, yet left so many questions. I am glad to announce that Sons of Anarchy has in fact been picked up for a fourth season, so this will not be the end, though this may be the closest we ever get to a happy ending again. I would also like to thank everyone who posts in this thread and the other 4.9 million viewers who have led to Sons of Anarchy being the most watched program in FX history. More viewers the The Shield, Nip/Tuck, and Rescue Me is a hell of a feet and SOA has done. How it hasn't been nominated for any awards is still beyond me.
Well the last 30 minutes were definately unpredictable, i enjoyed the whole episode, it closed some of the story for SAMCRO, i was so happy when i saw Stahl crying for her life, i know it sounds horrible but i was so happy that she begged that way then get blasted in the head. The moment of the guys laughing in the truck was awesome.

Really a great season finale.
Next season will be very interesting. The boys are headed to jail and if the letter that Tara was reading is any indication we may be meeting Jax's brother Thomas, unless JT was mistaken and his son was actually a daughter, though I doubt he would be misinformed on that. It will also be interesting to see what comes of the eventual revelation that Clay and Gemma killed JT. Will Jax accept it or will he get pissed. Also, I don't know if anyone else noticed but Bobby wasn't laughing with the others in the truck when the plan came full circle. He looked pissed off, hopefully he is cool but if he disagrees with the tactics chosen then that could lead to an interesting story next season.

Can't forget INDY, Jax's brother Thomas died of a congenital heart defect in '90 when he was 6. It's one of those little things from the past that you never think about. Jax also has the disease and it was what almost killed Abel when he was first born. Crazy shit.

As far as JT goes, do you think they were in the semi-truck that hit him? It is possible but it doesn't seem like Clay's style to me. Granted that was almost 20 years prior. Even if they did kill him, I don't know how caring Jax would be. At the end of this episode Jax said he wasn't like his dad and pretty much wouldn't sell out the club. Just my initial thoughts on that.
Can't forget INDY, Jax's brother Thomas died of a congenital heart defect in '90 when he was 6. It's one of those little things from the past that you never think about. Jax also has the disease and it was what almost killed Abel when he was first born. Crazy shit.

As far as JT goes, do you think they were in the semi-truck that hit him? It is possible but it doesn't seem like Clay's style to me. Granted that was almost 20 years prior. Even if they did kill him, I don't know how caring Jax would be. At the end of this episode Jax said he wasn't like his dad and pretty much wouldn't sell out the club. Just my initial thoughts on that.

Shit.....You have no idea what peace you have just brought me and how pissed I am at myself that I forgot that. I knew the name Thomas sounded familiar but couldn't place why I knew it. I even checked IMDB to see if there was a character named Thomas. Clearly he wouldn't be on IMDB seeing as he is dead. Well shit, nevermind my cries for Jax having a reunion with his brother. That is clearly out of the question at this point.

I don't mark Clay for someone to just hit and run another, let alone with a semi. I feel like if Clay really is the one responsible for JT's death it had to be up close and personal. Hopefully we will find out. Jax did say he was nothing like his father which is good and bad, because it does make him seem heartless, but at the same time loyal. Lets not forget that it is his biological dad and I have to believe that no matter what when he finally learns that Clay and Gemma are responsible he will be pissed. I mean blood is supposed to be thicker than water. But those questions can't be answered at this time definitely, it is all speculation at this point.

I am really hoping for a showdown with the Russian's next season. It has a perfect build up right now seeing as the Sons screwed the Russians out of 2 million dollars. I think that is war worthy right there. I will also be interested to see where next season picks up. Will they still be in prison? Or will they have been released by the time the show picks up in August again? I can't wait for it.
Sorry I'm late fellas, hands down the best episode of the season, and definitely the best finale of the three we've gotten so far.

Where to begin..

Ironically, me and some friends have been working on a screen play recently, and they keep wanting to add twists and turns and I keep saying "no, it's over done." But what a fucking twist the club gave us last night! I'll admit that I never saw the rest of the boys being in on it, even after Opie finally got his hands on Stahl and Chibbs got Jimmy. I'm afraid to say it wasn't until the prospects were honking and Clay smiled at Jax that it came together for me. I was a bit choked up during the end. I was convinced Jax was in serious danger from the rest of the club. When Unser pulled Stahl and them over, I thought he was going to sacrifice himself for the club and probably die. INDY, I've long been a big fan of Unser and this just goes to show why. When he took the punch from Kozik. Priceless. "I got bridge work done on that side." If I didn't before I freaking love Unser now. I think it's safe to say we all got the justice we wanted in terms of Stahl and Jimmy. Opie and Chibbs finally got their revenge. I marked the fuck out when Stahl's brains hit the windshield just like I know all of you did. I can't help but like Jimmy either, but he went out like a man. "Take care of our girls Phillip.." The music they picked, of course, was perfect. I've got to get the soundtracks from the show because Sutter [or whoever is in charge of the music] does an amazing job.

As for next season.. Assuming the boys get out after 14 months looks like we're [yes, we're:worship:] going to war with the Russians. But there is still some stuff to look out for.. Unless they fast forward a good bit, we're probably going to be getting some more prison episodes, which I liked from season 2.

I'm torn with the possibilities of Jax's new position.. When they showed the look on his face while Gemma was reading the letter.. He looked so sadistic, saying he was not his father. Can't help but think the words of JT are long behind him. But who knows, Tara is reading Maureen's letters, maybe she'll be the voice of reason. Although, I'm not sure I want Jax turning into some hippy biker.

And we got some more info. on JT's death, and more speculation that Gemma and Clay were involved. But with "him" coming out and saying it, it almost makes me wonder if his death was a coincidence and it just looked bad on Gemma and Clay.

Kind of hoping maybe Trinity will move to the states :blush:

Think I'm going to go back and watch the last half hour of the finale again tonight because it was so good. This season overall has been amazing. Totally worth the slower episodes, where looking back, so much ground work was laid for last night.
remember this is based on Hamlet, so i would suspect Clay and Gemma did indeed have a hand in Johns death.
also keep in mind, if they did, that is something that they would HAVE to conceal. think about it, Clay just can't go offing members of the club, let alone the President at that time, without it being approved. its playing out that John became "soft" in there eyes, wanted to take the club back to being legit. remember the only reason they got involved in gun running in the first place was because of the insane amount of money Thomas's hospital bills were. when John went to Ireland, that left Clay in charge. getting a taste of ultimate power like that probaly made him greedy. Gemma, dealing with grief, found her way into Clays arms. its seems natural that she would want a strong man in her life, something John was obviously not at this time. it makes sense. stage an "accident". get John out of the way. keep the club in the gun running business. Clay gets to remain the leader, and nobodys the wiser.

and i wouldn't be surprised if Tig was involved it it aswell. remember season 1 when they found those buried bodies, and it happened around the same time John died. now supposedly it was the rat mechanic buried there, and that might well be true, but something always told me then the way Tig reacted that he knows alot more about what went down during that part of the clubs history than hes letting on.
I was watching the special features on the season 1 dvd the other night, and someone, actually mentions that fans "think" the show is based on Hamlet or Macbeth not that it actually is.

Something I just thought of when doing a little bit of reading on wikipedia, apparently, and who knows if this is accurate, but if it is, there a chapters all over the world. Not just the one's in the Northwestern U.S. and the one we've seen in Ireland. But there are chapters in Florida, New York, Illinoise, Texas and even Canada. I wonder if/when we'll see people and stories turn up from these other chapters. There's just so many different directions they can go in for the show that as long as people keep watching it could go on as long as everyone is on board to do it.
SUPERB job. I mean really. I couldn't have possibly been happier than when Opie wet up that fucking cuntbag Stahl. That was possibly the happiest a TV show has ever made me. Jackson is a fucking pimp man. That plot he masterminded is an assurance to the boys that he will indeed be the president they need to lead them into the future. I fucking HATE that I'm so busy at work that I don't have time to post more thoughts. I have to say (again) you guys have made the show so much more enjoyable for me, since not many of my real life friends watch. A special shout out to Indy, bro, you fuckin' rock. Any suggestions on what to watch now will be appreciated.
The song for the season finale of season 3, i found it.

The song suits this episode so well...and i'm going back and watching the final moments of the episode just to re watch the epicness of a great episode.
Awesome episode, awesome season, and awesome soundtrack for this season. This was the best season finale of any show I have seen in a long time. I thought this season would end in a cliff hanger like the last season. The sons are usually in a precarious position at the end of the season. It was great to see them on top this season, even though they are going to jail. Only 14 months. They will probably be out of jail by the time next the next season airs.

It was great to see that bitch Stahl get what was coming for her and Jimmy too. Jimmy looks like an angel compared to Stahl. I can watch those last 20 minutes of the show over and over again. I can't believe it was a swerve. I guess I should of known Jax was too clever to fall for Stahl's bullshit. I don't think Jax and Clay will be happy campers once Jax finds out who killed his father.

Jax may have lost respect for his father, but he is still his father. I'm sure he will get vengeance once he finds out. If Clay and Gemma are responsible, no one is safe. I think Jax will put his family above the club if he finds out Clay killed his old man. I love that Unser showed his true colors even when his back was against the wall and stayed loyal to the Sons. Those fat prospects slay me. Damn, I don't think any season finale this year can top Sons of Anarchy.

Dexter, Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire, I'm looking at you.

Incredible show and season from start to finish. Why is this show so underrated?
The song for the season finale of season 3, i found it.

The song suits this episode so well...and i'm going back and watching the final moments of the episode just to re watch the epicness of a great episode.

This song legit gives me chills. I have never been so transfixed with a finale since The Shield's series finale and I thought that closing song was going to be unbeatable. No wonder why SOA beats it seeing as Sutter worked on both of those shows and they were and are both terrific.

SUPERB job. I mean really. I couldn't have possibly been happier than when Opie wet up that fucking cuntbag Stahl. That was possibly the happiest a TV show has ever made me. Jackson is a fucking pimp man. That plot he masterminded is an assurance to the boys that he will indeed be the president they need to lead them into the future. I fucking HATE that I'm so busy at work that I don't have time to post more thoughts. I have to say (again) you guys have made the show so much more enjoyable for me, since not many of my real life friends watch. A special shout out to Indy, bro, you fuckin' rock. Any suggestions on what to watch now will be appreciated.

If you haven't seen The Shield then definitely check it out. Boardwalk Empires is also terrific but the season is almost over so don't start watching it unless you can see it from the start. My best advice is hold tight because in January or February Justified will be returning and that show is very good. Timothy Olyphant lead in a drama TV show outside of Steve Buscemi, Charlie Hunnam or Michael C. Hall.
I just watched the season finale again. A few things come to mind, both looking back and looking forward. As far as looking back the one thing that pops into my head most often is "How the hell did they come up with such an intricate plan?!". Obviously they needed a way to get to Ireland and it had to snowball from there, going along as it all did. But I wish there could have been a spot in there with a hint to how Church would have went. "Guys, I have an idea how we don't get 15 years and Mom gets no time." It's just amazing how they all pulled it off so well.

Or how when Jax says "I have an idea" about getting the money, looking back you know he said "I'll get this shit from Stahl. I got this". Well maybe not exactly that but similar. Or look back to when Jax is walking to his motorcycle right after he tells Stahl to follow him right before commercial. I rewound it (thank you DVR! lol) a few times and kept seeing just the slightest smirk on his face. Very subtle but I think I saw one.

Unser redeemed himself to me the last 2 or 3 weeks of the season. Realizing that Hale is a dirty cunt and everything after that was awesome. He can take a punch in his old and sickly age. The hint of Clay whispering what he will do won't be forgotten is a great line on the rewatch.

Oh, before I forget. The question about Bobby looking all pissy, the only reason I can think of (besides going to jail) is that Otto is going to be on Death Row and they probably won't be able to be there for him. Just my thoughts on that.

As far as looking forward, there are a lot of stories that can be played out from the finale. The major question (besides who the gang fights with all season) is where are they picking next season up? Do they wait until they are out of prison, do they do it close to the end, does anyone from SAMCRO kill anyone and not get possible parole? I'm thinking it starts out a little bit before they get out of jail. A month or two at most. Tara will have had her baby, Gemma will have been out of house arrest for a while and helping take care of Abel and the newborn. I've got to think that Unser is going to be around for a little while or he will have passed away because of the cancer.

For the overall feel to it, this season was getting back to the roots of SAMCRO. I think next season may be a look at the past, focusing on Jax being similar to John. I'm thinking some flashbacks to Tommy, or the struggle they were going through at the time, John's death and the after-effects, and the club turning to a more outlaw type MC.

Who they feud with, I'm thinking either Hale or the Russians followed up by a huge blow up to end it. If Hale gets to be mayor he will try to fuck up SAMCRO's business, which won't be a surprise since Hale is a cunt. Russians, well the boys screwed over Putlova. Self explanitory. Thos two seem logical unless they bring in a new "evil". Maybe the Irish Kings make things a lot tougher for them. Who knows.
I was watching the special features on the season 1 dvd the other night, and someone, actually mentions that fans "think" the show is based on Hamlet or Macbeth not that it actually is.

Something I just thought of when doing a little bit of reading on wikipedia, apparently, and who knows if this is accurate, but if it is, there a chapters all over the world. Not just the one's in the Northwestern U.S. and the one we've seen in Ireland. But there are chapters in Florida, New York, Illinoise, Texas and even Canada. I wonder if/when we'll see people and stories turn up from these other chapters. There's just so many different directions they can go in for the show that as long as people keep watching it could go on as long as everyone is on board to do it.

Sutter has stated numerous times in numerous interviews that it is indeed LOOSELY based on both Hamlet and McBeth.

and to answer the previous posters questions, in Sutters "season in review" interview he stated that in fact Hale will be mayor next season and that hes looking to pick the story up as the guys get out of prison because as i quote " SOA isn't OZ, we're not going to make this about a gang in prison". he also said the Russians will probaly figure in to the season since they will be looking for revenge with the whole way the jimmy O scenario played out.
Sutter has stated numerous times in numerous interviews that it is indeed LOOSELY based on both Hamlet and McBeth.

and to answer the previous posters questions, in Sutters "season in review" interview he stated that in fact Hale will be mayor next season and that hes looking to pick the story up as the guys get out of prison because as i quote " SOA isn't OZ, we're not going to make this about a gang in prison". he also said the Russians will probaly figure in to the season since they will be looking for revenge with the whole way the jimmy O scenario played out.

Yes, links please. That said, even if this show isn't based off of Hamlet like I believe it to be, it is kind of ironic how similar it is. I applaud Sutter if he has in fact done this subconsciously somehow. I would rank it up there with O' Brother Where Art Though as one of the greatest cross overs ever, not that I don't already.
Hey guys, I'm back because I just finished watching season 2 on DVD and was desperately searching for season 3's release date when I eventually stumbled onto Wikipedia and found this about season 4:

"Kurt Sutter has stated that there will be a time lapse to allow for the majority of "SAMCRO's prison sentence to occur offscreen, but is undecided on whether to start the season with them in prison, or after they have been released. He continued to say "There will be a new mayor, a new chapter and a new sheriff. The 21st century is going to land at SAMCRO's doorstep."

Pretty much what I expected, anxious to see who the new mayor and sheriff are amongst other things. Any thoughts from you guys?

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