Sons of Anarchy

I don't like the nomads, or former nomads, if you couldn't tell.

What about Happy? Pretty sure he was a nomad, and I love him.

I don't know if the home invasions storyline is as simple as just being the nomads. Remember this was the first time they went after a non-samcro related residence.

I think during the first episode there were talks of just "invasions" and later that episode was when Gemma's house was broken into and Unser was beat up. Could be wrong about that, though.

Last night's episode was a much needed return to "normalcy." The whole blackmail scene was just hilarious and overall the episode was much brighter than the last two, not that I didn't love them. Tara's metamorphosis into Gemma is starting to grow on me. At the moment, I am not too excited about Jax getting into bed with Hale, but I'm sure it will go somewhere, so I'll just have to wait and see. Can't wait to see how things continue to develop.
What about Happy? Pretty sure he was a nomad, and I love him.

Happy is awesome. I don't consider him a nomad. He's always been around the club since Season 1, and finally got voted in during Season 3. When I say "former" I mean the guys most recent, GoGo, Greg the Peg, and Frankie Diamonds. Ya know, the assholes doing the home invasions.

I don't know if the home invasions storyline is as simple as just being the nomads. Remember this was the first time they went after a non-samcro related residence. Who is pulling the strings behind their actions? Is it Clay? Might it be the cartel? I can't remember the timeline of when the invasions started vs the need for a plan B developing for the cartel. Did anyone get a good look at what that marriage certificate said they found in Clay's safe?

The invasions had started "before" the season started. Pretty much whenever the three former nomads showed up. The "Plan B" scenario didn't start being questioned until the end of the second episode. Don't think it was the cartel. Unser said the attack felt obligatory. Someone telling them what houses to do is a possibility. The storyline itself may not be as simple as it just being them, but the ones doing the attacks, are the nomads.
I don't know if the home invasions storyline is as simple as just being the nomads. Remember this was the first time they went after a non-samcro related residence. Who is pulling the strings behind their actions? Is it Clay? Might it be the cartel? I can't remember the timeline of when the invasions started vs the need for a plan B developing for the cartel. Did anyone get a good look at what that marriage certificate said they found in Clay's safe?

It screams Clay. I still think the overarching theme is to create civil unrest within the club to help shift power away from Jax. He and Clay have been at each others throats in a cold war for years now. Creating dissension in the ranks of SAMCO is the perfect way for Clay to get the last laugh, even if he never takes control of his club again.

I have a bad feeling about these invasions and Jax's kids. Anything happening, especially while Tara was smoking up, would make a good transition to a custody case.

Didn't even think about that. Great point.
We must not have any Shield fans in the house. Because last week's episode was a direct ripoff of what Walton Goggins[the guest starring tranny, Venus Van Damme]did on The Shield. His character Shane Vendrell had a storage unit with the alias "Cletdus Van Damme"[still funny :lol:] and his character on Sons this week was "Venus Van Damme". :lol: :lol:

I laughed my ass off seeing that whole interaction with Jax and Venus. Or how about the "didn't your daddy ever tell you not to judge a book by its penis?" line? :lol: All those scenes involving Walton Goggins on Sons were hilarious to watch, especially with Tig seemingly liking what he saw with Venus. This show has alot of Shield homages, like last season when Juice was in jail, he was watching an episode of The Shield from its final season. I guess that's to be expected, since Kurt Sutter[creator of Sons] was an executive producer on The Shield as well.

Anyway, all of that aside, Sons season 5 has been great thus far. The whole pace of the show is picking up quickly and I'm just afraid it'll end soon at this rate. I hope I'm wrong there though, because this is one of the best shows on television currently.
Well this week we had the sheriff's wife dying, one strange suicide (see what you've done bitch) Otto wanting Tara to give him a blowjob, Tig once again going off the wall and killing the guards wife, Jax killing the guard for Opie with a snow globe, Unser telling Gemma how he really felt and Gemma will die alone,and Clay going Usual Suspects after Juice drove off and confirming what most knew that he was faking it and was behind the Nomads doing the home invasions.

The best scene is when Pope and Jax have their second conversation in the car and Pope tells Jax how he insures the inevitable by having a $5 million contract on the person who eventually kills him because he knows it's inevitable from being in that line of work and having a bunch of contractors knowing there's that type of bounty on the head of his killer installs fear in others.

Can't wait for next week looks explosive.
Welp, Clay is behind it. Should we really be surprised since it was obvious to some and he is a deceptive asshole? Next week is going to be crazy. Wonder how Jax and the club will handle it, Roosevelt if he finds out, and Unser. Won't be pretty.

Carla killing herself was fucked up. Nothing else to it. Trying to make her half bro bang Gemma before doing herself in? Take your meds if you need them. Fuckin' hell. I wonder if Clay actually took the body to Scooter or if he has her stashed and will use her as leverage for something down the line.

Pope really seems to be directing Jax into a solid light now that there is no beef or need for retaliation. It's a more drug heavy light, but more money too. I'm just curious how long the club will stick with muling the drugs. The contractor thing is an interesting point. Curious to see where it goes down the line, or if it was just something brought up by Pope for Jax to think about.

The best, and most disturbing, portion of the episode was the show of good faith by Pope. Jackson got his revenge, though Tig kinda fucked up the flow to it. I figured they would wait until after Jax did the deed to kill her. Nope, fuckin' Tig lol. I had hoped they would find a pipe, but that snowglobe damn sure did the trick. Those shots were nasty, and I can only imagine how bad he looked after. He certainly kept his promise.

Not sure how I feel about Otto anymore. He just doesn't care about SAMCRO anymore. After all he did for the club, and he just won't care. Curious to see what Tara does for him, if anything.
There was a lot going on in this episode and I am glad they went ahead and revealed Clay because now we have a lot of things to consider just how they will play out. Simple things like disposing of the body make you wonder what really happened like CH David pointed out. I noticed Tig with a scratch on his neck now too and since he just killed a wife I could see there being some interesting developments regarding if somehow the sheriff's wife gets tied to Tig and whether the club would believe he didn't do it. It seems like Pope is playing it straight but it does make you wonder about that woman being there when she wasn't supposed to be. It seems like there is an potential loophole in Pope's insurance policy. If you play your cards right by manipulating things you can get him killed and pocket 5 million. Jax and Tara both lying to each other was a twist that should be interesting to follow. I did find it a little unbelievable that the prison would let Tara in and immediately meet up with Otto as if no one could possibly be aware of the tie between the two.
Jax basically has Clay by the balls, Clay just doesn't give a shit anymore, Tara is awesome, two dead Nomads, Frankie Diamonds has a sweet car, Juice is trying to piece things together, and Gemma is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.

I thought it was hilarious the way Jax was talking to Frankie Diamonds. Scared the shit out of him. Glad to see Greg and Gogo gone though. Never liked them. More of Clay just covering his ass though. Jax knows he is behind it, just can't prove it. Had big hopes that Unser wouldn't die, and thankfully he didn't, but it comes at Clay looking like a good guy. Juice knows something is up too. I just wonder where his allegiance ends up.

What the fuck, Gemma?! First you sleep with Joel McHale, and then you get high and drive your grandkids home?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Filthy Phil should've noticed that something was off, but seriously. Gemma is fucked. There is no way that Tara or Jax should let her anywhere near Abel or Thomas after this. She made her bed and has to lie in it. I just hope Abel is okay and that it was a dead animal or some tree bark that was falling. Abel can't die. He can't damn you!

Joel McHale was funny, and I love Jimmy Smits kicking the shit out of him. Nero has easily climbed up as one of my favorite characters now, and that is mostly in part to Jimmy Smits being awesome.

A Niners attack on Jax and Chibs towards the end. Interesting to see how this shakes down with Pope. But more people get to die. Oh goodie.
I made a social media update about this last night, but it's worth sharing twice:

Sons of Anarchy is finally living up to it's name, because this is anarchy.

This season is absolutely insane with wall-to-wall action, whether it's the downfall of Clay/Gemma to the numerous deaths within the club. While they don't necessarily follow the same weight of importance, SAMCRO has lost three members this season (Opie, Gogo and Greg the Peg), and lost a fourth last season with Piney's death.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Juice might be the next to die here based on the teaser for next weeks' show, though, where Roosevelt talks about giving up the rat at Jax' table. Clay isn't going out just yet, and when you factor in that little snippet of Clay asking Juicy what he did, it just reeks of Clay using his guile yet again to make it look like it was someone else all along. I hope like hell I'm wrong...

On whatever positive note can be taken out of a fucked up episode like tonights though, I've never taken to a character faster than I have Nero, and tonight pretty much solidified any lingering wisps of doubt there might have been when he kicked the shit out of Warren (Joel McHale).
Yeah.. I can't see how Juice is going to make it through the season. Roosevelt is going to give him up.

Again.. what's the god damn deal with the birth certificate? I have no idea how that's going to play out. That one has me stumped.

I definitely don't think Pope is behind the attack of Chibs and Jax. Probably has somethin to do with Clay. I don't think he's working with Pope. So I guess he got to some members of the niners. Maybe the cartel had something to do with it? We haven't heard much from them in a while.

I would imagine with Gemma's accident with the kids, we'll get more Wendy. I like Wendy.
Yeah.. I can't see how Juice is going to make it through the season. Roosevelt is going to give him up.

I hope not. As pissed as I was last season for all the shit he did/was forced to do for Potter, I still love Juice. He looked so badass in the Season 2 Finale! I don't know if I would say he ratted on the club, so much as was forced into it. Maybe he brings up Juice has a black dad? I don't know. But fack, man.

Again.. what's the god damn deal with the birth certificate? I have no idea how that's going to play out. That one has me stumped.

Was it a birth certificate? For some reason I thought it was their marriage license. :shrug: Regardless, I'm with you and am curious if it will come into play.

I definitely don't think Pope is behind the attack of Chibs and Jax. Probably has somethin to do with Clay. I don't think he's working with Pope. So I guess he got to some members of the niners. Maybe the cartel had something to do with it? We haven't heard much from them in a while.

The Niners part has me the most confuzzled after last week. I don't see how it can be anyone but Clay or Pope. Unless a few are just going rogue. Tuesday needs to get here faster for this one. Wait a minute. What if the rat is someone that told the Niners? What if it were Frankie Diamonds?! I don't know. I'm just spewing shit. I want answers!

I would imagine with Gemma's accident with the kids, we'll get more Wendy. I like Wendy.

Gotta wonder how Tara and Jax are going to handle the Wendy situation. Mainly Tara though. Jax has been far too into the club to handle anything family related this season. So it is up to Tara how much of Abel Wendy gets to see, if she does go that route.
I guess it's possible that Clay may have talked to a couple "non-affiliated" guys to take out Jax and Chibs.

I just assumed it was a birth certificate.. I'll have to look into it.

Glad that Unser made it through the episode. I think he'll make it to the last season.
My guess is that Juice will flip on Clay, and confirm what Franky Diamonds told him in those last moments he was still breathing, and that will help Jax with his search for evidence, having someone else there to back him, but ultimately Juice is going to have to fall in line with Jax, the way Tiggy did, or he's gonna get voted out for talking to the cops. It can go either way, honestly.

Can someone smarter than me please explain the scene with Tara and the perfume, though? What in the hell was that all about? I mean I know it was some kind of foreshadowing, but to what, and why? Tara is to Jax as Luann is to Otto because...?
So what's everyone's thought process for the final three episodes of the season? My gut tells me that Clay will once again weasel his way through the season finale into Season 6. Will Jax ultimately give up Tig to Pope? The way things are going with Jax, I don't doubt it. Maybe in exchange for Pope helping Tara get out of her situation with Otto?

Before seeing the previews for tonight's episode, I thought maybe the cartel was playing Clay. What's going to happen with Juice? I would imagine that Jax will get the documents before the season ends, but will it be by Juice redeeming himself? Where does Nero play in the grande scheme of things? I'd imagine he'd help out Jax. And finally.. what about Gemma? Will she continue to work with Jax against Clay, or will she end up giving up info on Jax to Clay?

A lot of questions will be answered within the next couple weeks. I can't wait!
Honestly, you're going to have to ask me after tonight's episode, because there are still so many open ended scenarios that have multiple routes (all feasible) that they can go down. Until we get a clearer picture of exactly what's going on between Clay/Romeo, Clay/Gemma, Gemma/Nero, etc. it's too difficult IMO to adequately project any real outcomes.

I did come across a nice little semi-spoiler though (very minor):

Dave Navarro is going to be guest starring in the final two episodes:

A rock star will join the rock stars who make FX’s most-watched drama.
Dave Navarro will guest star in the last two episodes of Sons of Anarchy this season as a member of the Biz Lats gang with close ties to Nero (Jimmy Smits). And here’s the added bennie of luring the famous guitarist to the motorcycle club: Navarro’s band Jane’s Addiction will do a cover of “Sympathy for the Devil” for the SOA finale.

And this was released by Entertainment Weekly earlier, about tonight's episode:


1. That turn Jimmy Smits told us Nero would soon be taking? As you can probably tell from the photo above, it’s time.

2. The episode is 90 minutes because Jax has a lot of maneuvering to do in a short amount of time after Romeo and Luis find out their leverage, the RICO case, is gone.

3. Donal Logue, who’ll guest in the season’s final three episodes, makes his debut. His character’s identity is a mystery within the show, but EW had the first look at him, so if you want that spoiler now, click here. (If not, you won’t be able to resist after seeing the episode.)

4. You’ll be reminded just how much you like Unser (and Dayton Callie).

5. Happy gets a chance to be Happy.
I sort of become numb to the show for a while after Opie's death. Yeah it was still highly entertaining, but I just didn't feel the emotional investment anymore. That was until Gemma wrecked the car and hurt Abel. That pulled me right back in.

Sidenote: Gemma, the fuck? You smoke weed all the time, how do you all of a sudden lose the ability to drive while stoned?

My gut feeling Wendy is going to use Tara's situation with Otto to get Abel back. I kind of hope she tries it and fails, via death. I fucking hated Adrian and I hate Wendy too.
Looks to me like Nero just inadvertently brought war on Diosa, and as a result, on SAMCRO. I know he was trying to protect his interests, but he really didn't think that one through, eh?


For those curious who Donal Logue is playing here:

Donal Logue — who last appeared in the network’s series Terriers — will play a brilliant and dangerous U.S. Marshal named Lee Toric who is forced into retirement because of his history of violence. He’ll appear in the drama’s final three episodes before it wraps its current season on Dec. 4.

“Lucky 2B part of amazing finish on this seasons’s Sons of Anarchy [Creator Kurt Sutter] pushing TV boundaries-shockingly awesome stuff coming down pike,” Logue recently tweeted.

My guess is that the nurse Otto killed was related to Toric, or was his girlfriend/wife, and that's why he's doing everything he can to make sure Otto's last days on earth are miserable.
On a related note, this is the preview for next weeks' episode, entitled "Darthy":


The Clay/Bobby/Jax thing aside, the most interesting thing for me is that Pope comes calling for Tig. Anyone think Jax is really gonna turn him over? If not, I have no idea how you get him out of that situation unscathed. It's hard to get a read on the situation, especially if you think back to last nights' episode where Jax asks Tig if he still loves him, and then kisses him on the cheek. Jax is impossible to get a read on right now.

I will say this much, though — the body count was high early on, but I highly doubt considering the vitriol coming out of last seasons' season finale, that we escape this season without another major death, even if they take the safest route and just off Juice. Clay, Juice, Tig are all on the chopping block as far as I'm concerned, with a wildcard/dark horse in Bobby. There's also Unser, but he's going to die regardless, especially if the Chemo scene had anything to say about his future.
I could see the see Clay taking out Nero, he's already threaten to kill him once, & after seeing Nero kiss Gemma at the clubhouse, then at the end when he showed up at Gemma's house & Clay you could just feel the tension between them. At this point I don't think really anyone is safe, I used to think Gemma, Clay, & Jax were safe, at least until the final season, but now I could see Gemma some how getting killed off as well.

I love the casting of Donal Logue, that guy is a great actor, & Terriers is proof of that, I'm glad to see him as apart of the SOA cast, & wish the guy would show up in more stuff. I really hope his role is the show grows.
Jax is absolutely safe. I know we like to say "no one is safe", but SOA is built on the "prince" story — killing off the main protagonist would be a death sentence for the series, not just Jax Teller.

Gemma, Clay, etc. aren't on the same level, IMO. They're important, but not integral. Jax is integral. The show dies without him.
My initial thought on Logue was that he was playing that nurse's father, and seeing Jax in tears in the preview for the upcoming episode has me worried that something may happen to one of his kids. It may be a reach, but that's always my first thought when someone is going after Jax or Tara. There aren't any boundaries when it comes to shit like that.

Nero's either going to do something crazy or get himself killed. SAMCRO has to have his back, he only ran up in that house because he thought they snatched up Jax. Just hope he doesn't end up burning the bridge with them. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I like Nero.

Tig and Juice are the ones I see dying before season's end. Clay maybe, but I have a feeling that he'll weasel his way to the end of the show.
Theories on how the finale will play out? What's the deal with Juice and Clays gun? Is Tara going to prison? Any chance Clay/Gemma get out with Galen? Does Tig actually get turned over to Pope, or go back to prison to rot (we saw a glimpse of that in the preview, with Jax pulling a gun on him)? Will Lee Toric (the ex-U.S. Marshall) make a run at the club, or Jax?

What a rollar coaster this season has been!
I can't imagine Jax handing Tig over to Pope goes smooth at all, everything Jax has tired to do since taking over seems to turn sideways on him at the last second. I could see somebody interfering & fucking shit up, whether is be Toric, Clay or another club member, or maybe Tig somehow manages to miraculously weasel his way out of the situation, & get away (though I doubt it).

I think now that Clay is out of the club & has seemingly lost everything that matters to him in life, he's could be even more dangerous to the club now. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up killing Nero, believing that if he eliminates the competition, so to speak, Gemma has nothing else keeping her in Charming & she'll leave with him. I think the gun thing with Juice is his way of trying to recruit Juice, & I think Juice might feel his days with the club are number so he might take up Clay's offer, remember Clay knows what Juice did. That or he rigged the gun to back fire & kill Juice.

The most disturbing thing to come out of this episode was the end, with Jax doping Wendy, the look on Jax face as he pinned he against the wall was scary, it was the same look we've seen on Clay's face several times through the series, & nothing good ever follows, Jax is all but gone, the dark mucky side that comes with being at the head of the table is clearly taking over, & he's becoming more like Clay every week. He's turning into the monster he never wanted to become, & what's scariest about it is he seems like he's starting to be more willing the accept it.

The one thing that just occurred to me, what are the odds Tig, trying to protect Jax from doing something fucked up & stupid that he would later regret, decided to switch out the contents of the syringe with something else, & Wendy is actually fine?
I can't imagine Jax handing Tig over to Pope goes smooth at all, everything Jax has tired to do since taking over seems to turn sideways on him at the last second. I could see somebody interfering & fucking shit up, whether is be Toric, Clay or another club member, or maybe Tig somehow manages to miraculously weasel his way out of the situation, & get away (though I doubt it).

I think now that Clay is out of the club & has seemingly lost everything that matters to him in life, he's could be even more dangerous to the club now. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up killing Nero, believing that if he eliminates the competition, so to speak, Gemma has nothing else keeping her in Charming & she'll leave with him. I think the gun thing with Juice is his way of trying to recruit Juice, & I think Juice might feel his days with the club are number so he might take up Clay's offer, remember Clay knows what Juice did. That or he rigged the gun to back fire & kill Juice.

The most disturbing thing to come out of this episode was the end, with Jax doping Wendy, the look on Jax face as he pinned he against the wall was scary, it was the same look we've seen on Clay's face several times through the series, & nothing good ever follows, Jax is all but gone, the dark mucky side that comes with being at the head of the table is clearly taking over, & he's becoming more like Clay every week. He's turning into the monster he never wanted to become, & what's scariest about it is he seems like he's starting to be more willing the accept it.

The one thing that just occurred to me, what are the odds Tig, trying to protect Jax from doing something fucked up & stupid that he would later regret, decided to switch out the contents of the syringe with something else, & Wendy is actually fine?

Sutter is doing such an insanely great job of transitioning Jax to Clay, despite all the hatred Jax has for Clay. He truly is becoming Clay, and you're noticing it, as you noted, in small doses like that scene with Wendy, or any of the behind-the-scenes backroom deals Jax keeps cutting on his own, with the club in the dark about it all. That's only going to last for so long before one of them makes a move on Jax, to push him out too. SAMCRO, as they stand right now, is truly fractured, and IMO it all comes back to Opie's death. With Opie alive right now, to talk sense into Jax as he's done so often in the past, there's just no way we see this incarnation of him becoming the man he hates while he tries so hard not to.

I doubt the shot wasn't actually heroin though. Tig has no leeway to play around like that right now — especially after bringing Clay into the clubhouse after he'd been outed just hours earlier, once the deal with the Irish went south.

The big thing for me here is the Tig/Jax/Pope scenario. Remember when Jax met with Pope's right-hand man at Charming Heights? He said something to him about his being loyal... and patient. To me, that's foreshadowing that the "handover" we got a glimpse of is actually going to end up being the death of Damon Pope, who's going to end up getting fucked here, because at the end of the day he's still the man who ordered Opie's death, and there's just no way Jax is going to be buddy-buddy with that piece of shit much longer.
Just so many hooks for next week's season finale. It's hard to keep up with everything.

Some people believe that Tig will head to Ireland with Clay before someone puts some holes in him. While I believe Tig will survive to see Season 6, I don't think he'll have to leave the country to do so. I know we see the head-to-head showdown between he and Jax in the preview, but I don't believe that Jax will kill Tig or hand him over to Pope. Like IDR said.. I think Pope's a goner. But as Pope told Jax a while back.. there's a substantial bounty on the head of whomever kills him.

I was expecting Jax to kill Wendy. Thankfully, he didn't, as I have a thing for ole Wendy. A part of me did wonder if there was actually anything in the syringe or not. I'd imagine there would have to be.

I've said all along that I thought Clay would weasel his way to the end of the series. Now I'm not sure if he even makes it to Season 6. I think Gemma will tell Jax about Clay's plans about staying low in Ireland for a while. I just don't know if I can see them going with two separate groups. That just seems weird to me. I mean.. if Tig and Juice go with Clay, that leaves like 5 guys (Jax, Bobby, Happy, Filthy Phil, and Chibbs) in SAMCRO.

Not sure what the U.S. Marshal will do.

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