Sons of Anarchy

Fantastic finale.

Had a strong feeling the Pope/Tig "give up" was a red herring based off the scene we saw last week with Jax pulling the gun on Tig in the middle of nowhere, especially when it happened so early in the episode.

Knew Tara was going to prison, too, though I think they can reverse that course with ease next season since the only thing keeping her there is Gemma's word.

It's official now, though — Jax is Clay, whether he ever wanted or intended to be him or not, and he's officially out of friends to boot now that Bobby cut off the VP patch. Opie is dead, Piney is dead, Juice has little love for him (based on the fact he tried to get Clay out last minute), etc.

Really, the closest thing he's got to a friend left is Chibbs, though I'm not sure how that'll pan out once Chibbs finds out (if he finds out) about how the whole thing with Tig went down, and especially once he realizes Bobby cut his own patch off. Weirder yet — Tig might actually be his closest friend, which would be quite ironic when you consider the Jax to Clay evolution. Odd as it may sound, I actually can see a situation where Tig gets back his Sgt. at Arms patch and Chibbs is upgraded to VP.

The conversation between Nero and Jax IMO proved that Jax is in it for the long haul. He's never getting out... alive. Remember though — this entire series is based on Hamlet. If Jax is Hamlet, we all know how this is going to end. Bloody.

I'll give Sutter this much, though — I said it earlier, too — the show is finally living up to it's name: Sons of ANARCHY.
I'm with you for the most part. Loved it right up until the end. I guess with how chaotic the whole season has been, the biggest swerve they could really throw at us would be to end it on the most predictable note possible. I just hated the ending. Fucking hated it. Gemma is the least interesting character on this show and it really blows that the focus is shifting back towards the teenage girl drama between her and Tara rather than club business.
It's all based on Hamlet, dude. Perlman even noted that he thinks Sutter is going to come full circle there in an interview a while back.

Read up on the comparisons between Hamlet's character and the SOA heirarchy and I think you'll probably be able to read into what is the likely conclusion to the series.

As to Gemma, I agree, but tying back to the Hamlet thing, it stands to reason she's still at the forefront. I think this is more of an issue of that being the final scene, rather than it happening. Leaving on the note with Bobby cutting off his own patch and walking out was probably much stronger a note.
It's all based on Hamlet, dude. Perlman even noted that he thinks Sutter is going to come full circle there in an interview a while back.

Read up on the comparisons between Hamlet's character and the SOA heirarchy and I think you'll probably be able to read into what is the likely conclusion to the series.

I'll have to do that. I know jack-shit about Hamlet.

As to Gemma, I agree, but tying back to the Hamlet thing, it stands to reason she's still at the forefront. I think this is more of an issue of that being the final scene, rather than it happening. Leaving on the note with Bobby cutting off his own patch and walking out was probably much stronger a note.

I think that's what it was. I knew Tara was going to jail the second Gemma threatened her. I just... Agh.

I was the same way with The Sopranos. I hated all of AJ'sand Meadows emo, whiny shit. I was more concerned with pressing family business. Or in Homeland, I don't care about Dana's soap opera nonsense, I want to know what's going on with Brody and them.

I'm not articulating this very well.
Fantastic finale.

Had a strong feeling the Pope/Tig "give up" was a red herring based off the scene we saw last week with Jax pulling the gun on Tig in the middle of nowhere, especially when it happened so early in the episode.

Knew Tara was going to prison, too, though I think they can reverse that course with ease next season since the only thing keeping her there is Gemma's word.

It's official now, though — Jax is Clay, whether he ever wanted or intended to be him or not, and he's officially out of friends to boot now that Bobby cut off the VP patch. Opie is dead, Piney is dead, Juice has little love for him (based on the fact he tried to get Clay out last minute), etc.

Really, the closest thing he's got to a friend left is Chibbs, though I'm not sure how that'll pan out once Chibbs finds out (if he finds out) about how the whole thing with Tig went down, and especially once he realizes Bobby cut his own patch off. Weirder yet — Tig might actually be his closest friend, which would be quite ironic when you consider the Jax to Clay evolution. Odd as it may sound, I actually can see a situation where Tig gets back his Sgt. at Arms patch and Chibbs is upgraded to VP.

The conversation between Nero and Jax IMO proved that Jax is in it for the long haul. He's never getting out... alive. Remember though — this entire series is based on Hamlet. If Jax is Hamlet, we all know how this is going to end. Bloody.

I'll give Sutter this much, though — I said it earlier, too — the show is finally living up to it's name: Sons of ANARCHY.

You pretty much summed up every thought I had.

I absolutely loved how Jax set up Pope, & framed it on Clay, I thought that was genius, & didn't see it going down like that at all. Sutter always keeps me guessing, & that's one of the things I think I love most about this show.

I'm very curious, & can't wait to see how everything plays out next season, I can't see Clay actuelly being killed. I think something is going to happen & somehow Clay gets out alive. I also think the Marshall, who's name escapes me at the moment is going to be the main villain next season, much like Pope was this season, with the tension between Clay & Jax building & finally coming to a head is season 7.

I think Gemma is going to have to die, & I wouldn't be shocked if it ends up being at the hands of Tara, assuming something doesn't end up happening to her in prison.

It's going to be interesting seeing where things go with Nero, Juice, Bobby, Tig, & Chibbs next season, & how Jax handles everything now with Tara in Jail, & him having to take on even more as a result.
I think the IRA will be deeply involved in Season 6.

Wonder what Jax will do when he finds out his mom turned over his wife to the police. At this time, he probably thinks it was Otto. Only Tara and the lawyer know about Otto and his tongue. heh.

Honestly, though, I don't give two shits about Tara.

Had a feeling going into the episode that Tig would make it out alive and Pope wouldn't. Glad I finally got one right, as I'm normally wrong about those sorts of things.

Altogether, it was a solid season. I know that last year's season finale soured a lot of SOA fans, but I rank this season around the same as last year's. Season 2 is still my favorite. It'd take a hell of an effort for me to change my opinion on that.
Lee mother fucking toric is a boss! (the former US marshall guy)

I'm looking forward to more of him...he seems to be a one man army kind of guy, i liked the scene a few weeks ago with all the guns spread out on the bed and him reading that book. Can't wait till next season

Now on to the otto scene was vicious.. biting off your own tongue is the ultimate "FU" to that guy, tara in jail, kind of weird, wonder if anything will happen in there with her. As far as the whole pope thing, MY idea that I had concocted was that Jax was going to tell clay that he would let him back in to the club if he killed pope, so i kind of guessed clay would "kill" pope and i was half right. Good set up by jax..I like this transition from the "pissed at the world,youth in rebellion prince" jax to the ruthless king, the lien "maybe i'm not so different" really cemented that.

Who do you guys think will move up to VP now? I got a feeling chibs goes to VP and tig goes to Sgt. At Arms. Also when does the new season start? No SOA,no walking dead...what am i supposed to watch now?!? Anyway..great finale
Lee mother fucking toric is a boss! (the former US marshall guy)

I'm looking forward to more of him...he seems to be a one man army kind of guy, i liked the scene a few weeks ago with all the guns spread out on the bed and him reading that book. Can't wait till next season

Now on to the otto scene was vicious.. biting off your own tongue is the ultimate "FU" to that guy, tara in jail, kind of weird, wonder if anything will happen in there with her. As far as the whole pope thing, MY idea that I had concocted was that Jax was going to tell clay that he would let him back in to the club if he killed pope, so i kind of guessed clay would "kill" pope and i was half right. Good set up by jax..I like this transition from the "pissed at the world,youth in rebellion prince" jax to the ruthless king, the lien "maybe i'm not so different" really cemented that.

Who do you guys think will move up to VP now? I got a feeling chibs goes to VP and tig goes to Sgt. At Arms. Also when does the new season start? No SOA,no walking dead...what am i supposed to watch now?!? Anyway..great finale

Sons of Anarchy always starts in September.
I can't say anything else more than what most have already said. Sons of Anarchy has to rate right up there with Breaking Bad as one of the best and most violently realistic shows on television. Everything with this show is spot on and realistically portrayed with each character being deep and complicated, which is something I didn't expect from a biker show originally. I thought it was gonna be just another ripoff of The Shield[which Sutter was on as well]. Sons has surpassed anything Shield did and then some. Brutality is obviously Sutter's main passion along with shocking the hell outta the audience. Did anyone really expect Opie's death? Or how about Jax wanting Clay dead when they built up their relationship so well in the beginning? On that front though, they did an excellent backstory job with Clay killing JT and trying to kill Tara. Also having Clay/Tig trying to kill Opie and getting Donna in the first season was a nice way to foreshadow what is to come with Clay & Jax. The diaries of John Teller predicted a violent & bloody ending for the Sons if drastic change wasn't attempted. And it looks like that is gonna happen. I hope Clay is somehow spared from death because he is such a damn good character. Obviously Gemma was in on the plot to kill JT from the beginning, as evidenced in JT's letters. This show is my all time favorite FX show and up in my top 5 of all time. If they keep going, it may be my favorite show ever. That is saying something great about the show if it can compete with the likes of Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, The Shield, and Supernatural[though that show has a lot of gimmicky episodes]. I cannot wait for season 6 to see where it heads next.
Knew Tara was going to prison, too, though I think they can reverse that course with ease next season since the only thing keeping her there is Gemma's word.

I think that's what it was. I knew Tara was going to jail the second Gemma threatened her. I just... Agh.

Wonder what Jax will do when he finds out his mom turned over his wife to the police. At this time, he probably thinks it was Otto. Only Tara and the lawyer know about Otto and his tongue. heh.

What if it was Clay that turned the police on Tara. He found out from Gemma that Tara needed LuAnn's stuff and also that Tara was trying to get Otto to drop the Rico case. Maybe he did it to get at Jax.
I really need to read Hamlet xD

I love this show, and I go with everything I was as if it were reality, thus enjoying it whether I want something to happen or not and just accepting it.

That being said, I want to know if I'm the only person on earth still rooting for Clay xD

Otto is a stonecold GANGSTER, man.

You know I just realized I could probably get a summary of Hamlet online and figure this whole thing out, but that just feels like spoilers so I might wait 'till it's done.
Finally got around to watching the last episode of SOA and I have to take my hat of to Kurt Sutter for producing another great season and while I can say it was the best season finale we have ever had, it was still very enjoyable and left me wanting more. Really looking forward to see what Sutter is going to do with Clay next season as things were not looking good for him at the cunclusion of the series and while i'm sure there are no plans to kill the character off, its going to be intresting to see how clay digs his way out of this situation and i'm guessing its going to involve involve Toricis in some way and after reading that there will be a new character who Sutter has discribed as a old school shot caller straight out of stockton, its going to be intresting to see if he is going to be a member of the club or the big bad for next season. everway the next season can't come quick enough.
In the beginning, I didn't expect much from Sons of Anarchy. I just thought it would be a generic clone replacement for The Shield. I have been impressed with how great the story has been and the depth of emotion within the episodes. It can be sad, funny, or downright violent and brutal. I am intrigued to see where SOA goes next season and how the Clay situation will be handled. Hopefully, they won't kill him off but they've kinda been setting that eventual end up.
Lots of updates for the coming sixth season (September 10th)!

The presentation opened with new footage of season six. It showed that Jax (Hunnam) is still doing plenty of contemplative writing. Also, that both Clay (Perlman) and Tara (Siff) are wearing orange prison jumpsuits. And it looks like Chibs (Flanagan) will be Jax's new vp. The footage looks great, promising plenty of drama and violence to come this season.

Early on in the panel, Sutter was asked about his plans -- which he has mentioned several times -- to end the show in seven seasons.

"I think we've really created these characters and narratives that have been very organic to this world, and I feel like we're running toward the finish," he said, adding that he wants to find an endgame before he overstays his welcome.

How would he end the seventh season? "Big pool of blood," he told the crowd.

Sutter also revealed that the sixth season will pick up just a few days after the events of season five ended.


Looks like I was dead on with this prediction from the end of last season where I said Chibs would go to VP, and Tig would resume his former role as Sergeant at Arms with Bobby cutting his patch off.

Also, Here's a breakdown of the video, which doesn't seem to be online anywhere:

First up is a bit of a trailer for the new season, which includes a lot of footage. It's narrated by Jax (Charlie Hunnam), the way his father's voice narrated the early seasons of the show He's seen in his son's room, writing. Perhaps he's putting together a memoir of his own?

We get a quick glimpse at Tara's (Maggie Siff) life in jail, and the reveal that Chibs (Tommy Flanagan) has taken over the role of Vice President, after Bobby (Mark Boone Junior) stepped down in season 5. There's also clips of the club together, seemingly stronger than they were left off last season. Based on the teaser promo that was released, that cannot be the case.

After that, another teaser is screened, featuring very quick shots of all kinds of mayhem that will be featured during the season. Some of the violence included Chibs attacking Juice (Theo James), Tara fighting someone in prison, and a brawl between Clay and Jax, both in their cuts. That could mean viewers will see Clay out of jail and back with the club at some point during the season. There's also a shot of Otto (Kurt Sutter) attacking yet another person, Tig (Kim Coates) trying to drown someone in what looks like a bathtub filled with urine and lots of Donal Logue's character.



This is the promo that was recently released to hype the new season of Sons. Good lord can I not wait for this show to come back. Just reading IDR's information about the new season has me as giddy as a schoolgirl listening to Beiber. September cannot come soon enough.
...and we're back in business tonight, boys!

Just a little refresher for anyone coming in late, or who just wants to remind themselves of why this show fucking rules, and SPOILER WARNING AHEAD!:

Why SAMCRO’s former president, Clay (Ron Perlman), is in jail: There is no love lost between Jax and his stepfather, now that Jax knows Clay was responsible for the death of his father, the MC’s co-founder who’d wanted to take the gun-running club legit, long before the series began. Jax also knows Clay’s other crimes, which include, but are not limited to: murdering the club’s other founder, putting a hit on Jax’s old lady Tara (Maggie Siff), and orchestrating a series of break-ins that resulted in the death of the local sheriff’s wife and unborn child. The crime Clay now stands accused of — murdering gangster Damon Pope in the season 5 finale — is the one thing he didn’t do. Unable to kill Clay, Jax used the people he has under his thumb — club members Juice (Theo Rossi) and Tig (Kim Coates) and his mother Gemma (Katey Sagal) — to frame Clay for the murder knowing that Pope’s successor, August Marks (Billy Brown), would make sure Clay dies in prison. Because of that move, Bobby (Mark Boone Junior) cut off his VP patch.

Why Jax controls Juice, Tig, and Gemma: In brief, Juice was blackmailed into turning rat last season, ended up killing a club member who could’ve outed him, and then tried to take his own life. Instead of outing him to the club — only Chibs (Tommy Flanagan) has a clue — Jax told Juice he’ll now do whatever he tells him to do. That was also Jax’s deal with Tig, whom he’s bought a (temporary?) stay of execution. Tig killed Pope’s innocent-bystander daughter in season 4 and paid for it in the season 5 premiere by watching Pope burn one of his daughters alive. The mess Tig started resulted in the prison death of Jax’s best friend, club member Opie (Ryan Hurst), and Pope expecting Jax to deliver Tig to him. As for Gemma, Jax doesn’t know what role she may have played in his father’s death, but he does know she was high when she got in a car accident while driving his kids. He made her cozy back up to Clay, the husband who beat her (after she’d fired a shot at Clay’s head), in exchange for access to her grandchildren again.

Why Tara is in jail: Jax’s wife is a doctor, so she arranged to volunteer at the prison where former Son Otto (played by series creator Kurt Sutter) is on death row, so she could “treat” Otto and convince him not to help the Feds build their RICO case against the club. Otto asked for a crucifix that his late wife used to own, and Tara got it from Gemma and brought it to him. Otto then used it to brutally stab a prison nurse — who, it turns out, was the sister of a former U.S Marshal who’d been given early retirement for using excessive force, Lee Toric (Donal Logue). Tara was arrested for conspiracy to commit murder in the season 5 finale. But who went to the cops: Was it Toric thinking Jax had sent Tara there for that purpose, or Gemma, who threatened to lie and tell the authorities Tara told her the plan for Otto when she asked for the crucifix? Otto, by the way, is done talking: He bit off his own tongue (which you will get to see again during tonight’s “previously on” montage).

Why Tara and Jax are distant: The reason Gemma threatened to turn on Tara is because Tara wants to get her kids — Thomas, her baby with Jax, and Abel, his toddler with his ex-wife Wendy (Drea de Matteo) — away from the outlaw life. Tara had just accepted a job in Portland, Oregon, and told Jax she and the boys were going with or without him. She also asked Jax to sign papers making Wendy the boys’ legal guardian should anything happen to them. After Tara’s arrest, Jax tore up the papers without signing them. He doesn’t want his kids with Wendy, a recovering drug addict he recently shot up to discredit a story she could’ve told the cops to gain custody of the boys. That story: How she’d been kidnapped by the IRA, the Sons’ gun supplier, which prefers dealing with Clay to Jax.

Why Jax’s partnership with Nero (Jimmy Smits) is so important: Nero, who’s now romantically involved with Gemma, was introduced in season 5 as someone Jax could emulate — an OG gang-banger with an exit strategy, who just wanted to bank enough money to buy a farm his kid could enjoy. He left his crew, the Byz-Lats (which includes Nero’s cousin, played by Dave Navarro), to handle themselves while he ran an escort service, Diosa Norte. Since SAMCRO’s “legitimate” business résumé includes a porn company, Jax saw this as a natural opportunity to partner. But as Nero helped Jax out of multiple jams — and as the Byz-Lats’ territory was threatened, for which, and this is essential to remember, Jax gave the gang weapons to handle — Nero got sucked back into the life.


Get ready to ride, boys, because the road's about to get bumpy — especially if you've been following anything Sutter's had to say about the series these last few weeks. In case you've been living in the dark there, when asked how he'd like the whole series to end? "A bloodbath" was his answer.

So. Fucking. Excited.
Man... that school shooting scene was intense, but who in the hell is that kid? That part gave me a really uneasy feeling.
Man... that school shooting scene was intense, but who in the hell is that kid? That part gave me a really uneasy feeling.

We don't know yet, but the gun's getting traced backed to SAMCRO so we'll find out why and how. It looks to me like one of Nero's boys had something to do with it or knows something. He knew the kid because they spoke in the beginning and he was with the mom after everything went down.
Kurt Sutter on the shooting from Anarchy Afterword (paraphrased):

Jax is a father of two and deals guns. Says it was almost be irresponsible not to go this route. He's wanted to do this story arc for years. Said he had trust they'd do it the right way. Promises the fans concerned about the use of it that it really is the catalyst that takes us into the final act of the series. Not just done gratuitously. Not just shock value. It is "the last straw" for Jax in terms of his push to get out of this life.
Kurt Sutter on the shooting from Anarchy Afterword (paraphrased):

Jax is a father of two and deals guns. Says it was almost be irresponsible not to go this route. He's wanted to do this story arc for years. Said he had trust they'd do it the right way. Promises the fans concerned about the use of it that it really is the catalyst that takes us into the final act of the series. Not just done gratuitously. Not just shock value. It is "the last straw" for Jax in terms of his push to get out of this life.

First off, that season premiere was awesome! I enjoyed seeing the continuation of the Otto story while also seeing Jax come to the conclusion that Jemma put Tara in jail. Jemma might have denied it but you can tell he wasn't 100% convinced about it. It was also weird seeing Clay cutting a deal with the U.S. marshall guy but you had to expect it or he'd have been getting the Otto treatment, not a nice way to wakeup!

I was really shocked by the whole school shooting ending, as was everyone else who watched. I was surprised that they went in that direction but I applaud the balls it took to run that story arc anyway. At first I was thinking that was a future flash of Abel doing the shooting and I was wondering who that kid was. The shot of the mother before he went to school kinda looked like Jax's ex-wife so I was totally thinking that was Abel after Jax's demise in the club. Once I saw that wasn't Abel, I was already kind of thinking that it would tie back into club business somehow and it is being said that it was part of the gun deal with the IRA & cartel from last season. Which makes sense because of Jax's moral dilemma about getting out of Charming and taking Tara & his sons with him even more interesting. Anyone who complains about that ending must not be watching the news because that happens all the time. It is simply art imitating life and the rating is TV-MA meaning it is intended for an older audience. Still, I was impressed with that episode and can't wait to see how this season plays out setting up the final season.
First off, that season premiere was awesome! I enjoyed seeing the continuation of the Otto story while also seeing Jax come to the conclusion that Jemma put Tara in jail. Jemma might have denied it but you can tell he wasn't 100% convinced about it. It was also weird seeing Clay cutting a deal with the U.S. marshall guy but you had to expect it or he'd have been getting the Otto treatment, not a nice way to wakeup!

No he wouldn't. He'd have been killed. The deal Jax cut in having Clay turned in was through Damon Pope's predecessor, who assured him that black would kill him once he got to Stockton.

Realistically speaking, Clay had no choice but to turn rat. It explains why he wanted to speak to both Jax and Gemma tonight, ultimately only getting to spill his heart to Gemma. Previews for next week show that Jax does finally visit him though, and the Toric/Jax showdown will begin. The escape route here will likely come through the forged signature Toric had to get on the agreement Clay refused to sign before he saw Jax. We'll see how that pans out.

I was really shocked by the whole school shooting ending, as was everyone else who watched. I was surprised that they went in that direction but I applaud the balls it took to run that story arc anyway. At first I was thinking that was a future flash of Abel doing the shooting and I was wondering who that kid was. The shot of the mother before he went to school kinda looked like Jax's ex-wife so I was totally thinking that was Abel after Jax's demise in the club. Once I saw that wasn't Abel, I was already kind of thinking that it would tie back into club business somehow and it is being said that it was part of the gun deal with the IRA & cartel from last season. Which makes sense because of Jax's moral dilemma about getting out of Charming and taking Tara & his sons with him even more interesting. Anyone who complains about that ending must not be watching the news because that happens all the time. It is simply art imitating life and the rating is TV-MA meaning it is intended for an older audience. Still, I was impressed with that episode and can't wait to see how this season plays out setting up the final season.

Agreed. The IRA card was played tonight, so we now have an indication of where that path is headed. Jax not only wants out, but has now greased the wheels. The problem is that he needs to not only get another charter on board with running the IRA metal, but has to double the take for Gaalan, and they've got a brand new shipment of KG9's coming in with no one to sell to now that not only are the Biz Lats going to be crushed by the DA (C.C.H. Pounder!), but with Toric and the PD all over SAMCRO's gun-running business.
No he wouldn't. He'd have been killed. The deal Jax cut in having Clay turned in was through Damon Pope's predecessor, who assured him that black would kill him once he got to Stockton.

Yeah, but with this show suffering is kind of a theme that is always there. I'm sure he would have been killed no doubt, but probably not before they made him miserable first and feared his inevitable death.

Realistically speaking, Clay had no choice but to turn rat. It explains why he wanted to speak to both Jax and Gemma tonight, ultimately only getting to spill his heart to Gemma. Previews for next week show that Jax does finally visit him though, and the Toric/Jax showdown will begin. The escape route here will likely come through the forged signature Toric had to get on the agreement Clay refused to sign before he saw Jax. We'll see how that pans out.

Agreed. Clay was backed into a corner with Jemma & Juice and also with Jax telling Pope's predecessor that Clay killed Pope. He totally had to make the deal out of self-preservation. I never actually heard the US Marshall's name, but I'm glad you caught it. Toric seems quite unstable and it'll be interesting to see how his role is executed before his character is either killed off or jailed. We have seen shady law enforcement in SOA before and it never ends well for them or the people they are trying to turn. I'm still thinking that Clay will ultimately die anyway just by different means or maybe at the hands of Jax himself. Time will tell though.

Agreed. The IRA card was played tonight, so we now have an indication of where that path is headed. Jax not only wants out, but has now greased the wheels. The problem is that he needs to not only get another charter on board with running the IRA metal, but has to double the take for Gaalan, and they've got a brand new shipment of KG9's coming in with no one to sell to now that not only are the Biz Lats going to be crushed by the DA (C.C.H. Pounder!), but with Toric and the PD all over SAMCRO's gun-running business.

First off, it was awesome seeing CCH Pounder on SOA and all that is missing for a reunion from "The Shield" is Michael Chiklis. Still holding out that maybe he'll be on there before the show ends and knowing Kurt Sutter, he will have him on. The whole IRA gun-running deal seems to be a major conflict for Jax and the club, which is probably why the club will inevitably tear itself apart. Between Clay being jailed/future killed[most likely], Bobby looking like he's going Nomad, the stuff with Chibs not liking the exit from guns, and Romeo's suspicion of Jax about the death of his nephew's girlfriend I'm not seeing a happy ending. They have already set that up very clearly with Jax writing letters to his sons, mirroring what JT did for him. Also, JT was very clear that if things didn't change the club would spiral downward which is exactly what seems to be happening. There is also the U.S. Marshall with a vengeful vendetta and Jax is already pissed about his involvement which they alluded to in the preview for the next week's episode. I am also thinking that Tig will be killed before the end simply because Jax needs a scapegoat for Pope's people. I don't see how this ends any other way than destructive, bloody, and violently. But, we have seen many surprises from this show so I am patiently optimistic that we will see a few shockers before the show ends.
Agreed. Clay was backed into a corner with Jemma & Juice and also with Jax telling Pope's predecessor that Clay killed Pope. He totally had to make the deal out of self-preservation. I never actually heard the US Marshall's name, but I'm glad you caught it. Toric seems quite unstable and it'll be interesting to see how his role is executed before his character is either killed off or jailed. We have seen shady law enforcement in SOA before and it never ends well for them or the people they are trying to turn. I'm still thinking that Clay will ultimately die anyway just by different means or maybe at the hands of Jax himself. Time will tell though.

I actual think Toric gets gets him our and clear of the trumped up charges. Like you, I see his death coming at the hands of SAMCRO -- specifically Jax.

First off, it was awesome seeing CCH Pounder on SOA and all that is missing for a reunion from "The Shield" is Michael Chiklis. Still holding out that maybe he'll be on there before the show ends and knowing Kurt Sutter, he will have him on. The whole IRA gun-running deal seems to be a major conflict for Jax and the club, which is probably why the club will inevitably tear itself apart. Between Clay being jailed/future killed[most likely], Bobby looking like he's going Nomad, the stuff with Chibs not liking the exit from guns, and Romeo's suspicion of Jax about the death of his nephew's girlfriend I'm not seeing a happy ending. They have already set that up very clearly with Jax writing letters to his sons, mirroring what JT did for him. Also, JT was very clear that if things didn't change the club would spiral downward which is exactly what seems to be happening. There is also the U.S. Marshall with a vengeful vendetta and Jax is already pissed about his involvement which they alluded to in the preview for the next week's episode. I am also thinking that Tig will be killed before the end simply because Jax needs a scapegoat for Pope's people. I don't see how this ends any other way than destructive, bloody, and violently. But, we have seen many surprises from this show so I am patiently optimistic that we will see a few shockers before the show ends.

Sutter, when asked a few months ago how he'd like the series to end, answered bluntly -- "in a bloodbath". And remember as we'll -- this series is based on Hamlet, which ends quite bloody itself. There will be no happy endings, I'm afraid.
I actual think Toric gets gets him our and clear of the trumped up charges. Like you, I see his death coming at the hands of SAMCRO -- specifically Jax.

It'll be interesting see what happens with Jax and the club's relationship with the Irish once Clay is killed. The IRA guy only deals with Clay and it looks like he isn't willing to let Jax out of the gun deal. Maybe they make it to somehow get out of guns, fine. Still, the Clay situation is inevitably coming and this show is all about karma. Clay killed JT so Jax killing Clay would be poetic justice which this show seems to love.

Sutter, when asked a few months ago how he'd like the series to end, answered bluntly -- "in a bloodbath". And remember as we'll -- this series is based on Hamlet, which ends quite bloody itself. There will be no happy endings, I'm afraid.

I didn't see that interview with Kurt Sutter. But if anyone has seen "The Shield" you know Sutter was involved with the show and it had a lot of bloody and brutal moments. If this series is based on Hamlet[which I'm not into btw], I could see the ending being a shockingly violent & bloody ones. That doesn't mean it'll be any less interesting to watch! :D
It'll be interesting see what happens with Jax and the club's relationship with the Irish once Clay is killed. The IRA guy only deals with Clay and it looks like he isn't willing to let Jax out of the gun deal. Maybe they make it to somehow get out of guns, fine. Still, the Clay situation is inevitably coming and this show is all about karma. Clay killed JT so Jax killing Clay would be poetic justice which this show seems to love.

I had a feeling Clay wouldn't die (just yet) early on. There was a small clip shared during the teasers leading up to this season that shows Jax and Clay fighting with Clay in his cut, which essentially assured us that he wasn't going to die in Stockton. At least not yet.

Clay killed JT to become Clay. Jax killing Clay would make Jax become Clay. The symbolism behind such a thing would be ripe, even if it is poetic justice.

I didn't see that interview with Kurt Sutter. But if anyone has seen "The Shield" you know Sutter was involved with the show and it had a lot of bloody and brutal moments. If this series is based on Hamlet[which I'm not into btw], I could see the ending being a shockingly violent & bloody ones. That doesn't mean it'll be any less interesting to watch! :D

No doubt.

As to tonight, Tiggy's ticket just got punched. Next weeks' previews show the club dousing a cut—his cut—in gas, and Chibbs dropping a lit match on it. There's a final shot of them lighting a pine box coffin to boot. I know his past had to catch up to him at some point, but he kiss of death and final 'I love you' he got after Jax found out he was lying about not killing the Persian's brother was pretty much the final nail in the (his) coffin. I knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any less painful to have happen.

The title of 603 was 'Poenitentia', after all, which is latin for "regret (for act); change of mind/attitude; repentance/contrition".

Rest in peace, Tig.

Next week shows the return of Darby, and the debut of Robert Patrick (T-1000) as well!


On a related note, where are all the users who were all over this show last season? That means you INDYjon22, Noticeably F.A.T., Justin, Mailman, Raven, etc.

Been three episodes now. Let's get this party started!

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