SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

First time tuning into Talking Smack, very smooth show. Ambrose was great and Carmella got her feet wet. I know she's been here a couple of years now but I still consider Renee a breath of fresh air.
Smackdown being an hour shorter than Raw is half the reason why it's better. Less time for them to screw things up.

The hour less is a factor, but I ask you this: Take last night's RAW and change into a 2-hour show... how good would it be in comparison to SmackDown overall, in terms of character-build and storytelling?
Not denying 2-hours of RAW would be better than 3... just saying that the problems on it go beyond just the duration of the show.
Dean went full Pillman.

Dean is at his best when you just give him a mic and let him fly off the handle.

He just shot on the face of the company. If that wasn't scripted (it didn't seem to be the case) he pretty much took Austin's advice and showed some balls. When all of this is said and done, I would be into a Cena v. Ambrose feud, as long as Ambrose is the heel in the situation. He doesn't necessarily need to win the rivalry, but at least it would evolve his character and keep him in the spotlight.
The hour less is a factor, but I ask you this: Take last night's RAW and change into a 2-hour show... how good would it be in comparison to SmackDown overall, in terms of character-build and storytelling?
Not denying 2-hours of RAW would be better than 3... just saying that the problems on it go beyond just the duration of the show.

Oh for sure. Raw would be likely be a more concise piece of crap instead of a prolonged piece of crap. But that third hour has proven to be a plague on the show for years causing terrible story pacing, meaningless matches, and overly long promos. Cutting things shorter forces the stories to be more tightly written and get to the point quicker which would improve at least some aspects of how they're told. Maybe.
He just shot on the face of the company. If that wasn't scripted (it didn't seem to be the case) he pretty much took Austin's advice and showed some balls. When all of this is said and done, I would be into a Cena v. Ambrose feud, as long as Ambrose is the heel in the situation. He doesn't necessarily need to win the rivalry, but at least it would evolve his character and keep him in the spotlight.

Kind of a shame, really. This Ambrose character absolutely translates well to a babyface. I don't blame those who question my opinion on that one, but I invite you to rewatch the opening few minutes of Shield vs Wyatts before you do. Ambrose plays his anger to the point where it's getting the better of him, and it seems like he's getting a sympathetic babyface reaction for it. Maybe that's just me, but that's what I remember about that match.

Unfortunately, Ambrose has been rendered stale by quirky gimmicks and cutesy promos. They barely scratched the surface with how good a proper, intense Ambrose face can be. Perhaps it's not too late, but in my opinion, it feels like the heel turn is necessary to freshen up the character.
Kind of a shame, really. This Ambrose character absolutely translates well to a babyface. I don't blame those who question my opinion on that one, but I invite you to rewatch the opening few minutes of Shield vs Wyatts before you do. Ambrose plays his anger to the point where it's getting the better of him, and it seems like he's getting a sympathetic babyface reaction for it. Maybe that's just me, but that's what I remember about that match.

Unfortunately, Ambrose has been rendered stale by quirky gimmicks and cutesy promos. They barely scratched the surface with how good a proper, intense Ambrose face can be. Perhaps it's not too late, but in my opinion, it feels like the heel turn is necessary to freshen up the character.

Man if there is one thing I can't stand, it's the old adage of turning heel will somehow make them better. Ambrose has been excellent as a face and there is really no reason to turn him heel. And let's say if for some horrible reason he does turn heel, who is there to take his place? Cena is gone till January after No Mercy and Orton will probably still be dealing with Bray if not having a return match with Lesnar in the future. Ambrose is in his right place as the top face on SD and he should be that for a long time. His promo tonight was not a heel promo, it was a guy talking about his issues about another guy. Ever since MITB, Ambrose has been killing it in the promo aspect and this night was no different.
Better is subjective.

A heel turn would make him more interesting. His PG frat boy gimmick (or whatever it is) since leaving The Shield is stale and rather boring. As he's shown when he goes heel he's less boring.

I mean look at The Usos. They were boring as sin for years and their recent heel turn has given their career a hugely needed boost.
Man if there is one thing I can't stand, it's the old adage of turning heel will somehow make them better. Ambrose has been excellent as a face and there is really no reason to turn him heel. And let's say if for some horrible reason he does turn heel, who is there to take his place? Cena is gone till January after No Mercy and Orton will probably still be dealing with Bray if not having a return match with Lesnar in the future. Ambrose is in his right place as the top face on SD and he should be that for a long time. His promo tonight was not a heel promo, it was a guy talking about his issues about another guy. Ever since MITB, Ambrose has been killing it in the promo aspect and this night was no different.

I don't know. I feel like Ambrose's best work is still in front of him and I truly want to see him being this devious maniac dude who truly enjoys punishing people. That at least should be a goal for 2017.

But you do bring up an important point. SmackDown's lack of main event babyfaces for the next three months. It seems like they're pushing a lot of heels right now: Baron Corbin, The Miz, Bray Wyatt & AJ Styles. While babyfaces, we just have Randy Orton, John Cena and Dean Ambrose in the spotlight and like you said, by the end of the month, Cena's gone.

Which means Survivor Series WWE Title Match will be AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose in some sort of gimmick match, until they change it to AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton and wait for Cena to comeback and win at WrestleMania, I guess... They'll stretch the shit out of two rivalries and it'll probably hurt them.

I am enjoying this main event feud a lot more because of Cena's involvement. I wouldn't care at all for the build to Ambrose vs. Styles II. (personal taste only, so I'm bummed now).
Better is subjective.

A heel turn would make him more interesting. His PG frat boy gimmick (or whatever it is) since leaving The Shield is stale and rather boring. As he's shown when he goes heel he's less boring.

I mean look at The Usos. They were boring as sin for years and their recent heel turn has given their career a hugely needed boost.

Funny, seeing how before the Usos were tag champs, people were clamoring for them to get an opportunity. The Usos were pretty over as the top face team and up until they returned from injury while being dethroned by the New Day, Enzo & Cass, and AA did they really need a character change. If you doubt that, then I suggest you rewatch some of the matches they had with the Shield, the Wyatt Family, and the Real Americans. Hell when they won the belts against the NAO, it was to a great pop.

Ambrose character is that of Brian Pillman, a loose cannon. He's been doing the "Lunatic Fringe" antics since the Shield split up whether it was against Rollins, Wyatt, Barrett, Owens, Lesnar, Jericho, Reigns, Ziggler, or Styles. Hell the promo he cut tonight on Cena was no different than the one he did two years ago when they were both trying to get a match against Rollins. He's the crazy anti-hero face who doesn't care what people think about him, which is not to say he doesn't have his own moral code as he portrayed tonight when talking about Styles low blowing him to win the title.

Most of the time his promos/antics resonate with people then sometimes it doesn't. It doesn't mean he needs to turn heel to be fresh which is used as a crutch so many times that if WWE actually did it to how many wrestlers is been suggested to, at least 80% of the roster would be heel.
I don't know. I feel like Ambrose's best work is still in front of him and I truly want to see him being this devious maniac dude who truly enjoys punishing people. That at least should be a goal for 2017.

Well at the start of the Shield split up, Ambrose was pretty much concentrated on, in his own words, "beating up scumbags". In his feuds with Rollins and Wyatt, it seemed like he didn't even care of winning the match more than actually just hurting them. It was only around the IC ladder match at 31 where Ambrose started to actually care about winning. I think the Ambrose who just cared about hurting his opponents should have been at this previous Mania, although if what he said about Brock is true and he was phoning it in then nothing was saving that match.

Which means Survivor Series WWE Title Match will be AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose in some sort of gimmick match, until they change it to AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton and wait for Cena to comeback and win at WrestleMania, I guess... They'll stretch the shit out of two rivalries and it'll probably hurt them.

Would it really be stretching out the rivalries though now that the brand split is in place? I saw many complaints about the build to Backlash being so poor due to constrained time. I feel Raw and SD can benefit from the split now that they're allowed to have rivalries actually have time to progress past a month now.
Why do you think that?

Bray is considered something like a special attraction (*cough* jobber to the stars *cough*). He only faces main eventers and beats the midcarders easily. Since WWE don't want to give him long term booking, he should just appear on both shows, when the right match is in place.

Plus, it would fit his chaotic gimmick. He talks about chaos right? Yet he follows rules and obligations. He shouldn't. If we are meant to believe his "Face of Fear" talk, his chaos talks, then he should feel like an over the top presence, doing what he like, when he likes it.
Causing something like an anarchy in the scene of the company, causing events between RAW and Smackdown.

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