SEWF - 2/25/11: Be Nice To Sully!

This is intriguing I say.

Crock you love you some turban clad suspicious men. WE NEED THOSE IN THE BATTLE ROYAL! (Connect the dots)

I hope I was subtle.
I wonder what Doc is doing right now...molesting plush toys and declaring so on twitter; surely not I ponder forth?
So great to see that Sully is being recognized for his efforts.

Rest assured that you all won't be the only ones celebrating this day...
I assume my match is coming up soon. On another note, I will read your RP tomorrow when I sober up a little...
Hey, the night ain't over yet Phatso, and the hardcore title is NEVER safe. Though I'm hanging onto this thing for dear life.
Lol I needs me a title, just like Brian kendrick. His 5 minute " title rub" at the championship scramble was fucking legit people.
Crock: Here's our next match!


Out comes FunKay, he grooves to the music for a bit, and hits the ring.

Crock: There's FunKay, but here's his opponent!


Paper Ghost begins to trot out to the ring, but right as he does a red dot appears on his forehead.

Unknown Voice: Don't move.

Paper Ghost with a look of confusion on his face.

Unknown Voice: One more step and I'll blow your head off.

Paper Ghost doesn't take the voice seriously, and as he takes his next step a sniper shot rings out around the arena, and he is instantly killed.

Crock: Who took the shot?!

Then, Doug Crashin walks down the arena stairs and into the ring with a sniper in his hands. He drops the gun to go high five FunKay, but the gun misfires and shoots Doug in the head.

Crock: Well... that was fun.
Crock: Well folks, the disturbing circumstances of the last match... oh who am I kidding, that was GREAT! Well, we'll go right into our night match. A BATTLE OF THE TITANS! As Spood will take on JGKY!


Joe's Gonna Kill You comes the ring with a towel over his head, he has a STRIKING resemblance to Samoa Joe.



An unshaven Spood comes to the ring in tighty whities, and a soiled t-shirt. He is shielding his eyes from the arena lights.

Crock: Now, bring out the special guest ref already.


Dave comes to the ring, with a sledgehammer in his hand, he signals for the bell.

Crock: So, let me get this straight... They're fighting to determine who the best Dave protege is? Alright.

The match gets underway, and JGKY is on the offensive. He backs Spood away with thunderous chops to the chest. He gets him into the corner and continues on with the chops, Spood counters, but only for a moment as JGKY Irish whips him into the other corner and hits a huge running knee.

Crock: Good offense, it seems to be like an actual match... Un-SEWF-like.

JGKY picks Spood up off the ground and hits an atomic drop and turns to bounce off the ropes for a lariat, but Spood pushes him over the ropes. JGKY looks stunned on the outside of the ring as Spood was unaffected by the atomic drop. JGKY rolls into the ring and kicks Spood in the nuts, but again to no avail. Spood then gouges JGKY's eyes, and hits him with a low blow of his own. After writhing in pain on the ground for moments, he looks over to Dave asking for an explanation as to why Spood is unaffected. Dave reaches deep into his pockets and pulls out Spood's nuts right in the center of the ring. Both competitors were so distracted that they did not notice Crock slide into the ring with a sledgehammer of his own. He hits both Spood and JGKY with it, rendering them both unconscious. He looks over to Dave, and the men smile. Dave yells at the other two.

The camera cuts to show Crock and Dave in the ring.

Crock: You may be wondering what just happened, but it's unimportant. Maybe some day, you simple-minded people will finally catch on to the "plan." Probably not, let's get to the next match.

Dave heads back up the ramp to a chorus of boos, as Crock heads back to the announce table. Just then Killjoy's music rings through the arena.

Crock: Well, it's time for the Killjoy Invitational. He will take on one member of the roster, and if he wins he will receive a green card.


Crock: What's this?! *laughs uncontrollably*

Just then, dozens of border patrol officers storm the ring and arrest Killjoy.

Crock: Tehehehe
The camera cuts back to the ring, and Phatso is already in the ring. He is waiting for SNS.

Crock: That was a convenient commercial break, but you didn't miss much. Juggalos don't get theme music, so he walked out to a silent crowd.


Crock: Here comes the now former Hardcore Champion SNS!

SNS walks to the ring with a giant bruise on the front of his face, cookie sheet in hand.

Crock: This match is a regular match, standard rules. Weapons are not allowed, so I don't know why SNS has the cookie sheet.

The ref rings the bell and SNS runs to Phatso and beats him with the cookie sheet. The ref disqualifies him, tries to pull him away, but he is met with the cookie sheet as well. SNS beckons for a mic, and begins his call out.

SNS: JGlass. Now. In this ring. I WANT MY BELT!

JGlass walks down the aisle with a kendo stick in his hand, belt in the other. He gets into the ring and starts swinging away, but he misses every time. Both men run at each other and simultaneously connect with their weapons. Then, Killjoy comes hopping to the ring in his handcuffs, with officers following him. He covers JGlass and the ref counts, 1... 2... 3... NEW CHAMP!

Crock: What in the name of...?

The officers reach Killjoy and drag him out of the ring, but he is totally satisfied as he has his belt. Halfway up the ramp, the officers get sick of his showboating and tazer him. Then, running from the backstage area comes Angel with a ref behind him. He pulls Killjoy away from the officers and covers him for 3. NEW CHAMP!

Crock: Why baby Jesus?! WHY?! I coulda worked for TNA!

Angel takes off running into the crowd.

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