SEWF - 2/25/11: Be Nice To Sully!


{The crowd erupts. This music can only mean one thing: The Crock! He makes his way to the ring, carrying a mic.}

CROCK: Hey everyone, how ya doin?! {the crowd goes crazy} I always appreciate your support, and I love to entertain you guys, but I'm afraid I can't do that tonight. You see, tonight...I have to...get something off my chest. {pause. Crock looks down, seeming to be uncertain or ashamed} I've just....realized a lot of things about myself lately. And, it's taking a lot of courage to come out in front of you all today to tell you this, but this needs to be known. {another short pause} I...The Crock, am coming out of the cl-


{The crowd erupts once more. The infamous anthem of The Doctor pumps throughout the arena. Doc also has a mic, and begins speaking as he walks down the ramp.}

DOC: Isn't that just typical? Coming out here, trying to get sympathy from these easily-manipulated fans. You know what the worst thing is? You're boring. No one cares about your "big announcement" because no one can bear to listen to you! You're bland! You need to get out a notepad and take some tips from Mr. Charisma over here.

{Doc enters the ring to a chorus of boos}

CROCK: Oh, is that right? Well who asked you?! I'm out here trying to get something off my chest, and you have the audacity to interrupt me?

DOC: Pardon me for trying to actually entertain the people who have to listen to you!

CROCK: This is my time, Doc! I know you well enough to know you're too arrogant to just walk away now, so if you have a problem with me, you know how we can solve that...right now.

{The crowd goes crazy.}

DOC: Oh, that's how you wanna do it? Well I just have one thing to say to you...

CROCK: Yeah? What's tha-

{Doc blindsides Crock with the mic, and the brawl begins. Doc mounts Crock and begins pounding him into submission. Crock groans in agony, but eventually gets him off.}


{Doc moves across the ring away from Crock. The roof is coming off the place.}


{There is a slight pause. Crock looks up and his eyes meet Doc's. Doc quickly looks down and blushes.}

CROCK: {giggles nervously} Heh.

{They make passionate love in the middle of the ring.}
I would've more pictured it like the cage fighting scene from Bruno, with Straight Doc's fighting the two mesh together in the cage with the theme from titanic playing in the background...:rolleyes:
I WAS SCREWED! SNS, you may have won this time, but I WILL have my revenge!!! Now where the fuck is Mozz, I need him to help me with my tights!

Doc, next time you want to "constructively criticize" someone about their work you might want to wait until it's over. How would you feel if you were in the middle of giving that speech of yours and someone in the class stood up and told you ways you could have done better?

And Serious Jones, your Futurama reference just made my life. Thank you... for everything.
It would have been clever and actually, you know, funny, if you had made the excuse more creative and ridiculous than something dumb like "He was helping me put on my pants.

For example:

See? WAY better. Subtlety is an art form. Don't just show it to your audience straight out. Imply it. Have Mozz come out to the battle royale already sweaty, or wearing an article of my clothing. You'll find that if you don't bash it in the audience's face, they'll appreciate it more.

If I may blow my own horn - Look at my Action Saxton RPs. They're funny because I don't outright state "HEY GUYS LOOK HE'S IN THE SAME WAL-MART ALHAZRED WENT TO, HEY GUYS LOOK HE'S MESSING UP AND BEING STUPID, HEY GUYS LOOK". No, I make it funny by having the narrator covering it up for him, or mention Action Saxton getting cut off by a car and hearing a commotion at the entrance.

Take my advice and may it help you in the future.

Nah, Crocks way was much funnier.
When did that happen?

Btw, epic shit. Needs more Numbers. :)

The second SEWF show, rest of Creative ran down to back you up in your match and Lee came out to a promo war with a match to happen later, and he never finished....soooooo yeah.
Crock steps into the ring with a mic in his hand.

Crock: People, I have an announcement. The Doctor has been fired, I promise it was subtle. But have no fear, I have handpicked a replacement for him in his match against Ferboner. As a matter of fact, let's bring him out.


Crock: xfearbefore!

X trots to the ring in a Kenta Kobashi t-shirt, as the crowd is ecstatic. Crock then leaves the ring, ready to call the match.


Crock: Weird music choice by Ferbs....

Ferbian sprints to the ring and immediately gets in X's face.

Crock: I got 10 bucks on X, he better not fuck this up.

The match starts, and right away X begins to pound away at Ferbian's head. Ferbian falls to the ground, and X drops some "Mexican Ric Flair"-esque knees. X lifts Ferbs to his feet, and tosses him over the rope. Ferbian crawls over to the announce table and grabs Crock's laptop. X stands there puzzled.

Crock: What is this shit?

Ferbian: Must... Infract... Noah...

Xfear waits patiently for a few minutes, but finally gets sick of it when Ferbian begins to write a novel-sized post on Shawn Michaels. X rips the laptop out of Ferbian's hands and smashes it over his head. Somehow this turned into an anything goes match, so he didn't get disqualified nor did they get counted out.


X pushes Ferbs into the ring and waits for him to stand up. As soon as he does X hits a huge Burning Lariat, but doesn't go for the pin. He waits for Ferbs to get up again so that he can hit the move again. Right as Ferbian stands up, Sly's music comes on and he runs to the ring with a steel chair in hand.


Crock: It's Sly!

Sly has on a Bret Hart t-shirt and goes straight towards X. He swings the chair, but at the last moment turns and nails Ferbian. X covers Ferbian for the win, and he embraces Sly. At that moment, Sly rips off his Bret Hart shirt to reveal a Kenta Kobashi shirt.

That video is so ridiculous, I'm laughing just thinking about it. For those of you who have no idea what we're talking about, here ye go...

Doc's firing was so subtle that I hardly even realized he was fired!

And Sly reveals himself as a puro fan?! He screwed the fans! I feel betrayed! Stabbed in the back! Violated! Exclamation pointed!!!
The scene cuts to back and shows SNS rushing through the backstage area. He is holding his Hardcore Title in his hands, and is heading towards an exit.

Crock: Good idea. He needs to take that belt to a safe place, where he can't lose it!

As SNS opens the door to the exit, we hear a large metallic thud and SNS hits the ground. A masked man reveals himself, and drops a cookie sheet next to SNS' head. He covers SNS and a ref appears out of nowhere. 1... 2... 3... New Hardcore Champion!

Crock: What a way to win the belt, but who is this masked man?
Random White Text.
The man rips his mask off to reveal himself as none other than JGlass. He looks down at SNS, and yells at him.

JGlass: That's MY fucking title.

New champ. Via /facepan.

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